History of Greene County, PA
/\0*7 ^7 ZOCZ
MAI' 3. l"3J03
DEMCO, INC. 38-2931
Formation of Washington Co-anty in 1781.
-o — :o: — o-
The Virginia and New State Coxtroveksy — Ruxxing op
Mason's and Dixon's Line — Whisk fy Ixsukrection,
— History of Churches, Families, Judoes,
Senatoks, Assejibly.aien, Etc., Etc.
Entered according to Act of Congress,
Bv Rev. Wm. IIanxa,
Id the Copy-Riglit Office, Washingtor, D. C,
On the J St day of December, 1882.
IT was a cnislung blow to the nobles and ignoblos of the old
world when an obscure man like Christopher Columbus T>'a3
daily receiving the thanks of Monarchs and the continuous ap-
plause from the masses. The envious were heard to say, "Oh,
who could not do that ? Nothing easier in the world/* To si- •
lence these gainsjiyings he ])roposed at the dinner jiarty that
each guest should try to make an egg stand on its end on the
marble table. When all had failed, he struck his ogg a sliglit '
blow on its larger end, crushing the shell slightly, and at onco
it stood up. The sore-headed growlers at once said, "J low easy
any one can do that," to which tlie great discoverer modestly ,
replied, "Yes, after I have showed you how." The historian
often meets the same class of envious peo])le who are continu-
ally saying, "what an easy thing to Avrite history ; any onc:
<"an do that." So they can after some one has shown them how.
And this is the great difficulty in Avriting a history of Greene
County : no one has gone over the whole county before me to *i
show me how. Another difficulty is' that I have presumed ''
to bring the history down to the present day ; had I droj)pe(ll ';
tlie tliread eighty years ago there would have been but few if
any now living tliat ccjuld risv n\> and contradict me. But.
there are hundreds of men and women of my own age who ■!
have witnessed tlie scenes that I describe and who-se recollec- •
tlon of the particulars will very likely dilTL-r from mine. Let
the candid reader ask hitnself, how is it that eight or ten men,
good citizens of Greene Countv, wili come into Court and uu-
der oath give such different statements with refci-ence to a
transaction that occurred within the last six months. lie (tlio
reader) will then be prepared to make a great amount of allow-
ance for thr different statements of persons who have witnei«ed
the same transactions forty or fifty years ago. Some of these
difficulties I do not pretend to solve, but give the different views
of intelligent men and then leave the reader to form his owu
opinion. In -wiiting this history I have imitated no model, ;
purj)Osely intending that it shall differ in style and aiTange-
ment from any other history that ever was written. Hoping
all persons will extend to me that charity that hopeth all things
I submit these pages, trusting that no wa-ong motive will be im-
puted to me, although some of my statements may differ from,
tbeir opinions. Wiixiaji Haxna. j
kl^^ ^ t"''^ 4t1i of March, lesi, Charles TI. grnntea to Win.
' ^1^^ Ponn a charter for tlie Province of Pennsylvania, the
t^^^i^ King liaving i-egard to the meiuory of his (Penn's)
^J^'^ father, who had served his Majesty in nuraerQus ways,
csix-cially in tho lat<^ victory over the Dutcli fleet, commanded by
Heer Von Oixlara in the year 1 G55. The English forces in the
■ battle were command^l by James, Duke of York. In consid-
eration of these services, King Charles II granted to William
I'enn all that tract of land in North America, bounded on the
Biist by the Delaware river, commencing at a point twelve
miles northward from New Castle town unto the forty-third
degree of north latitude if the river doth extend so far; but if
the river does not ext.end so far northward, then by the river
HO ftar as it docs extend, and thence by a meridian line to bo
nrawn from the head of the river extending northward as far
as the forty-thiixl degree. The said tr;xct of land to extend
, westward five degrees of longitude to be computed from the
i Delaware river, and the said land to be bounded on the nortli
by the beginning of the three and fortieth degree of northern
j latitude, and on tlie south by a circle drawn at twelve miles-
;. distant from New Castle northward and westward unto the be-
j ginding of the fortieth degree of northern latitude and then by
' a straight line westward to the limits of longitude mentioned
Above. This Cliarter is in tlie office of the Secretary of the
State of Pennsylvania until this day, and consequently is up- i
■yrards of two hundred years old. It is written on parchment
In Uie o)d English haTxi-writing ; cacli. line luidcrscoi-exl \rltb >^
Ted ink. The bcn.lers are cniblazeni^Hl with heraldic designs, ■
and on t/.)}.> is a poortrait of King Charles the Second. Enucr
the provisions of this Charter "William Penn, by and witli the
advice, assent and approbation of tlie freemen of the c<juntry
■above described liad authority to make, ordain and enact laws.
;. Accordingly on the 2oth of April, 1G82, ^Villiam Penn framed
■a form of govei-nment for the I'rovinco of Pennsylvania. It
consist-ed of a preface and twenty-four articles, contirming
' :;nto the freemen thereof their liberties, franchises and j/roper-
. ty. (Creigh History, page 28, William Markman was inniiedi-
, utely dispatched as Penrrs deputy, Avho entered into negoti:i-
tion with the Indians on the loth of July, 1C82, leaving their
contracts open for the opproval or rejection of the projn-ietc"
himself when he should arrive, which event took place on the
2-ith*of October, 1682. The landing of Penn and a large num-
ber of colonists at New Castle formed a kind of epoch in the
history of those early times. Indeed the 24th of October, 1GS2
ought to be celebrated on the 24:th of October, 1882 as a kind
of "Red Letter Day." The consequences were so important td
all parties. Had his rapacity and love of gold been equal tti
that of a Cortes or Pizarro, how different doubtless would
have been the results of his landing. Indeed it requires all the
= ingenious laudations of the descendents of some of those prima-
' live settlers of some of these northern colonies to preserve the
names of their ancestors from justly merited odium. Not so
with AA^illitmi Penn. His career needs no sophisticated apolo-
• o-ist ; his conduct was endorsed by the savages tliemselves ; the
■ very kind of hat he wore became in after times a pastport of
safety t-o all who conscientiously wore it, as the following and
, numerous other instances will abundantly illustrate : Soon aftei ,
I Christopher Gist had built his log cabin at the foot of Laurel
Ilill on the location long known as Mount Braddock, Jacob'
ik:Tw<.'D;.v.iio\'. 7
^Bccson built liis caLin at tho cdiro of r.i; oxtor.slvo plumb thicket-
that tlioii covcrod llic ontiie silf* of 'Aw I'rcsent I'niontowri.'
One night tlic iuiiiatesoi" thishunibio '-hoiiic li: the woods" wer<?-.
awakeucHl by the animntod disc-ussioji Lroin'^- on "itt.-ide with,
reference to the proprictv of at ov.cv ;rmi'.i!:i'iii!4" those })nmitvc
;|^ clwellcrs. While the family listoncd -a i'h tl.iobbiiia; hearts
' to the half Indian, half English discussion, they could distinct-
ly hear the expression "na na na : Brua<l Ibim/' The argument
was ('onclusis^e ; the savages withdrew without doing the least
harm, for Mr. J^eeson did conscicnciously wear the "Broad
Hrim. ' and no Indian could be four.d so low-fallen as to do vi-
olence to a family protected by this well recognised "talisman."'
No wonder then that all jtarties rejoiced on th.e arrival of tho
man whose good name had gone lu'iore hiio. and v/ho after long
years of contact and trial was found to be in all respects Avorthy
of it. His attention was innnediately called t-o the condition-
al contract made by his deputy on tho l.'th of July, 1682.
This contract Penn continued v/itii the Sachems and their
tribes under tlic "Elm Tree" at Shackamaxon," now Kensing-
ton. This treaty was the first nnide l)y Penn with the Indians
and was for the purchase of the lands lying between the falls
of the Delaware and the Neshamiug Ci'cek ; the deed was
dated October 21, 1G82. The next purchase was made on the
23d of June, 1083, and was for a tract of land between Xesh-
aniing Creek andPenncpack, and was to exti'ud as far back into
the country as a man could travi'l in two days on horseback.
Two days afterwards, June 25, KiHo. Penn ])urchased from tho
Chief Wiuebone, what is styled his (Wiuehone) "release," for
lands on the west side of Schuylkill. l)egimiing at the falls and
extending back on the same as far as his right is uiubsputed.
On tlie 14th of July of the same year, another deed was mado
to Pemi by the Chiefs conveying tlie lands l)etwcen Selmylkill
river and Ch.cstcr creek. On the sa.me da'-' another deed V\'rii
tmade conveying the lands between Schuylkill and Penn-
iepack. On the 10th of September, 1G83 "Kake Tap^
jpan"' makes a deed for his half of <ill his lands between Susque-
I hanna and Delaware rivt?i-s on the Susquehanna side. October
/1 8. 1683, the Cliief Machaloha, executes a deed for lands be-
tween the Delavv'are river and Cliesepeak bay, as far up as the
^ falls of the Susquehanna. June 3, 1684, Manyhenghsin sign;v
; a release for lii.-, ]and on Peckioming. June 7, 1684, Mettam
'micont releases his lanus on l.'Oth sides of Pennepach on Dela-
Avare rivei". Jidy 80, 1685, the Ciiiefs execute a deed for land:;
between Pennepuck on Chester Creek as far back as a mancai.
•go in two days from a point on Conshocken hill. October 2c\
■1685, Penn received his eleventh deed for lands between Duck
'■ and Chester creeks as far back as a man could ride in two days
' with a hoi-se. On tlie loth of June, 1692, the Indians acknov".
edge full satisfaction for lands between Neshaming and P<>-
quessing creeks as far back as the boundaries of the Pi'ovincc .
June 13, 1696, the Chief, Dongan, made Penn a deed for lands
on both sides of tlie Susquehanna from the lakes to the Chese-
peak bay. January o, 1697, Penn was put in possession of ai-
other deed made by Taming, for the land between Pennepacl:
! and Neshaming, as far back as a horse can travel in two sun>
nier days. September 13, 1700, a deed was made by the Su?-
quehanna Indians for the lands on both sides of the Susquehan-
bi a river, comprising Dongan's deed of January 13, 1696. It
. would seem from the record that this Dongan was an enter-
. prising fellow and was, like many white men, ready te
' 'Teeon without his host," and consequently seems to have sold
as his own ])roperty, lands in which he only had a small inter-
, est ; and here wc see the generosity of Penn — instead of insist-
/ ing on his precious purchase, he seems to have bought this
same land at lea;:t twice, perhaps three times, for on the 23d
'.,S«f April, 1701, tlierc seems to have been a general gathering of
tlie Indians, when after various speeches and payments of ad- ,
'jltional sums, the Cliiefs of the Shawnees, Fotomacks and ■
Conestoges all ratify the transaction and relinquish all claim to j
the lands in dispute. These dissentions seem to have rendere^i
the proprietors more slow in jjurchasmg Indian claims, hence
ivo further ]>urchase Avas made for upwards of seventeen years,
when on the 13th of September, 1718, a deed of release is made
by the Delaware Indians' for the lands between the ])elaware
and Susquehanna from Duck creek to the Lehigh hills. A
controversy arose at th;s time about the distan^.-e that a man ci;
horseback onaht to travel in oiic day, which hs will be seer,
above was the way in winch sevt-ral of the previous bounda-
ries were to be decided. The presumption is that the horse had
traveled much further than the Indians expected. These dis-
l>utes were satisfacforily adjusted by a deed executed on the
■Mth of Decembei, IT^U. I\Jay SI, I720, the Indiant- execute u
deed for lauds on both sides of Bi-andywine creek. September
7, '.732. the proprietors are put in possession of their twentieth
deed lor lands betw^'en Tehigh hilis and Kittatinny mountains,
I'etween Schuylkill and its branches and the brancties of the
Doiawwi. October '% '7:1*5. a deed was made by the Indians
f-.'! fiie Susquehanna rivcx and the lands cm both sides thereof
..'astsv:ii-d to tne head of the liranche;--, and westwara to thf.
: -ctttintj sun, and from its mouth to tne Kittatiunv hills. On
i the 2ot]i of .October loilowing the Indians in Council admitted
that the cieed ot the llth was intended to mcluue the lands on
the Delaware, and westward tc ihe Kittatinnv hills. Auirust
28, 1737 the purchase known as the '"vvalKing purcnase" took
place, which extf-nded from the westerly branch of the JSesti-
aming up tht; Delaware as tar as a m.iii coula walk in a day i,
and a half. August 22, 1749, the twenty- fourth Inuian deed '}
was made for lan<ls trom the Kitiatinny mountains to Mahanoy
mountain and between Susquehanna and Delaware rivers ou
10 iiiSTor.Y OF Gi:!:i:xic countv.
the nortli side of Lackawaxen creek. 'Tuly 6, 1754, a deed was
made at Albany for the hinds on the west side of the Susque-
hanna from Kittatinny mountains to a mile above Penn's ci'eek,
thence northwest as far as the Province extends to its western
boundaries. October 23, 1758, deed for lands from Penn's
creek northwest a:id by west to Buffalo creek, thence west to
Allegheny mountains and along the east side thereof to the
western boundary of the Province. November 5, 17C8, at a
great treaty held at Fort Stanwix on the present site of Home
in the State of New York, a deed was made by the Iroquoise
Indians for the lands west of the Monongahela river, commonly
called the new ])urcha:^e. Under this puix-hase the Penn's
oj)cncd their land otncc in Philadelphia on the 3d of A|)ril. 17G0
for the sale of lands in the new })urchase. During the first
montli numerous a])i)lications were made for patents for land
by parties who were already on the ground, having begun to
make their tomahawk marks as early as 1760, while as yet the
Indian title to this domain had not been extinguished. This
last menlioncd purchase at Fort Stanwix, it will readily be seen,
Avas the tdl-important one for Greene County. On the 21st of
Januaiy, 1785, a deed was made for all the Indian lands in the
bounds of this Commonwealth, including those purchased at
Fort Mcintosh on the 23d of October, 1784.
After following up the puTchases until we arrive at the time
when our own county was purchased from the Indians, we find
ourselves under the necessity of going back in order to ascer-
tain what were the other personal transactions of the worthy
old Quaker who so conscientiously purchased, at different times,
so much of the teriitory for which he already held the title
from the King of Great Briton. One of his first acts towards
white men was to assemble all the freemen of this province at
Chester, as well as those of the three teritorries, as they were
then called, of New Castle, Kent and Sussex. At thismeetinrf
-an act of ITnion was passed, aniiexinc;- the tlirce torritones to
the Province of Pennsylvania for Ici^-islative pnrposes. William
Penn. h}- and with the advice and consent of this first assenv '
bly cl the freemen, divided the Province of Pennsylvania into-
three connties, viz : Plnladf.lphia, l>ucks and Chester. For each
of the connties and tonitories, Sheriffs and other necessary
officers were appohited hy the proprietor, hut the Council and
Assemblymen were elected by the people. On jNIarch 10. 1683,
ilie Council and Assembly met in Pliiladelphia, ca -h county
liavinu retuiMicd three membei-s for'the Council and nine for the
Asseml)ly. William Penn returned to Eni^land in 1G84, after
■u>ponn!n<4 a T^resident to administer his affairs in his absence.
i )issiitisfaction arismg-, the three counties that had been annexed
tcilne T*rovince, withdrew, and in IfJOl elected a leti'islaturo
:■! their <!wn and Mere henceforth known as Delaware.
^\'iIllam Markman was now apjiomted Deputy Governor
linh'i \\'i!liani I'cnii. In Auuust, P.-.99, William Penn returned
',-■ lh(> Province and reassunied the reins of o-overnmont, to the
■j:vq:\{ ioy of the people who seem always to have had more con-
li^'^'.i:-'^ in him ihan any one he could place over them. On the-
■^Sfh of •ctobi.M. 1701. he ])resented the Council and Assembly
with a new charter of ])rivileges, and havinu- appointed Andrew
liamihoii as laeutenant Governor, he again departed for Eng-
iand. This cliaiter continued the supreme law of the land until
! lie Declaration of Independence was ^promulgated on the 4th
.Inly. 1770. A convention then assembled on the 8th of July
'.■»r the ])urpose of forming a constitution for the State.
Pennsylvania has been very justly called the Keystone State
in consequence of having about an equal number of the origin-
al colonies on each side of it. On the southwest, Georgia,
South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Dela-
ware; on the north east. New York, Connecticut, Phodo Island,
Massachusetts. New Ilam))shire and ?ilaine. As this State io
situated in the center of the original arch, with Kew Jersey at
its eastern end to keep it from falling out, it deserves special \
notice in its different forms of government, as follows: 1681,
William Fenn, Proprietor; 1684, Thomas Loyd, President of
Governor's Council ; 1688, Captain John Blackwell, Lieutenant
Governor; 1690, Thomas Loyd, Deputy and Lieutenant Gov-
ernor", 1693, Benjamin Fletcher, Captain General and Lieuten-
a'.it ; 1698, William Markman, Lieutenant Governor; 1700,
William Penn again dieting as Governor; 1701, Andrew Hara-
iiton, Deputy Governor ; 1703, Edward Shiphen, President of
Couucil; 1704, John Evans, Deputy Governor ; 1709, Charles
^Jookiii. De])uty Governor; 1717, Sir William Keith, Deputy
(ioveniur, 1726, Patrick Gordan, Deputy Governor; 1738.
George Thomas, Lieutenant Governor; 1747, Anthony Pal-
mer, l-*residenL of (.,^ouncil ; 1748, James Hamilton, Lieut.Gov.i
17.')4, i»ubert Morris, Lieutenant Governor; 1756, William
DGiiny, Lieutenant Governor; 1759, James Hamilton, Lieu-
it-nant Governor ; 1763, John Penn, Deputy Governor; 1771,
I'irliiird Penn. Governor ; 1773, John Penn, Governor; 1775,
iJeiijamin Fi'anklin. Presulent of Council; 1776, Thomas Whar-
ton, l^x-sidcnl of Council; 1777, Joseph Peed, President of
(.'ouncil ; 1781. William Moor, President of Council; 1782_
.Tohn Dickson, President of Council; 1785, Benjamin Franklim
President of Council; 1788, Thomas Mifflin, President of Coun-
cil. Under tlie new constitution of 1790, Thomas Mifflin was
ciecred first Governor , over Arthur St. Clair by a majority of
•24,522 votes. In 1793, Thomas Mifflin Avas again elected Gov-
ernor over F. A. Muhlcnburg by a majority of 8,890; in 1796,
Thomas Mifflin w;\s elected a third time, defeating F. A. Muhl-
enburg, this time by a majority of 20,018 votes. In 1799 I
Thomas McKean was elected Governor over James Ross by a
majority of 14,601 votes. In 1802, Thomas McKean was again ;
elected by a majority of 30,748. Thomas McKean was elected
a third time in 1805 by a majority of 4,766. In 1808, Simon
Snyder was elected Governor by a majority of 24,386. Simon
Snyder was again elected Governor in 1811 by a majority of
47,035. In 1814, Simon Snyder was elected Governor a third
term by a majority of 20,605. William Findley was elected
Governor in 1817 by a majority of 7,048. In 1820 Joseph
Iliester was elected Governor by a majority of 1,584. Andrew
Sliultz was elected in 1823 by a majority of 25,709, and re-elec-
ted in 1826 by a majority of 70,361. In 1829, George Wolf
was elected Governor by a majority of 16,433, and re-elected
in 1832 by the small majority of 3,170. I remember this elee.
tion very distinctly. The parties were dividc<l into "Masons"
and ''Anti-Masons." Mr. Wolf was accused of being a ^lason^
consequently his diminished majority. In 1835, Jose[)h Kitncr
was elected as the Anti-Mason candidate : the whole number of
votes polled was 200,413. Of these, George Wolf received
65,804, Joseph Kitner, 94,023, and Henry A. Muhlenburg,
40,586, making Ritnor Governor, agreeable to the provisions of
the constitution, although he lacked 12,377 votes of having a
majority of the Avhole vote. In 1838, David R. Porter was
elected over Joseph Ritner by the small majority of 5,496. Al-
though there were but the two candidates in the field, the con-
test was a fair one, and the unprecedentedly large vote of 250,-
146 was in consequence of the intense excitement of the cam-
, paign. In 1841 a new party began to make its a])pearance,
called the Liberty party. Dr. Le Moyne, of Washington, Pa.,
I was a candidate this year on this ticket for Governor, and re-
\ ceived 763 votes ; John Banks was also a candidate and received
! 113,473; David R. Porter received 136,504 votes, making him
l«Governor by a majority of 22,245. In 1844 Francis R. Shunk
was elected by a majority of 1,716, Dr. Le Moyne receivingthis
year 2,566 votes. In 1847 Francis R. Shunk was re-elected by
ia majority of 4,819. In 1848 William F. Johnston was elected
■by the small majority of 225. In 1851 William Bigler was
elected by G,539 majority. James Pollock was elected in 1854
^ by a majority of 34,604. William F. Packer was elected in
1 1857 by 14,527 of a majority. In 1860 Andrew J. Curtain was
placed in tlie Governor's chair by a majority of 32,110, and re-
elected in 1863 by a majority of 15,333. John W. Geary wa;?
elected in 1866 by a majority of 17,178. He was re-elected
over Asa Packer in 1869 by the small majority of 4,596, (for the
size of a majority must be reconed by the number of votes polled.)
On this occasion the number was 576,508, whereas for the firsl
Governor, Thomas MifHin, in 1790, there were but 30,528 votes
all told. An idea can from this be formed of the rajjid p-owtli
of the State in ninety-nine years, Having now prepared the
minds of our readers by this outline liistory of the State, I
invite their attention to our existance during fifteen ycai-s as the
eastern part of Washington county, our interests being identi-
cal Avith theirs. The preamble to the Act of the 2Sth of 3Iarch
is in these words:
"Whereas, The inhabitants of that part of Westmorland
comity which lies west of the Monongehela river, have rejire-
sented to the Assembly of this state the great hardships they
lie under from being so far remote from the present seat of judi-
cature and the public offices ; " To remedy these inconveni-
encies, they therefore passed tlie Act of Separation, which is
in eighteen Sections, the preamble being numbered the first.
Section second gives the boundaries of the county. Section
third gives the same rights and i)rivileges to the inhabitants as
enjoined by other counties of the State. Section four author-
I izes the Trustees to take assurance of ground whereon to erect
a Court liouse and prison, and divide the county into to\vn.ships
before July 1, 1781. Section five empowers the inhabitants to
.elect Inspectors, two Ilepresentatives for the Assembly, one
\Oiember of the Suprsrie Executive Council, two persons for
I1ISTC>HV OK Cr.Kl'.M-: COlNTV. 15
Sheriff, two for Coroner and tliroe for Coiiiinissioiicrs. The
election w:u^ ordered to be lield ;it tlie liouse of David Ilogo
ut tlie place called ''Cattish Cainji.'' Swtion six declares th:ir
Justices of the Supreme Court shall have likei)o\ver and author-
ity in Washington County. Section seven and eight, provides
for the election of Justices of the Peace, to he ht'ld on the I'jxh
of July, 17S1, for the various townships (after Judges and In-
spector have been elected). Section nine pi'ovides for Justice.^'
uf the Peace to liold Courts of (rcneral (Quarter Sessions and
('•ioal Delivery. Section ten ])rovides that James Elugnr, Ilug'.-.
Scott, Van Swearingcn, Daniel Lect and John Armstrong, shall
I>e appointed Commissioners to pnrchase ground for a Court
house, as provided in Section four. Sections eleven and twelve
1-rovides for the mode of defraying the exi)enses of the jiublic
i)uildings. Section thirteen provides for the continuance of
huits commenced in the original county. Sections fourteen.,
rifteen and sixteen, provide for the appointment of a collector
<^f the excise, his powers and fees. Section seventeen directs
ihe Sheriff and Coroner of Westmorland county to officiate un-
til these officers could be chosen in the new county. Section
eighteen directed the amount of the security to be given by
llie Sheriff' and Treasurer. Under the provisions of this Act,
Greene as part of Washington Co. Avas governed up to the 9th of
Feb. 1796, when an Act was passed dividing the territory into
two parts, leaving the townshijis of ]V[organ, Cumberland, Frank- ■
lin, Greene and IvichhilK to constitute the new county of Greeno.
Of these five townships, Morgan and Cumberland were organized
en the loth of July, 25, 1781. Greene was organized on the '
6d of April, 1782. Franklin Avas organized on the 10th of
July 1787, and Kichhill was organized ."Man-h 18, 179;l These
iOriginal townships have been sub-divided into Jefferson, Morris,
jAleppo, Dunkard, Monongahela, Springhill, Jackson, Gilmorc,
i^entr(?, Marion, Washington, AVayne, Whiteley, Perry.
16 msTonv of greene couxty. «
Before we leave that part of our history that is identical Avith
, Washington county, it is but proi>er that we notice the state of
'; public sentiment in this region of country about the time the '
mother county was formed. It must always be born in mind
' that this section of country west of the Monono-ahela was set-
j tied largely by persons favorable to Vii-ginia rule ; that colony
I claimed the territory as her rightful domain, and the majority no
doubt thought the claim was just. They therefore brought
: their slaves vrith them as part of their pi'operty, feeling confi-
dent that they Avould be pennitted to hold them in perpetuity.
• Their indignation was unbounded when in 1780 the legislature
of Pennsylvania passed an Act for the gradual abolition of
slavery. The first ebullition of contempt that manifested itself
was the preparation of those that were footlose to irmnediately
depart for Kentucky, which was now in its turn the new "El-
dorado of the West." This interference with what they pleased
to call their "domestic rights,"' was immediately visited upon
the devoted heads of the Quakers in the old counties of Phila-
delphia, Bucks, Chester, &c., until the curses were loud, long
and bitter. Discontent and alarm also, existed almost every-
where with reference to the final result of the revolutionary war.
Cornwallis was not as yet overthrown. A Quaker govei"nment
was much better adajited to a condition of peace than one of
war. All that had ever been done for these backwoods settlers
(they said) had been done by Virginia. But now since they
find themselves no longer in that State, they are ready to show
their dislike in every possible way. "Old England," they say»
'•did once protect this western section from the Indians and
French both, and is willing to do so again, but now the Indi-
ans murder our families with impunity, and our State authorities
do nothing for our preservation.'' "Huzza for King George,"*
was the disloyal expression that often fell from the lips of those
i (
who thought themselves deeply wronged. This is not a pleas- .
ant theme on Avhich to dwell, and yet a sense of duty should
prompt the historian to write the truth whether H be pleasan:,
or otherwise. I therefore make a few quotations, to prove that
I am not slandering our ancestors. On the 7th of December,
17S*0, General Broadliead who commanded the U. S. troops at
Pittsburg, writes: "I learn more and more of the dir.affection
of the inhabitants on this side of the mountains. The King of
Britain's health is often drank in company." He gave it as the
opinion of many of his Virginia officers well acquainted in this
part of the country, among them Col. John G'bson, "that should
the eneray approach this frontier and offer protection, half the
inhabitants would join them ! Gen^^l Irvir.c writes from Fort
Pitt in November .1781, saying, "I am comidtnt that if this post-
was evacuated the bounds of Canada woidd be extended to the
Laurel Hill in a few weeks." Still further on this unpleasant
Fubject is a letter from General Washington himself, dated
April 25, 1781, in which he says : "I have received the follow-
ing intelligence : Col. Connolly (who it will be remembered
made his escape to Canada) with his corps is to proceed to
Quebec as soon as possible, to be joined in Canada by Sir
John Johnson with a number of Tories and Indians, said to
amount to three thousand. Their route is to be by Brick Is-
land, Lake Ontario and Venango. His object is Foil Pitt and
all the adjacent ports. Connolly takes with him a number of
commissions to persons now residing at Pittsburg ; and several
hundred men at that place have agreed to make prisonei-s of
Col. Broadhead and all friends of America." As I have already
intimated that the movement to abolish slavery was one of tho
causes of complaint on the part of those who tliought they were
settling on Virginia soil, but who afterwards found themselves
in Pennsylvania, I deem it proper at this point to give tho
reader a little insight into this subject which has in the Last
score of years assumed such immense jiroportions. ::i order that'
he may draw his own conclusions and intelligently contrast the
^present Avith the past. I find my authority for these statements '
in Creigh's History, Page 362. April 30, 1781, thg; estate of
I Alexander McCandless sold a negro girl for sixty pounds-
May 16, 1781, Jacob Johnson bequeathes to his wife Mary a
negro woman slave named ''Sukef to his daughter Elizabeth
^ Pierce, a n-L'gro girl named '"Zelph," and her futui-e increase to
his daughter Eleanor Decker ; the first child, male or female, of
Suke, to his daughter Esther Johnson, at the death of her moth-
er, the above named Suke. Should the said Suke have no
■children, one hundred pounds in the hands of John IJuchanan
is to be divided equally between his daughters ; but if children
are born to the slave Suke, the money is to be divided equally
among his five children. On the 3d of June, l79o. Reason
Pumphrey sells his slaves at the following prices : Lot, aged
18 years, for seventy j)ounds. Ben, aged 14 j-ears, for one
hundred pounds. Dinah, aged 10 years, for seventy-five pounds.
March 20, 1795, John Moor manumitted two sla\es. Abraham
^nd Jonas. In the Beporter of March 8, 1813. is the following
advertisement : For sale a negro boy A\hc has thuteen years
to sen-e ; he is stout and healthy. Apply at the office of the
Reporter. On the 29th of December. 1823, the first meeting of
citizens of Washington County was held to form a society for
"the abolition of slavery. October 2, 1835, the citizens of this
I county met to express their disapprobation of the cause of the
abolitionists. This meeting was presided over by Hon. Thos.
H. Baird. Rev. Thomas Hoge, R. H. Lee, Alexander Reed, W,
iv. McDonald and Dr. John Wishart, were appointed a com-
taittee to report resolutions, one of which was, that any com-
^ bination of citizens of one State organized for the purpose of
, disturbing the civil institutions of another State, is a violation
•of the spirit of the Union and of the enactments of the Federal
.Constitution and must tend to dissolve the L^nion. This with
Other resolutions of the same spirit was unanimously adopted.
But it is difficult to get the descendents of the men and women
who lived in "the times that tried men's souls" to understand
the numerous difficulties by which their ancestors were sur-
rounded. Two parties, known at that time as the Virginia and
Pennsylvania parties were uncompromisingly hostile. The
headquarters of the Virginia party was alternately at the
Court House of Youghiogheny Co. near West Elizabeth, and
Hi Fort Dumore (Pittsburg). The headquarters of the I'enn-
■sylvania party Avas at Hannatown,* about three miles north of
•Greensburg, Westmoreland county. Here the first Court foi
the counties west of the mountains was held. In the jail here
■Connolly himself was incarcerated until released on bail for h;>;
appearance at Court. When the day of trial arrived Connolly
put in his appearance (backed*by a numerous band of Tory m:-
iitia), defied the Court, and finally ejected them from the
house and locked the door before their faces. As a reprisal the
Pennsylvania party from Hannatown swooped down on Fort
Dunmore, broke the jail and rescued the Justices and tax col-
lectors there imprisoned, when in turn the Virginia party led on
'•by Simon Girty, with a band of Tories and Indians, came sud-
denly upon Hannatown, while nearly all the men were ab-
sent in the harvest fields, and soon the Court house, jail and all
the dwellings were in flames. This was in July, 1782. By
.this time our readers will be willing to admit that the wound
was incurable and that the original parties to the quarrel could
never become reconciled unless by some compromise measure.
This compromise came in the way of a proposition to form a
"New State," to be called "Vandalia." Exactly what bounda-
ries were demanded for this new Connnonwealth has never been
revealed. It was evidently a pet theory of. the Virginia parti-
sans by means of which they could at least play the "dog in
* KobertHanna was a lineal ancpRtor of mine, the founder of llannatown.
the manger." If ive cannot have the territory in dispute, Penn-
' sylvania shall not have it. But the New State project liad
Other advocates beside the Virginia partisans. Some good hon-
est Pennsylvanians saw in it an end to their troubles, for tlte
' Virginia element was far in the majority. So much so that if
a man wanted to have his "election made sure" in the bound:s
of Washington, and what afterwards become Greene, county,
his safest plan Avas to declare himself either in favor of Vii--
ginia or Xew State rule. Among the aspirants who were will-
ing to climb either of these political ladders, none were more
prominent than John Cannon and Dorsey Pentecost, men whcin
tlie people of this territory in a special manner delighted to
honor. Hence Judge Veech, himself a son of Greene county,
>::iys v.-ith reference to the Xew State project : "In 17S2 tl-.e
most active if not the most open promoters of the scheme were
<.'olonels Cannon and Pentecost,* each of whom had taken the
iron-clad oath, the former as Assemblyman, the latter as Goun-
cllor." "Pentecost attempted a noisy disclaimer of this, but
1 hereby afforded only more convincing proof of its verity." In
order to establish this contradicted assertion, "Hugh Henry
Jirackenridge testified on oath that he heard Pentecost on his
return from the Council in July, 1782 say that the line never
\vould be run, and that this country never would be Pennsyl-
vania nor Virginia, but a Xew State." [See Pennsylvania Ar-
chives, IX, 572.]
Previous to 1872, this Xew State project had been looked upon
as mere effervescence of maddened and disappointed Virginia
partisans, and it was hoped that the whole matter would expire
by its own convulsions. At this stage of affairs, however,
the disease assumed a new form. Virginia now offers to
cede to the United States the Northwest Territory, on the
condition that all her claimed territory east of the Ohio,
sliould be granted to her. This, as will be seen, was a virtual
niSTor.Y OF c.ni.KXK county. 2l
reopening of the boundary controversy, tliat it was hoped had
been settled by the Conference at Baltimore. Congress very
wisely refused to make the guarantee demanded, and left
Virginia to establish her claims as best she could. As the
Northwest Territory has noc been accepted on Ih.e terms (mi
which it was offered, it is now proposed that a large portion
of this Northwest Territory shall be taken into the New
Stnte, and that instead of making the Allegheny ?>Iountaiiis
the eastern boundary with Pittsburgii for its capital, that tl;t'
Mor.ongahcla river shall be the eastern line, and that its capital
shall be a new city to be erected somcAvhere on th.c Tuscarawi^
branch of the Muskingi;m river, perhaps on the site of thi'
."Moravian town^5 that had been recently depopulated by tlie
disgraccfid slaughter of the peaceful Indians in the Wil-
Jiamson expedition. In April, 1782, General Irvine wroie
lo Governor Harrison, of Virginia, and also to the Suj)ren.o
Executive Council, in 3Iay, saying, "An expedition niucli
talked of, is to emigrate and set up a new State. A day
is appointed to meet for the purpose. A certain Mr. John-
son, who has been in England since the commencement
• if the present war, is at the head of the emigrating party,
and has a form of Constitution ready for the new gov-
ernment. I am well informed that he is now in the
East trying to procure artillery and stores. Sojue think
he is too trifling a being to be worthy of notice. l>e tliis
:is it may ; he has many followers. ^\nd it is highly jirob-
able that men of more influence than he are ])rivately at woi'k.
Shoidd they be so mad as to attempt it, I tliink tliey will
cither be cut to ])ieces or Ix; comjielled to take protectit ii
from and join the British. Perhaps some have this in
view, thofigh the majority, I tliink, are well meaning people,
who have at present no other views than to acquire large
tracts of land." [See Craig's Olden Times, II., 3:^7.]
As all manias, no matter how wild and extravagant, have
some extenuating thing that can be said in their favor, so had'
this. Previous to the adoption of tlie Federal Constitution in.
1788, there was no positive prohibition by statute or otherwise,
to prevent the erection of a new State anyv»-here on the public
domain, provided it did not ar.sail the integrity of the chartered
limits of an already recognized State. Hence this project
(•ould not have been regarded as objectionable if confined en-
tirely to the Territories that were not Avithin their chartered
lunits. But it Avas the unconquerable determination that this
Xew State must have all the land between the Monongahcia and
(.)hio rivers attached to it, that made the thing so exceedingly
heinous. Although this territory Avhich is now so valuable .-is
the counties of Washington and Greene, it could not at that
early day be regarded in that light, and hence the animus of
the conspirators became so self-evident, that it only failed to
be discovered by those who are "blind because they won't see."
.Opportunely, a Court of Congress under one of the Articles of
(.Confederation, Avhich was sitting at Trenton, had unanimously
decided against Connecticut in her dispute Avith Pennsylvania
— in Avhich the Yankees had gone so far as to set up and people
a town called "Westmoreland," on the east branch of the Sus-
quehanna.) The plea of Connecticut Avas that she had na
western boundary described in her charter, and consequently'
she claimed all due-Avest of her to the Pacific Ocean, and as
part of Pennsylvania lay Avest of her, of course it belonged to
her, as her charter Avas antecedent to that of Pennsylvania.
This Court maintained the integrity of Penn's Charter, and iu
order to conciliate Connecticut in vieAV of her supposed losses,
they granted her that portion of the Northwest Territory lying
north of the forty-first degree north latitude, extending about
one hundred and tAventy miles west from the Pennsylvania line,,
usually called the "Western Reserve," which has since been.
"^ iiiSTOKY OF r,r.i:i:NK colnty. ' 23
divided into the counties of Trumbull, Ashtabula and Portage.
As it was known that tlicre were other Colonies that had no
well defined western boundary, and in view of the fact that'
this might eventually give trouble and perplexity, this Couri»!
for the purpose of crushing out all schemes foi' dismembermenl;
or intrusion, present or future, an Act was passed on the 2d '.'f
December, 1782, declaring that any attempt to set up a new
State in whole or in part on her (Penns^-lvanias) territory shouli?
be '■^reason,'' and punishable accordingly. The Pennsylvania
authorities anxious to avoid difficulty sent oxit IIcv. James Fin-
ley (the ancestor of the family of that name, still in Fayctle
county) into Fayette, Washington, and what afterwards becan-.o
Greene counties. He arrived in Llarch, 1783 armed with a
hundred copies of the Act of Deccnd)er, 17S2. In his report
he says, "I was six weeks in the disafl'ectcd country, that por-
tion east of the Yougli in th.e Fayette part; being mostly 0]>-
posed to the New SLate, I ])r.ssed them by. A considerable
number of those, between said river and the ilonong-iiiela, ns
well as a greater part of Washington county, I found to b«:
favorable to it, being misled by a few aspiring, and I suspect,
ill-designing men, or by men vrho had not thcronghly consid-
ered the whole matter, which latter was the case with some of
:he clergy." Mr. Finley's mode of operating wiis to caution
the people after sermons ; talk to the ministers aiid other gen-
tlemen, and write argument! vely, an;l i)ursuasively to other>',
but never disclosing his agency. "The New State men alleged I
was too officious. Tiie law intimidated and discouraged tho
populace. Even the ringleaders were for eating their own
words." He hoped he had done some good, "yet the jjcoplc
seemed rather hushed than convinced." He feared that being
disappointed as to a New State, they would try to avoid the
payment of taxes, ludess in tlour to be run by n State Agent to
Orleans. "For." says he. "those setthnnents are nUnost desti-
24 insTonY of G::i:rxK county.
' tute of cash."* "Tliis suggestion,' says Judge Veech, "was
adv^ising the same measure of relief wliich Robert Morris had
proposed h\ 1782, but whicli Pentecost, (a strong Virginia par-
tizan and a Kew State man) had o})enly resisted."
I have thus far dragged out the weary length of this boundary
controveroy andXew State agitation in order to show the inhab-
itants of Greene county liow near they came at one time to
being located as denizens of Virginia. And at another tiinc.
how great were the probabilities that the smiling fields and
sunny vales they now fondly call their own, were destined to
become component parts of some undefined, ill-begotten State,
to be designated by the name of either "Walpole," or "Van-
dalia," with its ca})ital on the Muskii:gum, in Ohio.
The ten years that immediately followed the dying out of
the New State mania, were years of comparative quiet and good
order iu all parts of Peimsylvania, both east and west, a de-
cided Improve on the decade that immediately preceded thcii .
Many of the late disturbers of the i quiet and good order n;
these western counties, gradually went ofT to other localities, gi\-
ing place to a better class, who came principally from the interior
counties of the State, soiiic from the "Jersies," from Scoilaiul.
and still others from the Emerald Isle. Even Pentecost, who had
been appointed in 1783, President Judge of the Courts of Wash-
ington county, after two or three years of brooding over his faliei;
schemes, as well as the departure of his magnificent "estate, rt--
lired in disgust to a neighboring State, without the courtesy to
his late colleagues in council, of sending them his resignation.''
[Cent page 357.] These factionists, although many of them
personally departed, left the seeds of dissension which they had
so long been sowing, to still cumber the ground with their j^er-
nicious crop, which manifested itself in various ways, particu-
larly hi an ineradicable aversion to the burdens of goverr-
• Pcmisvlvania Archives, X 40-44.
ment no matter wliat source tliey emanated from. Even the
best of tliose primitive settlers were constantly ready to chal-
lenge whatever came by way of questionable taxation, espe-
cially if it was formulated after any English model, from
which many of them had fled in the old country, and when the
same burdens were attenijited to be fastened on them in thc-
jjlace of their retreat, they liad resistecT unto blood and had
obtained the victory. The war for Independence Avas over,
but not its consequences which lingered long in the demorali-
/.ution it had brought, and the load of debt that had been in-
;;ui-ied. The west had its full share of these calamities, and
it had not equal facilities for shaking off its crushing load,
tliat were ])ossessed by the East, where they had a home mai--
ket at their door, and a foreign one across the ocean. All
taxes, therefoie. in order to really make them equal, ought tc
take into account the long weary miles of pack-horse trans-
portation that existed between the value of the products of the
West and the East, and because this discrimination was nc;i
made, and an excise law was passed, all the horrors of the
Whisky Insurrection was visited U])on these western counties.
In view of the fact that this history will be read by the
youth of tl:is county, now so justly styled the "Young Amer-
icas," It will be a curiosity to them to know that their ances-
tors were once the willing subjects of King George, and did
in solemn manner lift up their hands and swear to be true
and loyal to his ]ierson and goverment, I cannot illustrate tliis
matter in a clearer light, than to transcribe the substance of the
Act constituting what the Virginia authorities wei-e pleased to
call the District of West Augusta. It will be borne in mind
tliat Augusta was one of the old counties of Virginia, and
when that Commonwealth determined to spread her mantle
of government over the territory of whicli Greene count}
forms a part, her Legislature adoi^ted the following pream-
"26 iiisTOTiv (->i- c.r.M.M; ;.oi;Nry. ' "^
blc and r.mdc a description of her boundaries as follows i
WnERKAS, It is expedient to ascertain the boundaries be-
tween the county of Augusta, and the District of West Au-
gusta, be it enacted by the Assembly of Virginia that the
boundary line between the two shall be as follows : Beginning
on the Allegheny mountains, between the heads of the Poto-
mac and Cheat and Green Briar rivers, (Haystack Knob or
north end of Pocahontas county) ; thence along the ridge of
mountains that divides the waters of Cheat river from those of
Green Briar, and that branch of the Monongahela river, called
Tigart's Valley river, to the Monongahela ; thence up the said
river and the west fork thereof, to Bingerman's creek, on the
northwest side of the -west fork ; thence up the said creek to the
head thereof ; thence in a direct course to the head of Middle
Island creek, and thence to the Ohio, to be called the District
of West Augusta.
At a Court held at Fort Dunmore, now Pittsburgh, Septem-
ber 18, 1776, the Court decided as soon as this ordinance was
passed, they became a separate and independent jurisdiction,
and as such, they assumed control over this territory of Greene
county, and much other territory contiguous to it. In this
District, Justice Courts w^ere organized by Lord Dunmore, as
early as December, 1774. The regular Virginia Court
that usually sat at Staunton, was now adjourned to meet at
Fort Dunmore, where the following persons were created Jus-
tices of the Peace, after subscribing to the following oaths,
which are preserved as a curiosity:
Oath of Allegiance. — I, A. B., do sincerely promise and
swear tliat I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His
Majesty King George the Third. So help me God.
Oath of Supremacy . — I, C. D., do swear that I from my
heart, abhor, detest and abjure as impious and heretical, that
damnable doctrine and position that Princes, excommunicated
and deprived by the Pope, or any authority of the See of
lUS'IOlU' 0|- ClM.CNi: COrNTV. 27
Rome, may be deposed or murdered by their subjects, or any
other whatsoever. And I do declare that no foreign prince,
person, prelate, State or potentate, luvth or ought to liave
any jurisdiction, power, jjreenainence, superiority or authority,
ecclessiastical or spiritual, within this realm. So help me God.
The Test Oath. — T, E. F., do declare that I do believe there
is not any transul)stantiation in the sacrament of the Lord's
Supper, or in the elements of bread and wine, at or after the
consecration thereof, by any person or persons, whatever. So
help me God.
OatJi of Abjuration. — I, G. II., do hereby truly and sincerely
acknowledge, profess, testify and declare in my conscience, be-
fore God and the world, that our Sovereign Lord, King George
the Third, is lawful and i-ightful King of this realm, and all
other of His Majesty's dominions thereunto belonging. And
I do solemnly and sincerely declare that I do believe in my
conscience, that the person pretended to be Prince of
Wales, during the life of the late King James, and sino3 his
decease, pretending to be and takes upon himself the stj le
and title of King of England, by the name of James the
Third, or of Scotland, by the name of James the Eighth, or
the style and title of king of Great Britain, hath not any
right or title whatsoever to the crown of this realm or any
other of the dominions thereunto belonging, and I do renounce,
rofuse and objure any allcgience or obedience to him. And I do
swear that I will bear faith and true allegiance to His IMajesty
King George the Third, and him will defend to the utmost of my
power against all traitorous conspiracies, and attempts whatsoev-
er, which shall be made against his person, crown or dignity, and
I will do my utmost endeavors to disclose and make known to
His Majesty and his successors, all treason and traitorous con-
SMiracies which I shall know to be against him or them. So
he Ip me God.
These oaths were taken by George Croghan, Edward "Wai'd,
John Stepheson, Isaac Cox, George McCormick, Josej)!! Becket,
John Cami)hell, Dorsey Pentecost, John Connolly, John Gibson,
Ge:)rge Valandingham, Thomas Sniallman, William Crawford
aud William Goe. /
RoBBEKS. — In the yenrs 1780.1784, the territory composiiur
the three Counties of Fayette, Greene and Washington were
infested by a band of robbers, tliatfor cunning and daring were
scarcely surpassed, by Robin Hood, himself. One of the prin-
(■ipal families connected with this band was one by the name
of Doan. Anything on which they could lay their unhallowed
liands seemed to come in good play for these villians, such as
horses, negroes, money,. household goods, clothing, &c. Their
depredations had become so numerous during the time of di-
vided supremacy, when neither Virginia nor Pennsylvania could
"P.force her laws that the whole community lived in constant
i error, not knowing what hour these free-booters might swooi.
'l(>v.-n upon them and carry off their stock, food, &c. After
ihe organization of the county of Washington (which also ii;-
'.hidcd Greene) in 1781, more determined efforts were made to-
•>\;Lrd;i bringing order out of confusion. While the differen'^
] 'artisans might dispute about Avho should 7-ule them, they seem
•>o have been unanimous in the opinion that these desperadeu;:^
-should no longer rob them. Hence under the leadership -if
<ach energetic men as James Marshall, Thomas Scott and V.-u'
Swcaringcn, different bands of militiamen were gotten together
m different parts of the United counties of Greene and Wash-
ngton, Avno began vigorously to patrol the the woods in all di-
rections,- occasionally picking up a straggler, or discovering a
vacated c;'!;np, until the leaders of the gang of robbers seem to
have dcci-icd like the larks in the wheat field, that they must
leave a region where the persuit was becoming so hot. Under
this influence they seem to have started for Detroit, where they
would L'C Avithin easy reach of Canada. They were however
incarubered with so much stolen property that after traveling
about one hundred miles they were overtaken and scattered.
The old man Abraham Doan was captured ; also a man named
Thomas Richardson^ and two women, claiming to be wives of
iiisTo:;v oi" ckkkni; countv. -^J
some oi" tlic men who had made tlieir escape. These four per-
sons were confined in tlie old log jail at Washington. Thomas
lt"chardson -was tried and convicted of various crimes, and :;
lull report of his trial was forwarded to the Supreme Executive
Council at Philadelphia. Avhich after receiving the testimony
and findings, made this order on the 10th of September, ITSI :
"Ordered, that execution of the sentence of the Court be made
and done upon hhu the said Thomas Richardson, on Saturday,
(he I'd day of October, next, between the hours of ten of iho
clock in the forenoon and two of the xilock in the aflernoon of
vhe same day, at the most proper and public ])lace within i!ie
said day." TJiis was tlie first execution that took place, within
the bounds of the two counties, and was performed on ''GclloAr,
jlill," a name given at that time and still retaineil until ti.i.*
day — an elevated piece of ground a short distance south-eaof.
of the town of Washington, on a part of the saiue locality the.
late Dr. LeMoyne, a short time before his death, caused a crem-
atiiig furnace to be erected, in strange contrast with a majority
of the acts of his life, in which he always claimed to be an ad-
vanced thinker. But when the masses would not keep pace
vitli him in thinking, he seems to have taken a long step back-
\^ ards and picked up the cremating idea which was so very old
tliat it h;id become new again. But to return to the robbers.
<Jld Abraham Doan was rescued from jail by an armed party,
and as to what became Oa the two women who were incarcer-
ated at the same time, history, so far as I have been al)le to
discover, is silent. I find the pait of a letter however in Dr.
Creigh's history, page 367, from Eph Douglass, dated Union-
lovrn. May 27, 1784, that no doubt refers to the same gang of
robJjers, as follows : ''The banditti have established themselves
iji some part of -.his county not certaiidy known, but thought
to be in the deserted I'art of Washington county, whence they
aiake frequent incursions into the settlements under cover of
the night, terrifyiiig the inhahitaiits, sometimes beating them
unmercifully, and always rob them of such property as they
think proper, and then retire to their lurking places." A diver-
sity of opinion exists Avith reference to the locality wMch Doug-
lass calls the "deserted part of Washington county," Some
have been kind enough to say that it was that part of Greene
county known as Fish Creek. I incline to think that it was
some more favored locality, from the fact that it was doubtful
whether there had as yet been any settlements made on Fish
•Creek as early as 1784, much less to have been settled and then
deserted at so early a date. I have read in a book entitled the
'^ White Rocks," an account of a robbers' den at one of the over-
, hanging cliffs of the Monongahela. But there is so much
tiction in that book, in my opinion it decides nothing.
Hakd Times, — Although this is not a pleasant theme, yet the
truth of histbry demands that we should give a passing glance
at the painful subject. One of the fruitful sources of haiJ
lijnes was to our ancestors that they settled in an almost nn-
broken forest where nothing could be raised until the gvound
•A" as cleared of the heavy timber that almost everywhere ex-
isted. How different from the settler in our Avestern prairiia
ai this date. In the month of May, 1879, I was on a westeiu
bound train, running swiftly over the great plains betweoi:
Fargo and Bismarck in Dakota Territory. A man was standing
in the baggage car watching the large cedar posts with the
great big black figures that told the number of the sections we
were passing. Presently he sees his number, the rope is pulled,
the whistle snorts "down brakes," the train stops; the man, wife
and three children climb down on the green prairie ; the train
hands switch off a car containing their household goods and the
lumber already framed for dwelling house and stable ; the bell
"begins to ring and we move off leaving the man and his family
and carpenters behind. We pass to the upper Missouri river.
Five days after as the train returns, that house is up and the
family living in it ; tlicir cow is grazing on the prairie ; the
man has gone a few miles to Jamestown, purchased three mules,
a sulkey ploA\-, and is quietly turning over the prairie sod as we
stop for the empty car. Not so with the early settlers of
Greene county. The caravan of pack horses was their train.
No saw mill or ])laning mill prepared their lumber. No nail
factory furnished their nails at three cents per pound. Conse-
']uently they were compelled to build houses without nails.
Tiie horses very seldom had their feet lifted by a blacksmith.
j);iring the greater part of the year the business of the men
was to chop, chop ; the employment of the women — spin, spin.
When a small field was cleared during the winter and planted
in corn, the soil was so wild, having enjoyed so little sunshine,
!'iat it seldom produced more than fifteen bushels of corn to
•he acre ; and yet, light as the crop was, it was not worth more
ilian tvrenty-five cents per bushel. It seemed like a small busi-
ness tD plow land so full of stumps and roots; cut the wheat
with a sickle; pick out the big weeds with which it was po-
inted ; thrash it out with a flail ; clean it up with a sheet and
tlien only get from five to eight bushels to the acre, Avorth forty
cents per bushel.
Another of the hardships of our ancestors was the scarcity
of vvlls. After the scanty pittance of a crop was secured, it
was difficult to get it manufactured into even course flour. The
first effort towards milling in these western counties Avas the
horse mill, where every customer furnished his own powen
wliu-h was a team of either horses or oxen. These were some-
times hitched to a sweep by which they pulled and drove the
machinery somewhat on the principle of a threshing machine,
only the wheels were all of wood. Sometimes the team was
placed on a large tramp wheel which lay almost iu a horizontal
position, the team being attached to a post and started to uuU
instead of the stationary post moving, the wheel begaii to re-
volve and started the machinery. These mills were unlike the
fabled gods ; they did not grind line if they did grind very
slowly. In consequence of this slowness they often got behind
time, so much so, that often a dozen, sometimes a score, of teams
u'ith their owners were waiting for their turn to come. Tln.-
iiiiller would be woiui out being compelled to attend both d;iy
nvid night. It sometimes happened, however, that some trusty
in an came in who had some little knowledge of the simp.lc ma-
chinery and who would have to wait some six or eight houn-;
I'or his turn to come. This man v.'as installed miller vro te7i>,
his pay being that he could grind his own grain toll fit.?. Oni^
of the indispensable attachments of a horse mill was to puL iij.'
large enough sheds for shelter for the waiting teams, for if .-t
raan went away he forfeited his turn. I distinctly recollect see-
ing two of these horse mills in the state of Ohio in 1828. One
c( them was pulled round with a sweep, the other was driven
v.-ith a tread wheel. I never expected to see another of thcs';
mills, and was surprised, on my arrival on Ten Mile in 1856. to
lind one' of the old fashioned mills still in running order on th',:
farm of old Ephraim Cooper, about eight miles from the boi--
ough of "Washington.
When the country began to be somewhat improved, water
mills soon made their appearance. But as there was almost
a total destitution of capital, the idea was to get them up a:i
cheap as possible, hence some streams were, as a general thing,
selected where a fall of from twenty to thirty feet could
be obtained. An overshot wheel was generally constructed
usually of light timber, on the sujjjiosition tliat it would require-
less w^ater to drive it than if the w^heel was heavy. These small
streams seem to have answered the jiurpose well during, per-
haps, half the year. Their capacity, of course, was limited, and
as the people lived in a kind of ''hand to mouth"' way, when
dry weather came there were always people who had nothing to
F»t ; then the tug of war began to come even worse than it did
l)efoi-e. The horse mills, being temporarily constructed, had
rotted down or were worn out. The steam mill had not yet been
erected in Greene county. Indeed, James Barns, who is stil'
living, was the first man who erected a steam engine in the
bounds of this county about the year , and that was attache i
to, I believe, a carding machine and not to a mill. In conscv
quence of the drying up of these small streams (many of whic/t!
can now scarcely be traced at all) the inhabitants were often
compelled to boil corn and make what was called "slots hominy''
as a substitute for bread. Others would chop and adze out a
liollow in the top of a stump. They would then secure a long
stone, perhaps six inches in diameter and two feet long; througli
the slimest end of this they would chisel a hole ; through this
hole they would drive a tough piece of wood, to each end of
'.vliich they attached strong strings of buckskin or tanned hog-
skin. A convenient hickory sapling was then bent down and
theses trings were attached to the top of it. Corn was poured
into the artificial hollow in the stump, and the slow proce.^^s of
pounding and sifting meal to make mush for supper commences.
The stone was drawn down by the hands generally of one of
the stalwart women of those days, in connection with its own
weiglit. The rebound of the stone and the spring of the sapling
elevated the stone into the air, when those brawny arms sent it
down again, until the woman was tired and the meal was ready
for mush. Slow and painful as it was, it nevertheless kept the
wolf of starvation from tlie door. (Others would boil wheat for
several hours until it would form a kind of pasty pulp, add r.
little maple sugar and eat it with sweet milk, and it was consid- ^
ored quite good enough for -'common people." I have eaten
it myself, and had it not been for the terrible stint in the way^
of the maple sugai-, I could have been content if the grist mill]
. 34 HiSTOKV OF gkekne county. --.-
'had stood still a great deal longer, but the quantity of sugar be-
ing so limited made me as anxious as other people for rain.
Another of the hardships of our fathers was from what was
called ^'■sick wheat.'''' This was something peculiar to virgin soil
[where the land had been recently reclaimed from the shade and
, ! tvas, to a great extent, overshadowed, at least part of the day,
I by the forest. This, it was supposed, had a tendency to leave
' a small amount of poison adhering to the blossom end of each
gi-ain. . Most of this came off in the bran in bolting. So that
the bread could be eaten with tolerable safety to those who rel-
ished sudh diet. "Bears grease," a})plied as butter on this bread,
xvas said to be an antidote for the poison. But where the wheat
'was "sick" no one would dai-e boil and eat it in the way I have
(J -escribed, A safer food in many localities was buckwheat. This
grain was valuable also in taming the soil. It answered the
same purpose in Western Pennsylvania that tobacco still does
on the new lands of Kentucky; although they are both very ex-
haustive, yet they very speedily remove the wildness from the
soil. One of the difficulties with buckwheat is, that it must be
l»aked warm every meal if you wish to have it good. The rigid
old Presbyterians and Seceders made a difficulty out of this.
Their veneration for the Sabbath was so great that they would
by no means allow a buckwheat cake baked in their dwelling
on the Lord's day, consequently those great big buckwheat
•cakes were baked in their skillets on Saturday and piled up for
■the tiDo Sabbath meals, (for they did not get their meals on
Sunday). These cakes were dipped in water and then laid in
the same skillet to warm. I am here reminded of what was said
by an old Scotch Covenanter at communion in Washington
OOUnty. He was engaged in that work of superarogation called
I "fencing the tables. "When he came to the fourth commandment
h.Q said "all unnecessary cooking is forbidden ; such as roasting
and baking." Here he hesitated a moment and then said, "un-
!os3 you are so unfortunjite as to have nothing hut this new
kind of wheat, I believe they call it bcwhate; I dunno about
that, for it is no gude cold." My own private opinion is that
those old fathers and mothers had enough difficulties without
magnifying thein. Their soil would jjroduce this grain more
ubinidantly than any other. An abundance of wild honey could
i.hcn be found in the woods without any danger of a lawsuit
fur cutting a bee tree. Why not then spread the honey cu
then- warm buckwheat cake and call the -'Sabbath a delight '? ■■'
JScAUcrrY ok S.\i/r. — Another of the hardships under whici;
I'lo i)rnnitive settlers labored, was the extremely high price oi'
s lit. We often hear it said, it is but little difference whether
tilings are high or low, so that they are in proportion, and the) o
i> some truth in the declaration. But here we find things io
tksperately out of proportion. Wheat 40 cents and salt Six
f'Ounds, ten shillings per bushel ! A great inducement for a man
•-0 turn savage and do without salt. But as salt is considered a:,
indispensable ingredient in civilization even in its I'udest forms,
our ancestors considered themselves, under the circumstances,
• ompelled to have salt, and yet the thought of paying thirty-two
dollars and fifty cents for one bushel of salt! Surely it would
l)e a cheat who would skimp the measure, "Ignorance is bliss"
sometimes, it is said, but it was hardly such under these circuna-
stances, Avith vast quantities of salt all around them, but a few
hundred feet below the surface, and yet they were compelled to
go to Winchester, Staunton, London, &c., for this article that
sDme of their ungrateful decendants think it is dear if they have
to pay one dollar and fifty cents for three bushels, or fifty cents
l)er bushel! How changed. But there was another inconve-
nience in this scarcity of salt. It seemed like taking a man's
life to give even the smallest i)ittance to his stock, and yet their
instinctive craving could not be api)eased by informing them of
the high piice : lience whenever they were released from their
enclosure, in order to obtain browse, in the absence of pasture,
'they immediately wandered off in search of those sprmgs slight-
Uy impregnated with salt, which a benificent Creator had placed
lin certain localities for the purpose of satisfying the wants of
the beasts of the forests, which springs were denominated by
the early settlers, '"licks." Hence when the stock was wanted,
long weary hunts of days in succession were to be made in which
the hunter often became lost. The undergrowth in the woods
was so thick that the person in search of the stock might pass
within a few rods of it without discovering it. To obviate this
difficulty, bells were placed on the necks of the cattle, at least
ojie sheep in each little tiock was denominated "the bell weath-
er." while bells were sometimes placed on the necks of the hoi-scs.
Then bells must be bought east of the mountains and transport-
ed perhaps two hundred miles on the back of a pack horse.
Sc.vnciTY OF Money, — We now come to consider the most
fruitful source of all hard times — the scarcity, almost the en-
tire absence of money, ITiat great statesman, Henry Clay, said
t here were but two sources of wealth known to mankind. One
tlie spontaneous production of the earth; the other — labor.
While this is true, all mankind, from the days of Abraham
down, have recognized the necessity of having some circulating
medium that could be denominated "current money with the
merchants." Lycurgus, although one of the wisest rulers of
the Grecian States, made a great financial mistake when he
made iron money a legal tender with a view of keeping the
vices of the surrounding nations out of Greece. While he
partly succeeded in doing this, he brought poverty and all its
inconveniences into the country he loved so well. Why? Be-
, cause iron was too abundant to have that intrinsic value so im-
paratively demanded by the coin we call money. To the man
who is capable of reflecting, it must be evident that money is
either real or fictitious. The real is the coin itself, made out
oi sotue metal, so scarce as to render it in the strictest sense of
the word — precious. The fictitious is some kind of notes, cer-
titlcates, bonds or bills — ]»roinising the holder that whenever it
is liis wish to convert them into coin, he can do so, thus ex-
changing the fictitious into the real. It is self-evident that this
lictitious money would not float a single day unless we have
sotne kind of faith in the })romise made on the face of it
showing that the terms therein proposed will be complied
witli; this confidence Ave call credit. Now credit is different
from assurance, for '^seeing is believing, but feeling is the naked
truth." Now what was the situation of our ancestors at the
coiumencement of the revolution ? They were doing biisines's
almost altogether by what is denominated barter, or trade.
They had their scedule of prices about as follows : "Ten
buckskins for a match coat ; five doe-skins for a calico shirt ;
three fawn skins for a pound of lead ; five pounds of ginseng
lor a wool hat ; ten pounds of bees wax for a straw bonnet ;
tiiree gallons of whiskey or apple jack for a quarter of tea. A
liundred gallon co})per still would buy a good farm. Two bar-
rels of whiskey would buy a corner lot. A five gallon keg
would be exchanged for a pound of powder. Five barrels of
whiskey was the price of a rifie gun.'' — Veech's Secular History
in Centennial Volume, page 363.
NoAV that they have determined to go to war wntb Old Eng-
land, with the longest purse in all Europe, they must have mo-
ney ; buckskins Avill no longer answer the purpose ; how are
they to get it ? They have a small quantity of coin, all foreign,
but this is only a "drop in the bucket ;" how are they to get
the millions they need ; only one way — in the absence of the
real, they must have recourse to the fictitious. This w^as done.
On the 2'2(\ of June, l77o, an issue of paper money was made
amounting to two millions of dollars, and was denominated
^Continental Money." From this date up to January, 1780,
■Otter emissions were made until the whole amount was no less 1
/than two hundred millions of dollars. Now why was not this '
(fictitious money kept up to a par value, and thus make the war^ j
linstead of the source of the hard times, make it the imme-
diate cause of good times ? If Clay was right (and I believe he
■was), the recources were abundant, an almost boundless unsold
domain waiting the hand of the laborer to make it spontaneous-
ly produce the untold millions of bushels that we now behold.
As to laborers the colonies, even at that early day, had millions
of them; hence there was no necessity for failure, and yet this
pajjer money did fail. What were the causes? First, it was
not made a legal tender. In all my intercourse with mankind
I have found we must take them "as they are, and not as they
.')ught to be." All observation proves that men are naturally
^keptical; especially is this the case in things that pertain to his
pecuniary interests. Hence the fii-st impulse Avas to doubt
whether the holder would ever receive those "Spanish milled
•lollars" mentioned on the face of these roughly executed notes.
He might say "I would take this if I thought I could pay a
lebt with it." But the paper did not propose to do that, and
'•onsequently this man who, perhaps, is the principal business
man in the conununity, refuse to take this trash, as he calls it,
in payment of debts due him, and the report of his act spreads
from lij) to lij) until the credit of the new emission was crippled
at the very outset. And yet while there was no well defined
legal tender attached to those notes, the Government virtually
made them such. For while the stay-at-home patriots were
snufiing up their noses at this money and taking their pay in
buckskins, ginseng, or anything else, the poor soldier (who was
leaving his blood in the tracks made by his bare feet in the
snow), was paid off in this depreciated paper money which
1 would not buy him a meal for less than forty dollars. One of
my xii-st recollections was hearing my feeble,, tolterino- orand'
IIirrOEY 01" (iRlCKNE CO! NIT 39
father tell that — on his I'etnrn from the army in Virginia in the
beginning of the winter of 1781, after the fall of Coniwallis '
at Yorktown — he and three comrades were compelled to travel i
riost of the night and lodge the remainder in a barn, and then j
tin the morning compelled to pay forty-five dollars each for their
breakfast of money that they had received at eight dollars per
montli, thns serving almost six months for one miserable meal.
Surely Esau did not do much worse when he sold his birth-
right for a morsel of pottage. And whose fault was it ? Not
the Government. It could do no better. The war was upon
it. It could not borrow from abroad, and the business men
of the country would not give the National currency credit,
l-'or I take it as a truth that cannot be gainsaycd, that the cur-
rency of any country is precisely what the business men of that
country make it. As an illustration, I recollect hearing men
talk in 1828 about the superlative goodness of the notes of tlio
old United States Bank ; "better far than gold and silver," ai>d
they really made it such. There was a premium on those old
tiotes, while gold and silver only passed at par. Why were the
notes of this bank so good ? Was it because there was so
much specie in its vaults? I do not know but that fictitiou.<*
character, JMajor Jack Downing, told Nicholas Biddle that he
"had hearn tell that there was not enough silver and gold in
the bank to make the Ginneral a pair of specks." Be that as it
may Andrew Jackson refused to sign the bill for its re-charter, and
it died amidst the loud lamentations of the men of business who
could and did make it the best kind of money. With million?
in circulation, all the great merchants boasting of its excellence,
it did not need more than $1,000 in coin to make it a specie
paying bank for millions of outstaiuling notes. Is any one
skeptical yet about the position I have taken that the currency
of any country is dependent for its success or failure on the ,
manner its issues are treated bv the men Avho handle the largest I
part of that currency ? If there be siich "a clonbting Thomas,"
I please permit another iUustration. Martin Van Buren, the suc-
jCesfor of Andi-ew Jackson, was always regarded as a shrewd,
i sh?,rp man. He was the only man that could keep on the good
side of General Jackson all the time. Yet, when he came into
the Presidential chair, he found himself surrounded by so many
' financial difficulties that, although he was called the "Fox," the
*'Magician," ttc, he scarcely knew how to extricate himself.
The plan of putting the public money in the "pet" banks was
so loudly reviled that a man's political head almost instantly
' fell into the basket if he dared to say that he was in favor of
it. Van Burcn concluded that this clamor on both sides was
the result, to a great extent, of prejudice. He therefore pro-
i posed a kind of compromise measure, known as the "Sub-
Treasury." I have no copy of the plan as originally proposed,
but my recollection is about tliis : that tlie Government money
was to be lifted out of the vaults of the "pet" banks, Avhere it
; was in such imminent dauger of being squandered, and placed
in the vaults of a building called the Treasury ; then, on the
strength of this deposit, notes were to be issued as a circulating
medium in order to transact the business of the country. The
old men of this county remember the long howl of indignation
that came up from both sides of the line. The friends of the
"pet" banks were loud in their denunciations, because they
wanted to keep the money, and the friends of the old liank de-
nounced it as nonsense, not because it was such, but because
they were not willing to adopt this measure (that they them-
selves had not originated) instead of their "dead baby." Now
I do not claim to be a financier, much less a politician, yet, as
far as I remember this Sub-Treasury scheme, 1 am only able
to detect some slight differences between it and the present
greenback note">, and they are all in favor of the Sub-Treasury
jglan. Oue of the differences was tiiat these notes of Van
Buren's were to start with a full treasury, whereas, in 1862, I[
believe it was generally admitted that the Treasury was empty, j
Another difference was that the Sub-Treasury notes were not a
legal tender, while the present greenbacks are ; which Avas ira-
paratively demanded as a war measure, but on terms of equity
could never be justified. And yet, with all these advantages
in favor of the Sub-Treasury, it was doomed to go down, while
the greenbacks have become the best paper money this country
ever had. Now in view of all this, why did not the business
tnon of thr.t day rise n\> in- their might and give credit to this
rDiitiiu'ntal money and save the occurrence of all the direful
i-.ilainities aiid national disgrace that have been the bitter conse-
quences of the going down of this money. Among those that
sr.lfered most deeply were some of the early inhabitants of
Greene county. They had invested their all in these cheap
lands, and when Eastern sharks found the money was about to
collapse, they bundled it up and hurried across the mountains in
advance of the mail, and by offering ample compensation for
the improvement many a poor man had made, they became
possessed of his home, from which they turned him out pemii-
less, either to agian brave the unbroken forest, or beg his way
to Kentucky, tlie then new "Eldorado of the West." Poor
man ! ITo asked "bread and they gave him a stone ;"' he asked
"fish and they gave him a scorpion." The depreciation of this
money was one of the bitterest dregs in the poisoned cup of
wrong, that was drained to its last drojj by the different front-
iers of the vast country, whose honor stood pledged for its
redemjition, which money might have floated, and would have
floated if the business men of the nation had held it up. Why
did they not do it? Ah, thereby hangs a tale which I will not
unfold further than to suggest a strong probability — perhaps the
largest monied men of the land were opposed to the cause for
the defense of which this money was issued, and did they es-
cape with impunity ? The very opposite of this is true, al-
though they seeifted to be the immediate gainers by this sharp
practice, yet the recoil of the hard times that had long lingered
around the poor man's door at last came home to roost in thn
iurapteous halls of those who coidd but would not prevent the
Impending calamities. Is the question asked, why does not
ihe Government now redeem this money and thus wipe out tin;
national disgrace? This question is j)ardonable when it comes
from the lips of the young, and only from such lips will it come.
The jnen of eighty or ninety years cfo not ask it. They know
lliat in those times that tried men's souls, there was a constant
iUruggle to keep the wolf of starvation and nakedness away
from the door, and if those small farmei's with large families
arc in possession of a note calling for one hundred dollars foi'
which he can only get two dollars, although it seems like a des-
])erate sacrifice, yet it must be made, and so the note changes
•lands for almost nothing, and yet tlie depreciation was even
worse than this; for in December, 17 SO, it took seventy-four
dollars of this money to buy one dollar m silver. As a grand-
son of an old revolutionary soldier I never want to hear tluit
that landlord's decendents have received forty-five dollars and
accumulated interest for that poor breakfast their ancestor fur-
nished my ancestor ; consequently to pay those notes off now
as they are held by persons who scarcely gave a decent song
for them, would only be adding insult to injury, and would be
in the highest sense of the word, unjust. The Nation must
leave the stain on her fair escutcheon, since to attempt lo wipe
it out would only be to extend the blur.
Just a few words more in reference to this money question,
which will throw light upon this subject when the writer is in
his grave, and I ho^je this will be pardonable, as history is in-
tended for the benefit of the future generation as well as the
gratification of the present. I distinctly remember the first
greenback I ever harl in my hands, thougli I do not remember
'the exact date, probably in 18G2 or 18G3. 1 remember thcl
; doubts that were expressed about it, one of wliicli was : "Oh, [
it will turn out like the old Continental money. I have some
of it in my house now, and it ain't worth a d — d continen-
tal." And why did it not turn out thus ? First, it was a legal
tender. If you could do nothing else with it, you could i)ny
your debts, and leave some other i)erson to bear the loss, pro-
vided he was so unfortunate as not to be in debt. But the
greatest source of success Avas in the fact that when you met
a business man, he began to eulogise the now money: "Nov
we had something that would be par everywhere in the United
States. This will be a deathblow to brokers and big interest,
mind if it don't," etc. Gold and silver vanished from sight,
and even our small change down to three cents Avas in
"scabs"; although the gold went up, and consequently the
greenbacks may have been said to go down until it took tw^)
dollars and ninety cents to buy a gold dollar, yet the coun-
tiy lived. The ".scabs" took their flight and the long concealed
silver suddenly showed its smiling face like the sun after a
storm : the silver and gold accumulated until the United States
Treasury buildings were encumbered by it, and then Uucle
Sam said he would pay specie for his ]>apcr. A few calls were
made to see if he were in earnest, and when the bright silver
dollars were pushed towards the visitors, they bowed respect-
fully, saying ; "No, I thank you," and retired with his piora-
ises to pay, tightly clutched in their hands. So we all do, ex-
cept for a little change. We all prefer the Government note,
which was nothing but enforced credit at first, with national
honor alone to back it ; but is now voluntary credit, with untold
millions to back it. And so might it have been with the fi-st
{national money, if the same course had been pursued. Al-
' though the resources of the land are greater in point of im-
I port duties, nnd her resources are fai" less in the way of public
lands than tliey were at that day, yet this money was allowed
to go down. Oh, shame ! For what comparison did their
debt of $200,000,000 bear to our debt at the close of the war,
which was so tremendous large I will not attempt to put it on
paper for fear I should make a mistake. I will liere add
a list of tavern keepers' i)rices established by the Court of
Youghiogheny county, in the 1781 : For half a pint of whis-
key, four dollars ; breakfast or supper, fifteen dollars ; dinner,
twen/,y dollars; lodging, witli clean sheets, three dollars; one
hoise, over night, three dollars; one gallon of corn, five doHars;
one gallon of oats, four dollars ; string beans per quart, six
dollars. These prices were proclaimed on Court days, from
"'jhe steps, and also set up in the most public places. Our gen-
eral title to these pages was "hard times," and I do not know
why I should confine my remarks' to the times of the Kcvolu-
tion. I in common with all poor boys, have seen hard times
personally. I began in 1838, to seek a portion of tliis world's
goods. Times were tlien comparatively good. Two or tlneo
years before, times were brisk. There was an abundar.cc of
money in circulation, such as State Bank of Illinois, State Baiil:
of Indiana, and Ohio money in abundance on such banks :'r.
Circleville, St. Clairsville, Urbana, Miami Exporting Company,
Wooster, Cai.t:)]', ]\lassilon, Mccliaiiics' Bank of Wheclini , Sec.
In 1839, Sibet tfe Jones, brokers of I^ittsburgh, and I'obcrt
Bricknell, of Philadelphia, began to quote this money up oi-
down as suited their whims or interests — down if they wanted
to buy ; up if they wanted to sell — until no jicrson knew what
any of the money was actually worth. In 1840, the money
had almost all disappeared and General Harrison was elected in
order to make money so i)lenty tliat every laboring man
could receive "-two dollars a day and roast beef." In the spring
of 1841, money began to be ])lcnty again, and we began to
feel like saying: "glad to see yoii, but where have you been
all this time ?" Then we t<x)k a second look — yes. these were
our old friends, but how changed. They once were "new aud
pretty too," but now dirty, greasy and i-agged. Tliey looked
as tliough they might have been fumbled during their entire
absence by the filthy Sodomites, after at least a ]>artial scorch-
ing. The inauguration took place on the 4th of March, 1841,
and we all stood on tij>-toe in anticipation of the good time
coming. An extra session of Congress was called in order to
raise the tariff and prevent the gold and silvvr from all run-
ning out of the country. Congi'ess met, and very prudently
seemed to conclude that the tariff might answer the pur])Ose a
few months lonocr, but it would be askincf too much of the
good people of this country to ask them to ^)ut uj) with this
dirty, ragged money any longer. Hence, the first thing these
good men undertook to do, was to prepare for making a large
amount of new, pretty, bright money with the words, "Bank
of the United States," engraved on the top of every note. Tlio
bill was under consideration, when suddenly and unexi)ectedly,
William Henry Harrison died '. The Nation stood aghast.
Consternation was written on every countenance, until some
one spoke and said : " As yet there is no cause for discour-
agement Here is honest John Tyler, wlio is as good a
man as ever Harrison was ; let us inaugurate him and all will
be right. Tyler came forward, and with his most jxrofoundly
dignified bow, accepted the situation, suui tlie Government
moved on without a jar. Congress finished the consideration
of the bank bill, and passed it, and sent it up to the Whit€
House with their compliments. But what was the astonish-
ment of the nation when he vetoed the bill. One of the rea-
sons assigned by President Tyler for this unexpected veto
was, that the Bank question had in no shape or fonu been be-
ifore the people during the exciting campaign of 1840. That
J 6
lie considered this qnestion settled by the second election of
General Jackson, in 1832, when even his best friends trembled,
lest he should reap the consequences of what they regarded as
his rash act in vetoing the bill to recharter the United States
IJank. When this election resulted so overwhelmingly in Jack-
son's favor, he (Tyler) considered it an endorsement of the
Liourse he (Jackson) had persued. "VVliether his reasons were
i;orrect or not is not for the historian to decide. But we come
MOW to witness the result of this act. The bloated aristocrats
\vho controlled the finances of the country, seem to have detei*-
inined that if they can not have the kind of money they want,
Llie people shall not have any. Almost immediately the diity
ragged money in circulation begins to go down ; the brokers
liad heretofore quoted down or i;p, as suited their interests, but
now they quote altogether down. There seemed to be an im-
derstanding that there should only be three specie paying
banks w^est of the mountains, and that these should be the Old
Bank of Pittsburg, Monongahela Bank of Brownsville, and
the Franklin Bank of Washington. Why were these the
favored pets ? Because for years they had been i-efusing to
lend their own notes in their own neighborhoods. What little
they did lend was sent to the extremes of either east or west.
But there were accommodating banks in this section what were
willing to help the people bear their burdens, provided they
were let alone. Among the accommodating institutions, none
wer6 more so than the Mechanics' Bank of Wheeling, and the
Farmers & Drovers' Bank of Waynesburg. But now the time
has come for them to run the gauntlet. The brokers try to cry
them down, until the Waynesburg Bank made an issue of
notes that were due some months after date. These were called
"post notes," and the uncompromising enemies of this accom-
modating institution did succeed in putting these notes .down
ten cents on the dollar. How about the Western paper ? State
niSTOi:v oi" gkkene countv. 47
TJ.ink of Illinois, Shawneetown, etc., went down to fifty cents
on ihe dollui- ; wliile other western banks ranged all the
\\;!y between five and fifty per cent., just whatever way tho
I'rokers saw projjcr to make them; this and nothing more.
Ciil it may he asked, why all these complaints ; is there not
;!:! extra session of Congress, sitting for the relief of the ])eo-
'■•\n f Yes; woW why don't tliey relieve them? It looks as if
■ •!d John Tyler would have to bear the blame forever. Let ii.s
■.■o<.' lu)w this turned out. It was supposed that the hard times
j'i is;^9 and 181') was in consequence of the low tariff that pre-
vailed at that time. The calling of this extra session of Con-
1,1-ess was for the express purjiose of revising the tariff, and
;ln;> securing immediate relief. Xow that Tyler had vetoed
tliC' bank bill it was declared in many directions, that it was
useless to pass a tariff bill, for it would be sure to share the
same fate. When hints to this effect came to the ears of "Old
honest John," he said, " just let them pass the bill and then
, ihey will see." The bill was eventually passed and the Presi-
<Ient, without a word of criticism, signed the bill and it became
•'the law of the land." Surely the people are relieved ; this
Congress that composed this extra session, as well as the two
regular sessions, have done enough to immortalize their names
as the benefactors of the people ; but no, their great immortal-
izing act is yet to be performed, and it comes in the shape of
a bankrupt law." This brought hard times indeed to every
l)oor man's door. I among the rest was the holder of several
notes on men said to be good, but before I was aware, three of
them had applied for the benefits of this law involving the
loss of nearly all I was worth. Yet these men, anxious to hold
up their heads in society, and not willing to have it said of
them that they cheated a poor boy out of hard earnings, were
willing to compromise on their own terms and at their own
prices. One would furnish the amount of his note in lumber;
another in brick ; another in nails. These were some of the
things that induced me to commence the erection of a large
house, tbe carpenter work of which amounted to four hundred
and twelve doll are. One hundred and thirty dollars of this
sum remained due and unpaid. Sheriff and constables were
riding in all directions hunting up the unhappy victims of
boundless credit who now labored "under the suspicion of
debt.'' Prothonotaries were compelled lo employ additional
clerks. While the minds of the people seemed completely de-
moralized, "mercy seemed clean gone forever." Constable and
Sheriff sales were matters ot weekly occurrence, at which it
was common to hear such announcements as this: "Nothing
taken Iroiu j)urchasers at this sale excepi gold and silver, or
the notes of Old Bank of I'lttsburg, Monongaheia Bank of
Brownsville, or Franklin Bank of Washington." Just at this
critical moment, mv carpenter frightened by the crash all around
tiled a mechanic's lieu and directed the issuing of a writ of
le cart fit ■tai, that if permitted to issue and be executed, would ^
have sold iny new house and left me worse off than when I
started four years before. Things were growing serious ; my
own resources were exhausted, and yet something must be done
and that soon or the consequences would be fatal. With a view
of obtaining relief if possible, I left my home in Fayette County
on Jiorse back, crossed the river at Hatfield's Ferry, took dinner
in Jefferson, Greene Co., and in the evening passed over the
dividing ridge at the head of Kuff's Creek into Washington
county and continued my journey until on the evening of the
third day, I arrived at the place of my nativity in Trumble
county, Ohio. Soon after the first salutations were over, even
'before I had stated my business, the doleful tale of "hard
times" was repeated in my ears in even a more exagerated
form than I knew them to exist in the place from Avhence I
came ; and when I told my errand to relatives living in fine
houses, surrounded by magnificieut broad acres, I was told thata
I had come "to the Goat's house for wool," that money was »
ihmg of the i)ast, that its history might now be written, &c^
After turning every stone, offering to sell some obligations I
held that were not yet due, for about two-thirds of their value^
oven this liberal offer not being accepted, I turned my face
liameward, "a sadder but a wiser man." In retracing my steps
I crossed the Ohio river at Georgetown, came through Frank-
Tort, Florence, Burgettstown and Hickory, to Washington;
r'lou in the direction of present plank road to "Gobies" (Van
!Iui-en). Thence down the ridge to the house of Robbert Wal-I
iace, near the present town of Prosperity, which had no exist-'
.' ice then (1842). About sundown I arrived at the house o£
'roorge M. French, right in sight of, and only a few rods fronx
•!;e Greene county line. With him I remained until morning,
when I was surprised by him telling me that he thought he
•ould furnish the funds to meet the demands of my false and
lavd-liearted car})enter ; and he did furnish the one hundred^
uid thirty dollars in notes on the bank of Brownsville, as good
as gold, showing that it is not ahvays the man that puts on
the most style and spreads the loftiest sail, that is in possession
of the ])resent alulity to relieve a friend, or has the largeness of
heart to do it, even if he has the ability. I kept a horse in
those days, but having no pasture lot, I hired jiasture of a man
near a mile away. This pastui'e was to be paid for monthly.r
Harvest had come, two months ])asture was due, and not a dime
had I to pay it with. There Avas a way. however. I had two-
strong arms, a'nd with these I shouldered a cradle, and cut oats
two days at seventy-five cents per day.
Thus mucli for hard tiincs as eiulnred by our fathers and'
mothers in the early settlement of the country, and by myself)
and thousands of others, as late as 1842. This much for my'
opinion, founded on foity years' observation, that the goodnesat.
50 iiiSTor.Y o;- <;i:i;k>;k coLyrr.
or wortlilcssness of paper money does not depend so much on
",he real solvency of the corporations that issue the same as on
the determined combinations of business men, who decide before
Jiaud that they will put one up and another down. As illus-
trative of this, I will record an old story, that no doubt many
of the old men of Greene county have already heard. I have
it from good authority. Many years ago when banks went
up and down — almost annually — Gideon Johns, whom many of
•Us knew, was in Baltimore on business. One morning there
came a rumor that caused an immediate panic. Slam ! went the
doars of the rickety banks, and the brokers began to count over
tlie funds in the safes, as eagerly as a card-player ever inspected
his deal. When several of them found they had considerable
amounts on Brownsville Bank, the thought was a simultaneous
one — no'.v l3t us grab their gold before they hear this news —
for there was no telegraph in those days, and we'll send a man
Ut once, and lay their much-boasted specie over the Blue moun-
\ ains, where it will soon command a high premium. No matter
now how imparative the business of Mr. Johns, in Baltimore,
as a good loyal friend of the bank, he now has paramount in-
leret^ts at Brownsville ; the stage (the only means of convey-
ance then) is ready, and Gen. Johns has a seat and whirls away.
By his side sits a quiet, reticent man, and as the long hours pass
away they become somewhat acquainted, and finally make the
discovery that they both stop at Brownsville. After a few
pauses and conmients, Mr. Johns is in possession of the all im-
portant fact that this man now carries in his "belt," thirty thous-
and dollars of Brcwnsville paper, for which he is going to try
to get the specie. Mr. Johns assures him that for that little
sum it is scarcely worth while to call at the bank, that almost
any of the merchants of the place can furnish him the 'change"
in time for the morning stage for the East, and he need not wait,
till nine o'clock for the bank to open. The stranger, however,
thinlcs this is yarning ; but finally Brownsville is reached, it is'
one o'clock in the morning, and no time is to be lost. Mr.
Johns knows that the teller sleeps in the bank. He first sees,
that the stranger is safely ensconced at Workman's hotel, then.
wends his way down the dark, back street to the Bank, knocks
first lightly, then vigorously, then furiously. A cross voice
from within demands. '-Who's there?" "Gideon Johns," is the
response. "What docs Gideon Johns want at this time of
night?" is the question asked. "Come here to the keyhole and
I will tell you," is the intimation. The teller approaches, re-
ceives the information, admits Mr. Johns, and wakens up the
(-ashicr and President. Several good horses make fast time out
into the country and back for the purpose of borrowing the
various "piles" of old Jonathan Sharpless, Daniel Brubaker,
Solomon G. Krepps and his father, as well as various parties in
town. Against daylight the horses are all back in their stables,
the specie is in the store at Goodlo Bowman, the old Cashier.
Old man Workman gets a hint of the way he may talk to his
Eastern guest at breakfast, and ])lays his part well, informing
liim that he can be off m the morning coach if he wishes to, as
"A[r. Bowman or any of these storekeepe.is round here, can pay
you that little sum." The stranger calls, receives his specie, and
is off, believing that he has visited the "Golconda." And
Brownsville Bank, with a dcjtleted i)ile of specie, is a stronger
bank, so much so, that her notes were locked up to that extent
that they did not relieve the distresses of the people to half the
degree that the notes of Waynesburg did, although they had
n )tliiiig like the same amount of hallalujahs sung in their wake.
In view of all this, I conclude that the businessmen of this land
could have made tlie Continental money good, and thus saved
all the aecuimdated suffering that was the consequence of its
failure. That the business men of this land did keep the notes
of the Old United States Bank up to par and even at a premium
when there was very little, perhaps almost no specie in her
vaults. I conclude that the business men of this nation could
have accepted Martin Van Buren's Sub-Treasury propositioii
and could have saved the hard times of 1839 and 1840. I con-
clude that if General Harrison had not died just when he did
lie would have signed the bank bill and then the business men
of this nation would have made money abundant and good
and thus would have saved all the disasterous losses of 1842
and 1845. I conclude that the greenbacks would have went
ilat to the ground, except for payment of debts, had it not
tfcen that the business men took hold of this paper, as well as the
national currency, they smiled on all that spoke well of it,
1 )oked sour and stamped their feet, denouncing as disloyal all
who doubted its intrinsic excellency ; and thus they brought
these notes up and have kept them up, to a standard of excel-
lence that has never been surpassed by any paper money in the
civilized w^orld, and I conclude that whenever these business
men think it will promote their secular interests, pecuniary 'ad-
advantages, or political aspirations, (judging the future by the
past,) they will at once tear down the magnificient currency
that has so long blessed us, and leave in its stead nothing but
poverty and financial disaster. Whenever the disastrous wave
shall start in Wall Street, I presume it will be found to be
irresistably rolling on still further Avestward, depreciating val-
ues, undermining confidence, and crushing out business until
its direful work is done.
Topography. — Thus far I have said but little with reference
to the topography of Greene county. At a distance we often
hear people say with a sneer, "the Greene county hills," as
though it was composed entirely of hills. Now there are abun-
dance of hills in this county, yet it is exhonerated from the
possession of mountains, and we are content to be left in the
possession of green hills whose very sumits are rich ; yet as it
always did require two liills to form one valley, m'c find about
this proportion in the entire southwestern portion of the county,
while in the extreme eastern portion the valleys extend on al-
most continuously without the interruption of a single hill.
The southwestern portion of the county slopes toward the Ohio
river and is drained by the waters of "Wheeling creek which
unites with the "Beautiful River" (Ohio) at the city of Wheel-
ing. The numerous affluents of this stream are known as En-
low's Fork, Hunter's Fork, South Fork, Thomas' Fork, Owens'
Run, Wharton's Run, Crab Apple Kun. Some of the tributa-
ries of Fish Creek also rise in this county on the southwestern
slope. But the prmcipal part of the county is dranied toward
the east and northeast, where Big Tenmile foi-ms the line be-
i.\veen Greene and Washington counties up to the junction of
ihe north and south fork at Clarksville, some three or four
miles from the mouth of the large creek at Millsboro, where it
■empties into the Monongahela river. From Clarksville to what
ivas formerly known as Wallace's Mill, the north fork divides
■lie two counties and then bears off still more northwesterly,
".'xclusively in Washington county. The large stream of Dunk-
ird rises partly in West Virginia and paitly in Greene county,
Ahere after crossing and reorossing Mason and Dixon's line
it flows about m a northeast direction and empties into the
Monongahela river a short distance above Greensboro opposite
New Geneva. ]>ig Whiteley, Little Whiteley, Muddy Creek,
Pumpkin Run and the South fork of Tenmile, drain the re-
mainder of the eastern slope of the county. Of these the South
fork is much the longest stream, fully three-fourths of the
length of the county, receiving into its bosom, above Waynes-
burg, the waters of Bates' P^'ork, Brown's Fork, Claylick, Pur-
sley Creek and Smith Creek. Below Waynesburg, it is sup-
plemented from the north by the waters of Ruffs Creek about
4;hree miles above Jefferson. But the great water course of the
54 iiiSTOUv OI- <;::i:i;Ni' countv.
county is the Monong.aliola river, Avhich rises in Randolph
county, West Virginia, at the foot of Laurel Hill Mountain ; it
flows in a northward direction for about three hundred miles,
including its numerous bends and curves, to Pittsburg, where
uniting Avith the Allegheny river, the two form the placid Ohio.
' It is from three to four hundred yards wide through the last
hundred miles of its course. The waters are exceedingly tur-
bid and muddy, notwithstanding the accession of the two little
mountain rivers of Youghiogheny and Cheat, which flow into
it from the eastern side, the waters of these streams being re-
markably clear. The Monongahela is made navigable at most
seasons as far as Greensboro by the construction of six or seven
dams, at the end of which a capacious lock allows the large
class of river steamers to pass through. It is said to derive its
name from its highly discolored waters to which the Indians
gave the name Monongahela or Muddy Water. Beyond the
boundary of our State some of its tributaries are Tigart Valley,.
West Fork, Decker's Creek, at Morgantown, Buffalo near Fair-
mount, Pricket's Creek, Morgan Creek, &c.
Geology. — In geology very little has been done in a sci-
entific way by wliich the reader can be enlightened. The rocks
however appear to belong to the upper series of bituminous coal
formation, consisting of alternate strata of sand stone shales, and
limestone with intermediate beds of coal of from two to six
feet in thickness. These alternate stratas extend nearly all
over the county, deeply buried in some of the central parts, but
cropping out on both the eastern and western sloj^es in the
vicinity of the larger streams, where an excellent article of
stone coa^. is found in connection with a hard blue limestone^
In some of the more elevated regions coal for fuel must be
transported a few miles, while a soft, yellow limestone is found
on the sumits of the very highest hills. These hill-tops are the
favorite sleeping places of the numerous flocks of fine sheep that
insTor.Y OF or.r.i.xK county. 55
are being rapidly bred and kept upon them, and the time is not
far distant when it can be truthfully said that the flocks are
roaming "on a thousand hills." ,
Timber. — A history of Greene county would be incomplete
without a description of the magnificent timber with which her
hil!s and valleys rrj adorned. Much of this original growth hrs
been wasted by ''the prodigal practice of girdling, or deadening,,
by which means some of the loftiest forests have been destroyed!
ui a few years; yet vast groves of it still remain, consisting of'
oak, poplar, hickory, ash, walnut, &c. A few years ago in'
making rails, we cut several oaks that made five rail cuts to the
tree. During the last summer while we were building a barn,
we had no difliculty in securing trees that would square eigli
or ten inches, fifty feet long. One of my neighbors cut several
logs sixty feet long ; he also cut one tree which made three
thousand five hundred shingles, each shingle tAventy-eight inches
long. We also cut one i)oplar tree the smooth trunk of which
measured sixty-nine feet in length. The timber in these groves
is so perfect that it can be riven into shingles that need almost
no shaving. Some twelve years ago a man in my woods split'
four hundred rails in a day, the timber being previously cut ! The
upper end of this county is very justly called the region of'
"White IIoiscs,"' from the fact that almost all the buildings are'
weatlierboarded with poplar, which, when painted, is much'
whiter than pine. j
ExECUTivK CouN'ciL. — 111 examining the Acts of this body I'
find a few scraps of Greene county history. One is dated Phil-
adelphia, August 7th, 1788, as follows: "Two certificates frorai
the County of General Quarter Sessions of the peace for the
county of Washingfon, that a division of the districts of the
townships of Cumberland and ^Morgan in said county, has been-
made agreeable to Act of Assembly, dated the 31st of March,'
1784, for tlie election of Justice of tlie Peace has been proper;
and will be useful, which were received and read on the 6th of
May, were this day taken into consideration and the decision as
made by the same Courtjconfirmed." Also that Thomas Ryerson
Avas appointed and commissioned Justice of the Peace of Rich-
iliill township, at Philadelphia, on the 8th of April, 1789." Also
I that "John Minor, Esq., was appointed and commissioned a
Justice of the Peace, and of the Court of Common Pleas in and
for the county of Washington upon a return made according to
law from the district of the township of Greene," (now in
Greene county). This was done at Philadelphia Nov. 30, 1789-
Also a lectcr was received at Philadelphia from Thomas Rier-
son, Esq., on the Sth of March, 1790, relative to the defence of
the "N^'cstcrn portion against the invasion of the Indians.
The constitution of 1790, going into effect at this time, the
body called the Supreme Executive Council was abolished.
Although its minutes fill twenty-eight octavo volumns, yet as
our county had no separate existence then, it is only occasion-
illy that I find a scrap that I am able to localize as having ref
Brence to any part of this territory.
Soon after the middle of the Eighteenth Century the region
of country lying west of tlie Allegheny Mountains became the
Eldorado of emigration. The Inirdy bucksin-clad explorer had
■ crossed that lofty barrier, had paddled his hand-made raft
■across the turbid waters of the Monongahela and held on
fhis western way' until he had stood on the margin of "The
(Beautiful River," Ohio. Then he had turned his face eastward
and had described, in terms of exaggerated wonder, the country
iiisTf)i:v or (;ui:i,v;.: coi"N"ty. 57
he had seen, its fertile liills, its quiet valleys, its pearly streams,
its magnificent forests of oak, pojjlar, sugar and hickory, until
the (Icni/.eii who had years before })Urchased his few acres on
the banks of the Brandywine around Havre De Grace, along
the Susquehanna, or on the sites where now the cities of York,
Cohunbia and Lancaster stand, when a feeling of uneasiness
takes the place of contentment, and a desire to migrate to
•'enter in and possess the land" becomes wide-spred. But the
.■^lory does not stop here ; it is carried by the '-white- winged
liicssongers" that had begun with considerable regularity to
pldw the mighty Atlantic, until the tale of "Homes for the
I Iiiii-.elct^s,"'' "Lai:d for the Landless" is again repeated in a still
more exaggerated form around the turf-fires of the medium
'■lasses of Scotch Irish in Leister, Antrim and Derry, until the
bosom of the Old World heaves with a sigh of anxiety. But
in order to make "assurance doubly sure," they call in the mes-
senger who has brought these glad tidings, and ask him the
all-i:ni)ortant question, how are we to get to these delightful
lands ? Does no one else have a claim upon them ? The face
o: the hitherto exhultant messenger becomes elongated; his
l);ow becomes thoughtful, as he somewhat unwillingly admits
that f roiu "Wills Creek" (Cumberland) to the "Western Wilds,"
thei'c is no road, no l)ridges, no houses of entertainment, no
food cxcc})t what game may be found in the woods. Then
c;mies the blood-curdling question from the excited Avife, ''But
Inogh about the Injuns of whom we have hearntellsoo much?"
'J'i) tliis (piestioii the messenger replies that tlie red man is still
1 ird of the soil ; but his tomahawk is l>uried in an unknown
place, his pipe of peace is in his hand, and he is ready on all
occasions to smoke it with his pale-faced brother. As to his
l:iii(l. he sets no price on it and is ever ivady to barter it away
for a few strings of beads, a few yards of brilliant goods, pow-
der, lead, hatchets, etc. He is then ready to exchange "speech
belts," and live on terms of friendship and amity with all who
may wish to become his neighbors. The fears of the intending
emigrants are quieted by these representations, and the ques-
tion is again repeated with reference to roads. On this subject
the messenger can give no new light, and so the conversation
ceases, and the emigrants remain where they are. But as tho
Land of Canaan was prepared for the Hebrews, so this land
must be prepared for the Scotch Irish. How is this to be done?
Precisely in God's plan of making "the wrath of man to praise
Him" and restraining the remainder thereof. Hence although
the Royal Charters of Virginia and Pennsylvania had both
been granted by English Kings, their right to sell this domain
was by no means admitted by the rest of mankind. France
claimed the country on the waters of the Ohio by right of pri-
ority of discovery by La Salle in 1669. Immediately previous
to the date at which our history begins, the French determined
to expel all the English traders and erect a line of forts con-
necting their dominions in Canada on the north with their do-
minions in Louisiana in the South. To effect this purpose in
1749, Captain Celeron de Bienville, with a detachment o5 two
hundred soldiers, was sent down the Allegheny and Ohio rivers
to take military possession of these streams and their tributa-
ries and tJl the lands that were drained thereby. In order to
do this in a tangible way they halted at all prominent places
and deposited plates of lead with suitable incriptions thereon.
The one at the point between the Allegheny and IMonongahela
is dated at the Three Rivers, August 3d, 1749. This laid the
foundation of the long and bloody French and English war in
which France placed the tomahav/k and scalping knife in the
hands of the Indian to be used in exterminating the traders and
colonists of Great Britain. The French had the advantages of
transportation on their side by descending the Allegheny river,
while the English were compelled to cut at first a path and then
a wagon road for the transportation of ordinance and supplies
to the seat of war. This path was traveled by Washington,'
guided by Christopher Gist, in the month of November, 1753,'
on their way to Fort Le Boeuf. When the war had progressed'
for some time the chivalrous Gen. Braddock was sent out to
exterminate the French. This man had no notion of doing^
things by halves ; hence one of his first attentions was given,
to the straightening and widening of this path into a road,'
which has ever since borne his name. This road was (soon
after the expulsion of the French from Fort Duquesne by Gen.
Forbes) lined with wagons and pack horses conveying emigrants
to what afterwards became the counties of Fayette, Washing-
ton and Greene. Yet it could not be considered the thorough-
fare of the two latter counties, for the main trunk of this road
diverged from the route afterwards occupied by the Old Na-
tional Uoad near the top of Laurel Hill, and bore more north-
wardly, passing the new improvement of Christopher Gist on
the sight of Mount Braddock ; thence by way of the "Wash-
ington Bottoms" now Perryopolis; thence directly to the mouth
of Turtle Creek, where it ceased in consequence of Braddock's
defeat. There was, however, a branch road leading from Gist's
Plantation to "Redstone Old Fort" (Brownsville.) This was
the road along which the early settlers of this region came.
Arriving at the ]Monoiigahela river andlindiug their road at an
end, they distributed themselves up and down the river, until
the prime lands on the eastern side were taken up.
Thus far the student of Pennsylvania history has halted on
the banks of this western "Jordan," and has only viewed the
land of promise from the opposite shore. We are now about
to cross. over into this Mesopotamian region, and look into the
beginning of things over there. But let us advance slowly,
for the red man still lurks in those valleys and builds his camp
fires on those hills, and lie i)Ossibly may denumd our liair as the
penalty of squatting on liis land. Before we make our domicil
on the west side of this nniddy river, we had better ask the
question, "Wliose dominion will we be under ?" for this is an
unsettled question. William Penn has a charter for a tract of
land five degrees of longitude west from the Delaware river,
but this distance has not been measured yet; it has not yet
l.)een determined how long a degree of longitude actually is in
this degree of latitude ; for, although all parties are agreed as
to the length of a degree on the Equator, we are now 40 de-
grees north of the Eqitator, and the degi'ees shorten as the
lines of longitude approach the Poles. All these questions are
unsettled. Virginia as the Old Dominion, claims all lands not
granted to some other colony. On the strength of this claim
Virginia erected all the territory that was in dispute into three
counties, viz : Ohio, Monongalia and Youghioglieny. The Court
house of Monongalia county stood on lands of Theopolis Phil-
lips, near New Geneva, immediately over against the tei'ritory
that afterwards became Greene county. Lord Dunmore, the Gov-
ernor of Virginia, maintained that Penn's five degrees would,
run out by the time tlie sumit of the Alleghenies was reached,
Avhile even some of the sanguine friends of Pennsylvania
Tule thought that tlieir western boundary would not go beyond
the Monongahela. Dr. John Connolly, the tool of Lord Dun-
more, finding the civil arm they pretended to wield too weak
to answer their purposes, finally in January, 1774, usurped all
power, civil, military and mixed, over this entire region. These
and other reasons which existed from 1749 to 1774, will in
part account for the tardiness of settlements on the west side
of the Monongahela. And yet through all these perplexing
complications the settlers came. Tlie first permanent commu-
nity seems to have been on Muddy Creek, spreading out to-
ward Tenmile on the nortli and Whitcley on the south! The
beo"inning of this settlement seems to have been in 1769,
and seems to have consisted of persons Avho were favorable to
Pennsylvania rule. As the question of Dominion had at least
been partially settled by the extension of Mason & DixonV
line in 1767, as far as the second crossing of Dunkard creek,
near where the town of JNIt. Morris now stands, where they
wore forbidden to proceed by the Indian Chiefs, who seem to
have thono-ht that as tliis ]):irt of the country was a "bone of
contention" among the wliites, they (the Indians) the lords of
the soil, might be ]:)ermitted to gnaw it a little also. While we
lind Virginia spreading her mantle of goverimient over this dis-
trict under different names, first as West Augusta and then as
Monongalia county, Pennsylvania was by no means indifferent
to her interests in this direction. Hence, she claimed junsdie-
1 ion over this sama region as part of Bedford county. These
•ounty officers in 1773 made the first assessment of the taxable
nhabitants as part of Springhill townsliip, the major i:)art of
which lay on the east side of the river, in Avhat is now Fay-
ette county, where it still retains the same name. According
lo tliis assessment the po})ulation of this settlement of 31uddy
Creek at this date was not less than five liundred. Tliese set-
tlers like those of Fayette county, had mostly come from along
the Potomac, some from Virginia, some from ^Maryland, some
(V(im the Kittatinny valley and some from Ireland.
The oldest Presbyterian Churcli in Gi-eene county is on the
waters of Muddy Creek. At the Jiouse of John Armstrong, in
the bounds of this settlement, Kev. John McMillan preached his
second sermon west of the mountains, in August, 177.'), having
preached his first sermon in the west at old Mount Moriah
Church in Fayette county on the previous day. The first appli-
cation that was made for supplies to the old Presbytery of Ked-
stone (after its erection in 1781) was fi-oni Muddy Creek and
the South Fork of Ten Mile (Jefferson). There were also Bap-
tist Churches on AVhiteley, Muddy Creek and Ten Mile organ-
ized at about this rlato. I expect to 2:lvp :i sketch of the history
of each of them as I ]irocecfl. But inasmuch as I have some
personal knowledge of the Muddy Creek Church which extends
back nearly fifty years, I may be permitted to refer to it here.
This church has long been called Xew Providence, and is lo-
latcd principally on the south side of the town of Carmichaels,
tlie house of Avorship being about two miles from the village.
Fifty years ago Uev. George Vaneman was jjastor of this
church. He was a short, stout man, nervous and quick in his
movements, and somewhat remarkable for his sallies of quick
wit, as the following Avill illustrate: About the year 1830 the
Presbytery of Redstone convened at Georges Creek Church.
,\.n ordination Avas to take place, and Rev. Vaneman was ap-
I)ointcd to preach the sermon. He retired from the house to
make his preparation. The day was Avarm and sunny, caus-
ing him to seek the shade on the north Avcstern side of the
house along the graA'e yard Avail, Avhere he began to pace back
and forth the entire length of the shade. While thus engaged
in thoughtful meditation, one of his brethren came out of the
house to indulge in chcAving a quid of tobacco. At the corner
of the house he encountered Re\'. Vaneman, who during his
meditations had lighted his pipe. The intruder immediately
assailed hnn Avith the accusation, "Ah ! you are at your Idol !"
To AAdiich Mr. Vaneman instantly and mournfully replied, "Yes,
but I am burning mine Avhile you are rolling yours like a sweet
morsel under your tongue." For many long years — I do not
knoAV how many, but think it must be fully forty — Rev. John
McClintock has been pastor of the same old Church. A man
as orthodoxy as John Calvin himself ; exceedingly fraternal ; a
most exemplary pastor, Avho is almost alone in this fast age
from the fact that he has the good fortune of wearing well.
He never indulges in any kind of levity. I have heard it posi-
tively asserted that he never did laugh in his life. This I,
iiiSTor.v 01" or.Ki.NK cuntv. 63]
could scarcely believe : but the assertion was positively macle
and maintained at a wedding where I officiated in the town of
Joll'erson, 20 years ago, on tlic part of the bride, who gave the
following story to prove her assertion : "We were regular
hearers of Mr. McClintock at Jefferson. One hot day my father
}iad gone to church while I stayed at home to prepare dinner.
J'^ither brought Mr. McClintock home with him. When they
arrived I had tlic table set on the back porch. I was about
to remove it and place it in the dining room, when Mr. Mc-
Clintock interfered and insisted tliat we should leave the table
where it was. Just after we had seated ourselves and the
blessing was asked, footsteps were heard approaching around
the upper end of the house, and immediately the crazy man,
McXurlin, made his appearance, looking tired, dirty and hun-
gry. Father at once directed me to get him a plate, etc.,
which I (lid, the crazy man all the while maintaining a pro-
found silence. When all but him were done, the preacher re-
turned thanks. As soon as the voice of prayer was heard
McXurlin reverently bowed his head and remained quiet until
it was over. The family then withdrew from the table, but
remained seated on the porch, Mr. McClintock leading the
conversation while I served the crazy man who had taken an-
other cup of tea, and still continued to eat. Finally he was
done, when he at once duly crossed his knife and fork on his
plate, which he pushed back a few inches, laid his hands rev-
erently on tlie table, and said ; "Xow Lord I thank thee for
what I have eaten over and above since the preacher thanked
thee, amen !" Tlie rest of us withdrew from the porch in order
to take a hearty laugh, but Mr. McClintock remained quiet,
liis countenance bearing a more sober look." I gave the argu-
ment iq), and have ever since regarded llev McClintock as one
of the most remarkable men of our age. In the bounds oi
this congregation sixty years ago lived David Veech, the father
64- lUhTOKv OK <;i:i:kni', iOUNTT.
of the Hon. James Vcccli. Of this old gcntlemnn's antece-
dents I know nothing, but lie himself" was remarkable for
his steady and quiet, oven-going industry. I heard my old
aunt who raised )ne tell this as illustrative of his "dilligcnce in
business" as well as his "fervency of spirit," and urbane hospi-
tality. The date Avas upwards of sixty years ago. It was
seeding time in the autumn ; tlie dav of the week was Saturday :
the next day Avas communion. M^^ aunt and her sister had
ridden across from old Dunlap's Creek ; preaching was at 2
o'clock. When tlie service was over no one was more diligent
ii anting up the strangers than Mr. Veech. He was about the
'ist man to leave the place, for fear some stranger would not
1k' supplied with lodging. My Aunt and her sister were two
of the niany guests that were taken to Mr. Veech's own house.
Alter the horses of the strangers were all fed they were turned
out in the big meadow in the best pasture on the farm. Su]i-
])er was now ready, and w^hen all w^ere fed, and there remained
nothing more that he could do for the comfort of his guests,
Mr Veech quietly withdrew to his barn, slipped the harness on
his horses, and in the twilight hooked them up to his plow and
peacefully laid over his furrows side by side, round and round
the field until nine o'clock at night, while his female guests sat
on his spacious porch and watched the operation by the light of
the full moon. He did not claim two or three hours sleep on
Sabbath morning to compensate him for this extra labor, but
was the first to rise and assist his family and numerous guests
in preparing for the sanctuary. I had one little business trans-
action with this old gentleman about the year 18.51, after his
removal to Uniontown. I was building a new house and was
in need of some clear pine lumbei', and as habit had become
second nature with Mr. Veech he must have something to do,
and consequently he kept a small board yard of pine lumber I
was advised to go to him as he would '-do better for me than
iiiSTOKV OK <;ri;i;xk county.
any one else ;" yet wlien I asked liim his prices they were so
high that I ahiiost dedined purchasing of him. But as the
team was there I concUuled to risk it, and found that "he did
do better for nic than any one else ;" every board with the least
fracture or knot was laid aside, so that T shoidd have exactly
wliat I contracted for, "clear stuff." This little transaction
gave me a high opinion of the old gentleman's conscientious in-
tegrity. To his son. Judge A'eeeh, I am greatly indebted for
many of the facts and dates of this history. I have drawn on
liim freely for everything but phascology. The first time I ever
saw him was about 1837. He and his sister Rebecca, (who
afterwards became the wife of Rev. Joel Stoneroad) were, on a,
.•isit to Fayette county. I knew more about the son than I
rlid about the father, and yet I have written much more about
Lhe latter than T intend to do about the former, from the fact
that it would seem like a piece of unpardonable egotisiii for mc
to attempt, with as feeble a pen as mine, to describe the pro-
found scholar, the successful lawyer, the exalted judge, and the
accurate historian, which all found their e.ml)odiinent in the })er-
son of James Veech. The last person that T shall at present
mention as living within the bounds of this settlement fifty
years ago, is James Barns, a millwright liy trade, and one of
the few men justly entitled to the name of nu'chanic. The first
time I ever saw him was in 1831, while he was engaged in
building an oil mill for Andrew Olihpai^.t, Esq., in Fayette Co,
As an oil mill was something new in this section of the country
at that date, Mr. Barnes received a great deal of grntuitous ad-
vice from would-be machinists, who thoi;ght they "knowed it
all." To all this unasked advice he resjiectfuUy listened, then
took his own way, and when the mill was done it was f(v.nid to
be a model of perfection. We may inadvertantly allow our-
selves to think that in a dense, heavy timbered wilderness, sucli
as this was one hundred and fifty years ago, all the roads
Misioiiv oi <;in:i;N:. <
were started by guess, and all llie lauds taken up at random.
Kothing is farther from the truth than sucli a couclnsion. As
an illustration, the old pack horse path from Wills creek (Cum-
berland) across the mountains, that was located without either
CO .nijass or quadrant, was ascertained to be the very best grade
iliat coidd ]iossibly be found. So with many of our Virginia
roads. This was also the case in tlie taking up of land. It
i'ivas not done at rendom ; but on the contrary "our fathers"
'seemed to have had a map of the whole country, as it would
be in one hundred years, spread out before the eye of their
inind before they made their selection. Such was pre-eminently
the case in the settlement of the eastern part of Greene county.
I am quite extensively acquainted in Western Pennsylvania,
"iiud I know of no body of land of equal extent that is so mag-
'niucieritly situated as the region fronting on the Monongahela
river, Ibetween Whiteley creek on the south and Tcnmile on
the north, including the entire region of Muddy Creek, the
Valley of IJuffs Creek and extending up the south fork of Ten-
mile beyond Waynesburg. Much of the land is almost level,
just rolling enough to drain it completely. Its serpentine
creeks, runs and rivulets are in many places adorned with
fringes of evergreens, such as pine, hemlock, cedar and laurel,
i)oneath whose perpetual foliage, steep bluffs, huge chasms and
Vugged rocks all assist in lending "enchantment to the view."
Some of these groves and caves in the vicinity of Jefferson de-
■serve particular description. About one mile west of the town
^he south fork makes almost a complete circle, reaching ait its
furthest eastern extremity, almost to the brick house built by
old Mr. Luse, and occupied twenty years ago by my friend M.
W. Denny, Esq. The creek then returns westward until it is
within some six or eight rods of the place where it began the
curve. Down the center of this dividing ridge the great "drove
road" from west to east divides the splendid little valley into ,
HisTor^Y or (;rj:i:xE cointy. 67
about equal pavt?. and then passes over a noble ridge near the
Denny mansion. I have often wondered that some capitalist
did not utilize this vrater by throwing a dam across at the upper
end of the curve, tunneling through the narrow hill and erect-
ing mills of some kind below. One pine grove demands a no-
tice in the history of the "State of Greene." It is on the north
of the town of Jefferson, overlooking the creek just above the
mill dam that belonged to William Davis twenty years ago.
This grove one hundred years ago was very extensive, covering
the entire "plateau" of level land where the village has long
stood. But it has been curtailed until it does not exceed three
or four acres, part of which was enclosed in the fair grounds*
a score of years since, and is now the site of Monongahela Col-
In the year 1831 a new denomination called the Cumberland
Presbyterians, in the State of Tennessee and Kentucky, sent out
John Morgan, Alfred Bryan, Reuben Burrow, Robert Donnel.
Leroy Woods, Milton Bird and Alexander Chapman, as minis-
ters to Westsrn Pennsylvania in the interest of the new church.
Tfiese men came to Washington county, into what is some-
times called the "Jersey Settlement," on the North Fork of
Tenmile, near where the town of Prosperity now stands.
They came out at the invitation of Luther Day, Odle Squier,
William Stockdale and Isaac Connet. These men were very
genteel in their appearance, exceedinly fluent in speech, entirely
Presbyterian in their forms, and above all they sustained the
scmi-sacred character of missionaries preaching the Gospel with-
otit money and without price, for the only seeming purpose of
having sinners converted. They made no effort to organize rival
churches, but labored day and night for the seeming purpose of-
having the old Presbyterian Church gloriously revived. If all
parties had been wise as serpents and harmless as doves,
no doubt great and ]»ernianont good would have been accom-
iiisrouv oi' r.uKKNi-; county.
plislied. But human nature often involves the actors in trouble.
Instead of taking the advice of Ganialie they fii-st became "too
good" to last, and then became hostile rivals. I never could
?ec any good reason for envious rivalry between these denomi-
;:iaLions. Be this as it may, such was the case in Washington
county. This and other reasons induced these missionaries to
come to Greene county, where they held a meeting in the
|)ine grove before mentioned, Avhich was attended with
great success, and where the enemy of souls was very anxiour,
to do evil. While some one was preaching at the stand on
Sabbath day, the sharp eye of the Rev. John Morgan discov-
ered that prei)aration was being made some thirty rods from
'the stand for a horse race. lie inmiediately descended from the
stand, slid noislessly through the crowd until he was in the
midst of the sportsmen, when he opened his Bible and read the
text, ''Why stand ye here all the day idle," from which he
preached a powerful sermon, standing on a pine stump, and
that Avas the end of the horse race. A Cumberland Church was
the result of these meetings, to which I ministered twenty years
ago, and for all the membership Avho composed the Church at
that date, and all who survive, I have nothing else but feelings
of the highest respect — many of their names I recall, some of
them I mention, viz: Hon. ThosP. Pollock and family av ho re-
sided at the mill ; also the two sons who resided in town ; Wm.
Davis and family, Richard Hawkins and family, John Prior
and family, John Lindsey and family, Francis Moudy, Avhoso
Avife Avas a Baptist, but none the less hospitable on that account,
M. W. Denny, etc. W. T. II. Pauley OAvned a farm in that
neighborhood then, and Avould occasionally call in and see
us, especially when I preached at the school house near his
country residence. He often took me home Avith him, Avhere
he, on one occasion, offered to help me to a piece of the "Rocky
Mountain Shad." On .another occasion in my sermon I had
HISTORY OF <;ki:kxk county. 69
maint.aincfl that those Avho laid claim to the liighest perfection
ill the present life often came much farther short of it thart
tliose who tlid not make such liigli sounding pretentions. As
nil ilhistiation I referred to a Western Resei-ve Yankee,
wlio asserted that he was as perfect as Adam was in the Gar-
ilcn of Eden hefore he fell ; yet I had seen this man go out on
S:il)l):it!i morning to limit his cow that had strayed off on
Thursday previous. After we were seated in Mr. Pauley's par-
lor, he said with a serious air, there was one thing he would
like to know — "whether that man ever found his cow." But I
give it u\K Avho could describe the editor of the Messenger ?
15ut I will for the present leave this smooth, level region, prom-
ising to i-eturn again and extend my history of this section so
soon as I am fully informed on some subjects that I now only
liave a 'partial knowledge of; and as I leave them for the pre-
sent T shull go to a region very justly called Richhill, for al-
thougli the part I have been describing is almost destitute of
hills, tiie county at large has certainly no reason to complain;
and as one portion has been so nearly exhonerated, it seemed
l)ut rcasoiiub'.o tliat the other part should have a double portion ;
and for fear the inhabitants of this section should be dis-
posed to complain, as they vainly tried to farm both sides of
some of their liilly acres, an indulgent Creator determined if
tlu'v 'lid have hills they should have a deep fertile soil: hence
tlie "fathers" in their wisdom put both these facts together in
the name they gave this township. But inasmuch as our data
lor history does not extend back into the last century, but is
wiiolly coiiiined to this, I deem it proper at this place briefly to
notice the erection of the county itself. In the year 1781, the
Suinvme Executive Council and Legislature of Pennsylvania
erected -All that i)art of the State of Pennsylvania west of the
Monongahela river, and south of the Ohio, beginning at the
junction of said rivers, tlience up the ]Monongahela river afore-
said, to the line run by Mason & Dixon, thence by the said linei
due west to the end thereof; and from thence the same course
to the end of the five degrees of west longitude, to be computedi
from the river Delaware ; thence by a meridian line extending
north until the same shall intersect the Ohio river, and thence
by the same to the place of beginning, to be called henceforth \
the county of Washington." All will see at a glance that this '
boundary included the whole of Greene county. The town-
ships of Morgan, Cumberland, Franklin, Greene and Richhill,
in their original undivided forms, were townships in AYasliing-
ton county, and so existed until the 9th of February 1796, when
l)y act of the Legislature Washington county was divided, the
soutlieastern portion of it being erected in a new county to be
called Greene. The boundary line is described in these words:
'•Beginning at the mouth of Tenmile on the Monongahela river;
Ihence up Tenmile to the junction of the north and south forks
<:>f said creek ; thence up the north fork to Col. William Wal-
lace's Mill; thence up in a southwestern direction to the nearest
pai't of the dividing ridge between the north and south forks
of Tenmile creek ; thence along the top of said ridge to the
ridge which divides Tenmile from Wheeling creek ; thence by
a straight line to the head of Enlow's branch of Wheeling ;
thence down said branch to the western boundary of the State;
thence by State line south to the end of Mason & Dixon's line :
thence along said line east to the Monongahela river, and thence
down said river to the place of beginning." On the 22d of
January, 1802, by authority of the Legislature of Pennsylvania,
the following alteration took place in the line between Greene -
and Washington counties : Beginning at the present line on
the ridge that divides the waters of Tenmile fi*om Wheeling,
near Jacob Babbit's ; thence by a straight line to the head wa-
ters of Hunter's fork of Wheeling creek, and thence down the
\ same to the mouth thereof, where it' meets the present county
iiiSTor:v 0[- <;::i;i;Nr. countv. 71
line. It will thus ho seen tli.at Richliill wns one of the original
townsliips of Washington county, an;l was entirely witliout di-
vision or subtraction (except this little piece) set over into
Greene. Of its early inhabitants I liave but little information.
It seems to have been hampered and injured by three large land
grants, known as the "Lieper Lands,"' "Cook Lands," and "Ry-
erson Lands," all of which I propose to more particularly de-
scribe in an appendix to this work. As it Avas uncertain where
the boundaries were, or in whom the title was vested at differ-
ent dates, it led in many instances to the |)artial settlement of
land without a title, and as the occupant felt that he was only
a "squatter," as a matter of course he made as little improve-
ment as possible, skimmed the surface of the soil for the scanty
pittance it afforded, sowed no grass for enriching the land, cut
no hay for the wintering of his stock, depending on the little
straw from which he expected to pound his wheat with a flail,
whenever dire necessity compelled him to do so. The few
shocks of tops that he cut off his corn stocks, and the husks
that were thrown into the rail pen at the "husking," made up
the balance of his winter feed, which Avas usually all exhausted
by the first of March. His only dependence from that time
till grass came, Avas "brows," which Avas procured by cutting
doAvn the small maples and hickories, the buds and young
leaves of Avhich Avere a substitute for a better feed. A consid-
erable portion of the toAvnship Avas thus deprived of that health-
giving emulation that is ])roduced only by OAvncrship. Habits
of idleness Avas the result of this state of things up to the be-
ginning of the jiresent century. Soon after that date a differ-
ent kind of ])eople began to arrive, Avho were not Avilling to
"squat," on any man's land, but either took out their jjatent
•from the Land Office at once, or purchased their land from some
one who had previously done so. Among this number was
Francis Braddock, who settled on land still owned bv his de-
niSTo::v of (;i:kkni.: colnty.
scendents, in 1805. This man was of Scotch descent on his
mother's side, and of English descent on his father's side, (a ;
distant relative of the unfortunate English General who
figured so prominently in the campaigns of 1754-5.) He was
undoubtedly a good judge of land, having selected some of the
finest in the township. lie was a zealous, earnest, uncompro-
mising Presbyterian, and seems to have been the means of
gathering kindred spirits of the same faith and order around
liim. In the year 1809, two brothers, Moses and Thomas Dins-
more, who were of Scotch Irish descent, became settlers in this
township, on lands still held by their descendants. They also
were Presbyterians. One peculiarity of both these original
families was the number of their sons that became ministers
in the Presbyterian Church. Three of the sons of Francis
Braddock, Sr., viz : Francis, Jr., Cyrus G. and Joseph, were
inducted into the ministry. While David and James H. still hold
the original lands, they are both elders in the Presbyterian
Church of Unity. Of the sons of Moses Dinsmore six studied
for the ministry, and have gone to different parts of the land,
principally in the West, while the two sons of Thomas Dins-
more, Robert and John G., still own the original land. The
latter of these Avas recently the High Sheriff of Greene county.
John Conkey came as a poor boy from Virginia, early in the
present century ; he worked for a long time as a hired hand on
Ruff's creek, then near Amity, W^t^shington county, carefully
husbanding all his wages, until he was in possession of a suffi-
ciency to purchase a good farm pleasantly situated on the south
fork of Tenmile, adjoining lands of the Braddock settlers. From
this beginning he eventually came into possession of some of
ihe best farms in the neighborhood. He still lives, and is up-
wards of ninety years of age. He is a quiet, conscientious man,
»a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Immedi-
ately below Mr. Conkey, lived, until a few ^^ears ago, anoth-
iiisToi'.Y or f;iu:i:xi-: countv. 73
2:- old settlor, David Enoch. The organ of acquisitiveness
was veiy fully dovcloi)e(l in this old man. The situation was
favorable for making money, being right on the great Drove
Uoad from west to east. Fifty years ago, during the summer
mouths, this road was croAvded with light beef and stock cattle.
In the fall and early winter it was tedious traveling Avestward
on this road from the fact that you were continually meeting
droves of fat hogs. In March and April the large fat cattle
from Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, began to arrive. They left
the road in a fearful condition ; treading in each others stejis
lliey would form ridges across the road making travel in a car-
liago almost an impossibility. These drovers left a large
amount of money with Mr. Enoch, which he husbanded with
great care, putting it out on interest always in safe places, and
allhough he could not write his name, he never made a mistake
in the calculation of interest. Even when partial payments
were made his calculation was said to be right. Immedi-
ately below on the same road lived until a few years ago. Dr.
Wm. I>. I*orter, who made a fortune in the practice of medicine,
farming and keeping stock. I was acquainted with his ances-
tors in Fayette county, high-toned honoi'able, pious people, al-
ways ready for every good word and work. The Dr.'s wife
was a daughter of Dr. Ilcnry Blachfey, of Washington county,
who always seconded his efforts for the improvement of his
farm, the beautifying of his buildings, at the same time never
forgetting the wants of the poor and the necessities of the
church, of which she was a consistent member.
About one mile nortli of the State road lived for many years
Abraham C. Rickey, who even down to old age was a living
illustrationof the advantage of being '"diligent in business" as
well as "fervent in spirit." He began the world under unfavor-
ble circumstances, grubbed out the saplings where afterwards
his buildings stood, imjirove'! his rough acres until he was
74 nisr();.\ <ji <i;;i;i:N!; cf>i n rv.
one of the foremost grain raisers in tlie township. He early
gave attention to the improvement of stock, until instead of
j-aising small-bodied cattle with large horns, ho succeeded in
raising large bodies and small horns. In the last years of his
life he was a successful raiser of fine sheep. While thus care- '
ful about worldly things he esteemed "the prosperity of Zion
above his chief joy." He w'as always one of the burden-bear-
ers of the Church, and during the last two years of his life he
gMve two hundred dollars towards erecting a new church at
<jl raysville, and it seemed to afford him abundant satisfaction
on his death-bed to think that he could leave the little church,
■or which lie had prayed and labored so long, in possession of
a neat, comfortable house. In this township has long lived
jjortions of a family of Teagardens ; some of them still living
in and around Clarksville. They are so numerous that they
deserve special mention, and I will give such facts and figures
about them as I have gleaned from various som-ces as well as
from personal knowledge. Abraham Teagarden settled at
Red Stone Old Fort (Brownsville) in 1767, two years before
any portion of Greene county w'as settled. About two years
afterward, two of his sons, William and David, crossed over
into what afterwards became Greene county, and made Toma-
hawk imjjrovements, one along the river, including the landings
of both the ferries that have long been known as "Jerry David-
son's" and "David Davidson's." The other* son took up one
thousand acres of land on Tenmlle creek, between Millsboio
and Clarksville. This son, after making his pre-emption marks
around his land, returned to the "old Fort," where he was mar-
ried to a Miss Treble. After the honeymoon was over he be-
came very anxious to improve his land, and his young wife,
like a true help-meet, consented to accompany him, although
she was to be surrounded by savage beasts and more savage
men. Soon the logs for a cabin are cut, hauled to the place,.
and the few settlers that were found on the west side of the
river, are invited to the raising. Just as the first log is about
to be laid in its place, lo ! a freebooter of the woods put in an
appearance and claimed the land as his own, and forbade the
improvement going on imtil the question of title was settled by
a fist and skull fight. Teagarden was young and active, but
his antagonist was a man of war from his youth, yet he (Tea-
garden) quailed not. Having asked his friends to show nothing
but fair play, he "buckled in." After a long, bloody and doubt-
ful battle, victory perched upon Teagarden's baimer. The bul-
ly, a brave but unprincii)led man, acknowledged himself van-
quished. After he had washed himself and the wife of the man
whose rights had been called in question, had dressed his
wounds, he turned in and helped raise the cabin, fonnally re-
•iinquished all claim to the land, took up another tract lying
alongside of Teagarden's homestead, where both victor and
vanquished lived as good neighbors for many years. Some
lime after this event, William Teagarden sold his magnificient
land on the Monongahela, with a view of emigrating to Ken-
tucky, which was then known as the"dark and bloody ground.'^
He received his pay in Continental money, which soon depre-
ciated to that extent that it became utterly Avoilhless. The
man was financially nnned. But his spirit Avas unbroken.
Wending his way westward he again braved the forest, and
began another improvement in Richhill township, between
Ryerson's Station and Ackley's. Here he and two of his boys,
Abraham and Isaac, enlisted in Capt. Seals' company and did
valiant service under General Anthony Wayne in his vigorous
campaign against the western Indians. Abraham Teagarden
married a Miss McGuire and raised a family of ten children. I
have had some pei-sonal knowledge of different members of this
numerous family. Among the rest Avas Reuben Teagarden, of
Clarksville ; liis second wife Avas the widow Alexander of Fred-
erictown. Precisely what way he is connected with the origi-
nal stock I cannot tell. I also knew his son John, and other
members of his family whose names I have forgotten. I also
k new Hamilton Teagarden, now residing in Richhill. He is an
older of the Presbyterian Church of Unity, a blacksmith by
trade. His wife was a Burns, one of the numerous family of
that name in this township. He has also two sons, Warren
and Will, who are now regular M. D.'s, the one practising in
Burnsville, Washington county, the other in Haneytown, West
Virginia. William Teagarden, now an old man, resides on En-
low's branch of Wheeling creek, near the late residence of
.Toshua Ackley. Isaac Teagarden resides in Waynesburg, but
I have no acquaintance with him. But I must not forget the
metropolis of Richhill, Jacksonville, or "Jacktown," as it is
usually called. The Quaker said to the dog who was gnawing^
his hides, "I will not kill thee but I will give thee a bad name."
Eighteen hundred years ago the question was asked by a good
]iian, "Can any good come out of Nazereth?" Hence that great
dramatical writer Avas right when he said, "Yes; there is some-
thing in a name." The greatest being ever found in human
foi-m came out of Nazereth, notwithstanding its bad name. It
is true that Jacktown has not yet produced either a Solomon or
a Solon, but we should remember that we are to "judge nothing
before the time." Perhaps against this place is as old as the
l)laces that gave those great men birth, even Jacktown will
})roduce some man that will astonish the Avorld with his mighty
deeds. But I nmst not prophesy, for this has already been
ti-ied on this village and failed. Upwards of forty years ago,
as tradition has it, a drover passing through the town was as-
sailed by some bad boys, when lie lifted up his hands and in a
solemn manner said. "Yet forty days and Jacktown shall be
destroyed." Time has proven that he was a false prophet, and
as I am not inspired, as the poor fool who shot the President
ni8T()i;v oi
claims to have been, I will ventuic no jux'diction, lest my name
should add another to the long list of false prophets. But to
speak more seriously, Jacksonville is by no means entitled to
the bad name it has at a distance. It cannot be denied that
riots, routs and rowdies have taken ]>lace in these streets from
time to time. But who Avere the actors on these tunuiltuous
occasions? Kot the citizens of the place, but the roughs from
the surrounding country and neighboring towns who presumed
to misbehave just because they were in Jacktown. On the
contrary there is a great deal of sobriety and virtue and even
piety in this ])lace, notwithstanding its bad name. The Meth-
odists have a flourishing Church here, the Cumberland Pres-
byterians have a numerous society and a church building,
while the Disciples have regular ministrations in the Odd Fel-
lows Hall. This Order of I. O. of O. F. is also progressive
and happy. There are also two large stores. A. J. Goodwin
has a large stock of almost everything usually kept in country
stores. William Drake has a sjdendid building in which will
be found at all times a large stock of seasonable, fashionable
and serviceable goods. A. J. Goodwin is also principal partner
in a carriage factory which has already turned out, and has
vui hand a multitude of carriages of as tine finish and durable,
material as can be found within the bounds of my knowledge.
But time would fail me to tell of carpenters, masons, shoemak-
ers, blacksmiths, wagonmakers and butchers, the last named
selling a better article of beef for less money than can be )»ur-
chased else\\ here. A splendid fair grouiul, on the south side of
the town, has at least its annual attraction, where better order,
finer stock and far less picking of pockets can be met with than
in places that boast of their refinement and morality. The
name of the Postoftice here is "Windridge," which seems to
liave been given to it in consequence of its elevated position,
and the long northwestern slope, which sends old Boreas
78 iiiSTOKY OF gri:i:nic county.
across here with ( oiisiclerable fury. Graysville is another vil-
lage of Richhill township, but it cannot boast as great antiquity |
as the town I have just been describing. The name of thei
postofRce here is "Harveys," and for many yeai"s, indeed until'
quite recently, the locality was known far and near as the
"Brie-k," from the fact that a large brick hotel has long been
kept, and although different proprietors have entertained
the traveling public, the reputation of this house has usually
been good. Mr. Loar, its present occupant, has a reputation
for uprightness and integrity, fully equal to his predecessors.
The reason why the village is called by its present name is that
about the commencement of the present century quite an ex-
tensive family by the name of Gray settled on this site,
owning all the lands around for a considerable distance. At
the house of David Gray, on the 27th of August, 1814, a com-
mittee, consisting of Rev. John Anderson and Rev. Joseph
Stephenson, met the few Presbyterians of this neighborhood,
and the Church of Unity was organized by electing David
Gray, Jacob Rickey, Francis Braddock and Moses Dinsmore,
Elders. This was on the farm owned and occupied by the late
Mrs. McClelland, a little below the present village. Although
the Church was organized on this spot, the place selected for a
church edifice was more than a mile above on the lands of
Francis Braddock, Sr., where the people worshipped in a log
school house until 1840, when they erected a frame church on
the lot where the graveyai-d still is. In 1879 this building
was consumed by fire. The congregation almost immediately
began the erection of a new church in the village of Graysville,
which was dedicated on the 20th of June, 1880. A large and
flourishing Sabbath School composed of the children of the
village, seems to promise success for the future. Quite a num-
ber of small, neat frame houses have been put up here within
the past year or two, adding considerable to the number of the
ttlSTOl:V ni <^f;(;l:M-: cch;\tt. 7^
population. Maj. Jas. W. Ilays was for a long time the only
merchant of the place. lie still keeps on haiul as good a stock,
and as varied in its kind, as can be found in any country vil-
lage ; this added to the fact that the old gentleman and his son
nj-e unsurpassed anywhere as kind, obliging, honest salesmen,
gecures to this firm a large trade. Mr. ITiggins & Sons have
recently opened a store in this place, embracing quite a variety.
Ijut it is too soon to say how they will succeed ; as far as I am
individually concerned his manner and prices have been ex-
tremely accommodating. Robert Johnson is engaged in run-
ning a large flouring mill and saw mill driven by steam. His
iMiildings are commodious and durable; his engine is unsur-
passed ; his skill as a miller and a sawyer cannot be called in
question, and his customers are as numerous as desirable. The
only drawback is the great distance which he is compelled to
wagon his coal. But he and his neighbors all hope the time is
Jiot far distant when their quiet valley will be disturbed by the
neighing of the iron horse, and then their coal will be trans-
, ported on rails of iron instead of on roads of mud. Why not''^
Living right in the valley of the South Fork of Teumile Creek,
• not a single tunnel would be needed between here (Harveys)
-and the Monongahela river. One and a half miles from here
: the dividing ridge is reached, where a cut of forty feet deep
will allow the cars to pass over to Wheeling Creek in a direct
route for the metropolis of West Virginia. But we must bide
• our time, and for fear our readers will think we are tarrying
too long in Richhill, we will give a few biographical sketches,
and take our departure, promising to return and tell them a
great deal more as we get further along in our history.
John Loar emigrat-^d from Maryland to Whiteley township,
Greene county, in 1 820. From thonce he removed to Richhill
in 18o0. He and his wife were thn parents of fourteen child-
ren, eleven of whom are still living — six sons and five dauo-h-
tors. Five of these persons are still in Greene county, viz :
.T:i(;ob Loar, Esq., Rev. Geoi'ge Loar, Sarah Morris, Martha i
Loar, (wife of Rev. Jacob G. Loar, a cousin,) and Hester Jane
' Jacobs. The remainder of this extensive family are scattei*ed
in different parts of the great West. Of the i:)ortion still in
Greene county, Jacob has eight children living; George has
eight; Sarah has four, and Martha seven. The ancestors of
tliose still here belonged to that hardy race that were capable
of living so long and enduring so much. The old lady died on
the 20th of December, 1881. She was a devout Methodist, of
whom it was almost impossible to truly say a harmful word.
She had reached the good old age of eighty-six years. Previ-
•.)us to their immigration to this county the old man passed
through one of those dangerous adventures that were some-
what frequent three-fourths of a century ago, as follows : One
night while enjoying that sound, refreshing sleep that only
comes to the relief of the weary, he was awakened by the loud
squealing of one of his hogs. Suspecting that some wild beast
had made a descent from a neighboring mountain, he sprang
up, seized his rifle and proceeded to investigate. Dimly seeing
some dark object by the light of the stars, he drew the trigger
and sent a ball through the front leg of a mammoth bear,
which immediately let go its victim and departed for the thick
woods. When daylight came, his trail was plainly visible.
Mr. Loar and a few of his neighbors started in pursuit, some
armed with guns, some with axes, and others with pitch-forks.
Mr. Loar seems to have been armed both with a gun and a fork.
The bushes were dripping with dew, and soon the priming in
the pan of his old flint-lock gun had become so dampened that
when the wounded bear was at length aroused, and a fine op-
])ortunity presented itself for a shot, the gun snapped. Mr.
i Loar in his excitement dropped his gun and seized his socket
^fork, thinking to dis]>atch his enemy in that way. After pur-
suing the bear for some distance, they engaged in mortal con>
bat, Mr. Loar vigorously applying his fork ; sometimes thrusting,
sometimes sticking, until the liandle came out of the socket,
when Bruin, as though conscious of his advantage, made his
last grand charge with rampant body and open mouth. Mr.
Loar, seeing that the chances were against him, made a spring
und seized his antagonist by tlie lolling tongue, preferring to
loose his arm rather than his head. -By this means, he kej t
the wide extended jaws from closing upon him, and as tho
bear only had one foot that could be used, Mr. Loar seemed to
have some chance for his life. But the other paw, applied to
different parts of his body, tore off large portions of flesh, al-
most divesting him of clothing and lacerating him in the most
fearful manner, so that death would soon have ensued, had it
not been for the timely arrival of two of the remainder of the
company, who dispatched the ponderous beast, and carried
their bleeding companion to a place whei-e his many wounds
could be dressed, which, severe as they were, fortunately did not
terminate fatally, for he lived many long years, and died in a
good old age, respected by all who knew him. Mrs. Jacob Loar,'
who was formerly the wife of Benj. Durbin, deceased, is one
of these intelligent reading women who are thoughtful enough'
to keep a scrap book. She placed this book in my hand, say-
ing I was welcome to copy anything it contained. In turning
through it I came across an extract from the docket of Thomas
Lazear, Esq., father of the late General Jesse Lazear. This old
VBAn was th© most prominent Justice of the Peace in Richhin
township, seventy years ago. This extract contains a list of
marriages which will no doubt be interesting to the descend-
ants of those gallant old beaux and dames, who at that early
day, <d»d in buckskin and linsey, stood before the hyraeniai
altar. The list is as follows: Married — In the year 1704, Joha
Tjiylej and Lydia MoClung; John Scott and Susanna Nysonyq)/
82 xiiSTOKY OF gi:i:exi: couxty. -.
In 1805, John Teagavden and Eosa McGriiire. Jacob Teagar-
den and Elsie -McGuire were married in 1806; so also was
Mattliew Gray aftd Lottie Enoch. In 1807, Alexander Cald-
well and Elizabeth Whctzel. In 1808, Thomas Whailon was
wedded to Eliza Gray. In 1809, Daniel Clark and Elizabeth
Tcagardcn ; also Robert Wharton and Elizabeth Speclman ;
also Jacob Gander and Rosy Ryley. In 1810, .Christian Dur-
bin and Margaret McGuire ; also Hiram Gray and Mary Crow.
In 18,11, Thomas Dinsmore and Mary Gray. In 1812, Edward
Graudon and Debbie Wright; also Joshua Hix and Eleanor
Dunche ; also Thomas Scott and. Eleanor McBridc ; also Ilciiry
Bane and Jane McBride. In 1813, Christian Cummings and
Betty Holmes. In 1814, Thomas Barnet and Margaret Gray.
In 1815, William Gray and Sally Nysonger; also David Ruple
and Miss Durbin ; also Henry Ilaish and Mary Nysonger. In
1816, Martin McCleary was married to Eleanor Whetzel, a de-
scendant of Lewis Whetzel, the great Indian hunter. Steven
Durbin was married in 1814 to Mary Fink. In 1817, James
McDonald and Amy Gray were married ; also Abraham Ny-
.songer and Elizabeth Holden. In 1819, AVilliam Teagarden
and Mary Holmes ; also John Mellon and Elizabeth ' Gray.
♦Leonard Plants and Elizabeth Barney were married the same
year, 1819. James Mellon and Elizabeth Amos were married
in 1820. Marcus Gun and Louisa King were married the same
year. In 1822, John Barnet and Mary Stoutmen. Francis
■Gray and, Sarah Roseberry were married in 1824. Samuel
Cummings and Martha Crichbaugh, Stephen Simmons and
Rebecca Speelman were man-ied in 1826. ^ >
Close to the line of Richhill township, now resides William
IX. Cook, who is descended from William Cook, who in company
withjiis brothor, Alexander came to New York City about, the
commencement of the 19th century. Here William was mar-
^'igd %o Miss .Margaret Harvey, and in companv with -the Har-
lUSTonV OF CliKKXl-; COlNT\-. ■" 83
vey family the Cooks came out to Greene county ancT settled
on a tract of land adjoining one of the large bodies of land
held by Thomas Liei)er and known as "Lieper lands." William
Oook was a lame man unable to farm or clear land. He was a
carriage trimmer by trade and occasionally engaged in small
speculations. At that day it was often the case that a few men
would invest their small means in a boat load of merchandise
and provisions destined for the trade along the shores of the
Ohio River, and mdess sale was previously made, they finally
arrived at New Orleans. This boat usually contained flour,
whisky, apples, cider, crockery ware, etc. On one of these
I'oats ]Mr. Cook took passage,' and was never heard of by his
friends again. Wliether he was killed by the Indians, cap-
tured by the Spaniards, or fell overboard and was drowned, are
questions that cannot be answered. The widow lived to ex-
treme old age. During her last years, she made her homcAvith
her son, William H. Cooke, who still resides on the old home-
stead by the side of the old Drove Road, some two miles
beloAv Graysville, where he lives iii easy circumstances, sur-
rounded l)y a numerous family of intelligent, kind children.
The only drawback to his hapi)iness seems to be that many
5'ears ago he lost his partner in life whose place has never been
filled by anothfer. This lady's maiden name was Elizabeth
Rinehait. For many years jNfr. Cooke has been a very success-
ful sheep raiser, having invested considerable sums about the
year 1845, in some of the best grades of Vermont sheep,
which, although living on a road along which so much stock
has been driven, he has been able to protect from foot-rot.
In the Avestern extremity of this township the Burns family
settled On Owens run. Here the ancestors, Alexander Burns
and James Burns, first built their cabin on their arrival from
Ireland about the conmiencfement of the present century. The
sons of Alexander were James, Jr., Robert, John (who was for
8't HISTORY OP <^::r: :::: colnty.
many years a Justice of the Peace in West FInley township,
Washington county), William and Alexander, Jr. The two \
daughters of Alexander, Sr., were Mary, who married John '
Johnston, and Nancy, who man-ied William Davis, The sons
of James, Sr., were John, James, Jr., and Joseph ; also three
daughters who all married and settled in Clairmont county,
Ohio. A very unusual circumstance occurred at the port in
Ireland from which these ancestors sailed which seemed to be
the cause of their coming, as follows : They seem to have been
H couple of inquisitive boys who, during their rambles one day.
had arrived at the sea coast, and actuated by curiosity they
stepped aboard a vessel lying in the harbor which was about
to sail, and while feasting their eyes on the "sights," the
!?hip weighed anchor and was gone bearing away the two un-
willing passengers who never set foot on land again until they
arrived at Xew York, from whence by different stages they fi-
nally arrived in Greene county. The sons of James, Jr., were
Alexander, William and Robert. William still lives on the
old homestead, Owens run. Alexander lived one and a-half
miles from the old homestead, where he raised a large family,
consistmg of James, William, Oliver, Harvey, John, Robert
and Grant ; also three daughters — Jane, married Newton Brad-
dock ; Martha, married Francis Throckmorton, while Mary
still remains at home in single blessedness.
I will now invite your attention to the partial history of the
original Greene township, which at the time of the organiza-
tion of the county included all the territory between Little
Whiteley creek on the north , and Mason & Dixon's Line on the
south, fronting all the way on the Monongahela river, including
the entire valley of Big Whiteley, and the principal part of the
valley of Dunkard ; hence it may be treated as the south-east-
em or comer township of the county. I find this definition of
|tg^lK>iiDdajiee in Creigh's History, page 123: "Beginning a
I11S1X)KY US' (jr.KKNi: <;<)LNTV. 85
the mouth of Little Whiteley creek and running therewith to
the dividing ridge between that and Big ^\ hiteley creek ;
thence with that ridge between it and Muddy creek to Mason
and Dixon's Line ; thence to the Monongahela river ; thence by
the river to the place of beginning, having Cumberland town-
ship on the north, the Monongahela river on the east and Ma-
son & Dixon's Line on the south." In the bounds of the orig-
inal township, at a point a little west of the present town of
Mt. Morris, in the year 17G7, a scene of most intense interest
took place. The long and angry dispute between the author-
ities of Virginia and heirs of Wm. Penn had from lime to
time almost led to the shedding of blood. IIow soon the pur-
ple tide would begin to flow no human being could divine; all
parties are frightened ; the boundary line must be run. The
ambiguity of the charter granted by King Charles II to Wil-
liam Penn, rendered it very uncertain where the bouudai-y was
to commence, and much more uncertain where it would end.
Different surveyors had been selected for the purpose of settling
these vexed questions, who after three years of diligent labor
in rimning lines of which "the town of New Castle, Delaware,
was to be used as the centre of a circle of twelve miles radius,
whose north-western segment was to connect the river with the
beginning of the 40th degree, while the province was to extend
westward five degrees of longitude, to be computed from said
eartern bounds." [Creigh's History, 2d Ai)pendix, i)age 2o.]
No wonder the surveyors did not undeistand the charter, for
even I do not understand it. In consequence of their failure
to proceed with the bound.iry line they were sui)erceded in
August, 1763, by Chailes Mason and Jeremiah Dixon of Lon-
don. These men seem to have meant business from the very
start. They were called on to run a line due west from the
Delaware river, extending five degrees of longitude in length.
They first ascertain the latitude where their line is to begiu,
which they make to be 39° 43' 32." By the 27th of October,
1765, they have arrived at the North Cove, Kittatinny Mount-
ain. Wearied with their summer's labor, and fearing to be
caught in a trackless mountain wilderness by the snow storms
that might any day be expected, they take Caj^tain Shelby
with them to the summit, who points out the blue Allegheny
Mountains as part of the extreme western landscape. They
then return to their settlements along the Delaware to spend
the winter and get their appointments rencAved. As soon as
the weather Avill permit, in the spring of 1766, they are
again at their arduous work ; by the 4th of June they are on
top of the Allegheny Mountains. Hope stands on tip-toe that
this herculean work will be accomplished before another win-
ter's storms shall come. But these brave, energetic men are
doomed to disappointment. The Six Nations of Indians send
a deputation of chiefs to inform the white men that they "must
stop." The valorous Mason and Dixon are anxious to jsroceed,
but these imperious Iroquois chiefs clenched the tomahawk and
gave the same intimation that Brunnus did to the Romans,
when he informed them tliat his sword made the weight by
which they were to settle, there was but one alternative — stop.
Thus one year of valuable time was lost. During the ensuing
winter, the Governors of Maryland and Pennsylvania expended
about £500 in purchasing the consent of the Indians to the ex-
tension of the line. Early in June, 1767, the surveyors are in
their camp on top of the AUeghenies, and are here met by
fourteen warriors with an interpreter and a chief, who have
come to escort the surveyors and other "pale-faces" down into
the Valley of the Ohio, whose tributaries they were soon to
cross. All hands now work Avith a hearty good will, hoping
the uttermost limits Avill surely be reached this year. By the
24tli of August they have reached the crossing of Braddock's
Road. They still hold on their western way across Brice
iiiSTOr.v ()!■■ (;r.Ki::v"K coitnty. ' 87
Mountain nnd Laurel TTill, down tlio stoc]) (leclivitics of Cheat
river, which stream they cross at the "lino ford," throMing
about six miles of the narrow peninsula into Pennsylvania.
Again they are coinjX'lled to cross the Mononijahela near the
mouth of Crooked run. Here, on the 27th of September,
when they have already run the line two hundred and thirty-
three miles, twenty-six of the laborers desert, leavint^ but fif-
teen ax-men to clear out and mark the line as they proceed.
Undaunted, however, by desertion or dan <.^er. they still proceed,
cross Dunkard Creek once, and still hold on their western
way, conscious that less than thirty miles will finish the
work which is to innnortalize their names. They have reached
the "Warrior Branch" of the old Catawba war path at the sec-
ond crossing of Dunkard creek, when suddenly their Indian
escort cries "Stop." Plow disappointed are all ]3arties. The
Penns are anxious to ]n'oceed ; the scattered settlers are
wearied with the controversy, and are anxious to know where
the end of the line would be, so as to ascertain Avhether they
are in Pennsylvania or Virginia. But none are more disgusted
than the surveyors, Mason and Dixon. They can almost seethe
end of the five degrees of longitude ; they have seen the joy
and satisfaction that lit up the countenances of the rude settlers
on both sides of this line, as they fixed their destiny in one or
the other of the colonies ; they were well aware of the litiga-
tions and animosities that would still coTitinue to fester along
the remaining twenty-three miles that they Avcre not permitted
to run. But remonstrance was useless ; the savnpes this time
can neither be reasoned out nor bought out, and hence, after
several days of dis]>uting, right there on the bank of Dunkard
creek, in what afterward became Greene township, Greene
county, the assembly broke up, the Indians went their Avay,
the disappointed surveyors make their final report, and on the
27th of December. 17G7. thev ^re honorably discharged. They
^ail for England, and there is no evidence that they ever visited
this land again. Bi*ave men! Although disappointed, you
did immortalize your names. Garard's Fort was built in the
; bounds of this township, of which I propose giving a particu-
lar description hereafter.
On the west side of the Monongahela river, opposite New
Geneva, still stands the town of Greensboro, in the bounds of
this old township of Greene. This town was laid out by Elias
Stone, on the 31st of May, 1791. It is located on part of a
tract of land called "Delight," which was patented to Elias
Stone and Elizabeth, hi§ wife, in 1787. Each lot contains
eighty-one perches ; the streets are forty feet wide. Lot No.
60 was presented to the citizens for public uses at their discre-
tion. The town contains eighty lots ; the names of the streets
back from the river, arc Water, Front, Second, Third and
Fourth. The cross streets are named as follows : Diamond,
Stone, Clear, AValnut, Minor and County streets. One of the
principal business pursuits of late years in this town has been
the manufacture of stoneware. Mr. James Hamilton has
bi'ought this business to a high state of perfection — so much so
that it has to a great extent superceded the former staple of the
town which was almost exclusively glass. Before we take our
departure from this end of the county, it may be well to say
what remains to be said about the completion of this great line
about wliich we have already written so much. I have already
said that about twenty-three miles remain to be run. Mason
and Dixon had estimated the entire length of the line to fill up
' Penn's Charter to be two hundred and sixty-seven miles, and
one hundred and ninety-five and one-sixteenth perches. They
had already run to the stopping place at the old war path at
the second crossing of Dunkard creek, two hundred and forty-
^four miles, and one hundred and thirteen perches and seven
I and one-fourth feet. They made their measurements with a
four pole chain, and marked each mile as they went alonjr,
1 But now the question began to be agitated by interested par-
ties, as to whether the calculation was right. Mason and
Dixon had said that a degree of longitude in the latitude of
their line, was fifty-three miles jind one hundred and sixty-
seven and one-tenth perches. Were they right ? was the ques-
tion ; for as Penn was to have a due north meridian line from
the end of his five degrees of longitude, it is evident that every
perch of distance in the length of this line, whether minus or
plus, would add or subtract thousands of acres to or from Penn-
sylvania. Lord Dunmore and men of his ilk contended that
the line was much too long already, that it ought never to have
crossed the Monongahela river. But during the years that the
line was halted at this point, a new state of things is intro-
duced. The Empire of England in these western wilds has
"tottered on its old foundations." Lord Dunmore and his usurp-
ing tool, Connolly, have become fugitives, and the representa-
tives of freemen in the old Colonial Assembly, have declared,
"These Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and inde-
pendent States!" It is now no longer the subalterns of the
King of Great Britain that are authorized to make decisions,
but the representatives of a fi-ee people have this prerogative.
Here we see the advantage of having persons possessed of
astronomical knowledge in high places. That great man,
Thomas Jefferson, was at that time Governor of Virginia.
Rising above all pecuniary or partizan motives, he notified both
parties that this whole matter might be settled by astronomical
observations. Agreeably to this recomendation, two astrono-
mers of each State, provided with proper instruments and a
good time-keeper, repaired to Wilmington, Delaware, nearly at
the eastern end of the line, and there they erected an observa-
tory- The other four proceeded to the western end of the
temporary line, twentv-three miles from the second crossing of
Dunkard, near tlie site of Mt. Morris, and there on one of the
highest Fish creek hills, they erected a rude observatory. At
both these observatories, during six weeks immediately ])reced-
ing the 20th of Sejitember, 1784, tliey take their observations
o!:' different celestial phenomena, particularly the immersion of
the moons of Jupiter. When this is done, they meet and com-
pare notes, and find that their stations are twenty minutes and
one and one-eighth seconds apart ; on the supposition the globe
is 25,000 miles in circumference, and that every part of
this distance is turned to the sun in twenty-four hours, they de-
cide that twenty minutes of time is equal to five degrees of
longitude ; hence their stations are a little too far apart. They
then shorten back on their line to precisely twenty minutes of
time, and here they fix the corner of the great Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania; they then and there set up a square, unlet-
Lorcd white-oak post, around which they rear a conical pile of
i<)ug]i stones, which is still visible near the Board Tree Tunnel,
;)n the ]jaltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Among the surveyors that comi)leted the remaining twenty-
three miles of this famous Mason & Dixon's Line, I find this
difference between Judge Veech and Dr. Creigh : The former
has the name Andrew Ellicott, the latter writes it Andrew El-
liott. As they both say he was from JIaryland they no doubt
refer to the same man, and the difference is merely an uncor-
rected error on the part of Dr. Creigh's printer, who has omit
ted the letter "c" in setting his type. If then, this was Andrew
Ellicott, I presmue I was acquainted with some of the same
family on Cheat river, where Evan T. Ellicott & Co., were
largely engaged in the manufacture of iron, within a very short
distance of this famous line. While preaching in that vicinity
T was occasionally invited to dine with them. They were from
Ellicott's Mills on the Potapsco, some fifteen miles from Balti-
more. Another difference among historians is the spelling of
msToitv OK (j::i;i:m; culmv. 91
the name of one of the creeks of this county. Jntlgc Veoch
always sjiells it "White CLay," wliile ahnost all other writers
spell it "Whiteley." Who is right? But this is a small matter.
We have seen with how much reluctance the Indian permitted
the running of this great State line, and ruialiy utterly rebelled
against its further extension. The very efforts made by the
Penns to coax and buy the right of way for their line was a
tacit admission that the Iroquois Indians were the owners of
the soil. Their title had in no instance been extinguished be-
yond the Monongahela in the present Greene county, in 1767,
and yet settlers were taking up and making preparations to per-
manent settlement of the choice lands along Tenmile, ]Muddy
creek, both the Whiteleys and Dunkard. The Indians became
loud and boisterous in their declarations, that if the settlers are
not driven away, something serious will happen. Forthwith
the Governors of Virginia and Pennsylvania issue proclama-
tions notifying all persons settled on Indian lands to pull up
stakes and depart. The notice is unheeded, and soldiers arc
now sent up from Fort Pitt to drive them away. But when
the settler met the soldier on the threshold of his cabin, with
his ample draught of old Monongahela whiskey, his artillei-y
"was spiked at once, and he allowed the settler to set his goods
out of his cabin into the woods until the soldier was gone, when
the goods were carried back and all things assumed the statu
quo ante. It became evident on the extension of the line that
these intrudei's were all in Pennsylvania, principally in Fayette
and Westmoreland counties on the east side of the river. Gov-
ernor Penn, in January, 1768, called the special attention of
the Assembly to the subject, saying, "Their removal was in-
dispensible in order to avert war." The Assembly was as
much alarmed as the Governor himself, and on the 3d of Feb-
ruary, 1768, they pass a law wliich Avas certainly a complete
Brutem Fulmen, declaring that all persons who had presumed
to settle on or tatc up Indian lands, should evacuate the same
within thirty days from the time notice was served upon them,
and if after their removal they should return, or if any should
settle after being notified, "every such person thereof legally
convicted by their own confession or the verdict of a jury,
shall suffer death without benefit of clergy." To try the effect
of the new law Governor Penn sent out Rev. Capt. John Steel
of Carlisle, a Presbyterian minister, to deliver proclamations,
preach to the people, and warn them to quit. But it was all to
no purpose. The first meeting seems to have been held at
Christopher Gist's plantation at the foot of Laurel Hill, on the
spot that has long been known as Mount Braddock. The sec-
ond meeting was at Red Stone Old Fort, (Brownsville). While
here a deputation of Mingo Indians came to the meeting and
publicly forbade the whites from settling on any Indian lands
until after the treaty. This treaty came off at Fort Pitt in
May, 1768. Nothing how^ever was accomplished except sun,
dry talks, the lodging of various complaints, and the distribut-
ing of about one thousand pounds sterling \voith of presents.
In the autumn of the same year, (1768) a great treaty came off
at Fort Stanwix, at which, for the sum of £10,000, the Penns
bought all the before iinbought portions of the Province, except
what lay north and west of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers.
As this was just at the time when tomahawk rights were be-
coming numerous along the eastern border of Greene county,
and very few if any permanent settlements were yet made, the
'bloody law" did not effect them much. It is quite certain
that none of them ''suffered death without the benefit of cler-
gy." On the 3d of April, 1769, the Penns opened their office
at Philadelphia for the sale of land on the new purchase. Dui*-
ing the first month there were 3,200 applications for titles.
No doubt many of these were for land on the eastern border of
Greene county, as during the autumn of the same year we find
UISl'ORY OK «.JaKKN!: < OUNTY. -93
ltb« settlers there with their families, commencing to improve
the land and set things in order.
After this long digression in following lines and conse-
quences, let us return again to the original Greene township,
where we find a very early settlement at Garard's Fort, located
in a beautiful valley on the left bank of Big Whiteley creek ;
the name of the postoffice now is Whiteley, which is situated a
short distance west of the spot where the old fort stood in those
'•times that tried men's souls." The first Christian association
ever formed on the teiTitory of the present Greene county, was
at this spot, on the 7th day of October, 1776, three months after
the signing of the immortal Declaration of Independence. This
society was organized by the Redstone Baptist Association.''
It has long been known by the name of Goshen Baptist Church.
Among its early ministers were two brothers by the name of
Sutton, who preached here at different periods of time. But
perhaps its most distinguished minister in those "troublous"
times, was Rev. John Corbly. This man settled on JIuddy
ereek prior to May, 1782, for at that date we find him suffering
some of the most excruciating sorrows that our poor humanity
is heir to. We cannot do better than to give this tale of horror
in his own words as. we find them in a letter written to Rev.
Dr. Rogers of Philadelphia, dated Muddy creek, Washihg-
ton county, July 8, 1788: "On the 2d Sabbath of May, 1782,
being by appointment at one of my meeting houses about a
mile from my dwelling house, I set out with my dear wife and
five children for worship. Not suspecting any danger, I walked
behind sorae two hundred yards witli my Bible in my hand,
meditating. As I was thus employed all at once I was greatly
atlarmed by the frightful shrieks of my dear family before me. I
immediately ran with all the speed I could, vainly hunting for a
club, till I got within forty yards of them. My poor wife see-
[ii\g me, cried to rae to make my escape. Ai> Indiab then ran
94 iiisior.v OF <i::Ki:NK corNTV.
np to shoot me. I Hctl and by so doing out-ran lihn. My wife
had a snc-kling child in her arms. Tliis Hltlc infant was hilled
and scalped. They then struck my wife several times, but not
getting her down, the Indian Avho aimed to shoot me then ran
up and shot her througli the body and scalped hei-. My little
boy, an only son, about six years old they sunk the hatchet
in his brain and thus dispatched him. A daughter besides
the infant, they also killed and scalped. My eldest daughter
who is still living, was Ind in a tree about twenty yards from
the place where the rest were killed and saw the whole ]iro-
ceeding. She seeing the Indians all go off a^ she thought, got
up and deliberately crept out of the hollow tree ; but one of
them espying her, ran up, knocked her ttmvn and scalped her ?
also her only sister, on whose head they did not leave more
than an inch round either of flesh or skin, besides taking a piece
of her skull. They still retain their senses, notwithstanding
the painful operations they 'liave already and must yet pass
tlirough." Among the prominent members of this chin-ch
none were more so than Pierson Minor, who was not only fer-
vent in spirit, but also diligent in business, being extensively
engaged in droving, and one of the active participants iu
the, affaiji's of the farmers & Drovers Bank of Waynesburg.
Stillf urther back "in the years beyond the flood" we find — — ■
Moreflock, one of the pillars that for more than a half century
as;^|sted in holding up before a gainsaying world this portion
of' the primitive heritage of our Lord in these western wilds.
Another of the leaders of this old church was Hon Jonathan
Garard, a Deacon whose exemplary character was so highly
appreciated by his fellow citizens that they elevated him to the
jjosition of Associate Judge. He Avas also extensively engaged
in droving,^ an excellent judge of stock, always saving himself,
and at th-e same time doing ample justice to those with whom
he dealt. Among those who have ministered to these peoplej
iiisTouV' OF (jukknV; culntv. 95
"lo, these many years," were Revs. William Whitehead, John
Thomas, William Wood, Levi Griffith, Charles Tilton and
Francis Burn-ell. In the bounds of this old township, in what
IS now Monongahela township, stands a little liamlet of a fev/
lionses called Mapletowu, situated on Big Whiteley creek-.
This town is surely small of its age, for it had its existence at
a very early day. The first flouring mill ever erected in this
county, was built near this point by Colonel John Minor, a short
tlistance up the creek from the present mill. I am not positive,
but I think it probable that the ancestors of Robert Mujile and
Thomas Maple gave name to it. I had some knowledge of
these men. Thomas Maple was a local Methodist preacher. They
were both men of large property and hu-ge progressive idea.^,
by which they not only were an advantage to themselves bur,
to all their neighbors. In the extreme southern end of this old
township, we find a large creek called Dunkard, which empties
into the Monongahela river a short distance above the town of
Greensboro. This stream derives its name from the fact thai
three brothers by the name of Eckerline, came from the east-
ern part of Pennsylvania, and took up their abode among sav-
age beasts and poisonous reptiles, on the Avestern side of the
"muddy river." These men were Dunkards by profession,
claiming to be "at peace with All mankind, and wishing to
maintain friendly relations with the rest of the world." They
named this stream after their denomination of Christians.
Here, arhid the seclusion of the forest, they lived, obtaining
their provision by cultivating a few of the rich acres of these
unsurpassed bottom Idnds, and by occasibnally slaying one of •
the denizens of the forest, such as bear, deer, elk, etc., that'
then abounded all about them. They spent much of their time
in exploring the country about them, iii whose sublime soli--
tudes they found ample fields for contemplation where their 'u':
hearts were "carried up through * nature's works to the throne*
of nature's God." Eventually they removed their camp from
Dunkard creek to "Dunkard bottom," near the mouth of Cheat
river, where they made a more permanent residence, and
where they remained unmolested for some years, while a deso-
lating war was raging at no great distance from them, the
probabilities being that even the sharp eye of the Indian had
not yet discovered the place of their retreat. When their
stock of salt, powder, lead, etc., was nearly exhausted, one of
their number, whose name was Thomas, concluded to cross the
Mountains for the purpose of replenishing their stock of abso-
lute necessities. On his return westward, to rejoin his broth-
ers, he lodged on the south branch of the Potomac at Fort
Pleasant. After stating that he and his brothers had lived all
these long years in the "midst of war's alarms," without a sin-
gle visit from the hostile foe, those who "listened to his won-
drous story," either honestly or dishonestly, arrested him as
a spy who was returning to the seat of war with contra-
band articles in his possession. In vain he asserted his inno-
33nce, offering to conduct his persecutors to their home in the
woods, where he felt confident his loyalty would be vindicated,
and his story proven true by meeting with his brothers. His
proposition was finally accepted by those who had deprived
him of his liberty. A guard of armed men accompanied him
across the mountains who were instructed to return him a pris-
oner if there was the least evidence that the charges preferred
against him were true. In due time the guard and the pris-
oner arrived at the designated spot. But instead of being met
and welcomed by his brothers, a pile of smouldering ruiiis
marks the spot where so lately their cheerful cabin stood. Jn
the yard lay the mangled remains of the two brothers. The
Buspicious guard who so lately thought they had a felon in
charge, now have all their sympathies enlisted in behalf of the
man whom they had thus far wronged. Thery now assist io
msToiu' OK (atKKNi: couxrv. 97
mournful duty of giving sepulture to these ill-fated men whose
peaceful prineiijles had not succeeded as well with the savages
as perhaps those of Cromwell Avould, viz :
"Face di'ath and daiimT witli a Icvol eye, -■ ..-*v^ •-'» --_
Trust in God and kecj) your powder dry."
l>ut our readers will think it is surely time we sliotdd pay
our respects to Franklin townsliip and Wayuesburg, the county
seat. The first time I ever visited Wayuesburg was in 1843, at
:i grand volunteer parade. In the year 1841, I became a mem-
ber of the George's Creek Cavalry, in Fayette county. Dur-
ing the next year I was promoted to the "high position" of
Orderly Sergeant. James ^l. Oliphaut was our Captain,
v.hen we were invited to attend a three days' parade at the
'county seat of little Greene. Our Company met at Mason-
town, crossed the river at McCann's Ferry and came through
Carmichaels to Jefferson. . Tliere we halted some time to w^ait
for the arrival of the Monongahela Cavalry. Tliis company
was trained to a high state of perfection by Colonel James C.
Simrainson, with whom I was acquainted. The company was
at that time commanded by Cajstain James Davidson. We
were met here by Captain John Harper, who lived near Car-
michaels, who most heartily welcomed us to Greene county-
We now took up our line of march for Waynesburg. We
were met at the end of the bridge near Morrisville, by several
marshals Avearing blue sashes, who acted as an escort to our
place of encampment, which Avas about one-half mile west of
town, up a little hollow on the right hand side of the present
pike. One of our escort made us a speech w^elcoming us to
the State of Greene. The parade came off on tlie two follow-
ing days, partly in a large field adjoining the grove in which
we were encamped, and partly in a large meadow on the south
side of Tenmile creek, where a sham battle was fought on the
second day of our encampment. T believe there were thirteen
companies ; the names of some of tliem I have forgotten ; but
] recollect in addition to those already mentioned, the Cooks-
t >\vn Cavalry, and Tenmile Troop. Of infantry, I remember the
Waynesburg Blues, Cumberland Rangers, Union Volunteers
of Uniontown, the Sixty Majors of Smithfield — a rifle com-
pany that had received this nickname in consequence of the
shape of their caps. On the first night of our stay a proposi-
tion was made by Colonel Sam Austin, of Uniontown, that we
should visit Waynesburg in dress parade, which was that each
volunteer should lay aside his coat and cap, tie up his head in
a red, bandana handkerchief, double his blanket, throw itoxer
his shoulders and fasten it around his neck with a strap. When
all were thus prepared, the order to march was given, the only
music being a gourd fiddle, on which the valorous, but afterwards
unfortunate Sam Austin continuously played the then new tune
of "Old Dan Tucker." As the line of march was from the
encampment directly to the town, along the side of the hill, we
came in contact with a rail fence, when it was suggested that
soldiers ought not to go unarmed ; each one, as by general con-
sent, shouldered a rail. With these we paraded the streets, oc-
casionally receiving the command to "order arms," which was
followed by a sound and jarring sensation somewhat resem-
bling a small earthquake. I afterwards visited Waynesburg
in 1849 or 1850, when I had a small business transaction with
■Thomas Porter, Esq., son of Moses B. Porter, of Fayette
county, who had lately opened a law ofiice at the county seat of
Oreene. I had not again visited this town for twenty years until
the evening of December 15, 1881, when I met a few men I
had formerly known as men in the prime of life, but who now,
like myself, show by many unmistakable signs, that we are all
approaching "that country from whose bourne no traveller
shall ere return." Some four miles from Waynesburg, near
the road leading to Washington, on lands now owned by Geo.
iiisTOHV <)i- <i;.'Ki:N:; roiMV. 99
Wisccarver, fifty years .ago lived a veiy singular man, whose
name was Wm. ]\[cXurlin. I saw liiiu just once in Fayette
county in an old Lutheran eliurch, where ho unexpectedly made
his appearance, walking slowly uj) the aisle, Avith his coat and
pants turned wrong side out, while liis straw liat was filled with
turkey and chicken feathers. He seemed to be intently listen-
ing to what the preacher said, until something was uttered that
lie did not believe, when he clenched his fist and raised his arm
in a threatening attitude, and said, "now that ain't so ; now,
don't say that again." To this the preacher aptly replied,
''You sit down, Mac, and I wont say it again." At this,
McNurlin immediately sat down and remained very quiet
during the remainder of the service. This man was by no
means an idiot, for doing most of the time he was exceedingly
bright; his mental aberrations were only occasional. The first
evidence of the coming on of one of these periodical visita-
tions was that he would take his position on some rising
ground, and there mark out the course he proposed to travel,
which was always in a straight line, crossing hills, fences, creeks
and even haystacks, if they stood in his bee line. In this
way he would often travel until he was sometimes nearly ore
hundred miles from home. When the hallucination would
])ass off, and reason again ascend the throne, if he could find
his reckoning without inquiry he would preserve a profound
silence ; if he could not tell where he was, he was compelled to
ask. On one occasion he had almost reached Lake Erie, and
when he became sane again, he was in a dense forest, with no
liuman abode in sight. Night came on, the snow began to de-
scend, and after wandering round and round, he was compelled
to pass the stormy night in the woods. Some portions of his
flesh were frozen. From the effects of this exposure he never
fully recovered.
As to the town of Waynesburg. it sefims to have had no ex-
istance at the time of the passage of the act for creating Greene
coimty. But the act passed 179G, constituted David Gray, Ste-
phen Ga^iin, Isaac Jenkenson, William Metkirk and James
Seals, Commissioners to procure, by grant or purchase, any
quantity of land, not to exceed five hundred acres, within five
miles of the centre of the county. These men eventxially pur-
chased 158^ acres of land from Thomas Slater, called Eden, for
which they gave $2,376. They run off and offered for sale
201 lots on the 29th of the following September. The lots sold
at various prices ranging from five to one hundred and forty
dollars, according to situation. They then proceeded to erect a
Court House and Jail. The first ^L-ourts were held at the house
of Jacob Kline on Muddy Creek, near where the late Eli Long-
resided. The first Court House of Greene county was built of
logs which can yet be seen at the corner of Greene street and
Whisky alley, on lot 195, (now owned and occupied by D. jVI.
Anderson.) The borough was incorporated on the 29th of Jan-
uary, 1816. Its present population is a little less than two
thousand. Its situation is pleasant and somewhat romantic,
being near the centre of the county in a rich valley on tlic
north bank of the south branch of Tenmile creek, surrounded
by towering hills and fertile valleys, well adapted to raising
stock, the climate being mild. All the grains and fruits of the
temperate zone flourish and yield abundantly in this immediate
vicinity. After the first excitement of locating a county seat
had died away, the town seemed, for many years, to have been
finished. Its situation was extremely isolated, having no thor-
oughfare of travel except the great Drove Road, which, while
it was the means of bringing large quantities of money into the
county, held out much greater inducements to locate in the
country than in town. There was another cause for stagnation
of trade in this town, from the fact that, in 1818, the great Na-
tional Turnpike was opened through the neighboring towns of
HISTOUV 01- GKl.KXi: (-OUNTV. 101
Wheeling, Wnsliiiigton, Brownsville nnd T'niontown. Along
this grand thoroughf.-in! three dail}- lines of stage coaches con-
veyed the Congressmen and merchants from the West to the
i*last. Here the traveler was scarcely ever out of sight of those
broad-tread Avagons, with their snowy covers and ponderous
Juirses that trans})orted the niorehandise of our sea-hoard cities
'.<> the rapidly growing West. Along the track of that old road
almost every other house became a hotel, where the spacious
stables were filled with horses, and the large dining rooms were
oci'Uj)ied by substantial tabler. that litterally groaned with the
abundance of the magnificently cooked food that Avas placed
u|)on them. After 9 o'clock p. yi., the floor of the large old-
fashioned bar-room was covered over with beds, on which the
tireil wagoners slqit and snored like the Seven Sleepers, while
up-stairs in forty-pound feather beds the horse-back or foot-sore
traveler shivered or sweat, whichever the season of the year
rendered the most fashionable. All these things contributed to
t irn the attention of money-seeking or fun-loving paities away
from a town so completely isolated as Waynesbtirg. But a
brighter day is approaching. The little cloud, although "no
bigger than a man's hand," seems to be "big with blessins."
The l^altiniore & Ohio Kailroad had been completed to Cum-
berland, Md., and her representatives come knocking at the
door of the Pennsylvania Legislature, asking the right of way
through this immediate neighborhood. But oh! the wisdom of
the citizens of Fayette and (xreene c^iunties, througli which the
road v.'as expected to ])ass, instead of hailing the proi)Osition
Avitli delight and receiving the representatives with open arms,
they rise up in fierce op))osition. K. T. Caloway, of Union-
town, and Dr. J. C. Ciimniiiigs, of Coniu^llsville. werethe Repre-
sentatives of Fayette county in the State Legislature at the time.
Tiiese men were possessed of sufficient intelligence to know
that the railroad could not be i>prmanently halted at Cum-
berland. Not so the people. I listened to the sophistical ar-
guments of some of the demagogues of that day, in which
they asserted that the iron horse could not eat oats or corn.
*^Let us just compel them to stop at Ciuuberland, and then all
the goods will be wagoned through our country, all the hogs
will be fed with our corn and the horses with our oats. Go
away with your railroad ! We don't want our wives and chil-
tlren frightened to death by the screaming of the locomotive.
We don't want our hogs and cows run over and killed by the
cars of a soulless corporation." Meetings were held and in-
structions formulated and forwarded to the Representatives in
the Legislature warning them of the fearful precipice on which
they were standing, and notified them of the all-important fact
that the people had a heavy "rod in soak" for them, if they
dared to violate the Avill of their constituents. These men did
in j^art violate the instructions and reaped the bitter conse-
quences. But how were the applicants treated ? They re-
ceived a negative answer. The Baltimore & Ohio Company
built their road over the almost impassable mountains of Vir-
ginia, almost touching Pennsylvania at the south-west corner
of Greene county, leaving the regions that had said "no," to
reap the consequences of their folly, while that proud, imperi-
ous company "sits and laughs at their calamity," not even
deigning to build them a branch road, that would no doubt be
a very profitable feeder to their main trunk line. But at last
Waynesburg has a railroad, which, although only a Xarrow
Gauge, is a great improvement on the old system when this town
sustained an annual blockade of mud from two to five months.
I traveled over this road a few days ago, and was agreeably sui--
prised at the smoothness of the track, the speed at which trains
run, and the extremely polite treatment I received from ofiicers
and employees. Prominent among these ofticers I found Jus-
tus F. Temple, a man descended from the old Quaker stock'
iiisT()::v OF <;:;r.i:Ni: i oiniv. 103
who settled ill Cumbcrlaiid township one luinilred years ago.
He has by his own unaided merit risen n\} until he has filled
different positions of honor and ])rofit, both in the* county and
in the State, occupying the important position of Auditor Gen-
eral of Pennsylvania, in 1875 to 1878. When I met him ho
hailed me as an okl acquaintance ; spoke encouraging Avords
with reference to the history I am engaged in writing.
Another old acquaintance whom I met, after an absence
of twenty years was, W. T. H. Pauley. Although we had
known each other for twenty-five years, we never knew until
now that we were both native "Buckeyes," born Avithin six
miles of each other, in the vicinity of Youngstown, Ohio.
He, like myself, was left an orphan boy in poverty's vale, the
same injunction being set before us both, viz: "root hog or die."
I met with men in different parts of the State, who although
differing widely with Mr. Pauley in politics, yet always admit
that he never allows political differences to interfere with his
gentlemanly conduct ; but on the contrary always seems dis-
posed to be particularly obliging to a political opponent, never
concealing his opinions for a single moment, but ahvays avow-
ing them. He watches closely for the place where the laugh
comes in at his opponent's expense. Thus he renders himself a
most enjoyable traveling companion in a crowd, and if he
should inadvertently give offence, no man is more ready to
apologise and seek reconciliation; for if there is a man in the
county who honestly abhors a mean, dirty trick more than he
does, he is hard to find. I>ut it would be a work of superaroga-
tion to attempt to Avrite a history (to inform the peo})le of Greene
county) of a man they already knovr much better than I do.
He has for many long ye irs been the editor and proprietor of
the Waynesburg Messenger, the oldest pai)er in the county. I
can remember his predecessor, John Irons, in Uniontown many
years ago. A full history of all the papers of the county will
104 lusruiiY ()!■' (ji:i;i:Ni-: cointv.
be given as soon as I can collect tlie nei-essary information.
A long step has been taken in the last thirty years in the
way of education. Wayne.sburg College, while it has not yet
reached the height of fame and usefulness acquired by older
institutions, is nevertheless a light in what was previously a
dark place. I have known its President for the past tweuty-
tive years, during Avhich time he has tenaciously hung on to
that institution, through evil as Avell as good report. Although
often poorly paid and sometimes all manner of evil has been
spoken falsely against this institution, yet he resembles that
lady who said that if her body should be opened after death, she
liad no doubt they would find "Calls" at her heart. So with Rev.
A. B. Miller, D. D.; if he sliould be subjected to a, post mortem
examination after his death, Waynesburg College might be
said to be at his heart, for I know of no man who has per-
sisted all these long years m rendering so much unrequited ser-
vice. For it cannot be denied that with the education, talents,
energy and self-denial of Dr. Miller, he could obtain a far more
lucrative position at almost any time.
Among those that I have personally known as prominent
residents of Waynesburg, none were more so than General
Jesse Lazear, a self-made man, who began low down on the
ladder of fame and also finance, but by diligence in business
^ and rigid economy, he gradually rose to be one of Greene
county's men whom her sons delighted to honor. He was
for many years Cashier of the Farmers & Drovers Bank of
, Waynesburg. Among the first five dollar notes I ever owned
was one on this old Bank. In those days when the first
thing to be done after receiving a note was to call on some
one that had in his possession either "Bicknell's Detector," or
'"Sibbett's Western Review." I being ignorant of what was
good and what Avas bad, presented one of these notes to see
whether it was good. The answer I received was, "Whenever
Ill.-ST(>i:V Ol" (MiKKNK COUNTY. 105
you get a note with Jesse Lazear's name on it you may rest
easy, for if the bank should break, he will pay it himself." Mr.
Lazear's friends made him prominent as a politician, not that
lie had any j)oliti(;al aspirations, but he Avas willing to serve
the people of this county whenever they demanded his ser-
vice. Hence he was called on to repi'esent his District in the
National Legislature at Washington, D. C, which he did to
the entire satisfaction of those who sent him. He was also
exceedingly benevolent. I presume he never knew, much less
did any one else know, what sums of money he contributed at
different dates for liquidating the debt of Waynesburg College,
as well as numerous acts of liberality. One of the most re-
markable of these occurred in 1859. On the morning of thc;
5th of June, although almost in midsummer, yet the fields,
gardens and roads were glistening with an icy frost that fell
in small cakes about the size of a dime, freezing to the core all
vegetation that was then in a luxuriant state of growth. Dark,
gloomy and awful were the forbodings of many with reference
to the question, "What shall we eat ?" Many sat down in sul-
len silence during that Sabbath day, when it Avas not yet
known that the wheat was killed. Rut when Monday and
Tuesdays' suns had revealed tlTe fact that the staff of life was
broken by the destruction of the wheat, then the pitious
Avails became loud and long. Some rushed to tlie heads of
market and purchased flour enough at fabulous prices to do
them a Avhole year. Others confiscated the flour found in thc
neighboring mills and divided it out among a favored few,
while others Avho had promised flour to their slioemaker. their
blacksmith or day laborer at six dollars a barrel, immediately
put the price up to twelve dollars. Some refused to let it go
at any price, while one man whom I knew, told his wife they
would have to eat their children ! AVIiile all this stonu of
foolish nonsense was going on Avhat was General Lazear eu-
'100 HISTORY OK <;i:i:knk <jolntv.
gaged in? He was quietly purchasing a large lot of seed
'])uckwheat, which was sent throughout the entire county, esi-
pecially the upper end, where it was placed in the care of re-
liable parties, with instructions to give no man more than ouv;
bushel, no matter how much money he might have, and everj-
man a bushel whether he had money or not. While tliis Ava.-,
■by many, regarded as an act of disinterested benevolence, it,
nevertheless was found to be a profitable and popular sjiccmi-
lation, as the seed was sold at a large adA-ance on the origiual
cost, and scarcely a dollar was lost of that portion sold on
credit. This buckwheat was sown on almost eveiy farm, as avi'iI
as seed procured from other sources, almost all yielded ;i v.xnsi
hixuriant crop, in different places yielding one hundied I'ol 1.
giving abundant evidence of the goodness of God, tliat wliik-
He permitted the unseasonable frost of June otli, lie iii.-ule
such ample amends by restraining the frosts in aulu.nn unlii
this great crop of buckwheat was harvested, and until iuik;!) u!,'
the corn, which in many instances was not rejilantcd until the
loth and even the 25th of June, was fully matured. And v> lini
a revelation did this seeming calamity make of the small
amount of faith that was found to exist even among professed-
ly pions people. A prophet in old times said "Although the
fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall there be fruit in llie
vines, the labor of the olive tree sliall fail, and the iields shall
yield no meat, the flocks shall be cut off from the fold, himI
there shall be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the
Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvivtion." Hab. o : IT, 18.
In view of this exhibition may we not ask the question that is
asked in Luke 18:8: "Nevertheless when the Son of man com-
eth shall he find faith on the earth ?"' I hope he will, br.L
5f he had come in 1859, I think that grace would surely have
been no larger than "a grain of mustard seed."
V Of the old inhabitants I havo b-^.t very little personal knowl-
iiiSTOUV OF (;i:i:i;m: <<h\tv. 107
edge. I have seen Samuel Cleavcnger, Henry Pennock, Mat-
thew Dill, Ephraim Sayers, etc.
There seems to have been no Indian depredations committed
in the immediate vicinity of Waynesburg, yet the settler in
this neighborhood was terribly frightened in 1774 and 1775,
when the Indian chief, Logan, (who had so justly deserved the
name of "the white man's friend)" made his murderous raid of
retaliation. Among the first victims that in i)art satisfied the
revenge of Logan for the slaughter of his friends, were Wm.
Spicer and family at the head of Deep Run. The act was en-
tirely unexpected. The wildest i)anic immediately prevailed.
The nearest place of refuge seems to have been Gaiard's Fort.
When the savages were driven away the settlers seem to liave
determined, that they would have a nearer place of refuge, and
almost immediately constructed Fort Jackson, near tl:e sight of
the present borough. Soon after this the nnirder of i\Iatthe\v
Gray took place. lie was killed by the Indians under about
the following circumstances: An Indian raid hr.d occurred in
Richhill township. Most of the settlers had taken refuge in
Fort Jackson ; among them the family of the Grays. In a day
or two all was quiet again, and Matthew, anxious to know
how their cabins, farms and stock had fared, started out of the
fort to reconoiter. He had only proceeded to a point about mid-
way between the present residence of Wm. Reese, innnedi-
ately west of the covered bridge on the State Road, near tlic
residence of J. A. J. Buchanan, Esq., and Hill's school house,
when he was shot by an Indian in ambush. When the time
for his return had gone by, his brother David (who afterward
became Judge), went in search and found the body stiff in
death : he stood it up against a tree and mounted his three year
old colt on wliich he can-ied the body to the fort and hurried it.
Among the earliest instructors in Waynesburg College was
Rev. Joshua Loughran, who had previously been connected with
108 !!i:<:(Mn' oi- cizki.m; colntv.
Greene Acarlemy at Carmichaels. Tliis man was a son of Rev.
Cornelius Loiighran, formerly pastor of Upper Tenmile Church
in Washington county. Soon after the founding of this insti-
tution Rev. J. P. Wethee was elected President, who had for-
merly been connected with Madison College at Uniontown.
This man's scholarship Avas never called in question. His abil-
ity to govern and control was also of a high order; yet he wa^;
In possession of some exceedingly singular opinions. Promi-
nent among these was his notion of the materiality of the sot;'
• ••11
■.v'hich he seems to have supposed could not exist without tno
body, and that consequently when the body died the soul be-
came torpid and dormant until the resurrection of the body
from the grave, when a re-union Avould take place, which would
be eternal. There was also the belief of the pre-millennial
coming of Christ, when the righteous that were alive on tlio
earth should be "caught up to meet the Lord in the air." Thi?
opinion was said to be held by him, and in view of its proba-
bility it is affirmed by him that he even provided himself with
a robe in which he expected to leave this mundane sphere, and
bodily ascend to Paradise. It is even told of him that he ar-
rayed himself in this robe and sat up all night waiting for the
coming of the Lord at a specified date.
In this vicinity there lived, in 1791, a man named Willian.
Rhodes, who has a very checkered and diversified liistory. He
was born in the State of Rhode Island, about 1759. He went
out as a sailor when he was only sixteen years old. He Avas
taken prisoner by the French in 1778, and kept such for two
years. After his release he Avas again captured on a voyage
from London, but Avas liberated through the influence of
Americans, as an American citizen. In October, 1780, he ac-
companied a large fleet of trading vessels to the Barbadoes.
from Avhich Aoyage he seems to have returned safely. But the
next year he Avas again captured by the French. After his re-
iiisri>i;v (IF <i::iii;\r. corNTY. 109
lease he was captured by the liiitisli during the Revohition,
and kept a prisoner in New York for five montlis, at the end of
wliich time he was exchanged. In 1784 he was Avrecked off
Cape Cod. Seeming to be thus unfortunate on the seas, he de-
termined to try his fortune on dry land. Hearing the great
stories that were then being told of the marvelous fertility of
the soil in this region, he began his journey to "Redstone," in
the latter part of the year 1787. On the 18th of January,
1788, he arrived at the spot where Brownsville now stands in
Fayette county. His first employment seems to have been
peddling dry goods and notions around the country on his
back. He then oi)ened a small store at Jackson's Fort, now
Greene county. Here, in 1791, he bought a plantation, (where
his son, the late James K. Rhodes, recently resided), got mar-
ried, and settled down for life at the humble but honorable
avocation of farming. He seems to have been something of a
natural artist, and has left behind him several pictures of men,
women, ships, animals, etc.
1 10 iusro::Y of (;in:i:M-: coumt.
At tliis period of time, 1791, the entire inhabitants of the
ilistrict of territory lying between the Allegheny mountains
and the Ohio rivci-, were convulsed as by the upheaval of an
oartliquake, in consequence of an act of Congress, imposing a
four-pence tax on every gallon of whisky. This act was inter-
])reted as a direct personal insult to the inhabitants of South-
western Pennsylvania, from several considerations : 1st, it was
an "excise," which kind of acts the Congress of 1774 had de-
clared to be "the horror of all free States." 2d, it forcibly re-
minded them of the old "stamp act," to resist which, their
fatliers had fought, bled, and many of them died. 3d, the de-
tails of the law were so exceedingly exasperating in conse-
quence of introducing a system of espionage through the
agency of the "Inspectors" who came prying around not only
the log cabin distilleries, but also the cabin dwellings of the
settlers, in a way that seemed to them totally incompatible
with tlie liberties of "a free people." 4th, the law seemed to them
to mock their very poverty. Many of them in the east had been
the owners of a few acres of land, for the products of which
they could receive cash ; but now, although possessed of hun-
dreds and even thousands of acres, their lands were yet an un-
subdued forest, yielding no income except the small pittance of
tlie coarsest knid of food on which the primitive families lived.
5th, the manufacture of whisky was the business of the west-
ern counties, and the only business by which they could obtain
the small pittance of naoney that was absolutely necessary to
procure their salt, iron, Dutch ovens, skillets and lids ; also
niSTOin' OK (illKKNK (.01 N TY. Ill
tliC'ir wool cards, and tlie few yai-ds of chintz calico that were
thought to be absolutely necessary for making "short gowns"
for their Avives and daughters to enable them to make a respec-
table appearance at ''nietin'." 6th, by this means also, to a great
extent, their lands were cleaied and made ready for the plow.
Two or three little farmers wliose lands lay adjoining, find-
ing themselves in possession of a surplus of several bushels of
rye, would confer together and agree to start a distillery at tlie
'argest and best spring eitlier of them possessed. When tliis
,vas erect-Hl they were ready to manufacture not only tlicir own
^lu•plus but that of tlieir nciglibors. There were also numer-
ous single men who had taken tracts of land, but having no
'better half" to cook their ''hog and homony" for them, they
Avere glad to get the chance to chop wood all winter for the
•'Still house," feeling that they were abundantly compensated
by getting their "boarding and bitters" without being left in
debt in the spring. The residium of ashes was sometimes run
off into lye and then boiled into potash, which would bear
■ransportation. But the main dependence was on the whisky,
vhich was generally reduced to "fourth proof ;" then placed
in kegs holding from six to ten and even twenty gallons each.
The kegs were then put into a wallet, and placed across the
T)ack of a "pack horse," which had previously been surmounted
by a "pack saddle, that the farmers made themselves, by ob
taining two short crooks or forks of (generally) dogwood. To
these they riveted two pieces of wood about two and a half feet
long, eight inches wide and one and a half inches thick ; on
the inside of these, next the horse, they nailed buckskin, leav -
ing space for stuffing, which was usually composed of horse
hair, sometimes of wool. When some twenty or thirty of these
pack horses were thus fitted out the caravan was ready to start.
From this section they generally went to "Redstone Old Fort,"
(Brownsville.) Thence to Gist's Plantation ; thence by "Brad-
113 HISTORY OF (;iu:i;ni-: county.
dock's Road" to Cuuibei-land, Avhere tliey began to diverge in
different directions in order to obtain supplies. In 1788 the
territory wliich now constitutes Greene county had within its
boundaries seventy registered distilleries, and most likely many
that were not registered. This "whisky insurrection," as it is
generally termed, has often been dished up as a burning re-
proach against Western Pennsylvania, her enemies asserting
that the original settlers were a whisky-loving, brandy-guz-
zling set of drunkards. I presume no one acquainted with me
will expect me to palliate or screen the use of ardent spirits as
they are used at the present day. But the truth of history de-
tiiaiuls that a line of demarkation should be drawn between the
iisy of intoxicating drinks of to-day and one hundred years ago.
Then whisky was the pure essence of rye, which was not re^
garked as tit for use until it was from one to ten years old. It
:lid not seem possessed of those Satanic qualities that are
:iow looked for as the immediate results of indulging in the
iO-aalled whisky of the present day, which is little else than a
filthy compound of water and poisonous drugs, producing in
almost all instances bl asphemy, profanity and vulgarity. Not so
in those good old days ; men often became eloquent in their
quotations of Scrijjture, and sometimes would engage in sing-
ing with great veneration some of those immortal Psalms o;f
the old 'varshion' by Rouse. They could then do what men
are often heard to say they can do now, viz : "Either drink or
let it alone." But now it seems if a man contracts the habit of
di'inking he cannot let it alone. One of my own earliest recol-
lections was of a wedding where two young men were singled
out to "run for the bottle." Soon one of them who was mounted
on a better horse than his competitor, returned, swinging aloft
a well-filled bottle, and presented it to the old preacher, who
was waiting to perform the marriage ceremony, very politely
asking him to "take the bead off this liquor." And sure enough
the preacher did it with a hearty good-will. There was also a
poetry in drinking in those days that seemed to rob it of those
offensive features that are now so disgusting. Two of these
came under my own observation more than fifty years ago.
They were as follows : First, a man came into a tavern where
1 wasstandina*. Xo one knew him ; no one offered him a seat ;
*U(1 not even make room for him by the tire. Yet he knew
liow to be jjopular in that age of universal drinkmg. Plencc
he exclaimed, "Well, gentlemen, what will you all drink? With
one accord they gathered round the bir, while smiles lit up
r.heir countenances. When the glasses were all tilled the strau
ger lifted his and exclaimed, by way of grace i
Oh ! good grog yon are ray darling ;
Some times you make me friends,
And some times foe-;.
Some times you make mo wear old clothes ;
But now since you are so near my nose,
I'p, good grog, and down she goes.
[t is useless to say that he was at once a hero, and as he handed
over his old Spanish dollar for the drinks, he received the land-
lord's blandest smile. Every man there was ready to do the
stranger any favor that lay in his power, bought by that three
3ent dram." On another occasion one of those jolley drinkers
entered a tavern under circumstances differing but slightly
from those described above. As he held up his little tin nog-
gin that held only a gill, he exclaimed :
Here is health to those who have old clothes.
And have no wives to mend them ;
Here is sorrow to those who have half joes,
And have no heart to spend them.
The fun-loving landlord was so Avell pleased on this occasion
that he treated all hands "free gratis for nothing." Still on an-
other occasion, while standing in a bar one very cold morning,
a man came in with a wagon whip under his arm, exclaiming,
"Landlord. I want to get a whip cracker." Soon the door of
the old fashioned bur was unlocked, and instead of the skein ofj
silk that I supposed would be handed out, the bottle was set
on the counter and from it this man took a "whip cracker.'
In a short time in came another man, asking if he could be ac-
commodated with a little "Hardware." The same bottle, to
till appearances, was set out, and from it this man took a little
'•hardware." As I boarded at this house, and as there was
fire nowhere else but in the bar-room and kitchen, I still re-
mained a while longer, when in came a regular old "soap stick,"
and in a subdued tone of voice called for some "red-3ye."
•'Boneface" hesitated this time. The customer saw it, and after
i'some considerable fumbling in his well-worn, thread-bare pock-
ets, he produced three old copperhead cents, at sight of which
out came the same bottle and from it a hearty draught of "red-
sye" was extracted.
I have detailed these apparently little stories for the purpose
of showing what a fascinating charm was thrown like a halo
all around the practice of making and drinking ardent spirits.
It was esteemed not only a luxury, but an indispensable neces-
sity. The good old Scotch Irish must have whisky at their
raisings, their log-rollings, corn-huskings, wood-choppings and
in harvest. They must have it at their weddings and funerals,
last but not least, they must have it when the minister and el-
der come to visit them and catechise the children. They scarce
ever became intoxicated, yet the force of habit had become so
strong that they regarded the excise tax as a strike at their
^'idol," and they were ready to resent it. There were also
demagogues in those days who saw the means of success, po-
iitically, by espousing the cause of the people who thought
themselves aggi'ieved, and consequently listened with eager ear-
nestness to the harrangues of unprincipled aspirants who were
over ready to fan the flame of opposition to the government.
There were also fears to be contended with, which had great
influence in causing many to quietly submit and go with the
iiiSToriv OF <;i:i;i:nk colntv. 115
masses, although their consciences told tliem better. I do not
know whether there were any buildino-s burned in tlie bounds
of Greene county, but there were several barns, houses and
i^rain stacks burned in the western half of what was tlien all
Washington county. A certain incognito demon who signed
his name "'Tom the Tinker,'' was almost ahvay;-! notifyin"- some
one that his ''ladle was hot," and that if they dared to comply
with the requirements of law, vengeance would be meetedoutto
uhem Avith the utmost severity; and to show these Avere no idle
clireats, the mid-niglit skies were oftenlitupby the lurid ilamcs
of the burning buildings of those who had submitted to th-.;
'luthority of the government. Then without a single effort v>
]>rove our ancestors right, but admitting all the time tliat tlicy
were wrong, we will be able to see, by examining these various
circumstances, how many extenuations might be pleaded in
their behalf, which the enemies of AVestern Pennsylvania eith-
er deny or at least try to keep out of sight. The majority of
the excesses were along the waters of Peters Ci-eek, Mingo and
Pigeon Creeks ; until finally these lesser outbreaks culminated
in the burning of the splendid buildings of the Inspector Nevil, on
Chartiers Creek, near Bower Hill Station, on the valley railroad.
During this attack McFarlin, the leader of the insurgents, was
killed. At his funeral on the following Sabbath day several
men came prominently to the front, some to fan the Hame,
others to try to restrain and control it. Conspicuous among
these were Bradford and Breckenridge. In many respects this
anan Bradford might be considered the head and front of the
rebellion. It was at his persistent request that the grand dem-
onstration came off at Braddock's Fields, where it might be
truthfully said the rebellion "went up like a rocket and came
down like a stick."
Our readers will pardon us if our history is somewhat
:4issultry, as Ave do not propose to make it like any other
liistory. Consequently will insert any facts that may be
met with at any time and any place ; hence I call atten-
tion to the following additional history of the town of Jeffer-
son, which I find in the county atlas ; "That part of the town
west of Pine street was laid out in 1814, by Col. Heaton, and
Av^as called Hamilton. The part of the town east of said street
was laid out the same year by Thomas Hughes and called Jef-
lerson. The two jjlaces Avere incorporated under the name of
Jefferson by act of the Legislature in 1827. It has a popula-
tion of about 600 inhabitants. Nothing could be more sugges-
Uve than the two names that were given by the original pro-
prietor. Those two great statesmen were justly considered the
founders of the two great political parties that were at that
time just rising into existence, and have ever since divided the
suffrages of this great nation. Yet what an incongruity did it
seem to name the two opposite sides of the same street for tw(^
men \yhose political princiijles Avere so diametrically opj)osed to
each other. It Avould seem an augury of continuous coiiten ■
tions, and yet nothing is farther from the fact, for I know of
no place where there is more political toleration than in the
town of Jefferson. There is also a A'ery broad religious toler-
ation, from the fact that although the town contains four
churches, viz : Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist and Cumber-
land Presbyterian, I have never seen or deard of any con-
troversy arise between these different branches of the Church
of Christ.
Monongahela College is located at this tOAvn just outside the
corporate limits, on a magnificient plat of land containing
about fourteen acres where majestic ornamental pine trees Avere
placed, not by the' skill of man, but as part of the handiwork
of nature's God. This institution was chartered during the
winter of 1868 and 1869. Rev. Joseph Smith, A. M., was its
first President. After his retirement, J. B Solomon, A. M.'
filled the Presidential chair. He in turn was succeeded by
Iv<jv. H. K. Craig. Among its Professors I lind the names of >
T. \V. Grier, W. P. Kendall, J. W. Phillips, J. W. Scott, D. D.
Mrs. Jennie Smith was elected Principal of the female de^jart-
uient and was succeeded by Mrs. J. B. Solomon. Miss Nannie
I'oUock was elected assistant teacher in the female department,
•iudshe was afterwards Principal. This college has an English
department — a department embracing a full course in mathe-
matics— and also a Normal department. The curriculum em-
braces both a classical and scientific course. It claims to be
equal to that of American Colleges generally. It is the design
of those having it in charge, that it shall mee'. the demands of
those desiring a thorough mental training, to lit them for the
acti\e duties of life. While it is under the direction of the
Baptist denomination, it claims to be in no sense sectarian. All
students are required to go to church every Sabbath day ; yet
the church they go to is left to their own discretion, or that of
their parents. No doubt great good has been accomi)lished by
'Jiis institution, yet it is unfortunate that the two colleges should
l)e located so near each other, as this institution and the
VYaynesburg College at the county seat, are only eiglit miles
apart. This thing has been effectually tried in the case of
Jefferson College, located at Cannonsburg, and Washingtoi;
College at the county seat, being al)out the same distance from
each other that these Greene county institutions are. Ikivaliy
seems to l^e the natural result of close proximity, which will
lead to financial leanness resulting from divided patronage and
reduced terms of tuition, tending to force a kind of classical
smattering into the duml) skulls of those whom nature and na-
ture's God never intended to fill positions in any of the learned
professions. Let us hope for the best, but if the community
around Washington and Cannonsburg could not sustain two
rival institutions, and were compelled (after three quarters of a
118 HISTOltV (J!' (illKKNK COUXTl".
century of j^ersistent effort) to unite, we may well rejoice with
trembling in view of the jirobable fate of these younger insti-
tutions, either of which, if they had the patronage of the entire
community, would almost certainly be a success. This borough
of Jefferson is located in a township of the same name, which
is bounded on the east by the Monongahela river, on the nortb^
1)y the Washington county line, north-west by Morgan town-
ship, west by Franklin township, south by Greene township
and south-east by Cumberland townshij). One of the earliest
settlers in this township was Thomas Hughes, who came in
company with Jesse Vanmeter and John Swan from the State
of Maryland, in 1767. They were among the very first set-
tlers on Muddy creek where they at least made their tomahawk
claims before the treaty of Stanwix, while the land still be-
longed to the Aborginal inhabitants. In a few years Thomas
Hughes removed from the present site of Carmichaels, and
purchased the land on which the town of Jefferson now stands^
He erected the stone house still standing which was long occu-
pied by the Stephens family. He Avas a Justice of the Peace
for many years, and was at one time County Commissioner.
He married Elizabeth Swan and raised a family of ten chil-
dren— four sons and six daughters. This man's descendants
are extensively connected with such families as Swan, Neel,
Hiller, Roseberry and Lindsey. Two miles east of Jefferson
in Jefferson township, still resides or did lately, Isaac F. Ran-
dolph, who was born July 2d, 1797, on the farm where he has
had his home all his life. His father was born in the "Jerseys '
in 1731, and emigrated to this locality in 1795. Isaac F. Ran-
dolph is the youngest of a family of sixteen children, fifteen
of whom have already gone the way of all the earth. He was
married on the 4th of September, 1827, to Miss Sarah A. Ad-
amson, by whom he has had eight children, all of whom are
yet living. He has twenty-seven grand-children, and two great
iiisTO"Y <)i' <;ui:i;nv: coimv.
grancl-cliildren. lie has been a farmer all liis manhood days,
highly respected by all -svho know him. In tliis same town-
ship, at Lock No. G, on tlie MonoiiLrahcla river, is situated the
busy little town of Rice's Landinjr, a name derived from John
Rice who landed here in 1786, and ijatented the land above the
mouth of the run. Those lots below the run were laid out by
Abijah McClean and went by the name of Newport for many
years before the lock and dam Avere built. This place, small
a.s it is, ivS the principal port for the landing of all goods for
the nortii-eastern end of Greene county. Large quantities of
grain are also exported from this place to Pittsburg and other
markets, by way of the Monongahela slack-water improve-
ment. The town contains about three hundred inhabitants,
three dry goods stores, one saw and planing mill, one grist
mill, one grocery and two hotels. Immediately across the rivev
thirty years ago lived a man whose name was Benjamin Coob-
ert, a very devout Methodist and a famous singer, according to
the system taught in the old "Beauties of Harmony," as pub-
lished by Freeman Lewis, in 1814. Mr. Coobert was a very
large man, exceedingly stout, and I introduce his name here for
the purpose of recording this story about him. It has often
been asserted that the Bible requires impossibilities, among
other things such precepts as this: "Love your enemies,"
"When they smite you on one cheek turn the other also," etc.
I have been creditably informed that Mr. Coobert gave an il-
lustration that at least one of these precepts can be obeyed. A
very quarrelsome man met him at the muster and made vari-
ous assaults on him with his [)rofane vulgar tongue, all of
which were born in silence, until finally the insolent fellow
struck him upon the right cheek, Mr. Coobert turned round,
saying: "My INIaster said, 'when they smite thee on the right
cheek turn the other also.' " Althougli this liberty was given,
the ruffian was so overawed by the words and by the manner,,
that instead of striking again, he turned pale, and stammered
out, "excuse me sir," and immediately left the place, showing
Konclusively that the reason why skeptics say that the teach-
ings of Jesus can not be carried out, is because they do not try
theju. This story which is well vouched for forcibly reminds
me of another that I heard many years ago as follows : A de-
vout old Presbyterian minister was making his annual visit at
a house where the woman was a member of his church, but the
man was not, and the woman very seldom ever attended at the
church. The minister was urging her to attend more regularly.
She began to excuse herself by saying what a bad husband slic-
had, and that he always opposed everything she tried to do
that was right, etc. The preacher told her she ought not to
talk so about her man, but on the contrary she ought to be
more kind and affectionate, consealing instead of publishing his
faults, and thus heaping coals of fire on his head, as the Scrip-
tures require us to do. The woman exclaimed, "Oh, it would
not do a bit of good !" When the preacher asked the question,
did you ever try it, to which she replied, "No, I never did just
try coals of fire, but I have tried bilen water !''
On the south-eastern line of Jefferson township, just inside
of Cumberland township, on Pumpkin run, is the spot where-
old fort Swan and Vanmeter stood one hundred years ago. I
was at the place almost thirty years ago, the exact spot being
pointed out to me by Thomas Allfree, who resided at no great
distance from the place. Andrew J. Young now resides on
the identical place where the old stockade M'as erected about
the year 1770. John Swan, the great-grandfather of Mrs.
Young, made his towahawk marks here as early as 1767 and
his permanent settlement in 1779, in company with Thomas
Hughes and Jesse Vanmeter. I am ' inclined to think this was
the very first white settlement, of a permanent kind, in Greene
county. Some have supposed the Eckerline brothers were in
nisTo::v oi- <;::i.;.n!; < crNrv. 121
the bounds of the present county on DunUard Creek, previous
to the coming of those three men. Be this as it may, those
Kckerlines were liardly entitled to the name of settlers at all.
Tliere is no evidence that they had any families, hut en
the contrary they were a kind of batchelor liermits, neither
-multiplying and replenisliiiig the earth," nor subduing it, as I
can find no evidence that they eve]" cleured oin: acre of land.
Their ])Iace of al)ode on Diinkard creek is no doubt very justly
called a "camp," which in my opinion is not a settlement
Their time was employed in "exploring, hunting and medita-
tion," very different avocations from those in which the Muddy
creek settlers, men, women and cliildrcn engaged, viz : clearing
the land and cultivating cio >s on the virgin soil. So that if
these three families had any predecessoi's, it must have been
(-'ol. John Minor (who built the first flouring mill in the county.
It ]Mapleto\vn, and was anjjointed a Justice of the Peace by
the Supreme Executive Council at Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1789)
and Jeremiah Glasgow, as we have evidence that they explored
the region of Big Wiiiteley Creek about the year 1700. How
much ihey did towards m.aking a permanent settlement, is not
known, but one thing seems well established, that they were
tiiere, at tliat date, ready to suffer the privations of frontier
life in one long protracted battle with the panther, bear, wolf,
wild cat, etc., but above all tlie savage red man, whose wiles
tliey were to study, whose courage they were to brave, and
Avhose long-winded self-denial tliey were to out-wind. Tiie
mightv forest was to be subdued, and the liowling v.ihh'rness
must become a fruit fid field, .'ukI tlie desert must be made to
blossom like the garden of the I.ord. After the expiration of
one century may we not exclaim, "What hath God wrought?"
As there is no better way by which we can appreciate the
blessings of the present than to compare the times in which wo
live with those times that "tried men"s souls" in the i):ist, I in-
troduce right hevc some of tlioso firy trials. In tiie spring of
17<Sl, (the same year that tliis territory was created into Wash-
ington county), the Indians made tlieir appearance on Crooked
run, close to Mason and Dixon's line in what is now Dunkard
township. Avhere tlicj'' seem to have lain in ambush during the
night near the cabin of Thomas Pindall, who had gone the day
]n-evious to Harrison's Fort Avliere the principal part of the set-
tlers had taken refuge. jMr. Pindall and his family had not
yet returned to the stockade, and he being more brave than pru-
■leiit, induced three young men whose names were Harrison,
Oi'awfcn'd and Wiiglil to go home with him and spend the
ii'ght. .Sometime after they had been in bed, PindalFs wife
;iwoke him, sayiiig that she had several times heard a noise
'Aiiich s!ie Avas quite sure was the whistling on a charger, nisist-
i ig t!ia: they liad better go to the fort immediately for safety.
He insisted, however, that it was only the wind, the sound oi
•vliich her fears had magnified into the Indian signal, and ns
t!ie night was exceedingly dark, all parties took their rest till
morning, when the men rose early and apprehending no
danger. 3Ir. Pindall walked out into the woods to catch his
horse, while the young men went to the spring for the piirpose
o!" wasliiitg themselves. While thus engaged three guns were
lired at tlicm by the ambushed Indians, and Crawford and
Wright were instantly killed. Harrison immediately fled, and
arrived safely at the fort. Mrs. Pindall and her sistei--in-lavv,
] lachel, hearing the report of the guns, leaped out of bed and
ran toward tlie fort, pursued by the Indians, who overtook,
killed and scalped Mrs. Pindall, while Rachel escaped safely to
the fort. In the month of June of the same year, another dep-
redation was committed by the savages at Martin's Fort, on
Crooked run. The majority of the men had gone forth at an
early hour to labor on their farms. The women Avere engaged
.in milking the coavs at the gate of the fort. The Indians, Avho
were lying concealed in the woods, made a simultaneous rush^
and killed or captured ten of the females who were outside of
the fort gate. They also killed James Stewart, James Siiiolley,
and Peter Crouse, while John Shriver and his wife, two sons of
James Stewart, two sons of James Smollcy and a son of Peter
Crouse were carried into captivity, a fate for tlie women more
frightful than death. These two depredations were on the ex- ^^ ^
treme southern boundary of Greene county. Let us now notice sVr . _^
another murder on its northern border. In the month of Sep- J^ / (M ^
tember of the same year, Nathan Davidson and his brother had't^ I v^
gone on a hunting expedition up Tenmile. Tliey left their
(;amp one morning intending to meet there at a certain house,
and then they would return home the same evening, (which
home was near Davidson's Ferry). At the appointed hour
Josiah arrived at the camp, but Nathan never came back. In
tlie following March his body was found by John Reed Avhero
he had been shot and scalped. But the sneeking perpe-
trator was not known to have committed, any other crime.
This same Tenmile region had previously been stained with the
blood of the whites, shed by the murderous hands of their im-
placable foes, the Indians. In the month of February, 1780,
several families had gathered into Ilarbert's Block House. On
the third of Mai'ch while some children were playing Avith a
crippled crow in the yard, they espied several Indians coming
toward them. They immediately gave the alarm, when John
Murphy looked out at the door to ascertain the nature of the ,
danger, when he recived a shot from the gun of an Indian
(who had just come round the house), and fell back into the
house. The Indian, eagre for his scalp, sprang into the block
house, the door still being open. Here Harbert, a brave man,
laid hold on him and threw him on the floor. A shot from the
outside of the house wounded Harbert. Still he maintained his
hold on his savage antagonist, trying, in the meantime, to dis-
patch him with his tomahawk, wlien he received anotlier shct
through the liead and immediately expired. His wounded an-
tagonist then sprang out at the door ^vhich was partially open.
Another active young warrior sprang in, carrying in his hand
a tomahawk with a long si)ear at the end of the handle. Ed-
ward Cunningham raised his gun to shoot this savage, but it
missed fire and the two grappled in a dreadful struggle. At
length Cunningham wrenched the tomaliawk from the hand of
the savage and buried the spear end of the handle in his back.
Mrs. Cunningham now struck the Indian in the face with the
edge of an ax, wounding him severely, when he loosened his
liold of her husband and staggared out of the house. A third
Indian now ran in, and aimed a murderous blow at the head of
iMiss Reese, which did not kill her, only inflicting an ugly
wound. Her father, who was a Quaker, seeing his daughter
thus brutally beaten, seized hold of the Indian, but was soon
thrown to the floor, and would have been killed but for the op-
portune interference of Cunningham who had been released
from his struggle Avith the first Indian just in timer Seeing
the danger Reese was in, he drew out the spear end of the toma-
hawk from the back of the first Indian and instantly sunk the
bit into the head of the second Indian as he was about to dis-
patch Reese. The door was now shut and firmly held by the
women, although the Indians on the outside made desperate
efforts to force it open. They now killed and scalped, or cap-
tured, all the children in the yard. When disparing of being
able to do any moi'e mischief, they departed, leaving the whites
in possession of the stronghold they had so valiantly defended.
Of the whites in the house only one (Halbert) was killed
and four wounded, while seven or eight children in the yard
were killed or captured. One Indian was killed and two des- '
perately wounded, showing it to be a draw battle in which
savage valor of one sex: was met by equal valor on the part of
iiisTOKV OK <;ri:knk countv. 125
both sexes of tlie wliitcs. VVlien the third Iiuliaa aimed his
deadly blow at the head of Miss Reese, the girl's mother rushed
forward and cauglit the wai-rior l)y his false horns which came
off in her hands, and, althoiioh her interference did not entirely
protect her (hiug-htcr fi-om injury, it no doubt turned aside the
nnn-derous weapon sufficiently to save the girl's life. If lieese
liad laid aside his Quakerism at an earlier ])eriod in the strug-
gle the probabilities are, that the two wounded Indians would
have been incapacitated forever from })articipating in another
such battle, and yet the Quaker owed his life to the man wliom
he at first refused to assist.
While on the subject of Indian barbarities I will add one
more sad chapter to the list that might be indefinantely pro-
longed. That is the murder of the two sisters by the name
of Crow, on Wheeling Creek. Jacob Crow had settled here
in 1770 or 1771 ; he Avas the father of live daughters and
at least one son. As these were "times that tried men's souls,''
so, also, did they try the nerve and muscle of the bodies of thcii-
wcrasn. 'Hence one of the daughters had been woi-king for
ivages for Mr. James Davis near llyerson's Station and had re-
turned home on Saturday night for the i)urpose of spending
the Sabbath at her father's house. A colt belonging to the
old man had broken out of its enclosure and ran off up the
creek. A son, whose name was Michael, had gone in search for
this colt up above the mouth of Wharton's run. Upon finding
it he returned down the creek until he was again opposite the
mouth of this run, near which at a few rods distance from the
creek lay a sa,nd stone rock probably twenty feet square. Be-
hind this rock, in concealment lay the notorious young Spicer
and two Indian warriors who might easily have shot down the
hoy on the colt but he was permitted to pass in safety as the In-
dians evidently had designs on other parties close at hand. These
parties were the five daughters of old Jacob Crow and sisders
lyt) HisTOUY OF <;ki:ene CuUNTV.
to the young man Micliael. Four of these daugliters had ac-
companied their older sister (on her return back to her weekly
work near the Station) and Avere now engaged cracking wal-
nuts under a tree preparatory to separation. Here they were met
l3y their brother who told them they had better go on as it was
getting late and there might be "Injuns" about. The girls
the:i ie^)ar; t?d, two of them staring to the creek, the others to
return home. At this moment two guns were fired from behind
ihe rock and the two girls in the creek both fell fatally wound-
ed. The other three fled with all possible speed, pursued by
the savages who threw a tomahawk striking Taner in the back
between the shoulders near the spine, and bringing her instantly
to the ground. The Indians kept up the j^ursuit until the re-
maining young woman was captured, to whom they made offers
if she would go with them as a companion that they would save
"her life. These offers were refused with contempt and disdain,
Avhen in hateful rage the scalping knife was applied and her
luxuriant head of hair was torn off to grace an Indian's belt and
yhe was left to die a lingering and horrible death that occurred
about nine days after, partly from starvation and partly from
exposure and loss of blood. During this parley in making
these offers and having thena rejected Taner (who had been
knocked down apparently dead by the stroke in the back)
had revived from the shock and had secreted herself so
successfully that even Indian vigilence failed to find her and she
lived to be an old woman as the wife of McBride, and the
mother of ten or eleven children. The mark of the tomahawk
in her back was distinctly visible at the time of her death and
was seen by one of my informants. Mary, the little sister,
who had " scarce entered her teens," out-ran all parties and
was taken up behind her brother on the colt on which they both
made their escape, first to their father's house, where, after
alarming the remaining inmates, all parties made their escape
iiisToia' <>i- (j::i:i:nk colntv. i27
that night to RN'evson's Fort, where this same infamous Spicer
and his savage allies luul coniiuitted another depredation the
same day about a mile above the station in the slaughter of the
Davis family. This little girl, 31ary Crow, who made such a
narrow escape was aftei-wards married to Hiram Gray. S; e
lived to be 104 years old and was the mother of fifteen chil-
dren. This ^lichael Crow iiad already had a distressing Iiuli; n
experience when he was only five years old. An Indian ab.rm
had come; those who Avere older Avere started to run to the Fort
while those Avho were smaller were carried in the arn^s of their
[larents. This boy was too large to be carried and too small to
iuii, hence a puncheon in the cabin floor was lifted and he was
pushed down '■'• nolens volens''' and directed, under all circunr
stances, to keep quiet, which he certainly did, as the Indians
soon entered the cabin in their work of pillage and held high
v^arnival immediately above him while he maintained a pro-
found silence even long after the departure of his, foes from
which unpleasant position he was finally released by other
members of the family, after remaining under the house for
three days with nothing to eat and no companion but a large dog.
These statements I have received from Mrs. Ann Rickey, wife
of William S. Rickey, and grand daughter of Michal Crow,
Sr. Robert Dinsmore, John Dinsmore, and David Braddock,
Jr., also concur in substantially the same statements. I am
aware that thei'e are other versions of the affair, but these de-
scendents and relatives think that this chapter is about as near
correct as we possibly can have it at this late day. Another
of these Indian depredations occurred in the month of March,
1779, on Dunkard Creek. The heroine was a woman whose
name was Experience Bozarth, who seems to have been a avo-
raen of unusual courage, and was recognized as such by her
neighbors, two or three families of whom had taken refuge at
her house, deeming themselves safer in her company than they
iiistoi:y oi- <i::i-;Kxi-; colnti:.
would be at their own homes. On a certain clay some of
the children thus collected together came running in, saying
that there were Indians coming. One of the men in the house
walked to the dooi- to see and found the report was true,
v.'lien he received a ball in the side of his breast which caused
liim to fall back into the house. The Indian rushed in after
liis scalp, when he Avas met by a very stout man who was un-
armed at the time ; he, however, seized the Indian and threw him
on the bed and called loudly for a knife to kill him with. Instead
of hunting for a knife, Mrs. Bozarth seized an ax that stood in
(lie comer and with one blow let out the Indians brains. At
that instant a second Indian ran in and seeing the man leaning
over the body of the Indian on the bed drew up his gun and
shot the white man dead. Mrs. Bozarth now attacked this
siecond Indian with her already bloody ax inflicting several
wounds, one of which let out his entrals, causing him to bawl
out murder. This brought out a third Indian to his relief who
had only stuck his head a short distance into the door when
the murderous ax (wielded by the stalwart arm of this Amer-
ican Amozonian) clave his skull in two, stretching him lifeless
on the floor. A foiirth Indian now seized the bellowing fellow
by the leg and drew him out at the door, which was immedi-
ately shut and barred by the woman and the white man who
was flrst shot, and who by this time had j^artially recovered.
Here they were compelled to remain for several days with the
dead white man and dead Indian both in the house. They were
finally relieved by the arrival of several, hunters who drove
away the Indians who still continued to beseige them. This
affair was in the bounds of the present Greene county, although
it was then called a part of Westmoreland county. But I have
already mentioned the murder of the Davis family, of which I
have obtained the following additional particulars from Eze-
kiel Grandou, a grand nej^hew of old man Davis. This mas-
sacre was done on the morning of the same day that the Crow
sisters were killed. The oldest daughter of the Davis family
had risen early and went out to milk the cows. While thus en-
gaged she saw two Indians and a white man stealthily creep-
ing along the fence of the field in which she Avas milkmg.
Without showing any, signs of alarm, slie walked deliberately
to the house and told what she had seen. Tliis her father and
brother refused to believe, as so many i-umors had Ijcen started
that had proven untrue, and derided her declarations as the re-
sult of fear. Soon after the family sat down to a breakfast of
bread and milk. But scarcely had they Ijegun to eat when in
rushed the two Indians whom the girl had said she had seen.
and instantly shot down the old man and his full-grown son.
They handed their empty guns to the white fiend who accom-
panied them, and he immediately proceeded to re-load the same,
while the Indians, with their tomahawks, soon dispatched the
five younger children, taking the mother and her infant captive
and leaving seven scaljiless, bleeding corpses lying on the floor.
This constituted the entire family, except the daughter who had
first spied the savages ; who was on the look-out, and, although
her report was not credited, still she could not disbelieve the
testimony of her own eyes, and as soon as the massacre com-
menced, (she having refused to sit down with the family), she
sprang out of a low window and fled to the fort. Another
full-grown son had gone out hunting, and when he heard the
report of the guns he concluded that it A\as the settlers at the
fort killing a beef. The bodies of the murdered family were
hurried in one grave on the bank of Thomas' Fork of Wheel-
ing creek, about three hundred yards from the spot where the
massacre occurred, on landslately owned by the late Armstrong
About three miles from this place, on the other branch of
Wheeling creek, about forty-three years ago, a murder occurred
I'oO iiiSTOiiv OK (ji;i:ene county.
winch involved the whole community in a state of the most in-
tense excitement. An old man, whose name was Samuel Ven-
jilta, who owned a large tract of land on the Thomas branch
of Wheeling creek, had also bought a settlement right on the
South branch. A man whose name was Jesse Pettit had pur-
chased the same land — as part of the Cook or Lieper lands —
;rad insisted on having possession of the same. This Venatta
refused to give, when a i:)osse of some ten or twelve men
nctempted to forcibl)^ eject Venatta's tenant. The old man
cuiie to their assistance and was very much abused by them ;
but still he and his tenant held the "fort." On the next day
iihey returned, armed with a warrant, in the hands of Nathaniel
Pettit, who was the Constable of Morris township. This war-
rant the Constable attempted to serve, and was refused admit-
;.ance on the ground that Venatta was afraid to risk his life in
the hands of the men who had torn his shirt off his back tht
iay before, as well as otherwise bruising and kicking him. The
Jonstable then attempted to break open the door, when V. u-
itta warned him from the inside that if they persisted th'V
vould do it at their peril. This warning was unheeded ; ihv
posse from behind pressing the Constable on against the doo).
which yielded and flew open, when the Constable rushed lu
and was met by Venatta, who held a butcher-knife in his hand.
He instantly thrust the knife into the breast of the Constable,
who immediately exclained, "it is all over; let him alone!" and
■turned to go out at the door, when he received another thrust
in the back, and after walking a step or two, fell dead on the
porch. Either of these wounds would have proved fatal as the
knife in both instances had touched the heart. A av arrant was
pi'ocured the same evening from 'Squire Lazear for the arrest
of Samuel Venatta for murder. This warrant was immedi-
ately served by George Stroup, the Constable of Richhill town-
ship, to whom Venatta peaceably surrendered himself, and was
taken to Waynesburg the same niglit. He was permittccl to
iile a bail bond, endorsed by Francis Gray and John Conkey.
He was eventually tried, and acquitted on the ground that the
killing was in self-defense.
About two and a half miles from the place where the Davis
family were murdered is a spring known by tlie old settlers as
the "Panther Lick." This name is derived from the following
circumstance: Edward Grandon Avas out of meat, and was
anxious to procure a supply. For this purpose he resorted to
a salt spring or "lick," at a time when the deer were ac-
customed to procure their supply of salt by imbibing these
salien waters during the darkness of the night. The usua!
method was to get the exact range of the spot where the ani-
mals drank during the day light, then stake the gun in that po-
sition and await the arrival of the expected game, when the
hunter had nothing to do but draw back the hammer of the
old flint lock gun, pull the trigger, and away went the ball,.-
bringing down the denizen of the forest (providing the ball hit.)
On this occasion Mr. Grandon arrived at the "lick" about sun-
down and was engaged in staking his gun in the proper posi
tion, when his attention was diverted from his work by a piece
of bark, falling from a tree. Casting his eye upwards he was
horrified at the sight of a large panther, within easy spring-
ing distance of him, which evidently was also awaiting the
arrival of the deer. Mr. Grandon now discovered that he had
other use for his gun, and profiting by the hint he did not wait
to "stake down his piece" in the range of the panther, but rais-
ing it to his shoulder he drew a "bead" on the intruder and
drove a ball through his heart. Had it not been for that fall-
ing bark, some luckless deer might have been shot, and the
hunter would have found it difficult to make an equitable divide
with his rival in a struggle over the corpse of the animal that
both parties would no doubt claim as their lawful prey. While
I'S'J iiisTOuv OK <iKi:L;xK county
the hunter might insist that he alone had done the killing, the
panther might demur on the grounds that he was there first
and consequently had "preemption" rights. Not far from this
panther lick an affair occurred "in early day, as poets say,"
that was somewhat amusing to the spectator, but full of deep
serious earnestness to the parties engaged in it. William Gran-
don (the son of the same Edward Grandon who shot the pan-
ther at the lick) was out on a bear hunt, and finally succeeded
in bringing down a mammoth bruin of the femcnine gender.
Without the usual precaution of loading his gun, he ran up to
bleed his victim. Just as he was within easy reach he made-
the discovery that her bearship was not yet ready to part witJ:
life, and thinking, no doubt, that she had been basely mal-
treated by an intruder on her rightful domain, she determined
to resent any further indignities, and just as he applied the
knife to her hairy throat she struck her ponderous paw into
the back of his hunting shirt, giving him a hint that "one good
lurn deserves another." The idea seems to have been suddenly
impressed on his mind that "prudence was the better part of
ralor." In order to carry out this new impression he sud-
denly departed from the place, leaving a small patch oflinsey in
the claAvs of Mrs. Bruin as a memento of his kindness. In
these efforts to break the "last link'' that bound the friends to-
gether, Mr. Grandon was very much indebted to the timely
interference of a large dog, that seemed to have had some-
what peculiar ideas of "fair play," and in order to carry them
out, just as Mr. Grandon applied the knife to the throat, he ap-
plied his teeth to the hind leg, which divided the affection of
the gentle female between the two friends to such an extent
that they both escaped from her tender embraces. But although
Toiled this time she is apparently determined that she will not
"waste all her sweetness on the desert air," and consequently
she renews the pursirit, again extending an open paw, and in-
Berts it not only in the liunting shirt, but in something more
tangible beneath it. Her prospects are good for a renewal of
the previous proximity, but here th^ "pesky" dog again inter-
feres and she is compelled to let go. But this thing is becom-
ing monotonous, and as Mr. Grandon is a lover of variety he de-
termins to change the program. Not a single ball is found in
his shot-pouch, but there is plenty of powder in his horn. A
o'.iarger full of this is poured down his gun, and as Mrs. Bruin
approaches for a final "hug," the ungrateful man, who failed to
ap})rcciate all this intended kindness, thrust the muzzle of his
gun down her open mouth and yawning throat and then dis-
charges his powder, which was more potent in its effects than
his ballet had j^reviously been. Her bearship dropped helpless
on the ground, and after several convulsive throws of anguish,
expired a victim of unappreciated kindness. Now, gentle
reader, after this pantlier and bear story, which occurred at
different periods of time, please listen to one more in which
the two animals were combined, as follows : Out on Fish
<-reek, about eighty years ago, a famoiis hunter who was known
as Killhim Gothard, was out hunting without success. The
shades of evening were beginning to fall and the humilia-
ting thought was momentarily impressing itself on his mind
that he must return home without game. He was almost ready
to curse his day, at least his luck ; but there is no alterna-
tive. Reluctantly he turned his steps slowly towards the spot
where he knew he could cross Fish Creek on a tree that had
fallen across the stream. When he came in sight of this
bridge he saw that there were other parties about to cross, and
their growls and screams indicated that they intended to be cross
about it. A panther on one side and a bear on the other side,
both seemed insisting on their right to pi-eempt the bridge.
As no compromise could be effected they both started on the
log at the same moment, and met in the midst of the stream.
niSronV Oi' OiREEXE COrNTl'.
The old maxim, "When Greek meets Greek, then comes the
tug of war," is now to be tested. The panther, witli his supe-
rior agility, might have leaped safely over his clumsy antago-
nist : but no, he was anxious for a fight. The bear, however,
seeing his opportunity, raised his awkward foot and striking
his antagonist on the side of the head, hurled him headlong
into the boiling stream below. No doubt bruin congratulated
himself on his easy victory. But alas! his laurels are destined
soon to fade, for his incensed enemy can never forgive such an
insult as that. He swims nimbly to shore on the same side^
where the exultant bear has just arrived, and now with growl
and yowl, each angry monarch of the forest approaches the-
other. The deep chasms and towering hills of Fish Creek
echo and reverberate with their miitual imprecations, and when
their rage has reached the liighest sublimity, with one deep-
:lrawn, dreadful yowl, the conflict begins. The panther makes-
one high leap, and as he descends, lights on the back of tin-
animal that had so recently insulted him. Vain are bruinV
efforts to shake him oif. Plis long, dagger-like fangs sink
deeper and deeper into the neck of his luckless foe, until at last
the jugidar vein is reached, and the hot life-blood soon reddens
the ground, and causes the previously victorious bear to suc-
cumb to superior activity. All this time our hunter has watched
with intense anxiety to see the favorable time for him to iiitei-
fere. It has come at last ; he need not return home without^
having made as high a mark this day as he ever did ;iny dnv
of his life. Thus while the victorious panther triumphant] v-
lashes his sides with his great cat-like tail, and commcn(;es U>-
lick up the blood of his fallen foe, tlie unseen hunter wipes off
his "frissen," examines his priming, carefully lays his rifle in r*
rest, pidls the trigger and the deadly bullet lays the pantlier
low. Thus man, "to whom Avas granted dominion over the
beasts of the earth." comes not to divide the spoil, but to retaui
It Jill. I am still further indebted to my old friend Ezekiel
Grandon for another story, which I have no doubt is true, as
he is a man of unsurpassed memory, especially as regards oc-
currences fifty or sixty years ago. He has almost lived out
his three score and ten years. He is a great Bible reader, a
man of undoubted veracity, a zealous member of the South
Tenmile Baptist Church, and in short just about the right kind
of a man, (only in your conversation with him, reader, you
must just let him have his own way on the mode on babtism,)
as I do. But now for the narrative. It occurred almost sixty
years ago in the bounds of the present Richhill township,
Greene county. At that date game was abundant, especially
in the upper end of "Little Greene." There were a few Nim-
rods, whose daily avocation was scouring the woods in search
of deer, elk, bear, wolves, panthers, etc.; and woe be to luckless
animals that came within range of their deadly rifles, which
discharged a ball, forty-five of which made a pound avoirdu-
poise. There were also abundance of men to w^hose palate
a roast of deer meat, a slice of jerk or a hunk of venison
tasted just as sweet as it did to the regular hunter. But alas !
they cannot procure it ; although they can draw a fine sight at
a mark, or can knock down a squirrel from the tallest
tree, yet such game as we have named above, is too large foi
them. They meet it in the woods, but that strange disease knowii
as "buck fever" at once attacks them, and trembling similar to
Bellshazar, unstrings their nerves ; the gun refuses to remain in
one position ; they fire, but the untouched deer boimds away,
showing them his heels in a way that seemed to say, "I guess
you didn't." The regular hunters, proud of their success, were
not by any means backward in ridiculing their less fortunate
neighbors who now determine to act the "dog in the manger."
If we can't the hunters shan't feast on the corpses of the buck
and the doe. For this purpose they got up the most extensive
136 ■" insTOnv OF greeni'. county.
circular hunt ever known in these western counties. Marshals
are selected Avith great care, not only from Greene but Wash-
ington and Fayette counties ; the Pan-Handle and West Vir-
ginia respond to the invitation to join in the extermination.
The lines of circumvollation were not precisely the boundaries
of old Richhill township, but were about equally extensive.
The place of rendezvous is carefully selected, which is a circu-
lar valley near Kincaid's mill'. The long expected day arrives.
From all quarters horsemen and footmen, armed with guns,
may be seen hastening towards the spot where their respective
lines are to be formed. But not a dog, neither mongrel puppy,
whelp, hound, nor curr of low degree can put in an appearance
that day ; although it is said -'every dog has his day," yet that
was not ilieir day ; if they must bark, they must lay in their
kennels or at the end of their chains and bark at their fleas.
But the stalwart men press on ; the lines are formed, and tlie
blowing of horns and the firing of guns announce that the deadly
march has begun. Nearer and nearer the formidable lines ai--
proach the ])lace of the anticipated slaughter. But alas ! th.-
line from Morris township is behind time. The game find in«^
gap, and away goes the stag, the wolf and most of the yniii.4
I'cynards ; but there is one old fox that seems to have bad uu
inkling that as there were to be no dogs present, consequcnliy
not much danger, even if some of his descendants had ;?nld liio
Nimrods are in the line, he might have replied in fox parhiaco.
"what of it; they are all on our side," which was true. Al-
though the force of circumstances almost compelled the; rogular
hunters to take their places in the line, they did it unwillir.gl)'
and whenever they saw an opportunity of doing so with iui))n-
nity, they stepped aside and purposely let the game escape,
virtually bidding it go in peace. But the okl i-ed fox cou.V!
not be thus dismissed. Being of an inquisitive disposruou, lio
determined to go on and see wliat will be tin- rcsnii m! t '••o oon)-
ing-out place. Finally that place is reached ; it is advanta-
geously chosen ; a circle of tress are blazed around the crest of
the hill so as to allow no human billed to enter the dark valley
where the congregated thousands of quadrupeds are to be
slaughtered without mercy. When the thousands of eager
men began to crowd thickly together on the hills overlooking
this Golgotha, what a siglit met their expectant vision. But I
draw a veil over the scene of slaughter. A large number of
deer were swung behind the saddles of the horsemen. Some
few wolf scalps were taken. But now the grand exhibition
commences. The same old fox is not satisfied with the day's
performances. He has been at many a hunt, but none witliout
^logs before. Why, he has had no exercise at all. This will
never do ; and as he seems to know that the Nimrods are on
his side, and that only the men who are afflicted with Inick-
fever will shoot at him, he makes his appearance and de-
scribes one flaming circle around the ring. Unliuvt he runs
the gauntlet again and again, while hundreds of rifles are tii'cd
;it him. The guns of the Nimrods contained nothing but pon'-
der, while the bullets of the masses go almost everywhere else
than into the hide of this celebrated racer. Sixteen com-
plete circles had been made, when esteeming this glory en()U!i;li
for one day, he finally yielded to his fate and fell pierced by
several bullets which seem to have struck him about tlie same
time. Several persons claimed the honor of sheding the bloo'l
of this brave red fox that certainly did enough to immovtali/.e
his name if he only had been fortunate enouglito have had one.
After having taxed the patience of our readers thus long
with old Indian, panther and bear stories, I will now })roceed
to give some brief biographies of some of the old settlers in the
ujiper end of the county of Greene. James Burns was of
Scotch descent, (somewhat distantly descended from the same
family of which the old Scotch ])oet Avas a member). IIi^ set-
tied at an early day on the waters of Owens' run where he be-
came the owner of several tracts of land, which had previously
been part of the Thomas Leiper lands. He was an expert
hunter, whose deadly rifle was almost sure to bring down any
animal on which he drew a bead. About sixty-five years ago
Richhill township had only two Whig voters, Mr. Burns being
one, and Francis Braddockthe other. The descendants of these
men, to a considerable extent in their numerous affinities, make
up the Republican voters of Richhill township to-day. When
Mr. Burns became old he divided out his extensive tracts of
hind among his children, entailing those lands to them and
their children after them, as far as the constitution of the State
will permit. However praisworthy the intentions of the grantor
in making this entailment, it has always been a question in my
mind as to whether there are not more evil than good consc
quences resulting from it, as its direct tendency is to constitute
the children of any given generation nothing more than ten-
ants for life, thus destroying that mainspring of enterprise which
is found to result alone from ownership, and as man must have
his support from some source, it is evident that it must either
be obtained by his own exertions, or bs filched from the com-
munity in which he lives. My own observation is to the effect
that man will do more by way of improvement and aggrandise-
ment when he is the sole owner, and when every acre of land
is at all times liable for the fulfillment of all his contracts. Yet
I have known instances in other localities where insolent rascal-
ities were practiced just because the parties were shielded V)y
entailment. Although there may be exceptions, as there are
in the Burns case, still I am disposed to think that the fewer
shielding exemption laws we have the better for all parties.
Possibly an instance may occur occasionally in which a rapa-
ciouse, cold-blooded creditor may cruelly strip a most worthv
but helpless debtor. Yet the instances of wrong-doing will
not be more than one in twenty of what there will be if all
debtors can bid their creditors defiance and langh them to
scorn when they attempt to secure their just dues. When the
debtor is protected by a law that exempts everything below a
certain value, by this means a double wrong is done : first, to
the creditor by depriving him of his dues ; secondly, to the
debtor who must carefully calculate lest accidentally he might
come in possession of more property than the law will exempt,
thus tying his hands and destroying his earnings to that extent
that he often deprives himself of the comforts of life rather
than run the risk of paying what ho honestly owes. About
six miles from the place where Mr. Burns settled there lived,
about eighty years ago, a very singular old man of the German
])ersuasion, wliose name I will not mention, as lie has some
very respectable descendants. This old man was afllicted with
that singular disease called hypocondria, and the particular
type of it was that he imagined himself to be made of glass and
was contiimally cautioning those around him to be careful lest
they sliould break off some of his limbs, or otherwise deface
hull. His family protested and scolded and derided his notions.
b:it all ill vain. The more his opinions were controverted the
more firmly he became convicted of their truthfulness. Some
one advised tlie family to humor his whims in all particulars
luitil a favorable opportunity should be presented of convinc-
ing him of their absurdity. At his suggestion the sons procured
a cart to which they attached a yoke of quiet oxen ; they care-
fidly placed a feather bed in it, on which they placed the old
man in a position, partly sitting, partly lying and partly stand-
lu'j;, veiy exactly complying with his most minute wishes.
Thus carefully equipped, the oxen, the cart and tlie sons started
out to give the old invalid the benefit of the fresh air. One
of the sons drove the oxen slowly along the bank of Wheeling
cre^k, until they had anived at the mouth of Crab A])j)lo run —
occasionally stopping to let all parties rest — when the young
man who walked behind as a kind of rear guard, seems to have
conceived the idea that there was something wrong with one
of the wheels of the cart, at least he had something to do with
the linchpin which he was seen carrying in his hand, and it
evidently was not put back in its proper place, as the cart had
only proceeded a short distance when just above the steepest
part of the bluff, Oh ! horror of horrors, the M'heel came off,
down went that side of the cart, away went the feather bed,
and worst of all, down went the man who imagined himself
made of glass, over the bluff, over the rocks. Surely he will
share the fate of Nebuchadnezzar's image — he will "become as
the small dust of the threshing floor." But no! from the bed of
the creek up comes, first horrid imprecations, then stones hurled
from a giant arm, then an enraged man who gave chase to the
undutiful rascals who with difticulty made their escape. The
sequel of this story, Avhich I have from undoubted authority, is
that the man was cured of his foolish delusion, drove the oxen
and cart home himself, after putting on the wheel and gather-
ing up the feather bed. But it was long before he forgave
the boys who played him such a mean trick. As troubles sel-
dom ever come single-handed, so delusions often make theii-
appearance near the same localities and about the same dates.
Hence not far from the date when the dutchman was tumbled
out of his cart, a man moved over from Washington county,
that "land of learning, where the people all believe themselves
smart ; Avhere they never tire of glorifying their ancestors,
whose sons, find them where you may, whether on the bound-
less prairies of the Avestern States, in the fastnesses of the
Rockey Mountains, or on the Pacific slope, always arogate to
themselves the chief places in assemblies, and although they
may scarce be able to tell who made them, yet they will place
their tliumbs in tlio :\?--.^!()]es of llieir vests, teter themselves
np and down on their toes, and exclaim with an air of superi-
ority, "stand back here ; let me see. 1 am from Washington
county. How must the benighted inhabitants of Greene have
rejoiced to see such a light as this settling on the State Road,
within two miles of the present Jacktown What grand antic-
ipation must have lit up the darkened imaginations of those prim-
itive settlers when this luminary of the first magnitude, conde-
scended to squat among them. But alas ! their air castles are
destined to crumble around them, for it is soon found that he
is laboring under a delusion almost equal to the Dutchman wlio
was dumped into the creek, tlie difference being the German
was content to think himself glass, while the other, (because
he came from Washington county, of course must imagine him-
self something superior), consequently imagined himself Porce-
lain China. He was very fearful that, in his contacts with the
rough masses among whom his lot was cast, that he might be
broken, maimed or dashed to atoms; consequently he was always
cautioning all Avho came in to see him to be ware how they
handled him, as he was composed of the most costly kind of
China ware. These men, rough as they were, could not Inive
'•the wool jiulled over their eyes" in that Avay. They were in
possession of good "mother wit," and concluded that this new-
comer was only flesh and blood, created out of the same dust i's
the rest of mankind, tlierefore could not look upon him v,it!i
that degree of veneration that he seemed to claim as liis duo,
and in the abundance of their benevolence they co"ncluded to
Llispel the delusion under Avhich he Avas laboring and cure
him for all time of his belief that he was a helpless invalid.
With this determination in view, some four or five of tlieni
called on him one morning and insisted that he shoidd take a
ride for his general health. After much persuasion he Avas in-
duced to allow himself to be lifted carefully on the sumit o[ a
saddle, the stiru])s and givtli of whidi had been nlmost cut i-ll"
immediately under the skirt so that he could not make the dis-
covery, ' This saddle was placed on the back of an antiquated
but spirited nag that would by no means bare the whip. Two
kind-hearted neighbors, mounted on more sober horses, were to
accompany the sick man in his morning ride, while the remain-
der were to act their part on foot. All things being ready, one
of the irreverent footmen picked up a thorn bush previously
prepared, and struck the spirited horse on which the porcelain
man was mounted, a severe blow. The consequences were im-
mediate and alarming. The horse sprang forward with a des-
perate leap ; the invalid thrusts his weight into the stirups, one
of which immediately broke, throwing him on one side of the
saddle ; the girth now gave way, dropping both man and sad-
dle on the ground, where it might be supposed the man would
have gone to fragments, and that those who had so kindly as-
sisted him, would have had a busy day in placing the different
pieces in something like respectable shaj)e for burial. But no.
The breaking of Pandora's box could not have produced a more
frightful aparition than was seen to rise up from the spot where
that man fell. Without stopping to reflect that he was only
China and certainly must be dashed to hopeless nonentity, he
immediately appealed to stone after stone, and finally the thorri
bush, which was as potent as the scourge of small cords in
driving the money-changers out of the Temple. With this
weapon he cleared the ridge from the intrusions of his real but,
in his opinion, false-hearted friends. The halucination was
broken and dispelled. But the man became the butt of ridicule
to such an extent that he returned to Washington county whera
the people were sufficiently advanced to appreciate properl^'
the refined feelings of a man made of porcelain China. Whilex^
writing of delusions and halucinations, I will mention just one
more, which used to exist in the bounds of Greene county, that
was perhaps equally absurd with any thing that ever did occur
in any locality, and yet no names dare be mentioned, from the
fact that the man was respectably connected then and has left
beliind him descendants of high respectability. This man was
evidently dispeptic, and as he suffered greatly in the region of
his stomach he came to the conclusion that that important lo-
cality was occupied by a shoemaker whose incessant pounding
gave him all his acute misery. lie would often invite his
friends to listen, saying "don't you hear him pounding on his
lapstone," "now he is sewing up the eye-seam," "now he is
driving in his last," &c. His friends adopted the following
])lan to disabuse his mind of those ridiculous notions; hence one
of them procured some lobelia which was made into tea, and the
man was induced to drink it. It soon produced vomiting, and
the suffering man beheld an awl which a bystander had dropped
down before him, which he thought he had ejected from his
mouth. Presently a shoemaker's knife, then the different j^arts
of the "kit" were thrown down before him, and finally a small
man with a leather apron on sprang past him and ran for the
woods. This he believed to be the veritable shoemaker who
had given him so much pain, and as his emetic had caused him
to disgorge the contents of an overloaded stomach, his healtli
was much improved and the ailment gone.
In Centre township there liyed for many years a man who
had a grevious crime laid to his charge, and that crime was no
less than the murder of one Polly Williams at the White Rocks,
in Laurel Hill Mountains, in the year 1810. In the year 1846,
in company with my fathei"-in-law, Hon. Samuel Nixon, of
Fayette county, I visited the mountains for the purpose of ex-
ploring Delaney's Cave and also of seeing the spot where this
murder Avas committed. We arrived first at the cave where wo
only made a partial exploration in consequence of the lateness
of the hour, haviug consumed considerable time in gathering
huckleberries. About four o'clock, i'. m., we arrived at the
! White Rocks. After hitching cxir horses, we started to walk
across a level bed of moss, and soon were stopped, and I was
startled by finding myself standing on the ledge of a smooth
Tock, perhaps eighty feet in perpendicular height. My father-
in-law said "this is the White Rock." The day was excessively
hot, hence he started, saying "follow me." He then led the
way through the bushes by a surpentine course down to the
base of the rock. Then stooping down and creeping under a
projecting rock, he said "there is where the body lay when we
found it. "Turning a little to one side, we sat down in the cool
shade of the rock, where he told me the following story, viz :
"This girl, Polly Williams, lived with Jacob Moss, about eight
miles from the foot of the mountain, near McClellandtown.
There she became intimately acquainted with Philip RogeiT?,
who seems to have brought himself tinder obligations to marry
her. He then began to frame a great many excuses, until his
conduct became so suspicious that Mr. Moss forbade him com-
ing about his house. Having found means to communicate
with the girl, he invited her to meet him at Boyd's mill, near
New Salem. The girl arrived first, but having had her fears
excited by what Mr. Moss had said, she climbed into a tree.
Rogers soon arrived, but acted so suspiciously that she con-
cluded he intended to drown her in the deep waters of the mill
dam, and she remained concealed. Some time after this she
received a letter from him, inviting her to meet him at his iu>
cle's, who lived on a farm near the foot of the mountain, which
farm is now owned and occupied by Alfred Stewart, brother
of the late Hon. Andrew Stewart. Here they met. After so^Te
conversation, they started, saying they were going to get lunr-
ried. All was quiet from this time (Thursday afternoon) until
Saturday evening about sun-down, when two cliildren arrived at
Nixon's mill, informing those they met that while huiitincr
their cows in tlie mountains their dog had conmicnced bai'lciiiL*
furiously at something at the foot of the White Rocks ; that
they had ventured up until they had seen the body of a dead
woman. Some believed the tale, while others did not. As
soon, however, as breakfast was over next morning (Sabbath)«
several men had collected at Oliphant's Furnace and Nixon's
mill for the purpose of ascertaining what truth there was in
the report. After climbing the mountain side they came to
the foot of the rocks, and there, sure enough, lay the body of
Polly Williams. The moss on the top of the rock showed
signs of a severe struggle. There lay one of her slippers and
one of her gloves, while perhaps thirty feet down the face of
the rock there grew out of a crevice a laurel bush, part of it
was broken off and held in the hand of the murdered girl. On
the remainder of this bush that still clung to the rock, lay her
other slipper and handkerchief. The murderer fearing his
work was not accomplished by the fall, had descended by about
the same path that we had, and inflicted three distinct blows
with a sharp stone on the head of the dying girl, leaving the
stone besmeared with blood as evidence of the fact. A mes-
senger was dispatched to XJniontown for the Coroner. The body
was lifted from the place where it lay and attached to a long
pole by numerous bands of hickory bark. A path was then
cut down the mountain to Nixon's mill, where the inquest wa.s
held. The neighbor women dressed the body the best they
could and about sun-down a large procession followed and laid
it to rest in Hayden's grave yard, where a sand stone marks
the spot, and this verse tells the sad tale :
"Remember man as yon pass by.
Here doth the bones of Polly Williams lie,
Who was cut off in her youtliful bloom,
By a vile wretch, her pretended fjroom."
This stone I have seen, and this verse I have read. A small
piece of this stone I have in my house, and the verse is said to
have been made by Samuel liittle, Sr., editor of the Genius of
Liberty, at Uniontown. Although no human eye had seen the
dreadful act performed, though no human ear had heard the
frightful screams that doubtless rose from that lonely spot
when the girl found what his fiendish intentions were. Yet
suspicion immediately pointed to Rogers as the man. He was
arrested, tried and acquited, although his subsequent life seem-
ed to contradict the verdict of the jury. This man became a
citizen of Greene county. He married a wife who is said to
have left his home either from real or immaginary noises and
.-apperitions that were heard or appeared there. Rumor says
the bed clothes were frequently withdrawn from the bed by
;au invisible hand. He was a stone mason by trade, yet he
would not take a job more than two miles from home, and
would always return at night, lest during the hours of sleep he
: should betray the fatal secret which seemed like a burning
fire shut up in his bones. His sleep was broken and disturbed,
he often uttering the most distressing groans, loading the mid-
night air with reproaches and blasphemies, and on at least
one occasion calling out the name of the girl that was supposed
to be his victim. Thus if all that tradition has recorded be
true, there surely is such a thing as "a hell on earth," complete-
ly dei^riving the guilty man of all happiness here, and leaving
.him nothing "but a fearful looking for of judgment and fiery
indignation which shall destroy the adversaries."
But the reader will think it high time that our history should
give some of the manners and customs of the early* settlers.
One word would describe them to a great extent and that word
would be "rude ;" but if they were rude they were cheery, be-
cause they were well meant. Families could not afford to be
bad neighbors, because they were to a great extent dependent
upon each other. They could not raise their cabins without
help. They could not roll their logs without the assistance of
one another, and as tlieir liarvests were cut with the sickle, it
was a lonely business for one man to go into his field alone,,
and as many hands make light work, they soon adopted the plaa
of "neighboi-ing," or sometimes of having a "frollick." These
frolics were exceedingly common. Their clothing for sumJ
mer was procured by sowing a patch of flax, and if there was
any Dutch blood in the veins of the settler this flax was sure
to be sown on "Good Friday." It was ready to pull about the
"heels of harvest," and those who were invited were about an
equal number of both sexes of young people who pulled the
long stalks of flax up by the roots and tied it up in small
sheaves four or five inches in diameter. When these sheaves
were sufticiently dried they were threshed out on the puncheon
Hoor of the little log barn. The seed was gathered up very care-
fully, and after laying aside enough to sow, the balance was
sold at the oil mills that began to exist at an early day in this
county. The stalks of flax were then spread out in the little
meadow to rot. "This must be done when the moon was point-
ing down." When it was completely rotted it was raked up,
bound in large bundles and was then ready to "break." This
was often done by natives of "the Emerald Isle," as the "regu-
lar bog trotters" claimed it as their prerogative to break tlic
flax. Now comes the scutching frolic, where men, women,
boys and girls would meet and scutch and shout and sing and
wash the tow out of their throats with a little old rye whisky ;
and when night had come and they had washed and put on
their "meetin clothes," they would take a few rounds of regular
break-down dancing on a puncheon floor. It often happened
however, that at this great frolic the "folks" w^ere divided—
the young men and the young women scutched the flax while
the mothers quilted a quilt for "the Avoman of the house ;"
while the fathers hewed house logs, or perhaps made rails.
The next process through which the flax was put was hackling,
done by drawing it slowly through long steel teeth, firmly
clinched in a hard board and called a hackel. One of these
was deemed enough for five or six families, provided they all
kept good neighbors, and it was no idle threat that was some-
times heard — "if you don't mind I won't lend you my hackel."
The next process through which the flax went was spinning.
The hackel has separated the fibers into two parts, one of
which is called tow. The day's work for adult girls and women
was twelve cuts of flax or "a dozzen." Of tow, eight cuts was
a day's work. The woman or girl who could not spin her
dozzen was considered much under par. The weaving came
next. While every one was expected to have a wheel for eve-
ry spinner, looms were only found alternately, where a woman
done the weaving for her neighbors and they in turn did her
spinning, the usual mode of exchange being to spin one dozzen
of flax for the weaving of two yards of either flax or tow linen.
It often happened that some dainty house wife was not con-
tent that her "dear old man" and boys should wear plain tow
linen pants (trowsers), but she wanted them to be a little ahead
of other people, and so she must have enough of "copperas
check" for at least one pair of "trowsers" for each of the men
and a "check apern a-piece for me and the gals," and in that
case the weaver must have one cent more on each yard for the
weaving. A part of the flax was spun into stocking thread,
which was doubled and twisted and knit into "meetin stock-
ins." These stockings the females would bleach until they
were quite white, and then they would carry them under their
arms, rolled up in a big "hankercher," along with their home-
made shoes until they were almost to the "meetin house," then
they would turn aside, sit down on a log, dust off their feet,
put on the stockings, and also the shoes, and walk up to the
church, feeling that they were as well equipped as the times
and circumstances required. But how did our fathers and
mothers procure their winter clothing? is a question that comes
in right here. It was about as follows : A man who had
twenty-five acres of cleared land was expected to keep ten or
twelve long-wooled, coarse, "mottled-faced" sheep, that would
shear about three pounds of wool each. This wool was always
cut off without washing and was washed in a tub. Then, oh !
then came the wool picking, and as this was in the spring of
the year, what a grand old time it was for the interchange
of news that had lain dormant all the long winter and had al-
most spoiled for want of ventilation ; but now the memories
of those good old dames brought to the surface those almost
forgotten items of intelligence, which were bartered off at
par for an equal quantity received from the lips of their
eager listeners. While the old and middle-aged women were
picking the wool to remove the burs and dirt, as well as to
"tease" it apart, the men often had an independent frolic in the
woods by themselves, making rails and peeling tan bark. I
knew one of these old mothers to* get so excited that she got
her sentences wrong end foremost. In describing the great
frolic at her house, she said they had a "pick-Avoolen and a
maul-railing at their house, and they "killed six hens, two tur-
keys, and a half of a veal." What they done with the other
half of the veal she did not say, but said they killed half of it.
When this wool was picked 80 years ago it was almost invari-
ably carded witli hand-cards. Fifty years ago it was sent to
the carding machines, which were generally driven by water
power, sometimes by a tramp wheel on which horses or oxen
were placed. Tlie rolls were then taken home and tlie music
of the "big wheel" began. The yarn was then colored with
white walnut bark, making an ugly butternut brown color.
Some people however, could afford to buy a few ounces of
Indigo and a small quantity of madder and thus make red and
blue cross-barred flannel. But this Avas generally confined to
the aristocracy of those days, and consequently they were ob-
jects of envy to their less fortunate neighbors who had to
wear their walnut brown. But it often happened when "the
frugal house wife" made her annual calculations and weighed
out her wool (with the steelyards that did similar duty for five
or six families) she found that it would not reach all around the
family and make them two garments each, consequently it
must be supplemented by a quantity of cotten yarn for chain,
and then the goods was called linsey, the filling being wool.
This was made up into pantaloons (without lining) and hunt-
ing shirts surrounded with fring of red and blue. A part of it
was made into garments called a "wamus," which had just ont^
button up at the neck and was tied in a knot around the waist.
The portion of goods falling to the females was generally made
into skirts, it being the great ambition of every adult female to
wear at least one "flannen frock." The linsey skirt was often
surmounted by a body and sleeves of calico and was called a
"short gown." But I must not dwell too long in describing cos-
tumes of our ancestors, as I promised to write about customs.
One, the grand "galla day" of the year, was the "big muster,**
generally coming off in May. There was a laudable ambition
on the part of almost every boy to get his name on a muster
roll, which could be done at eighteen years of age, yet he was
not subject to fine for non-attendance before twenty-one. On
the first Monday in May all enrolled militia of the State of
Pennsylvania met at the places of holding township elections,
appearing in the earliest times of training with their ever-present
rifles on their shoulders ; but when fear of Indians was gone
the old gun was often left in its accustomed place in v/ooden
hooks on the rude joist of the cabin. As the militia man
found his way to the muster with a cane, sonietin-cs a com
stock, he came not to drill but to save fine. Here lie wa>; els:"iit,y
years ago met by some man who had s(>rvod in the revolution-
ary war and now i)osscsse(l a St.-Uc fomniissioji :i-; i^•■^^ ti'.i of
militia. This man was in serious earnest, deeply feeling the
want of military training on his own part as well as on the
part of his camrades, when compelled to stand up face to face
with well-drilled British Grenadiers. This Captain wanted men
committed to his care better qualified for active service than
ho was when required to enter it.
How different was the situation fifty years ago. In a seconfl
struggle with Great Britian ; our nation was victorious, not
only over the "red coats," but also over Indian allies. These
were the only recognized enemies our ancestors ever expected
I o be in their way. As these were again defeated, it was deemed
unnecessary to continue a system of general military training,
so an effort was made to turn it all into a burlesque. Cap
Iain's commissions were accepted by only two classes of men ;
first, persons loving money so well they were willing to bear
overy snear and scorn heaped so abundantly upon them, for the
sake of obtaining the small pittance paid by the State ; secondly,
by a class of men always having an e^'C to honor, in whose
ears the name of Captain, when applied to themselves, reached
I he very sumit of earthly greatness. It was easy work mus-
Lei'ing under the first class, a com stock being equivalent
lo a gun at any time. If the men could succeed in getting
themselves into anything like a "straight row," just once, and
would respectfully answer to their names, they were dismissed
■•vith thanks. But wo ! to a militia man having one of the lat-
rer class of men for a Captain- -with an old blue coat orna-
.•nented with numerous rows of "bullet button^,"' closely stt
tog<?thcr, with its broad philactory of red facings, its epaulettes
of sheep skin, with the yellow wool still adhering to it. This
"limb" of the law was also surmounted by a hugli leather hat,
greased and varnished to an extent wonderful to behold. Add-
ed to all this he generally carried a sword that usually repre-
sented somo legend. It was said to have belonged to Marion,
Sumpter, Grcone, oi' Morgan ; or it was picked up at Brandy-
wine, Princeton or Lundy's Lane. Put all these awe inspir-
ing things together and it would seem sufficient to fill the
minds of the most wayward with veneration for the man who
undertook to train them. But alas ! such seems not to have
been the case ; it frequently occurred that some luckless sol-
dier had the misfortune to be placed under guard, because he
had called in question the infallible wnsdom of the man whom the
law had placed over him. But now a new trouble arose ; the
guard recognising the affair as a burlesque, generally needed
another guard to take care of them. But this difficulty was
peculiar alone to the "little muster," on the first Monday in May.
The batalion musters began the next week where the parade
came ofi^, generally at some town or village. A large propor-
tion of the marriagable young women of the neighborhood
had imparative business in town and if they had a relative
there this was the day to visit. Then if any daughters of the
villiage had eaten a meal or spent a night in the country, as a
matter of course on their departure they said "you must b.?
sure and come over to see us." How quickly did the answer
iome back from the oldest daughter, "yes, I am coming tlic
.lay of the big muster." But oh ! there was another class of
persons — the "small boy." For many days and weeks he has had
muster "on the brain." It has haunted his waking hours with
the question always recuri-ing, but seldom answered, "hov/
shall I get my fip ?" And even when sleep, "sweep, balmy
sleep, tired nature's fond restorer," came to his relief it vrag of-
ten disturbed by visions of enormous piles of gingei" brea^,
which he had no ability to purchase, rendering grief almost
intolerable. He has asked for a "fip" long ago, but a liftul
hearted parent has made the condition of its reception 1o de-
pend on his diligence in business and general good behavior.
Poor fclloAV ! his loc is a hard one. How can he woi'k v,bea
his mind is set on the muster and ginger bread. He knows
his own follies ; how can he behave himself well when there
are so many things to distress him. But time has rolled on
and brought round the long expected day. At four o'clock
the sullen boom of a cannon at the distant village brings the
small boy to his feet and also wakes up the "buxom lass" who
has over-slc})! herself in consequence of having set up so late
tlie niglit before arranging her finery by the flickering light
of a twisted rag laid in an old saucer about half filled with
grease. Both parties cast their first glance towards the eastern
sky, and to their great joy it is clear. The boy seizes hie
pants; but instead of drawing them on, he dives his ti'embling
hand deep down into his pocket to find if his long-looked-for
'•fip'" is there. "Yes here it is," is his involuntary ejaculation.
It was given to him the night before and has slept safely at
the bottom of the pocket of his new "pepper and salt" cotton
"trousers" all night, wrapped round in three or four thicknesses
of paper ; he is happy, he will never be richer the longest day ho
lives. But what is our "buxom lassie" doing all this time? Tho
cows are to milk ; the breakfast is to "git," for "mam" is about
lialf anad about her going and can't be expected to help much.
Do all these considerations cause her to run to the spring
house and get the bucket to do the milking in, or even to stir
up the coals and put on a few sticks, and hang the kettle over
them so as to have a cup of sassafras tea before she goes? No,
none of these things move her. On the contrary she quickly
opens the drawer and takes one more peep at the ornaments to
see how they will look by day light. Satisfied, she inwai'dly
exclaims, "I know he'll like it." She shuts the drawer and
hastily begins to work. But there are other parties who have
no pleasing prospects before them this day. A whole year's
difficulties are to be settled up to-day. These parties have
been a* <^1'" Tiisin;;-- i^'^ vollin ■•. ihn ^nrn-huskinp- .niid t,]ip vond
chopping, and at all these places they have had the company
of a famous fellow in those days. He is known as "Captain
Whisky." He has unlimbered their tongues and pursuaded
them that they were stout, and while they felt this and be-
lieved that, they have very unwisely commenced a quarrel with
some good-natured fellow who on sober reflection they are com-
pelled to admit is their superior in point of strength. He wa?
a man of but few words and only replied, "I will see you at
the muster." A great deal was meant by this threat ; hence
the muster day to such was fraught with forebodings that are
everything but pleasant. I must either take back what I have
said or engage in a fight in which I almost know I will coma
Dut second best. But the day is advancing ; it is time wo
were there and soon, in imagination at least, we are there. What
a concourse of high and low people. The street is fillei9
with the rougher sort, while on the side-walk the candidate
"s shaking the friendly hand with men "whose farthers he
ivould have disdained to have set with the dog? of his flock."'
But see! there is a field officer. Ah ! it is the Major with his
cap resembling two half moons sewed together on the circulai
edges, and open on the almost straight side, into this )»art his
head is thrust. He has epaulets on his shoulders, but tlioy are
?mall, with a great deal more tinsel than gold about tlieni
Yes, and there is the Colonel with heavier epauh?ts, and lil;
•'Shaberdebraugh" (cap) turned up at one side. Mark! wlinj^
that calling out. Oh, yes! Oh, yes! "by coin])anies lall in
line !" It must be an Aid-de camjj or an Orderly ; but no diflo!-
ence, the men are already falling in, some already a litilu weak
in the knees from having looked through the bottom of a tum-
bler at the landlord. Soon the starting order, "niarcli !" is
heard ; and such a miarch — each keeping his own stej* ;uid fol-
lowing those before. Somewhere not far from the niiddio of
the road they proceed to some ncighboriiic,' fi<?l(l. whore for a
time the young man must try to keep his place in ranks, which
he was utterly unable to do while the lines stood in town, from
the fact that every window and porch were- filled with those
"buxom lassies," that divided his attention to that extent that
he could not hear the words of command. But once in the
field the lines are formed, the rolls are called, when many per-
sons, fond of hearing their names repeated, do not answer until
the third call, when they respond "here'' in tones that seem to say,
•'I have been trying to make you hear me this long time." The
men are worked back into line again as sti*aight as possible,
when yonder comes some body, indeed. Who is it ? Why, it
is the Colonel Commandant, the Brigadier-General, the Bri-
gade Inspector, the Surgeon, etc. Now, the boy who has spent
the whole amount of his muster money has a chance to niako
another fip if he can only get an officer's horse to liold while
t.hose officers accompany the Brigade Inspector through the
lines, which must be done on foot, the law not allowing the In-
spector to examine a man's corn-stalk while he (the Iiis])ector i
is on horse-back, lest he should be mistaken with i-eferenco
to the good order in which it was kept. It is now time for
recess ; the lines are broken, and soon the locality about tL<;
:;ake wagons is crowded to that extent that the small boy is
in eminent danger of being trodden under foot. But now a
new scene begins ; the man who came here with those fore-
bodings (that were founded on the threat that a man would
meet him here), has seen his old acquaintance. Captain Whisky,
and after imbibing a portion of the Captain's spirit, his fears
:ire all gone, and he is anxious to have the burden off his
mind, and he starts off to seek the man who dared to threaten
him. This man has not forgotten the threat he made and is on
the look out. Soon they meet ; a few words and a good many
oaths and the hunting shirts or coats come off with a vim
worthy of a better cause. Tiic crowd begins to break away
from the enraged men. A ring is formed, two "bullies" ap-
pear as seconds, a blow is struck and the men are down. While
biting, gouging, scratching and striking are the alternate busi-
ness in which the beligerants engage until one of them calls
out "enough," the seconds pull them apart. Water is procured
at a cake wagon (where it is kept in readiness, knowing that
it will be wanted), the men wash their hands and faces ; then-
wounds are bound up, when the seconds bring them up to the
cake wagon, and there they "drink friends," shake hands and
that quarrel is at an end. But there are other chaps in the
i;r6wd who are as base cowards as ever existed, and they seem
Lo feel that others think so too. This will not do ; they must
get up a reputation for courage, hence they secure two or three
good friends on both sides, wliom they know "won't" let them
fight. With this kind of "backing" they meet, and the hair
of the pious man almost stands straight upon his head to hear
r,hc awful blasphemies that proceed from their profane lips ;
yet their friends, true to their instructions, hold them fast and
seem to try to get them away. But no ! they will hear no ex-
planations, and "will just mash each other into the ground, "•
etc. Sometimes, however, their friends become wearied hold-
ing them and agree on both sides to let them at each othei
The crowd form a ring and wait for the fight to begin ; but no,
they are ready to explain and take back everything rather than
enter the ring and fight it out. Other cases occur where men
would lay a chip on their shoulder and go around, politely ask-
ing some one to knock it off, which was generally done, and
the fiijht bearan that instant. Others would go around drag^o-inq;
their coats after them, and requesting some one, as an act of
kindness, "just to please to tread on the tail of this ere coat."
If any one was anxious to try his muscel, here was his chance,
which was often accepted. So that from these various causes
the crowd Avas genorallv entertninod with several fiajhts. 1
well remember seeing no less than seven in one day in the ye.ii
Now let us turn to another interesting feature of our ancc*'
o.-s, namely, weddings: From what has been said about th^
b.ixoiu la^sij and young blood who could not hear the word o»
cDmmand at the muster, it might be inferred that Cupid was not
I stranger among the early settlers of this country; indeed our
ancestors were much more likely to contract agreeable matches
tiiau their grand-children are, from several causes : First, there
was more equality then than now. Parents seldom ever inter
I'ered because their children were not marrying "their equals."
Secondly, the love of money and money distinctions were almost
ii:i ;i o.vn. In those days the question was not asked, "has he
sii.lijient money to keep you in splendid idleness all the rest of
your life? " On the contrary, if it was known hp possessed an
iiouest heart, two willing hands and two brawny arms, these
A'cre considered sufficient recommendations, and the consent
.va^ mutual. Thirdly, educational distinctions did not exist
i.lien as now. The fathers, when they consulted that great
^tore-house of common sense laid up in their uncombed heads-
■•oiicluded about one in one hundred of the great mass would
')e needed to expound the civil law, to enforce the precepts of
' he Gospel, or to cure the ills suffei'ing mankind was heir to.
These must be the brightest stars the community could furnish.
N^o thought then of sending a boy to college because he wap
good for nothing else. If he were considered a fool, they
never thought of sending him to a high school to learn com-
mon sense. The country was not cursed then as it is now with
a miserable host of literary lazaroni sporting Latin diplomas
that they cannot translate. If there U an opening in a common
school, one dozen api)licants are on hand like hungry office
seekers, clamoring for the ])Osition. These educated pauper.s
of one sex. as a matter of course, must inarry educated paupers.
l.'tS tiisrouv ;)i' ci:; i.m-; «;i)iNrv.
of the 0|-positc sc\-. Tlie taicnts oi" neither can find them em-
ploy mint. Thuy cannot d'l^^ -. to bog some of them are ashamed
As the cottimunily fail? to discover their ability,it Avill not su]"»-
port theni. Tiioy must coir^ecjuently fall back on poor old fa-
ther and m.othcr, who, after tolling- as long as they can to suj)-
port this idleness, finally drop iiito the grave with a conscious-
ness that their hard-earned accumulations will soon be like the
"small dust of tlic threshing floor," driven away by the wind of
literary smattering. Our ancestors had no trouble like this.
Tlieir sons could chop, grub, plow, make rails, build fences, &c.
Their daughters were not like the lilies of which it is said, "they
toil not, neither do they spin, yet Solomon, in all his glory, wr.s
not arrayed like one of these." Our mothers could spin, an-J
the little education they got in the log cabin school house made
them a match for the shrewdest sharpers of that day who tried
to cheat them out of their hard earned pittance. This ed'u-a-
tion was not visionary, but practical, preparing them for the
stern realities of life. Consequently the young men and wo-
jiien who loved each other, saw no barrier in the way of their
marriage, the parents on both sides saw none, and so the wed-
ding day was set. This was to be no ordinary occasion. Thi
kinsfolks and neighbors were to be there ; old Captain whisk;,
usually came the day before ; the sedate old minister, (with his
buckskin breeches, long stockings fastened above the knees
with silver buckles, and low slippers fastened in a similar way),
must be there ; the bride must be as "fine as a fiddle," especially
her cap ; no matter how abundant and beautiful her hair, she is
done going bare-headed now. No Roman Catholic convent was
ever more exacting in its demands that the young nun should
wear her veil and brow-band of spotless linen than these old
mothers were that their daughters should now begin to wear a
cap, just because they had got married. Where they got the
notion, I know not, but one thing is certain they had it ; and
then the cap must be of a peculiar pattern, all crimped and
frilled and ornamented "with numerous bows and furbelos.
IIow about the groom? Matters are becommg serious with
him. Every time he calls to see the girl to whom he has
plighted his faith and troth, the over-anxious mother-in-law
(as she is soon to be) puts him through his catechism about
what he is going to wear on the "weddin day." She knows he
has no coat of his own. All the sparking has been done while
the groom was clad in his hunting-shirt. But now motherly
pride rebels against the thought that her daughter must be
married to a man "standin up before the minister with nothing
but a hunting-shirt on." But one evening the intended groom
comes in with a smile on his face and soon relieves the anxiety
of all by telling what a clever man he has found who has con-
sented to lend him his coat on the wedding day. He has lent
it already eight times on similar occasions ; all he "axes" for its
use is a share of the good dinner and a dance at the wedding.
All parties are happy now. This coat that has been married ro
often, deserves a minute description. It is made of sky-blue
cloth, with a very short waist and an extreemly long swallovv-
tail. It has just fourteen large brass buttons on it, with tlic
words, "treble gilt stands color," on the inside of each on<:,
but are simply for ornament and not utility. This is a self-ad-
justing coat — will fit either a large or a small man ; hence the
sleeves are made long with a cuff that can be turned up if worn
on a short arm, or down if the man should happen to be long
in the arms. But the most exquisite thing about this coat is the
collar. It took a tailor a whole day to quilt it. No wonder,
for it must be five inches broad — a complete foundation for a
man's hat to set on, so if his hat must fall off it always falls
forward, as it cannot fall backward. If the wearer is traveling
away from the Avind the back of ]\'\< neck is com^jletely prO'
tected. But while we have been de.-crib;;!;.; llic- bride's cap and
the groom's coat, the wedding day has come. It is ushered in
by the firing of rifle guns, for want of artillery. The females ;
oh ! how busy are they. That wild turkey must be well
"biled ; " them buckwheat-cakes is "gitten" too "lite ; " them
corn-dodgers must be put to bake now, etc. All this time the
men are gathering out in the yard. They have picked out two
of the best riders to "run for the bottle" (old black Betty.) The
signal for the start is to be the firing of a gun near a mile
away, by the side of the road along which the groom's company
is expected to come. Hark ! that is it ; now there is mount-
ing in hot haste, and away go the two horsemen, "helter skel-
ter," "neck or nothing" — best man foremost — who, when hfi
meets the approaching company, receives from the hand of the
groom's right-hand man, a well-filled bottle, with which be
i-eturns in triumph, the groom's first treat, of which all
parties partake, even the minister condescending to take the
"oead off the whisky by taking the first dram out of the neck
of the bottle, all following him by drinking from the bottle,
'.nstead of pouring the liquor into a tumbler. The groom's
company now arrive. Most of the young men are without sad-
iles, while the girls are mounted on pack-saddles. Not a cloth
soat in the assembly except the harrowed one that the groom
wears, while the man who lent it to him acts the part of grooms-
man •, for it is the condition of lending the coat that the owner
shall be present, and as he has been to so many weddings ho
knows how to do, and in consequence of this superiority, he is
selected as "second best." He is on this occasion arrayed in
the nice new hunting shirt of the groom. The company dis-
mount. The girls are clad in flannel and linsey skirts, sur-
mounted by bright colored chince calico short gowns. Most
of the boys have buckskin moccasins on, while the girls gener-
ally have coarse cow-leather shoes. It is now time for the ser-
vices to comiuoiice, wluch i.s vvith iii-;!yor about live minutes
long, then an exhortation about ten minutes in length. Now
all the questions that are found in the statutes of the State and
also the canons of the church, the holy man telling the parties
how Adam and Eve were married in the garden of Eden, etc.,
another long prayer and the twenty minutes ceremony is over,
except kissing the bride, in which the preacher leads off, and
is immediately followed by the groom, and then by all present
— both male and female. Dinner is now ready, during the eat-
ing of which the adventures of the morning are recounted —
how a brush fence was built across the road ; how near one ol
the girls was to being "throwed" by the firing of a gun, by a fel-
low hid in the woods, Avho was mad because he was not
"axed" to the wedding ; how they had to turn out into the
woods because somebody had tied grape-vines across the road,
etc. Dinner over the minister departs, after receiving one dol-
lar for his services. Then the fun begins. A game of "corner
ball" is the first thing in order, by the boys alone, while tlife
"gals" are helping clear the tables and wash the dishes. Wheii
this is done, "prisoner's base" is introduced, which is engaged
in by both sexes. Running foot races, hop, step and jump, all
claim a place in the afternoon amusements. The shades of
evening are now beginning to fall, and what was left from din-
ner is now handed round as a piece for supper. The young
people have paired off for the dance. The fiddler has his vio-
lin in order, and the dance begins, the bride and groom always
laking part in the first "set." About ten o'clock the nev.'ly
•aiarried couple retire, while the rest keej^ up the dance. Tijose
^ho are not dancing are sitting on benches ai-onnd the w.il.',
•vnd in order to make the seats go as far as possible they jncko
•tach one carry double, the young man sitting down first, takiDj;
his girl on his lap. Some would become so enamored witii
ibcir position that when they were rcfpicsted to take tb»ir
places in the nc\i set, instead ol' coiiiplying ihoy wouM roar
out, "Oh ! dear mother my toes are sore, dancing on your
puncheon floor !" About twelve o'clock the dancers are treated
to another piece, and are pei-mitted once more to kiss old black
Betty's lips (take a dram). Some one suggests that the bride
and groom must be hungry, and a committee is appointed to
carry them some of the roast pig, corn bread and pumpkin pie
up the ladder into the "bridal chamber" immediately under the
clapboard roof. "Don't forget to take old "Betty" (the bottle)
along with you," shouts one of the thoughtful swains as the
::;omraittee is about to start, which is accordingly done. The
•-ommittee on refreshments having discharged its duty, returii
:iiid make their report, when the dance is renewed with vigor,
oonie of the party grow weary and secrete themselves for a
\mp, but they are soon hunted up and hauled out on the floor,
and the fiddler is requested to play, "We'll dance all nighi
till broad day -light, then go home with the girls in the morn-
ing," or another piece, "We'll all hold out till morning." Ej
Lhis time morning has come. The tired dancers readjust their
ilelapidated finery preparatory to their depai-ture for the "i.o-
f are," where another day of fun and frolic comes off. But jn.-.L
as the "sun retires to rest in his wigwam behind the wesi eru
Hvaters," the company breaks up, the chivalrous beaus seutbaL
iheir vai-ious sweet-hearts don't fall off the pack-saddle on theli
way to their fathers' houses. The tired swains return to theit
, various places of abode, esteeming this quite "glory enouo).
(ot any two days" of their lives. About two weeks after tJie
wedding the whole neighborhood is invited in to build a hi^use
for the couple hereafter to be considered an independent famiU.
The two old men have met, and looked out a place near a good
spring. When the morning of the appointed time arrived,
men on hoi'seback and on foot come shouting through tiie
woods towards the place indicated in the invitation, with a\cs
on their shoulders. See, llicre comes a yoke of ovimi ;;l'.'i'.,'V(.d
to a log sled. Yes, there is another team of oxen drawing a
large sled on which are seated three women, bringing Dutch
ovens, skillets and lids, pewter dishes, knives and forks, to
assist in getting dinner down in the "big woods," nsing the
water out of the new spring for cooking. This was called
"christening the spring." But all hands have come to work,
not to talk. Men with axes are coniing in from all directions
More women arrive bringing bear and deer meat and pork.
The small trees are falling all around. The first log is hauled.
A large tree is cut near the spring for clapboards for the ro of,
the stump of which is taken for one corner. Large short logs
are laid in for the other corners. Then the old rough carpen-
ter, who acts as "boss," begins to call loudly for four men by
name to come forward as corner men. Now one log is on,
now another, now "up it goes." Against dinner is ready the
lower story is up and the "jice is on." Dinner is eaten amidst
great hilarity, and many a joke is at the expense of the
recent groom and bride. But all must hurry for four rounds
of logs are to go on besides ribs, weight-poles and gable-end
timber ; yet many hands make light work. Log by log, stick
by stick, the balance of the materials go up until just as the
sun is beginning to cast long shadows through the tree-
tops, the roof is on. The puncheons are ready, but cannot be
put in yet because of "a mortar hole," which, for the sake of
convenience, must be xmder the house. A few men are busy
removing soil and digging up clay, and boys are equally busy
carrying water from the new spring to mix the clay. What
is this coming in at the new door-way ? Ah, I see, it is an
ox and his mate coming to tramp the clay into mortar for
plastering the new-made home. "Come to supper," are the
glad tidings uttered by a woman's voice. The tired men dis-
patch this meal more quietly than the previous one, and now
a\\ who have family cares of their own to discharge, take
tools, oxen, horses and dishes and depart for their own cabins,
leaving the young men and boys to daub the house before com-
ing home. The oxen have been kept going round and round
all this time ; the clay and water, under pressure of their feet,
is a glistening batch of sticky mortar. The faithful oxen are
turned out to eat a half-bushel of nubbins that awaits them in
a trough before the door. The bare-footed boys now roll up
their buckskin linsey or tow trousers and leap into the mortar
liole, where they gather up double handfuls of mud and throw it
into the cracks between the logs, in Avhich one of the heart
pieces out of the clap-board tree has already been inserted
and is called "chunking." These mud throwers are followed by
the young men with wooden trowels, made out of a waste
clapboard, who smooth the mortar off and close all the crevices
so well the summer rain and winter wind are compelled to stay
on the outside. Against 9 o'clock, p. m. the house is completely
daubed inside, and the sleepers are laid in. The lights used
are old gourds half filled with grease into which a twisted racr
has been inserted, the end hanging over the edge of the gouri"!
and is set on fire. The next day three or four old men cam»:»
back to fit down the puncheons in the floor, make the door asid
build the chimney. The door is made by pinning two bro.'uJ
puncheons together with large wooden pins driven into croa*
pieces, which project about eight inches on one side. Througl,
this projecting end a hole is bored and an upright piece of
wood is dressed small at the top to fit this hole and then pinnovi
fast to the door cheek for a hinge. A wooden latch is made Jo
drop into a wooden catch and in order that it may do so easily,
both catch and latch are copiously greased. Now let us have
the chimney built and we are done. The fire-place is aboi.t
ten feet wide, for our new beginner does not want to spend ah
his time chopping wood ; he expects to put in his winter days
clearing land. The logs that are sawed out are split in two for
jambs. Logs are laid across these to support the back -wall.
This then is built up as high as the mantel, and then small
sticks are built on it intersected with mud, into which straw
cut about two inches long is mixed, giving the whole thing the
name of "cat and clay." When the chimney is thus carried up
above the roof and large stones are set in for the jambs to keep
the fire from burning the wood-work, the cabin is done,
and is left to dry for a few days, when the mothers on both
sides do their best to rig out the young couple for house-keep-
ing. If the bride is twenty-two years old, she most likely has
a feather-bed of her own ; but women were scarce in those
days, and were not often allowed to arrive at that age, unless
ihey Avere outrageously ugly. In case they were married at
seventeen or eighteen, the two mothers generally managed to
get them a feather-bed, but sometimes they went to house-
keeping on straw. Some kind of a dresser must be made tc
hold in a conspicuous way the new set of pewter plates that
''dad" has bought for liis daughter. The six pewter spoons
are hung in notches in the edge of the lower shelf of the
dresser, while the mush dish and little porringers are stood isp
on their edges, just behind where the knives and forks are laid.
The bed-stead is made by boring two holes in a log and tno
more holes in the puncheon floor. Into these holes in the ilcor
the lower end of a small forked stick is driven, a\ hieh fork is
about two and a half feet h*gl), so as to be on a level with iho
hole in the wall, into whicli hole another pole is tighllv driven
and allowed to rest at the outer end in tlio lop of tlio forlc.
Two poles are now laid lengthwise, one i'l front and the otiior
ba8k against the wall. Acrcis these po'?s, clap boaids are
laid and the stead is readv f 3r ilo bed. Now (or the "'uouso-
warming." The first eveniiig afir,r the mo vn;;:. those ^o^^il:»
men who A*;orked so hard at buildi'ig and dua-ihiu': the r.d.ii.,
arc now invited to bring i'lJjx pi.*-n;<is an;] «:'i;oy soniij of ll.o
hospitalities of the new home. The new dishes are to be
eaten off of the first time as they set so nicely on the new pun-
cheon table. After the homely meal is over, all hands engage
in five or six reels or jigs, and then go home. They must
not dance all night as they did at the wedding.
Another of the gatherings of our ancestors at a later date
than the times I have been describing, say about fifty years
ago, was the '-corn-husking." I never saw corn cut up and
Dusked on the stalk in Western Pennsylvania until within the
last forty years. Previous to that time the farmers pulled the
(.-ars off the stalks, which they left standing in the field.
The corn was then hauled and thrown in a long ridge about
four feet high. The neighbors were invited in on a moon-
light night. Two young men or boys were nominated as caj^-
lains, who requested two, sometimes three old men to d>
vide the heap for them. This Avas done by carefully steppini:
:he heap, asking which end was hauled first, etc. They then
1 lid a large rail across the pile and declared it ready. Tin-
• aptains had previously tossed a board or a stone, liavint: r,
wet and dry side to it ; the one who got the wet side fAvico,
had the choice of hands, and as soon as the rail was Ir.id, iio
:;alled out his favorite's name, requesting him to come Vj tiiC
rail. As fast as the hands were thus alternately chose;), lliey
set into husking with all their might, each one making a? rout h
noise as he possibly could. Wlienever one side found ilicni-
f-elves sure of victory, they picked up tlieir captain on their
shoulders and began a most frightful screaming — this v,:i.« railed
''hoisting the captain." But it often liappcned that I'oih side.?
claimed the victory. In that case boll; captains were };oist«'fl.
They were often thrown against each other by men under l:ie
influence of liquor. A ground scullle and soniotini»;a a li,!;^t
was the result. If any unfair play was sho'An \r, any i'«*rvt.iU
'%n favor of one of tlie captains :u:d li^'r'n^t '.oo ou-t«' .u 'hin
scuffle, it was immediately resented, sometimes leading to two
or three fights during the same evening. When all things
had become quiet again, the husks were thrown in pens j^revi-
ously prepai'ed. All hands then proceeded to the house where
supper was smoking on the table. This supper consisted prin^
( ipally of chicken pot-pie washed down with an occasional
tin of sweet cider ; this course was supplemented by several
l)ieces of pumpkin pie. I have gone to as high as six of these
hustings in one week, in the moonlight nights in the fall of
the year, and I believe to-day that it was the surest and quick-
i>st way of getting corn into the crib. The cattle and hogs
were turned into the corn-field while the ground was still dry
They eat most of the fodder, gathered up all the corn that was
ui'.sscd in pulling. The stalks were then left where they
ought to be on the field, and not in the barn-yard, where they
.ire only a nuisance, besides a man can husk three ears to one
where they are pulled off the stalk. While our fathers weio
.;l)out right in getting in their corn, I think they made several
mistakes in their methods of farming, first as regards the rota^
lion of ci'ops. They had the corn field where they expected
Lo raise their corn from year to year, although almost all the
iiutnmcnt suited to the grain was gone, and their crop would
not exceed fifteen bushels to the acre, yet with all their good
(.-ojiimon sense they failed to see what the diiiiculty v/as.
Tiiey also had the wheat field where they expected to raise
iheir wheat for nixmbers of years in succession, never allowing
the land to icst a few years under a good coat of grains. They
would have thought a man insane who would have sp«?nt a few
ilollars of his hard-earned money for a bushel of clover or
timothy seed. TLey also had the narrow strip of land along
the spring run or some largei' rivulet which they denominated
the meadow, so called just because it happened to be level
and smooth. The stones were picked off it, and although it
was mowed with a scythe for ten successive years, although
scarcely a tiuiothy head was to be seen, yet they persisted in
mowing that small undei'growth, which required a scythe so
sharp that it must literally sliave the mossy sod, else the mower
would leave but a light swath behind him. About the only ro-
tation that I have any knowledge of was in the new piece of
ground of about one acre that was just cleaned out last spring,
and named tlie "potato patch." Next spring, on good Friday,
it must be sown in flax, and a new piece cleared for potatoes.
There was also the truck patch which was to be omnibus, f rom^
the fact of its containing almost every thing — pumpkins,
squashes, beans, peas and onions, garlic, red peppers, shives.
etc., with quite a large space left for setting out the tobacco
plants and cabbage plants, with just room enough for two or
three hills of Jerusalem apples (tomatoes) which were only
raised to lay in the window for ornament, the children being
caitioned under penalty of death not to touch them, for
they "are the baddest kind of poison." The tobacco was al-
most sure to be a good crop, provided the suckers were kepi
pulled off and the tobacco worm was carefully looked after.
The cabbage was not likely to head very well as the land was
too new.
Thus far we have said nothing about the religious habiia
of the people of Greene county one hundred, eighty or even
fifty years ago. We hope no one will conclude that this si-
lence is because our ancestors had no religion. Nothing could
be farther from the truth than such a conclusion as this. It is
true that some other localities had the advantage over soino
portions of this county, from the fact that tliere was iiioro
congruity among our early settlers, which enabled them to or-
ganize congregations, build churches and sustain ministers .it
a mucli earlier period than Greene county did. With the sin-
gle exccpLioii of the Muddy Creek sottlonuMil. and South 'J'en-
tiiolOiil UP OUr.rtAtt COoWli.
mile. Presbyterianism did not get any footing for about forty
years after the first settlements made in the county. Although
this denomination was about abreast with he Baptists, yet the
settlement of the former sect was more marginal than the lat-
; er, and when the thoroughfare that afterwards became the
National Road was opened early in the present century, the
line of Scotch-Irish emigration followed that road into Wash-
ington county instead of Greene, where they settled down on
Chartier's, Pigeon, Mingo and Raccoon creeks. They were
^noblc people, but have been eulogized too much by their de-
scendants of the first generation, by covering up all their de-
fects and hiding all their excellencies. While Presbyteriahs
weri; tlius found shying off from Greene county, the Baptists
had come here to a great extent on account of Episcopal perse-
fution in Virginia, and as the communications Avere kept open
iu the rear, there was a constant tide of emigration to this ter-
ritory as long as there was puplic land to be taken up. An-
other reason for the increase of one denomination over the
• )ther is, that Presbyterians at a very early day introduced u
long and expensive course of ministerial education, which, when
:ic(|uired, compelled the man on which so much was expended,
Lo demand more for his services than the man who had just
stepped from his plow or shop into the ministry. In conse-
quence of much of the rougimess of the territory of Greene
county and the lightness of crops, their salaries, as a mat-
ter of course, were small, causing all those who must
liave fat salaries to go elsewhere to seek them, thus leaving
the few Presbyterians already here as sheep without a shepherd.
Another difficulty that was found to exist was thai, inasmuch
as it required so many long years to enter the Presbyterian
ministry, anxious, pious parents did not often wait to see
whether the Lord would call their sons as he did Aaron and
Samuel, but concluding He would surely call them, seized
time by the lorelock and sent on their sons to the academies
and colleges almost before they had come to years of discre-
tion. When those years were reached it was too late to send
ibem to a trade or to the plow. Too much money had already
been expended on them to be lost, and although the most san-
guine friends could detect no existing qualifications for preach-
ing the everlasting Gospel, yet the distressed parents hoped
those qualifications would make their appearance in due sea-
son. The faculties of colleges were slow in telling those dis-
tippointed parents their "dear sons" could never succeed in the
ministry, teaching with them was a "matter of bread and but-
ter." The Presbytery also was hopeful that the talent that
was noio evidently buried in a napkin, would in due time be
brought to light, and thus the dear boy was pressed on through
uollege, through the semmary, and now sure enough he wss
through. The common people did not want to hear him : lie
CO lid not look them in the face ; he reads his little discourso
from the manuscript that no doubt he wrote, but who com-
posed it is quite another question — the probabilities are tiiat
he did, but there is a possibility that he did not Along side oi
this one talented youth, there graduated a fine talented man —
a star of the first magnitude ; one that his Creator had en-
dowed with all the qualifications neccssaiy for his arduou;?
work. But men of this kind are so few and far between that
it is not likely that he will settle down on a salary of five hun-
dred dollars, when there are abundance of jilaces that are olli'er-
ino' two or three thousand dollars ; hence the brilliant num go
to the large churches, while the men Avho dopeiid on their di
plomas as their only recommendation, were under the necessity
of "stopping" — for a while at least — in Greene county, wlieru
they often become almost the laughing stock of the people ^\ho
alternately listened tothem, and then to men who had never
spent a week in a college in their lives. These petiplf \i'ouH
and did draw the lines of distinction between these men, al-
most always deciding in favor of the uneducated man, thus
<loing great injustice to the educational institutions of our land,
which are held resi^onsible because they did not educate
lira ins into the empty skulls of those placed under their care
^Methodism of various grades and shades has been at times
V ery successful in different parts of this county. A great di-
versity of talent and also education can be found among them.
Tiieir itinerating system seemed well adapted to the condition
-•.l" the people of this region, fifty or eighty years ago ; for al-
though the masses were poor, yet there were men of wealth
-ind liberality in the bounds of almost every circuit, who were
not only able but willing to sustain the ministers and carry for-
ward the work of the church. Thus Methodists became a
power for good, especially on the frontier, where the tempta-
tions incident to poverty existed, for although the converts did
often fall away, they were not treated as though they had
committed the unpardonable sin, for a "door of hope" was left
constantly open for their return, which was often entered and
re-entered until either the man became possessed of sufficient
stability to fall no more, or was treated as an incorrigible offen-
der. The year 1807 was somewhat remarkable in a religious
point of view, on account of the rapid growth of the church
in numbers. The great revival of 1800 had about done
its work in Western Pennsylvania, and a glorious work it v.an
among the churches that were considv;rod orthodox, building
them up in "their most holy faith," and leaving sucii indelible
impressions that they were never eradicated during the lives <tf
iliosc who had been the subjects of this grent work. But :»s
dcneneracy and heresy crept into the primitive church soon
afier the days of the Apostles, so in thi^ year and the years
immediately succeeding ; sonio of the strimgost :iotions wero
foimd to exist in the upper end of Orcone ('ounty, and in the
adjacent townships of Washington county. Permanent among
these dehisions was what was called Halconiteism. One of
the pnnciple leaders of this deluded sect w as a man by the
name of Sergeant. He claimed to have had a direct revelation
from Heaven that it was all a mistake with reference to the ex-
istence of such a place as hell, and that there was neither such
a locality nor such a state of existence. This doctrine was so
palitable that many deluded followers gathered around him.
His fame was so great that he was invited to preach in the
town of Wheeling, where, among his numerous auditors, was a
lawyer who, regarding the harangue as heretical, contradicted
him. This enraged the false prophet to such a degree that he
brought suit against the lawyer for disturbing a worshiping
assembly. In due time the suit came off, when the defendant
took the ground that this was not a religious assembly, and iri
order to make out his case, he proved many of the assertions
that were made prominent; among them the oft repeated
declaration — there was no hell. The lawyer was acquitted and
the Courts decided the Halconites were not a religious society.
This man seemed determined that his conduct should not be
better than his creed, and in order to derive some profit ivoin
his convenient doctrine, he committed a forgery, and was im-
l^risoned in Cumberland, Maryland. This put an end to his ca-
reer as a preacher. But as his deluded followers looked uvounci
for a leader among those that had adhered to him, they loun-'l
one in the person of Rhoda Fordycc. This woman was x^ol
content to adopt the creed of her predecessor — ''ex anwxo'' —
without making additions thereto, one of whicli was that if a
person "would abstain from all animal food, live on parehcd
corn and sassafras buds for a given length of time, his bo«^y
would become so etherial that he would be translated toHoavfu
without passing through the iron gate of death. It isafhnurd
that a man by the name of Parker tried the experiment. ?mo
instead of ascending to Heaven, he starved to death. This in-
fatuated old woman would not permit the body to be buried
until after the third day, insisting that at the expiration of that
time it would ascend to Heaven. When tlie time had elapsed
the neighbors took it by force and buried it. This failure to
ascend seems to have disabused the minds of the people to that
extent that both Rhoda and the Rhodianites — as her followers
were called — sank into merited oblivion. Soon after the ex-
tinction of this last imposter, a sect arose in the upper end of
Greene and Washington counties call "New Lights." They
made converts by scores from the ranks of both the Holy
Conites and the Rhodianites. They laid great stress on immer-
sion as the only mode of baptism. They also denied the Divin-
ity of Christ, maintaining that he was not from everlasting
and Avas not equal w^th God, the Father. They also introduced
the custo m of feet washing into their assemblies, where men
and women did literally "wash one another's feet." This sec;
became quite numerous in Marshall county, West Virginia •,
also in some of the adjoining parts of Ohio. But their day
was almost as brief as some of the isms that had precede*!
them. I saw one of their preachers who came over to Fay-
ette county about 1831. His name was Peter F. Lashlie, but
he made only a few converts on the east side of the river.
These people were, in their turn, destined to be absorbed by
still another sect, generally known as Campbellites. This is,
however, a name that they repudiate as a misnomer, and I see
no right that any one has to insist on a people keeping a nrwiiO
that they dislike. As Alexander Campbell and his fat}« )\
however, were undoubtedly the founders of this sect, a brief
sketch of his history, and that of his father, will not, I hojie,
be deemed out of place here :
In the year 1807 Rev. Thomas Campbell enngratcd to the
United St;i'('< from ' Milaiid. IK- w :i>< a i mlicr dI' the ••Gen-
eral Associate Synod." He was received by the Presbytery
of Chartiers ; his omnipresent theme was "the all-sufficiency of
the Holy Scriptures, so that he was frequently led to denounce
all creeds and confessions as were human inventions, tending
to divide the church and mar the beauty of the body of
Christ. Although he was raised with the catechisms of the
Westminster divines in his hand and had their teachings care-
uUy stored in his head, yet he could not be quiet for a single
:lay with reference to the perniciousness of such teachings.
As might be expected, such departures as this met with decided
opposition by some of those grave old fathers among whom
liis lot had been so recently cast. The first public discussion
5eems to have been August 17, 1809 at a meeting held, on
the head waters of Buffalo creek in Washington county. An
address and declaration was here presented by Mr. Campbell
Tom what he is pleased to style "The Christian Association of
Washington," for the sole purpose of promoting simple evati-
gelical Christianity, free from all mixture of human opinions,
and inventions of men. At a meeting of the Synod of the
Presbyterian Church, held on the 4th of October, 1810, Rev.
Thomas Campbell, formerly a member of the Associate Synod
but representing himself as a member of the Christian Associ-
ation of Washington, ai:)plied to be taken into ministerial
standing. The record shows that Mr. Campbell was heard at
length. The Synod resolved unanimously that they could not
admit Mr. Campbell with his present views and feelings, deem-
ing his plan as much- more likely to promote dissension and
divisions than unity. Their refusal to admit him was not on
account of any alleged defect in educational ability, or any
defect in moral character, but on account of his peculiar
views being inconsistent with the standards of the Presbyte-
rian Church. Finding no home among kindred spirits, either
in the Associate, nor yet in the Presbyterian Church, he re-
solved to take the responsibility of originating a new denomi-
nation, and consequently on the 4th day of May, 1811, he
constituted a few persons as a church with no other creed than
the Bible. At this same meeting Kev. Thomas Campbell was
appointed Elder ; his son Alexander, who was a member of the
first class in Canonsburg Academy in 1791, was licensed to
preach the Gospel, and John Dawson, George Sharp, William
Gilchrist and James Foster were chosen Deacons. The views
of both father and son seem to have undergone a sudden change
with reference to the mode as well as the efficacy of water bap-
tism. Previous to this time they have, to all appearance, been
the strictest kind of Pedo-Baptist. But now they insist that
immersion is not only a mode but the mode of Christian Bap-
tism. Two churches of this new denomination soon spring into
existence; one at Cross Roads, six miles north west of Wash-
ington, and the other on Brush run, eight miles south-west of
the same place. These churches were organized by Elder Thos.
Campbell, who gradually retires from public notice in order t'">
give place to superior genius and more brilliant talents of \vs.
•ion Alexander Campbell, who became one of the most eloquent
and persuasive public speakers that ever preached in Westerr.
Pennsylvania. As a forensic debator, he had but few equalf.
perhaps no superior. The printed debates of "Campbell and
Owen" and "Campbell and Rice" will remain monuments of tiio
abilities and skill of those who engaged in them. This man v» as
just in the prime of manhood and in the very zenith of his elo-
quence, at the time so large a part of Greene county might so
justly be called "the burned district," as i^:m after ism had con-
sumed it until thei-e was eminent danger of infidelity aial cvoii
barbarism spreading their sable palls over the minds of mfiiiy-
At this critical moment Elder Alexander Campbell came proicli-
in"- among them. The preaching of John the Baptist in il)o
wilderness of Judea was not mucli more powcrftd in its cOVcts
than the preaching of Mr. Campbell. The flimsy hay, wood and
Btubble structures erected by the Halconites, Rhodianites and
Xew Lights fell before his eloquence like grass before the
scythe of the mower. In some instances, I am told, entire con-
gregations of New Lights abandoned their Arianism and adopt-
ed the views of Mr. Campbell, which was certainly a long step
\ii the right direction. Although many of the professed follow-
ers of Mr. Campbell are but little better than Unitarians, hav-
«:ig loose views of the Divinity of Christ and <3octrine of the
Trinity, yet many of them are much more orthodox than any of
iMC preceeding sects could possibly be. As proof of this, many
( f the disciples of Mr. Campbell, as they have become more
enlightened, have united with orthodox Baptist denominations.
The coming of Cumberland Presbyterians fifty years ago
seemed to be a necessity, from the fact that coldness and luke-
ivarmness so generally i:)revailed. This young church had its
'origin in the great revival of 1800-10, when its first Presbytery
,vas formed. Its ministers, although often destitute of classica-
etlucation, were evidently called of God to preach. This wrin
especially true with the ministers who arrived in Greene counry
in 1831 and 1832. This assertion is abundantly proven by the
success that attended their labors at Hewitt's Grove, Jefferson.
Waynesburg, Milliken's Camp Ground, &c. Whether this de-
nomination will be perpetuated, is a question I will not prctcmi
lo decide. At first view it seems to possess advantages superi-
or to almost any other denomination, as it occupies an interrao-
diate position between Galvanism and Armenianism. It would
seem capable of drawing recruits from both tliese extreme?,,
A'hich, no doubt, is true, and j'ct its disadvantages from its iu-
icnnediate position are quite as numeious as its advantages; Tor
Iho man Avho will make an acceptable Cmuborland Prcsb;, Icfiaa
will, with a few modifications, make a good Methodist ',»r Pits
LyIeri.'UiV, About twenty' yo.irs ago this <lfi.oii;ii),i(i«/U s.onud
in great danger from certain belligerent parties then existing
among them. But having grown wise by their own defects,
they have, in many quarters, settled down into the conviction
that ambassadors of the Prince of Peace ought to be peaceable,
consequently I have heard of no prosecutions of any of their
ministers by their brethren for many yeai-s, indicating a more
])eaceful and happy state of existence, Avhich, if persisted in,
will no doubt perpetuate their organization for many long years
to come.
One of the most conclusive arguments in favor of the per-
jietuity of this denomination is the attention they have given
lo the subject of classical education. Scarcely were the great
meetings at upper Tenmile, Concord, Milliken's, Jefferson^
Hewitt's Grove, Hopewell and Nixon's camp meeting, near
Uniontown, over, when John Morgan, wiio was undoubtedly
the leading spii'it among these missionaries, began to agitate
the question, "Where shall we have an institution of learn-
ing?" I have been credibly informed that Rev. Morgan pressed
this matter early upon the attention of the men of wealth in
the neighborhood of Concord and Bethel, in Washington
.-.ounty, yet the indifference of the masses was such that the
missionaries turned away disappointed but not disheartened.
'I'hey are soon found pressing the same subject on the citi-
zens of Fayette county, where, through the energy and liber-
ality of a number of prominent men, they secured control of
Madison College, at Uniontown. This institution had been
under Presbyterian influences at the outset of its existence.
The afterwards distinguished Rev. Robert Baird began his
collegiate course in this institution. At a later period the
Methodist Episcopal Church obtained a preponderating influ-
ence which they used so poorly as to induce the Board of
Trustees to seek new affinities, which they found among the
Cumberland Presbyterians, led on by Rev. Jno. Morgan, who
was then pastor of the church at Uniontown. Rev, J. P.
"Weethee, a graduate of the University at Athens, O., was
elected Presidentof Madison College, about 1838. A female
department was added in 1839, which was presided over by
Miss Eliza J. Hanmer, a graduate of Ipswich Seminary, Mass
achusetts. In the same year Rev. Jno. Morgan was made
Professor of Moral and Mental Science.
In 1842 there was a serious rupture between Presideni
Weethee and some of the trustees, in which Jno. Dawson.
jEsq., took a very decided stand against Mr. Weethee. This
•4-upture resulted disastrously to Cumberland Presbyterian ism in
Madison College. Who were the most culpable parties, it is.
perhaps, unnecessary to inquire at this late date. I was ac-
quainted with John Dawson, and knew him to be one ol
the leading lawyers at the Uniontown bar, who made up his
mind slowly and deliberately ; but when his mind was made
up "he would do what he thought was right though thf
lieavens should fall." Mr. Weethee was a man with whom I
had but little acquaintance. He no doubt had his exalted ex-
cellencies, but his greatest infirmity was that he was so ex-
ceedingly sensitive as to his preogatives, so exceedingly fcar-
iul that some one would interfere with his supremacy. Uf
Ujese things as they may, the prestige of this denomination
Was at an end in that institution. Defeated, but not destroyed,
this denomination began to cast about them for other fields in
which to cultivate their educational interests. Some hopes of
carrying out their cherished educational policy was presented
by casting in their lots with Beverly College, in the State of
Ohio. Yet the different elements were so heterogeneous that
the labors of these zealous pioneers of this young denomina-
tion were under the necessity of turning elsewhere. And
Avherd did they turn ? To Greene county, Pa., in many re-
sjiects the most hopeless of all the fields they had hitherto sur-
^■eyed. But the lapse of time, that great interpreter of human
events, has proven that sometimes the most unpromising soil
finally yields the largest increase. Such has pre-eminently been
the case with the educational interests of this denomination
as far as Greene county is concerned.
The first success of this denomination, as patrons of educa-
tion, was at Greene Academy, located at the village of Car-
michaels, twelve miles east of Waynesburg. As the original
settlers of this locality were mostly from Virginia and Mary-
land, the Episcopalian element largely predominated. Among
the instructors we find the names of Messrs. Ely, Wakefield,
Whipple, Loughran, Miller, Horner, Ross, Martin, Long,
Baker, Crago, Orr, Larkin and Nickeson. During the time
that Joshua Loughran was Principal of this academy, the
Cumberland Presbyterians were largely in the ascendant. A
number of young men, who afterwards became influential
ministers, received at least a part of their education there ;
among this number were several whom I personally knew, viz :
Jas. McFarland, A. B. Brice, E. F. Baird, Luther Axtell, A. J.
Baird, A. B. Miller and J. S. Gibson.
Much as Greene Academy had already accomplished, j-et
there was no chartered connection between it and the denom-
ination that had furnished a considerable amount of its pat-
ronage. Any sudden freak of the trustees might place it be-
yond the control of this denomination, and, therefore, the
Pennsylvania Presbytery, at its meeting in Greenfield, Wash-
ington Co., Pa., in April, 1849, appointed a committee of
which Rev. J. H. D. Henderson, General Jesse Lazear and
Samuel Moredock, Esq., were members. This committee was
charged with the duty of making and receiving proposals from
different localities with reference to the amount of aid each
would contribute tovs'ards the erection of buildings and endow-
ing of professorships in a new institution, to be placed under
the care of the Pennsylvania Synod of the Cumberland Pres-
byterian Church. The competing localities were Carraichaels
and Waynesburg. Although neither locality contributed as
liberally as was hoped, yet Waynesburg contributed much the
larger sum, which at once decided the locality. Application
was made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania for a charter,
which was granted in March, 1850. The 3d section of this
charter i-eads as follows : "That Jesse Lazear, Jesse Hook, W.
T. E. Webb, Bradley Mahanna, John Rogers, Mark Gordon,
li. W. Downey, Wm. Bi-aden, A. G. Allison, Wm. W. Sayers,
Dr. A. Shaw, John T. Hook and John Phelan are hereby ap-
pointed Trustees of said corporation, to hold their positions
until their successors in office are elected in the manner herein-
after provided." This section provides that three out of the
seven Trustees shall be annually elected by the stockholders of
the building, and four by the Pennsylvania Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church. B/ the provisions of this
charter the control of Waynesburg College was to be exer-
cised exclusively by this denomination, on the condition that
three professors should be constantly maintained. In the au"
tumn of 1849, Rev. Joshua Loughran left Greene Academy,
and located in Waynesburg, where he commenced a school in
the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The citizens of Waynes-
burg subscribed about five thousand dollars towards the erec-
tion of suitable buildings, which were commenced in thu
spring of 1850, and were completed in the autumn of 1851;
when on the first Tuesday of November the new College went
into formal operation in the new building. This day might
be regarded as an epoch — not only as the first day of teaching
in the new building — but also from the fact that on that day
Alfred B. Miller entered this institution as a student, and has
been continuously connected with it from that time until the
■present day (August 1882.)
In the autumn of 1850 Miss Margaret K. Bell was employed
lo take charge of a school of young ladies with the design of
founding a female seminary in connection with the College. A
separate building was proposed, but never erected. A seal
and diploma were engraved, and several classes of young ladies
were graduated and received diplomas under the seal of
*'Waynesburg Female Seminary." The opening of the spring
term of 1852 witnessed a large increase of students, the numbei
in all for this first year being one hundred and thirty. The
end of the year was marked by the graduation of the first class
in the Female Seminary, consisting of Miss Elizabeth Lindsey,
now Mrs. David Crawford, Miss Caroline Hook, afterwards
^Irs. Edmiston, and Miss Martha Bayard, now Mrs. Howarri.
of Brownsville. At the close of the second year, 1853, anothei
■'•.lass of young ladies was graduated, among whom we find the
uames of Miss Lucy Lazear and Miss Virginia Morgan. At
the same time the first class of young men were graduated,
consisting of A. B. Miller, the distinguished President of this
institution, W. E. Gapen, now a prominent lawyer in Bloom-
ington. 111., Clark Hackney, now of Washington county, Pa.,
and James Rinehart, of Waynesburg, Pa. This being the fii-st
commencement day, occurring September 28, 1853, was a day
of intense interest to all parties concerned. The Presbytery
and Synod were present as well as many distinguished visitors
from abroad ; among whom are found the names of Hon. An-
drew Stewart and Hon. Samuel Gilmore, of Uniontown, Pa. A.
B. Miller delivered the graduating oration, being the first deliv-
ered in the new building, consequently he is justly entitled to the-
fiame of "first born" of the numerous sons of this Alma-Mater.
{Soon after this date the college was received under the care of
the Pennsylvania Synod. At a meeting of the Trustees held
October 14, 1853, I find this resolution, viz : ^'■Resolved, That
Rev. Alfied ^Miller be employed as Professor of Mathematics
at a salary of $150 per session." But my sketch is growing to
proportions entirely too large for the space allotted it in the
History of Greene County, and I propose to close it by giving
some brief biographical sketches of some of its instructors,
some of whom I have personal knowledge, but the principal
source of my information is obtained by consulting a very in-
teresting history written by Rev. A. B. Miller, D. D., as I find
it in a volumn entitled, "Theological Medium," a copy of which
the Dr. has sent me :
Rev. Joshua Loughran was educated at Jefferson College,
Canonsburg, Pa. A great reader, a great thinker : with
almost boundless ability to illustrate, he could hold his classes
spell -bound for an hour without weariness. Prof. Thomas C.
Lazear was elected to the vacant chair of Languages at the
same meeting of Trustees that accepted Rev. Loughran's resig-
nation. He served in this capacity for one year, at the close
of which he resigned, and is now a leading practitioner at the
Pittsburg bar. Miss Minerva Lindsey, now the wife Rev.
A^el Freeman, of Concord, Washington county, Pa., taught a?
assistant in the female department during part of the time that
J. P. Weethee was Pi-esident of the institution. Rev. Samuel
H. Jeffrey was elected to the chair of Natural Science which
he occupied for one year, when he fell a victim to consumption
and died in November, 1859. He was born in an old log house
on Montour's run, Allegheny county, when no theological semi-
nary was in existence; consequently when he completed his
collegiate studies he commenced to study theology with o\\
Rev. George M. Scott, of Mill Creek church, near the spot
in Beaver county where Ilookstown now stands. During the
time of his theological studies he contracted an alliance witit
Miss Jane Scott, daughter of his preceptor, and at the close of
his term, they were married. After various removes, they ai-
rived in Waynesbur>>;, Avheve he l)cc;une i):istor of the Presby-
terian congi'egation, also the Church of Unity at Graysville,
fourteen miles distant. His widow still survives him, and re-
sides in "Waynesburg, revered and respected by all who know
lier. Rev. A. J. McGlnmphy entered on his duties as Profes-
sor of Mathematics at the same time Rev. Jeffrey entered on
his duties as Professor of Natural Science, resigning at the
close of one year, telling the President he "believed the college
hopelessly environed with financial difficulty." Prof. M. E.
Garrison was a graduate of Allegheny College, Pa., and was a
most faithful and zealous worker in Waynesburg College,
which he served for ten years, when declining health compelled
him to give up his position. So highly was he esteemed by
President Miller that he accompanied him to the Hygienic
Home at Danville, N. Y., where, on April 7, 1870, he peacefully
i oil asleep. Prof. W. (7. /S'cofMvas placed in the chair of Math-
•'inatics in the spring of 1860, being a graduate of the class of
1 857. He served the College very acceptably, and was, like
many of his co-workers, compensated with a very "moderate
pecuniary reward." Prof. J. M. Crow, A. 31., a member of the
s siior class of 1871, was in the autumn of 1872 made Professoi
of Greek and Latin, and proved one of the most useful men in
the faculty. After teaching for one year, he went to Europe
where he spent two years at Liepsic, Germany, and at Basel,
Switzerland, extending his knowledge of the classics and also
the German language, returning to America in the fall of 187.5.
He resumed his place in the College and became exceedingly
popular in his department. To the regret of all concerned he
felt compelled at the close of the year, on account of insufficient
salary, to resign his position and accei:)t a more lucrative one.
In 1881 he returned to Germany, and resumed his studies inthe
University at ]5erlin ; September, 1882, he went to Athens,
Greece, to attend an institution of learning. After a tour in Pal-
estine he will graduate at Berlin, and return to America in 1883.
Rev. S. K. Craig acted as professor of Greek for three sessior.s
and was then called to the Presidency of Monongahela College
at Jefferson, Pa. Profs. J. G. Gwynn, D. S. Williams, S. IJ-
Patton, Albert McGinnis, Jno. F. White, Z. X. Snyder, B. V
Foster, Shepard, B. V. Atkisson and Geo. S. Frazer, D.D ,
have rendered valuable service in their respective places. But
of all the persons that were ever connected with Waynesburg
College, none occupied so important a position as the Principal
of the Female Seminary, Mrs. M. K. B. Miller. This lady was
a daughter of Andrew Bell, and was born in Washington, Pa.,
where she graduated quite young. In 1850 she was invited
to Waynesburg with a view of building up a school for young
ladies, to be known as "Waynesburg Female Seminary." In
the spring of 1855 she was united in marriage with Rev. A.
B. Miller, with whom she spent the remainder of her life, dis-
charging all the duties of wife and mother with the greatest
fidelity. And yet there was one paramount object for which
she lived and for which she died — the best present interests
and ultimate triumphant success of Waynesburg College.
In order to show the readers of this history that I am noi,
a mere panegyrist, I will insert from memory part of her ad-
dress to the graduating class about the year 1851), viz: ''Do
not, I beseech you, young ladies, allow yourselves to think tiiat
your education is completed ; on the contrary, permit me tu
anticipate fondly that you will be life-long students, for I assure
you your education has just commenced. I have borro^^•e.l
you from your mothers for the few years tliat have passed t>M
pleasantly by. I now propose to return you to the source from
which you came, that you may there in your inotlier's kitchen,
dining room and parlor still pursue your education, for bo as-
sured of this one thing, that every young lady, be she high or
low, rich or poor, ought to know how to make and mend, wash
and iron, bake and scrub, and if she is ignorant of all tJiesr,
fraportant duties, an essential part of her education has been
omitted." She was possessed of a large amount of physical as
well as mental vigor, that enabled her to endure an amount of
hardship that would have prematurely crushed more feeble
constitutions. Such must have been pre-eminently the case
f we allow ourselves to retrospect the labor she performed :
Usually she taught six hours each day, and in addition to this,
ilid a great amount of work for her family and home, where
slie entertained, almost every day, some of the numerous
friends of the students and visitors of the college. Misses
(iiace Oviatt, M. C. Foote, S. V. Abbott and Mary A. Hume
'i.ive, in the order named, served as Principal of this depart-
ment the present worthy incumbent being Miss Bell M. Day.
Among the ladies who have from time to time contributed
ilioir inliuence and time in the department of music, I find the
lollowing : Miss Mary Fisher, Mrs. Laura D. Jacobs, Miss Fannie
r.nzear, Miss Anna Moore, Miss "Charlie" Pettigrew, Miss Lucy
Morgan, Miss S. Virginia J^utler, Miss Lucy Inghram, Miss Lido
C. Millei-, Miss Lizzie N. Day, Miss Williams, Miss M. A.
Ilumo, Miss Ida V. Blake and Miss Male Close. Miss Emma .L
Downey, of the class of 1864, was a number of years teacher
of French, a position she filled with entire satisfaction to her
Having spent this much time in writing something of the
religious history of this county, I will now introduce a
biography or two as a means of relieving our history of all ten-
dencies to monotony. I spent the evening of January lo
1882, and the forenoon of the 16th with Anthony Trip who
has long resided in Morris township, Greene county. He was
born in 1815 on the bank of the river ''Weiser," where he lived
until Octobw, 1840; when wearied with the constant demand
made by the Prussian King (whose subject he was) for military
Bervice, young Mr. Tripp applied for a passport to the Uni-
ted States of America. His application Was rejected. The
authorities would dismiss old men, women or children, but
would not grant passports to young men in any instance to the
United States, and only in a few instances to any other country.
Fully determined to emigrate, Mr. Tripp applied at another
window for a passport to England, which was granted. Armed
with this permit he arrived in safety, as he supposed, at the
free city of Breemen where he learned a vessel was about to
start from Bremerhaven for the United States. This vessel he
determined to board, but just as he stepped into the boat to be
coiwcyed to the ship, his passport was demanded. Finding
that it read to England instead of America, he and his compan-
ions were arrested and turned over to the tender mercies of the
];oIice whom Kmg William had employed to arrest any of his
subjects who were about to escape to the United States. Learn-
ing the boat would return again in the evening, the young men
'Ictermincd to take tlie matter cooly, inviting the officers to
^!rink wine at their expense, hoping a* they were kidnapped
'he wine would kidnap the officers. The wine was supplc-
p.iPutGtl by large draughts of lager beer which sc-cu had its effect
on their cajitors who began to curse King Wiiiixm, declaring
he <ni!y paid them ■x ~mall fee for returning his --"ibj6cts, when
ov.v young men, taki^-^ the hint, presented the officers with a
•-halcr-. a price in connection with the wine and beer rendered
tbein entirely oblivious of all their duties. The boat was aboui
to depart again, and one by one the young men were finally ai)
aboard the ship, standing out into thel^orth Sea on their way
to "the land of the free and the home of the brave." Novem-
ber 22d, 1840, they landed at New Orleans where Mr. Tripp
spent the winter workitig at "whatsoever his band found to
do," which he did with his might. When spring came he con-
cluded that, as he was a native- of as high a northern latitude as
Prussia, it would be impriulent for him to remain as far South
as Orleans, hence he started northward. After a short sojourn
at St. Louis, he eventually arrived in the vicinity of Washing-
ington, Pa. His first service was rendered at the nursery of
Hugh Wilson, immediately north-west of the borough. He next
liired with William Gabby, one mile west of Washington. Here
he became acquainted with Mariah Johnston, whom he married
in 1841. His first experience in housekeeping was on a rented
farm on the north fork of Tenmile, close to the Greene county
line, where he commenced keeping sheep on the shares for Jas.
G. Strain. It was not long until he found himself in possession
of enough money to make the first payment on the farm on
which he now resides, to which he removed in 1856. The
farai was in a deplorable condition when he arrived on it.
What little cleared land there was had usually been plowed
about two inches deep. What few fences there were were
covered up beneath a tangle of sprouts, vines, elders and grape-
vines. Not a peck of grass seed had ever been sown on this-
land, which required a very good season to produce fifteer*
l)ushels of corn, or eight bushels of wheat to the acre. So
i 'C predictions of poor Anthony's neighbors seemed likely to
l)e verified, that he would "soon starve out." Kothing discour-
aged, however, he went bravely to w^ork ; turned over the soil
eight inches deep instead of two; grubbed out the thickets,
and planted them in corn and potatoes ; cut oft' the saplings,
and turned his sheep in to keep down the sprouts : carefully
husbanded all the manure, and with it top-dressed his crop of
winter wheat, on which land he sowed a bountiful supply of
timothy seed. His wool was the finest that had ever been pro-
•luced at that date in this part of Greene county. Such was
his care and such was the adaptation of his locality, that af-
ter keeping the same stock of sheep on the same farm for
twenty-five years, he has never had a single case of "foot-rot."
He now owns tAVo hundred and forty acres of land that was
thought dear at the ten dollars per acre which he gave
for it. And for this land he can obtain fifty dollars per acre
any day he wishes to sell it. We often hear persons urged to
invest money in western land with the understanding that it
will increase so rapidly in value. I have some knowledge of
the rapidity of these increases. A brother-in-law of mine
went to Iowa thirty-four years ago, and purchased four liiii -
dred acres of land at four dollars and fifty cents per acre. He
has made just as expensive improvements upon it as Mr. Tripi.
has on his Greene county farm. My brother-in-law can only
get thirty dollars per acre for his farm at this time, so tliai
after a lapse of thirty-four years, his land has only increascil
twenty-five dollars and fifty cents on the acre, while in twenty -
five years, Mr Tripp's land has increased forty dollars per
acre. Verily, there is such a thing as advance on the price of
Greene county land, the opinions of others to the contrary not-
withstanding. So that in the plain, unvarnished history of tl i-i
man, we have several lessons. 1st. Industry and economy will
secure a man a livelihood any place. 2d. "The hand of the
diligent maketh rich." 3d. That some men ought to be jjvose
cuted for slander that they bring on the soil they pretend i«^
farm, which, by proper treatment, would now be bearing a
good instead of a bad name. The last thing that I will writi-
about Mr. Tripp is that he is a man of peace. He became •;
professor of religion many years ago in a congregation of
Cumberland Presbyterians, where he would certainly have
remained, had it not been that for some cause or other there
was constantly on hand some quarrel, from which it was
often with the greatest difiiculty t hat he could keep clear.
When he removed to his present location, he united with an-
other congregation of the same denomination, where fiom
Bome cause the same ecclesiastical dissensions were found to
exist, M'hen disgusted and disiieartencd he withdrew, and
nnited with the Presbyterian Church of Unity, where he has
ever since led a quiet and peaceable life. When an effort was
made three years ago to build a new church, Mr. Tripp gave
two hundred dollars towards its erection, notwithstanding the
great distance that he lives from the church prevents him in
unpleasant weather from being present, yet it seems to afford
him satisfaction to know that he has assisted in giving other
people comfortable church accommodations. In this samo
township of Morris there lived for many years, even down to
old age, William Stockdale, a man of considerable prominen( c
in the community in which he lived forty years ago. He was
one of the men who signed the letter of invitation to the
Synod of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, asking them
to send missionaries to this neighborhood, who made such a
revolution in some of the affairs of the old churches. Mr
Stockdale was for many years an elder in the C. P. Church of
West Union, (situated close to the side of the Waynesburg it
V\rashington Railroad). His children were very anxious to
aave an education, in which their father gratified them, an-i
they seem to have profited vastly by the money expended ou
them. John M. is the able editor of the Washington Hevieio
dk Examiner, after having spent a number of years in the
South. James Stockdale was for many years a prominent
business man in Baltimore, Md., while Sarah married a Mr. 4-
B. Wise who recently resided near UUery's Mill. But I a:iv
admonished that I cannot write a history of every person in
Greene county, including their ancestors and descendants,
hence some of the present generation must be content with
merely the brief mention of the names of their ancestors in.
certain communities. One of these communities I find right,
along the dividing line between Greene and Washington-:
counties, in the vicinity of North Tenmile Baptist Churok^
Although the house of worship is in Washington county, a largo
portion of the worshipers are, and always have been in Greene
since the counties were divided. I have already said in this
history that Goshen Baptist Church, on Whiteley, was the first
organization within the bounds of the present Greene county.
The date given to that organization is October 7, 1776. Yet
here we find an organization some four years older than even
Goshen. I am fortunately saved from making a mistake by
the fact that the present house, as well as the two buildings
that have preceded it have all just been across the line iu
Washington county. I cannot give the exact date of the or-
ganization of North Tenmile, but Dr. J. C. Milliken says, "its
history runs back as far as the year 1772." Some of the
earliest settlers around this spot on both sides of the present
line were John Rutman, Dennis Smith, "William Gordon, Rus-
sie Rees, John Sorrison and John James. These men seem to
h ive taken time by the forelock, and were not content to wait
until the Penns had purchased this land at Fort Stanwix
IVom the Indians, but being bold adventurers they purchased
tlie land directly from the savages themselves, trading them a
few guns, trinkets and notions. It was not long, however, be-
fore they had reason to repent their folly in placing those fire-
arms in the hands of the Indians to be used so soon against
themselves. The two first named, however, escaped all the hor-
rors of the wilderness, dodged every Indian bullet and toma-
hawk, and lived to an unusual old age, the former reaching
99, while the latter attained to 104 years. These settlers seeui to
have located here as early as 1770. Soon after this other
settlers began to arrive who took out their patents in the regu-
lar way, so that between the years 1770 and 1790, I find the
following persons had located here, most of whom I pi-esume
from the location of their descendants, were on the Washing-
ton county side of the present line, viz. : Nathanial McGiffin,
David Evans, James Milliken. Abel McFarland. Georcre Cooper
and John Bates. This last named, I presume, was a Greene
county man who gave name to Bates' Fork of Tenmile creek,
where we find anotlier Baptist church as the off-shoot of the
old parent church of North Tenmile. Also another Baptist
Church on Ruff's creek as descended from the same old fruitful
vine. A history of these two daughters I propose to give as
;goon as I am better informed, and will now redeem my prom-
ise in part, made at the outset of this history, by giving some
further details of the history of the old mother north Tenmile
church. About the time of its organization in 1772 the settlers
far and near were called together for the purpose of erecting a
log cabin church. But where were their resources ? Where
JLhe long subscription papers each containing their thousand?
of dollars as a basis on which to begin to build a forty thousanr^
dollar temple for the worship of Jehovah? Ah! these were
r[uestions not asked, not even thought of by those hungry pio-
neers who had fled from persecution from the old Dominion to
«n joy the benign fruits of liberty under the Quaker banner o f
vthe Penns. . If there were one doubting Thomas; present that
bright morning who presumed to ask the question, where arc
your resources with which to build? I think 1 hear the re-
sponses, here they are ! Look at these beautiful oaks, see here
are the axes, here is a log-chain brought over the mountains or
4a pack-horse, and here is a log-sled I made yesterday on pur-
pose to haul these logs ; here is the very tree for clapboards f oi
;the roof ; look at these little chestnut trees for ribs, and these
straight maples for wait poles. But ho ! come on ! we have
waited too long already. So saying, the speaker seized an axe
xmd sunk its glistening edge into a small tree near at hand.
The action is contagious, and soon the trees are dropping in all
directions. The log-sleds and oxen are at work; the best axmen
are called out to carry up the corners. The old men are riving
•out the clapboards. The sisters and mothers are present with
the homely dinner, and by sundown the house is up and cov-
ered. The floor was a superfluity that crept in in after years-^
it was not needed now. Those hardy old fathers and mothers
coiild sit on a round log and listen to the long sermons of those
days with nothing but the earth beneath them : for although it
was deeply frozen, they were not troubled with that modern
luxury, fire, which would have at least partially thawed out the
ground and subjected them to the inconvenience of mud. I will
mention the names of the majority of those who have preached
the Gospel to this people first in this rude cabin and then in
the two succeeding edifices which improved in their materials
and superstructure as the country and its inhabitants advanced
in wealth and refinement. Rev. James Sutton seems to have
been their first regular pastor. He was elected February 4,
1774, and sei'ved in this capacity for seven years. He was suc-
jeeded by Rev. John Corbley who served two years. From the
dates and Mr. Corbley's own words at the commencement of
his letter written to Dr. Rogers, I would infer that he alterna-
ted between this church and Goshen, for he says, "being near
one of my meeting houses." Mr. Corbley was succeeded by
Rev. David Sutton who, I infer, was brother of the first pastor,
for I find Judge Veech speaking in general terms of the Bap-
tist churches here, says : "Old Virginia had, for a long time,
made a special business of persecuting Baptists. Hence they
took refuge on Muddy creek, Whiteclay, [this is his way of
sj)eHing Whiteley,] and Tenraile and on Pike run and Peters
creek at an early day where they were ministered to by Elders
Corbley and the Sutton brothers" — Veech's secular history in
Presbyterian Centennial, Memorial volumn, page 328. How
long David Sutton preached, is not known, as this part of the
record is lost. Rev. Charles "Wheeler became pastor in 1831,
and served them for five years. He was succeeded by Rev. A.
B. Bowman in 183G, who remained only three years, as I find
Rev. Levi Griffith was elected in 1839, who resigned in 1842,
-when Rev. William Whitehead succeeded him for one yeai
and a-half. The next pastoi- was Rev. S. Kendal Lenning, who
remained with them six years and a-half. Rev. F. C. Gunford
now took charge of this church for one year ; Rev. W. Scott
for six months, Rev. B. P. Ferguson for two and a-half years,
Rev. I. Boyd for three years ; after his departure Rev. W. B.
Skinner supplied them for two years. In 1868 Rev. Samuel
Kennall was elected pastor, and was followed by Rev. C. W»
Tilton who completed the labors of the first century of the ex-
istence of this old church, in the history of which we may
learn several lessons : 1st, those who are compelled by perse-
cution to form independent societies, often make the most en-
during associations ; 2d, we are sorry to learn that, as the gen-
erations roll on, the people become more fastidious in their
choice of ministers, and hence although preachers of late years
were no doubt much more refined and better educated than
those who first preached to this people, yet there is a constani
shortening of pastorates until in late years ihev only amounte<i
to a few months, and this thing is by no means confined to this
congregation nor denomination ; for it is a notorious fact thai
in numerous instances where the fathers, with their large stock
of common sense well supplemented by Scriptural knowledge,
could listen for forty years to the same man and be edified all
the time, their grand-children, with a mere smattering of class-
ical knowledge rattling about in their empty skulls, are done
with many of the best ministers in two or three years, and in-
stead of trying to get some knowledge as a kind of ballast for
their air castles, they are often heard to say, with disdainful
squeamishness, "oh ! he is too prosey. Too much redundancy
about him." Bah ! I say, and sensible people say amen. Lej
this thing go on for a few years more and it will be necessary
for ministers lo bji:!..! their !i;il)it:it'<ii! (like the ]'liotographer)
on wagons, so whenever they detect discontent, they can mov©
on before they are kicked out and the boots come thundering
after them. Oh! that themillenium wou)d soon come, or that
our sages could invent some way to teach their descendants
■common sense, which Mark Twain says is about the most un-
Kjommon thing he has any knowledge of. The worshipers at
•this old church were often compelled to leave their rude sanc-
tuary on account of the incursions of the Indians who were ex-
ceedingly troublesome during the first few years of their exist-
ence. On such occasions they were accustomed to have their
preaching and other services either in Fort McFarland or Fort
Milliken, and as "eternal vigilance was the price of liberty/'
they were accustomed to place sentinels at a considei'able dis-
tance in the woods around their log cabin churches during ser-
vices for the purpose of giving timely notice of the approach
t)f the savages for whom they were always prepared by havin^j
\vith them their trusty rifles, even on the Sabbath day.
On the 2d of February, 1882, (ground-hog day) I started out
in search of more material for my history, arriving in the even-
ing at the house of George M. French at Lindley's Mills, a sta-
tion on the W* & W. R. R. This man is eighty-three yean
'old, and has resided at this spot for upwards of fifty years, close
to the Greene county line just over on the Washington county
iiAe. On this farm there is a deep well in which the water is
remarkably cold. About sixty years ago John Fulton resided
on this farm. He had been plowing corn on a very hot day,
became thirsty, went to the house for a drink and found tho
bucket was at the bottom of the well. Being an impulsive man
he determined to climb down the wall and bring it up. His
wife protested against his rash resolution, as he was dripping
with sweat ; but her cautions were unheeded. He descended
to the bottom, hooked on the bucket, arrived safely at tho
mouth of the well drcAv up tlic vvnter, took a large draught o.
it and was almost immediately taken with a chill from which
he never recovered, and in a few days he was laid in his grave.
My old friend, assisted by my own recollection, gave me some
items of interest along the valley of Ruff's creek from forty to
fifty years ago. Crossing over the dividing ridge the first farm
on the right was occupied by Phillip Archer at that date. In
this same old house a few years ago, Rev. John Thomas, a
Welsh Baptist preacher died. He was widely known through-
out Greene and Fayette counties as an earnest, faithful la-
borer in che vineyard of his Divine Master. Descending the
stream a little farther you come to the farm of old Timothy
Ross, father of Benjamin and Thomas Ross. Mrs. Hannali
Ross long outlived her husband. During her occupancy tbo
locality was known as the "Widow Ross' farm." Benjamin
Ross located on a fine farm further down the creek. He was a
- man of considerable prominence both in the church and also
in the affairs of the county. He became a leading member of
the Baptist Church, of Bates' Fork in the early part of his life.
The distance from his residence was so great that he en-
tered into consultation with his neighbors and friends will)
regard to the propriety of asking an organization nearer tlie
places of their abode. Finding their views agreed with his
own, on the 16th of September, 1843, at a regular congregational
meeting of the Bates' Fork Baptist Church, he and the fol-
ilowing persons were regularly dismissed for the purpose of
organizing a new church on Ruff's creek, viz : James Huff-
man, Jacob Meek, Absalom Hedge, Shadrack Mitchel, James
Boyd, George Huffman, Isaac Sibert, Rebecca Huffman, Jane
Meek, Rebecca lams, Nancy Hedge, Elizabeth Mitchel and
Phebe Sibert. In due time the church was organized and a
house of worship built not far from Benjamin Ross' residence,
in which he continued a faithful worker until the day of hi;»
-death. But Mr. Ross' neiglibors concluded he conhl serve his
county without interfering with his duties to his family, farm
or church, consequently elected him one of the Associate Judges,
which position he occupied for several years. Between
the locations on which old Timothy Ross and his son Benjamin
resided, there were three old settlers, viz : Daniel Cary, Jacob
Johns and Boyd. Of the history of these old men I have
but little information, causing regret that descendants are not
more careful to preserve the family records of their ancestors.
About twenty-five years ago I had the pleasui-e of uniting Syl-
vester Cary (a descendant of Daniel) to a Miss Cooper, a
daughter of old John Cooper, of Washington county. De-
scending Ruff's creek below the farm of Judge Ross, we come
to the splendid farm of Benjamin Shirk. On this farm, near
thirty years ago, the barn was struck with lightning and totally
consumed. Between this locality and Waynesburg many years
ago there lived a singular genius whose name was Peter Fitzer.
It is said of him he would "rather fight than eat." To say the
man was rough, could never be construed into a slander, and
yet in that great rough man there beat a heart as tender as a
child's, which could not resist a tear of sympathy when a case
of suffering humanity was presented. He was kind of a stere-
otype constable for Franklin township in those days when it
was lawful to imprison a man for "suspicion of debt." Then
money was almost as scarce as "hen's teeth." Many persons
who were even considered good livers, would be for months
without a single "fip" (6^ cents) in their pockets. In view of
a lack of the "needful," it was common for officers to take their
costs in such articles as beeswax, ginseng, yarn, home-made lin-
nen, hanks of tobacco, &c. This constable had made an agree-
ment with the old Squire from whose omce most of his business
came, that he (the Squire) would take his portion of the costs
in the same kind of pay the Constable accepted for his ser-
vices. It so happened that an execution was placed in the hands
■of Fitzer against a poor man in the upper end of the county,
duly directing him, in the absence of goods and chatties, to
l)ring the body of said debtor and place it in the county jaiL
The Constable arrived in due time at the humble home of this
poor man, found him working for a neighbor in order to pro-
cure a little bread and meat to keep the souls and bodies of the
Avife and children, whom he loved, together a little longer. The
debtor made no attempt to escape, but declared (what was
already self-evident to the Constable) that he was utterably un-
able to pay, and consequently must go to jail. They came to
the cabm in order that the man might make some prejDaration
for remaining, perhaps, several weeks inside the gloomy walls
of the debtor's prison. But what a scene was now j^resented to
the eye of the tender hearted-officer. There was no bread, no
meat, no wood, almost no clothing. The wife had hoped when
•evening came her husband and father of her children would
return home with some provision for the next day, but now her
hopes are blasted, but above all the man to whom she had given
her heart and hand at the hymenial altar, must go to jail. Oh!
it is more than she can bear. But when the word "good-by'*'
is said and the father liks his little todling babe to imprint a
farewell kiss on its cheek, it is too much for the manly officer
who turns away his head and brushes the falling tear from his
•eye. Gloomily and silently they start toward the jail. A
lonely spot is reached in the woods, the Constable breaks the
silence by saying, "I don't want to take you to jail to leave your
family to starve. I like to fight ; what do you say, we will
fight right here, and if you whip me I will pay the debt." To
this the man replied, "I have nothing against you, you are
only doing what the law commands you." After considerable
parley the man however consented to fight, and after a well
contested battle the Constable sang out "enough," his opponent
immediately let liiiii np and said, I recon now I can go home
to which Fitzer replied, "no, I only agreed to pay the debt,
how about the cost? Now if you will fight me as manfully as
you did before, I will pay the cost." After a second battle
the debtor who fought for liberty again came off victorious
and was immediately released agreeably to agreement. Bui
this was not the end of it ; the debtor joyfully returned to hi:«
home. The Constable wended his way back to the Squire's
office and paid over the amount of the debt. He was about
to put away his purse when the Squire said, "how about the
cost," to which the Constable replied, "Didn't you agree to take
the same kind of trade that I had to take mine in ?" to whicli
the Squire replied, "yes." "Well then, take that," said he, di-
livering a blow that sent the Justice sprawling into the far cor-
ner of the room, who angrily demanded an explanation, when
the Constable related the above* story, substantially as I have
written it, which information I received fi-oni no less a per
sonage than W.T.H. Pauley, himself. Some young persons will
perhaps say I don't believe it. But the men of sixty, seventy
or eighty years of age who were familiar with the "times tliat
tried men's souls,'' will have no hesitancy in believing this nar
rative which I find is remembered by at least two individuals
besides my first informant. After this long digression, let u*
ugain return to Ruff's creek, and pay our respe<tts to sonn^
other parties there, though it may only be to mention their
names, which is about all 1 can at present do. Among these
men that live close to the highway from twenty-five to fifty
years ago, was Hugh Montgomery and John Bell. These mc"
both owned large tracts of land ; that portion of ii lying i!»
the valley could scarcely be surpassed for fertility, and that
portion of it wliich extended to the tops of the surroundinc
hills was covered with magnificent groves of timber and wheit
cleared out the land affords fine pasturage for the numerou*
flocks of sheep that hu\c begun to spread tl emselves over th^
'thousand hills" of Greene county. Not far from the State
road near the mouth of this creek, a man whose name was
Husk, owned and operated a mill where a large business was
done, the mill being a substantial structure. Near this mill
fifty years ago there stood an old Baptist Church at which tho
Rev. Barnabas Whitlatch ministered. I have never been able
to fully comprehend the exact difference between these people
and the regular Baptists that are so numerous in many
parts of this county. I have never known but three ministers
of this particular denomination. One of these was Rev. Wil-
liam Brownfield of Uniontown. Another was Rev. Adah Win-
net, of Washington county, and the other was this man
Whitlatch. All these people claim to be Calvinists and yoi
they are not agreed. I have heard the enemies of these peo-
ple who worshiped in the old church call them Antinomiaus
because they did not abound in the multitude of good worL>*
chat some others were engaged in, such as Sabbath School?,
prayer meetings, and missionary work in general. My ow:i
private opinion has been that those people were so rigidly Cal-
vanistic that it might be said of them they were "so straight
ihat they leaned backward."
On the morning of the 4th of February, 1882, I arrived 'it
Sycamore Station on the W. & W. Railroad. Here I called on
old Jacob Smith, who was born in 1811, within three miles of
the spot where he now resides. He was married in 1834, lo
Miss Nancy Hill who was also born in the immediate vicinity.
They have raised nine children, four of whom are dead. Ouo
of the sons was a soldier in the war of the rebellion, was
taken prisoner in one of the battles of the Wilderness, and
gent to Anderson ville, from which fatal spot ''no tidings ei\'
came back," leaving those bereaved parents during the last
seventeen years, to imagine almost everyching. But they have
finally settled down in tlie conviction that in that "prison-pe»,'
he died, and that his is one of thatlong line of graves marked
"unknown," the recital of which probability still brings a tear
to the eye of botli father and mother, as I witnessed myself.
Jacob Smith, Jr., who still resides with his father, is the obliging
clerk of the Baptist Church of Bates' Fork. He produced the
church book at my request, and also gave me a co|)y of the
minutes of the Association of Tenmile, for the year 1869.
From these two sources, I gain the following facts viz : Thi6
church was organized on the 29th of December, 1842. The
present site is near Sycamore Station, on the W. & W. Rail-
road. The ministers that superintended the organization were,
Isaac Petti t, T. Richards, Levi Griffith and William Woods.
Fifty -one persons were received by letter, who were memberjs
of an old organization some two miles further up the creek,
which society had been gathered by the labors of Rev. Mat-
thias Luce and others at an early day, but had now been de
pleted by removals and death, until the house of worship waa
no longer in a central position, hence the removal and new oi-
ganization, at which time Thomas Taylor, Lewis Ketchum an«l
John Pettit, were elected and set apart to the office of deacon.
The ministers who have served this church are as follows : Isaat*
Pettit, Simeon Sigfried, John Pool, Wm. Ellis. Elder Rich-
ards a^so served one year. ^ A licentiate whose name was Cam-
onson served as a supply from August, 1852, until April, 1853.
In 1853, Elder Charles Tilton became pastor. He was suc-
ceeded by Elder S. Parcell. Elder J. Rossel continued wit^
this church two j-ears. After the close of his labors. Elder
William Scott served three years. He was succeeded by Rev.
Morgan Tilton, who remained seven years, his pastorate ending
in April, 1869. Rev. Job Rossel was t'.ien chosen as pastor.
For want of time I did not pursue the record further. Rev.
Charles Tilton was expected to commence a protracted meetiKjy
at this now church builJuig, tlic same ila\- that I obtained tld*
Information from Mr. Smitli, February 4th, 1882. Near the
site of the old church building, about the commencement <>f
the present century, Nathaniel Pettit took up his abode in the
almost unbroken forest. Here he raised ten children — eight
boys and two girls. One of these sons, "Nat," was tlic uu-
I'ortunate constable who undertook to arrest Samuel Venatta.
;md lost his life in the attempt. Of this numerous family. :il'.
are dead except Jemima, who was living a few weeks ago ;n
Columbus, Ohio. Leaving the house of Mr. Smith, I \>vo-
ceeded up Brown's Fork as far as the house of Dennis I.imr,
where I was kindly entertained, treated to a good dinner, .ui'l
furnished with a large amount of valuable information as 1 al-
lows: Richard lams emigrated from the State of Maryland,
about 1780, and settled on a large tract of land near the prcsttj!:
village of Nineveh, part of the land being now owned by iho
widow Wolf. This old man removed to a farm on Daic j
Fork, near the first building of the Baptist Church, and tiu.'iliy
died on the farm recently occupied by Elias Cary. IIcio
•lis son Thomas was born, who fell heir to this particuhir
part of the old man's possessions. Here in 1806, Dennis lams,
my informant, was born, being the son of Thomas, and ^i
grandson of Richard lams. This Dennis has been a quiet,
even going, industrious man, not one of those who wait tor
something to turn up, but one of the class who persons who
turn something up. Consequently, he is now the owner of
eighteen hundred acres of land, on which his numerous descend-
ants are now settled, and which they will no doubt inherit.
Mr. lams has been for thirty years a successful wool grower,
having gone somewhat extensively into the fine grades of wool,
and has purchased from the Vermont dealers animals ranging
all the way from twenty-five dollars up to two hundred. Ho
has moreover given his time and attention to the church, as
well as the world. I find by refereneo to th« minutes of the
Baptist Association, that he was elected deacon in the Bates*
Fork Baptist -Church, in .1863,; where in conjunction witli Na-
ihaniel Parshal, John Pettit and Deacon Taylor, the affairs of
this church have been successfully carried forward. John Pet-
\Ai was the first clerk and was succeeded by Deacon Taylor in
;hat office, and he in turn is now succeeded by Deacon Jacob
Smith. While the leading object in writing this book is tc
give at least a partial history of Greene county, yet a few moral
reflections from time to time will not I hope be deemed amiss,
hence when looking over the old church book, which I regard
•as a public document, I found a few things to which I invite
attention. Fiist, a resolution declaring that any member of
nhis church, who shall be present at three communions and shall
refuse to commune shall be considered "disorderly" and shall
'i»e dealt with accordingly. With all my heart 1 say Amen.
I have so often met with this stereotyped excuse, "Oh ! I can't
coMimune while you keep that man or that woman in the
(.•hv'rch!" Ask them to prefer charges against this designated
:>orson in order that this stumbling block may be removed out,
of the way, they cooly reply, "oh, no ! I don't want to make
any fuss," and so neglect not only their duties to the church,
but also towards that offending brother or sister. My doctrine
'..m this subject is that no human being can be better than
Jesus, and since he condescended to commune with Judas Is-
.ariot, surely the followers of Jesus may afford to commune
with those who are far from being perfect in heart and life,
and ail manner of conversation. I think the very best of us
ought to commune when we are invited to do so, although
Judas and Simon Magus should both be seated at the same
table. On the 7th of March, 1S45 a woman was excluded from
fellowship for communing with a Pedo Baptist Church. Now
1 believe in open communion, and it might be expected that I
would at onee condemn tlie action of this church. On the
contrary, I condemn them not. If I am asked the question,
was it wrong for that woman to do as she did, I should unhes-
itatingly answer, yes. Whenever she became satisfied that
close communion was wrong and open communion was right,
she should have asked for a letter of dismission and gone and
united with an open communion church. I have administered
the communion a gi*eat many times during the last thirty years,
and have always invited all professing Christians of other de-
nominations in good standing in their respective churches to
commune with us, provided your own church has placed no>
barrier in the way. If they have, I do not ask you to violate
■\ rule of your own church.
Among the interesting reminisences given to me by Mr. Den-
nis lams were some of his earliest recollections about the years-
1818 and 1820, when his grandfather, Richard lams, would take
him out with him on a hunting excursion. Although deer had
become scarce they were occasionally met with, especially when
they made their camp in the deep woods and would slip along
in the morning twilight to intercept the timid buck or doe as
Lhey returned towards the dense forest after their nocturnal
foraging raids. Then if one of them came within range of the
grandfather's deadly rifle there was but one decree for him
and that was he must die. During the day they hunted lesser
game still abounding in the hills and valleys of Greene county,
such as wild turkeys, pheasants, squirrels, rabbits, etc. A few
bear still lurked in the woods along Bates' Fork ; yet during
the hunting season in the fall of the year these thieving bruins
could live so well in the corn fields of the settlers where they
^rew so fat that it took many of the beligerant propensities
out of them, so much so that they scarcely ever showed fight,,
and generally either ran away or took to a tree for safety from
which they were usually dislodged by the unerring rifle of the
^Id man who. though not fond of bear meat, delighted in stretch.
ing the hairy hides of those monsters around the walls of hia
cabin ; yet the grand-son could not remember a single instance
in which there was a fight worth recording. A few wolfs
still lurked in the woods, sometimes making night hideous,
nnd almost curdling the blood of the boy of fourteen summers
ac! he lay awake by the side of his slumbering grandfather in
the deep woods far from the abodes of men ; yet there was a
^n-eat deal "more noise than wool" about these night walkers ;
their numbers had been so depleted by the hunters that thej
h:id not courage enough to attack the camp of even an old mac
:iiid his grandson, consequently they never sustained any dam-
age by them.
On the morning of the 14th of February, St. Valentine's
iluy, 1882, I called upon James Hays, Jr., who kindly furnished
;ne with the recoi'ds of South Tenmile Baptist Church from
^\ liich I learn that this church was organized on the 18th day
^f September, 1836. James Woods was Moderator of the
moeting at which the organization was affected. The minis-
'n'ls invited as council were Revs. Bowman, Pettit and Semour.
The congregation then adopted a creed consisting of fourteen
-'irticles of belief which I have carefully examined and which
1 pionounce orthodox, ver hatim et literatim. If this creed was
4)resented for my adoption or rejection I would ask leave to
• Jter a few words. I have more fully learned than I ever knew
before that the Baptists are strictly independent, hence I find
■ii difference in phraseology in their different church books, and
yet their doctrines are essentially the same, being at least mod-
ifiedly Calvinistic, and hence I am satisfied that these people
liave been grossly misrepresented in time past by their enemies.
In order that my readers may understand what I mean by this,
I introduce a circumstance that occurred in Fayette county,
about the year 1842. I have no minutes of the trial an d only
write from memory. During the last century a Baptist church
was organizod at Unioiitown, then known as "Beesontown."
The land on which the church was built was deeded to thtj
Trustees and Deacons, (nruning them) of the "regular Baptist,
thnrch," and their successors in office forever or so long as it.
should be occupied by the above named denomination. This-
land had previously been part of a tract of land belonging to
Rev. Wm. Brownfield. who was at a later day regarded as the
leader of a minority of the Baptist church who were deemed
"ultra" Calvinistic. Among the prominent persons in this old
organization were such families as the Wins, Suttons, Hatficlds»
llutchcsons, Troutmans, Brownfields and others. The affairs
of this old church moved on smoothly until that uufoniinate
decade of years arrived between 1830 and 1840, during which
time the Presbyterian church had been convulsed from ijcntrc
to circumferance and had been finally divided into "Old School"
and "New School," both branches still subscribing to the same
Confession of Faith. During this decade the Cumberland
Presbyteriarj missionaries had also arrived, who were incessant-
ly denouncing Calvinism on one hand and Arinsnianism on the
other, all the time magnifying the beauties of the "middle^
way." Dr. Fairchild and Rev. Milton Bird had each appealed
to his pen in order to defend his favorite theory. As might
be expected these theological discussions would to a greater or
less extent be felt by all the surrounding demominations, among
the rest of the Baptists. Rev. Brownfield had become super-
anuated and did not act as regular pastor for any church, but
almost always preached in this old church whenever a fifth Sab-
bath occurred in a month, which among Baptists is considered-
a kind of vacant pulpit day. Meantime Mr. Brownfield was an
attentive and critical listener to almost all that was uttered'
from the pulpit during the other forty eight Sabbaths of the
year, When he came to the conclusion that these younger
men were certainly preaching at least partial Armenianism^
206 h:story of greene cotjnty.
which was detested alove all things by the righteons soul of
this old man, so much so that he felt it to be his duty on his
fifth Sabbath to denounce, in the most unmeasured terms,
not only the doctrines but also all that held thera, and espe-
cially those who preached them. As might be expected divis-
sion at once occurred in the church and also in the community
at least in sentiment, each defending his own theory to the best
of his ability. Mr. Brownfield had the sympathies of the out-
ride community with him to a great extent ; so much so that
!\e was called on to do the marrying for almost all the loos-
rooted oatSAders who had no church connections until his home
became a perfect "Gretna Green." All these things put togeth-
er encouraged the old gentleman until he bi-ought suit to eject
ihose from the premises who had departed from the original
:reed. In due time the trial came oif, Mr Brownfield acting
in part, as his own attorney, making a speech three hours long
His assistant lawyer was old "Fox Alden," of Pittsburg, who,
ill making his closing speech, carefully reviewed the churcl:
records in which the creed was written, and compared it to the
;ieed as written in the books of newer organizations. He re-
viewed the testimony of such witnesses as Rev. Milton Sutton,
iviev. Isaac Win and others who testified they had not departed
from "the old paths," but still adhered to the doctrines of th<!
old regular Baptist Church. Alden strongly maintained Rev,
Biownfield was the only Calvinist among therii, consequently
those differing from him must be ejected. He said, "Gentlemen
of the jury, an effort has been made to prove Calvinism and Armi-
nianism are synonomous terms and mean the same. As well
assert black and white are alike. In my opinion the difference i?t
3S great between good old school Calvinism and the rank,
green-eyed Armenianism as there is between the highest
ridge pole of Heaven and the lowest mudsills of hell."
i do not I'emeinber the precise words of the verdict, but
but the actual workings were that they all henceforth worshiped
in the same new brick church building on the site of the old
one, the young man chosen by the majority preaching all the
lime except the fifth Sabbath, on which the old pastor usually
dispensed the Gospel of peace and good will to all men. The
M'ar was at an end. The old gentleman preached as long as he
was able, and still continued to make the young people happy
by uniting them in marriage, until finally he sank dow^n in a
good old age to sleep in an honored grave, respected and be-
loved by at least a large majority of those who knew him. 1
introduce this long incident to throw all the light I can on tht
question, what is the real point of difference between the old
regular Baptists and the present regular Baptists, and am dis-
posed to say, as far as doctrine is concerned, it is a "distinction
without a difference ; " the difference is in practice.
After this long digression, please permit me to return to tho
history of South Tenmile Church. The organization was effect-
ed at John Goodwin's house. Jno. C. Hughes was the first
;lerk. The constituting prayer was made by Rev. Abi*aham
Bowman. Rev. Isaac Pettit, by invitation, held the first com-
munion for this church on the last Lord's day in October, 1830,
At a meeting October 22, 1836, Thomas Hendershot and John
C. Hughes were ordained as the fii-st Deacons. November 2C,
1836, William Throckmorton was elected moderator. A reso-
lution was passed at this meeting, fixing the time for the regu-
lar congregational meetings on the Saturday previous to tho
fourth Sabbath of each month. December 24, 1836, Thomas
Hendershot was elected Moderator. On March 18, 1837,
Father James Seymour was elected as first pastor of this
church. At a meeting April 15, 1837, a resolution was passed,
asking admittance into the Monongahela Association. Daniel
Throckmorton, Ellis Hughes and Jno. Goodwin were elected as
61*81 messengers to the Association. At a re'^nilar mcotinf on
Deeembcr 1 6, 1837. This church granted a license to Jas. Wooda
to preach, and also declared "that they could have no fellow-
ship with slavery in any of its bearings." On the resignation
of Father Seymour, Rev. Bowman was called as pastor Febru-
ary 23, 1839. March 14, 1840, Rev. James Woods was called
as their pastor. About May 1st, 1840, the congregation seems
to have first occupied their new church, as on May 16 they
passed a resolution that their "monthly meetings be moved to
the meeting house." An election was held February 13, 1841,
at which John Goodwin and John Ridgeway were elected Dea-
cons. September 7, 1 842, the Association met with this church
for the first time. December 3 Bro. Sowers was elected sing-
ing clerk. Rev. Isaac Pettit being pastor at this time. July 6,
1844, J. C. Hughes was elected first Sabbath School Superin-
tendent. October 5, 1844, a resolution was passed declaring it
the duty of all church members to abstain from dealing in or
using intoxicating liquors as a beverage. April 4, 1846, Rev.
John Thomas took charge of this church as pastor. Thonia?
Hendershot was appointed church clerk Feb. 6, 1847. Re\ .
James Orr served as supply for a brief time. Rev. Willianj
Whitehead was elected pastor January 1st, 1848. Rev. Chas.
Tilton was elected pastor Feb. 3, 1849. Samuel Harvey was
ordained Deacon March 15, 1850. May 15, 1852, Robert Brad-
ing was elected Clerk. William Clutter was received as Dea-
con, which position he formerly filled in Beulah church, Feb-
ruary 18, 1854. Edmond Smith was elected church Clerk on
April 15, 1854. June 16, 1860, a request was made by the
church at Enon that the South Tenmile Church take the usual
preparatory steps for the ordination of Morgan Tilton. TJiis
church granted the request, and set August 16 as the time,
when the services were as follows : Reading the Scriptures
by Rev. William Scott; sermon by Rev. H. K. Craig; ordina-
tion prayer by Rev. I. Sharp ; charge by Rev. J. Rossel ; hand
of fellowship, Rev. C. Tilton ; address to the church, Rev. S.
Kendall ; benediction by Rev. Moi-gan Tilton. Rev. A. J. Col-
lins entered on his duties as pastor of this church in May, 1861.
Rev. Zook was called as stated supply July 15, 1865. Rev.
Samuel Kendall was elected pastor May 18, 1867. October
17, 1868, this church licensed Bro. A. Sharpneck to preach,
and on January 16 it also licensed James C. Ileaton. Feb-
ruary 20, 1869, Rev. Morgan Tilton was selected for stated sup-
ply for one year. April 15, 1871, Rev. Foulks was elected as
supply, Morgan Tilton's time having been extended up to this
date. September 23, 1871, the following persons were elected
Deacons: M. Burrows, Seth Goodwin and A. J. Scott. Febru-
ary 17, 1872, Thomas Smith was elected Clerk of the church.
July 20, 1872, Rev. Job Rossel was invited to preach as supply
until April next. March 22, 1 873, a call was presented for
Rev. J. R. Foulks. Rev. J. B. Solomon was unanimously
chosen pastor March 14, 1874, but in consequence of his nu-
merous duties as President of Monongahela College at Jeffer-
son, he was constrained to decline the call. November IS.
1877, Rev. Sigfried was invited as a stated supply for foui
months. May 18, 1878, Rev. Burwell was elected pastor, and
here the old records of this church came to an end as far as
calling pastors is concerned. Rev. James Miller is the present
pastor, a zealous, earnest, peaceable man.
Among the prominent members of this South Tenmile Church
none were more so than Samuel Harvey, who is a son of Thorn-
as^IIarvey, who settled on the farm where his grandson, Charle?
Harvey, now resides, at an early day, Samuel Harvey having re-
moved to Waynesburg a few months ago. Two brothers, Rob-
ert and George, made up the balance of his father's family. His
ancles were William, Joseph and Sanuiel, and his aunti
were Maria and Prudence. Plis grandfather emigrated from
Philadelphia among the earliest settlcM-s of tliis region-
William Ilarvcy (uncle to the present Samuel) settled on tbe
tract of land now owned and occupied by William H. Cook, who
IS his nephew. The descendants of William Harvey were quite
bumerous, consisting of Norwood, Robert, Joseph, William,
Jane, Elizabeth, Sarah, also Mary, married to James Tlirock-
morton, Margaret, married to John G. Dinsmore, and Amanda,
married to David Gray, now of Burnt Ilanch, California. Thii-
■old gentleman, William Harvey, was a man of considerable
iprominence in the community in which he lived, being the first
Post Master in this section of country, giving his name to tht
office, "Harvey's." He was educated for a Presbyterian minis-
ter, but from some cause was never inducted into that position,
yet he was a diligent instructor of youth in the church, said to
be the best Bible class teacher the whole neighborhood could
produce ; but he was destined to come to an untimely end, by
itwo wounds inflicted by an ax in the hands of an insane boy
whom he had raised. Mr. Harvey had been frequently cau-
tioned by his neighbors with reference to the danger he Ava> in
from this boy, but the old man turned a deaf ear to all the warn-
uigs, took the crazy boy with him to the barn to assist in grind-
ing an ax, where his body was found by other members of the
family, the lunatic having immediately fled to a dry well on the
far in, where he concealed himself so successfully that no traci-
of liim could be found until the day of the funeral, when just :;s
the broken-hearted relatives were about taking leave of tht
corpse the frenzied lunatic broke through the crowd, up to tlie
side of the coffin where he stood with a vacant stare until arrett-
ed and taken to the asylum. In this same locality has existed
for many long years a very nimierons family by the name oi
Throckmorton, which is descended from Daniel Throckmorton,
who builded his cabin on the waters of South Tenmile, almo.sj
in a howling wilderness, and died near tlie same place at nfir
one hundriHl years •<{ a-e, Icavin- DimIl-I. Jr.. Isaac. \ViIIi:i(!.,
Phoebe, Polly and Jane as heirs to his large estate. A distant rel-
ative of this old man, Joseph Throckmorton, was the father of the
following children : James, Joseph, Daniel and Job were his sons;
while his daughter Sarah was married to Samuel Harvey ; Maiy
Ann was married to Isaac Throckmorton ; Elizabeth was mar-
ried to John Kegley ; Catharine was married to Joiin Reese.
Morford Throckmorton's children were as follows, viz. : Samu-
uel, Morford, John, Dr. William and J. Reed. His daughter
Margaret was married to Caleb Grimes ; Alice was married to
Jesse Lazear. The children of James Throckmorton were Job,
James and Westley, sons. His daughter Mary married James
Braddock; Nancy Married Washington Ferrel ; Jane married
William Elder; Unice married Jesse Braddock ; Catharine mar-
ried John Cole and Elizabeth married Samuel McCul lough.
The children of Isaac Throckmorton (son of old Daniel) were
Spencer and Isaac, while^ his daughters married the following-
men: Catharine to Jonas Jacobs; Rachel to John McCul-
lough; Sarah Jane to Josiah Cathers ; Elizabeth to John Woods:
Ursula to Jones Doran, while Eva and Spencer died single, in
Illinois, with milk sickness. Daniel Throckmorton, Jr., was tliL-
father of Axtel, Oliver and Judson. Another extensive familv
in the same neighborhood was the Hendershots, of which Peter
Hendershot seems to have been the ancestor. His sons werf
Thomas, Jacob, Isaac, David and Abi-am. His daughter Mary
was married to Sylvanes Sutton ; Harriet was married to Darius
Sutton. Of these sons of old Peter, Jacob and David still live.
The sons of Thomas Hendershot were Peter F., Isaac B., Di.
John T. His daughter Mary became the wife of John Hiskey ;
Parnel became the wife of Mulford Burrows, while the daugh-
ter Sarah has long since been dead.
The Tenmile Baptist Association held its first meeting at Ml.
Hermon Church, Washington Co., Pa., October 1, 1859. The
following Churches are or have been in connection with that asso-
cintion: 1st Goshen; 2cl, North Tenmile ; 3d, South Tenmile ;
•l?,h, Bates Fork; 5th, Bethlehem; 6th, Fish Creek; 7th, Beu-
lah; 8th, South Wheeling; 9th, Enon. ^
GosiiKx Church. — In giving tliis brief account, we regret to
p.n,y that we cannot avoid some omissions in the statistics, as
some part of the records have either been lost or the proceedings
not registered in the Church Books.
The Goshen Baptist meeting house was built in Greene town-
^iilp, Greene county, Pennsylvania, in the year A. D., 1771,
and the church was constituted by Revs. Isaac Sutton and Dan-
iel Fristo, November 7, 1773. The constituent membership was
;'.0. The first deacon chosen was Jacob Vanmeter, on the llth
of December, 1773. At this time Rev. James Sutton was called
to the pastoral office of the church, and continued his labors with
the church until 1775. About this time Rev. John Corbly was
received by letter from the Mill Cre^k Baptist Church, and was
urdanied to the Gospel ministry June 10, same year, and called
to the pastoral care of the church, and continued his labor with
them until the year 1803, making 28 years. Rev. Thomas Har-
vey succeeded Bro. Corbly, and continued this relationship un-
til 1808 ; dui-ing part of this time he was assisted by Rev. Amos
Mix ; then Bro. Stone was called, who continued for about nine
years. Bro. James Seamor was then called as a supply, and
continued until 1821. Bro. Jacob Myers was then invited
to preach in connection with Bro. Seamor, as often as he could .
On April 21, 1824, Bro. Seamor was recalled and continued to
serve as its pastor for nine years ; then Bro. F. Downey was in-
vited to preach for the church once a month, and continued for
ten months. On December 25, 1830, he and Bro. Seamor were
called for one year. On March 24, 1832, Bro. James Seamor
was recalled, who continued to serve the chui'ch until March 2,
* These brief histories of these churches are lalien from the minutes of the various
associations, without re-writing. Some contradiction in dates and in the different way?
of spuihng the same names will be found. That I cannot account for.— Author.
lS3-t, when they called Brother Seamor and Rev. Benoni Allen,
who labored for them in conjunction for one year. At this pe-
riod the church called Bros. Milton, Sutton and William Wood,
who served them in conjunction for one year. They then re-
called Bro, H. Sutton for one year. On February 25, 1837, the
church called Rev. J. W. B. Tisdale, who continued with them
I'oi- three years. On July 25, 1840, Rev. Jno. Curry was called
4uid continued for one year. Feb. 5, 1842, Rev. Levi Griffith
was called to the pastoral charge of the church, who continued
h s services for four years. The pastorate of this brother was
greatly blessed of the Lord, to the good of this people, in the
icstoration of i)cace and harmony, and in the ingathering of
many precious souls. Bro. William Wood succeeded Bro. Grif-
fith in the pastoral charge of this church, and continued three
\ears. The church then called Bros. William Whitehead and
John Thomas, who labored in conjunction for one year. Bro.
William Wood was then recalled and served the church for
•Jirec yo;us. At the expiration of this term the church extend-
t'll a (;all to Rev. S. Kendall, who contimaed for eighteen months.
The Rev. G. W. Ilartzog was called as a supply for one year.
.\fter this Rev. Joel Greene served the church as its pastor one
year. Bro. S. L. Parcel was called to the pastoral charge of this
i;hurch, and continued his labors with them for two years. J.
n. Sharp followed Bro. Parcel and continued for two years.
JJrother S. Kendall was recalled to serve as pastor of this church,
and continued for the period of twenty-one months. Bro. C.
Tilton, the present pastor, commenced his labors with them
April 1st, 1864, under whose labors the church has been blessed
of the Lord. The whole number of pastors and supplies from
the constitution of the church until the present time is 23. In
connection with the regular ministrations of the pastors and
supplies, this church has enjoyed the valuable labors of many
ministering brothers in protriictod efforts and visitations. Num-
ber of deacons since the constitution of the church, 17, four of
whom are still living, and are in active service. Whole num-
ber of membership from beginning, 845 ; whole number dismiss
ed, 343; whole number died, 177; whole number excluded,.
131 ; left without letters, 6 ; present number ,188.
Bethleham Church. — The Bethleham Baptist Church was-
constituted September 22, 1843. The recognition council con-
sisted of Revs. L. Griffith, Wm. Wood and James Woods.
Number of constituent members, 26. The first deacon, Bx'other
James Huffman, has been dismissed to the North Tenmile
Church. Since the organization the following brethren have
been elected deacons: John R. Hughes, Abijahlleaton, Jesse
Craig, John Regester, Benjamin Shirk, Jacob Weaver, Solo-
mon B. Wise and John Ross; the last four are surviving fife
present. The first clerk was Brother James Boyd, succeede'l
by Brother John Regester, and he succceed by Brother Solo-
mon B. Wise, the present clerk. Brother Amos Pratt was ca'.i-
ed to the pastoral care of the church in October, 1843. He was-
succeeded by Rev- Simeon Sigfried, Sr., who served for onu
year, he being succeeded by Rev. Charles Tiltou, who continued
to serve the church until April, 18o0. During Brother TilLon'd
pastorate. Brother J. A. Pool acted in conjunction with Brothei
Tilton as a supply for a short time. Rev. Wm. Whitelieud wa.s
called to the pastoral care of the church in April, 1850, and served.
until April, 1851, when Rev. Wm. Ellis was called, who served.
until April, 1852, when Rev. C. Tilton was recalled to the pas-
toral care of the church, and continued until April, 18(38, mak-
ing the whole pastorate of Brother Tilton twenty yeais. The
inext pastor, H. K. Craig, commenced serving the church in;
April, 1868. The whole number of persons having their mem-
bership in the church is 349, of which 57 have been dismissed
by letter ; excluded, 88; deceased, 40; leaving at present SOS-
The pastors were assisted during these years by Revs. Wm.
Wood, Sr., Samuel Kendall, A. J. Collins, Solomon Parshel, C.
Tilton and William F. Burwell in protracted meetings. While
the church has had her seasons of adversity, she has also had
many seasons of rejoicing. Our trust is in God, looking forward
lo the time when "they shall teach no moi'e every man his neigh-
bor, and every man his brother, saying, know the Lord ; foi
they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the great-
est of them, saitli the Lord ; for I will forgive their iniquity,
and I will remember their sins no more."
South Wheeling Chukcii. — The South Wheeling Church
v/as constituted September 19, A. D. 1840. The ministci'.s
present were James Woods, Isaac Pettit and Levi Griflith.
Tlio visitors were Phillip Axtel, Daniel Throckmoiton, Mr.
K.me and others. This interest seems to have begun especially
through the divine blessing upon the ministerial labors of Rev.
Woods, who was chosen the first pastor. The first Deacon.s
fjhosen, four in number, were Francis Baldwin, Ezekiel Bradc;!.
Menry Bane and Mordecai Bane, one of whom, Ezekiel Braden.
still lives and is recognized in an official character ; but he i??
quite infirm, and destined soon to follow those who ha^■e gone .
before. Wm. Gray was chosen first Clerk. The Articles <'i
Faith adojited were eleven in number, upon which the Churcli
i-.nited with the Monongahela Association, continuing with it
until the formation of the Tenmile Association, with which it
has since been connected. About 420 mcinbcrb', for a longer
or shorter period, have had their religious home in this churcl',
Jibout 100 being the present membership at the writing liereof.
During these thirty-seven years of its history ten ministering
brethren have served as pastoi-s, varying as to time from three
months to thirteen years, generally <'>ne or two years being t)i«
length of pastoral engagements, l>ro. Job Rossell serving the
onger yteriod. Changes, by reason of death nnd other causes.
have been made in the offices of deacon and clerk. Ezekiel
Bradeii, Daniel Lewis, Isaac Booher, H. R. Sherrick and F. W.
H. Baldwin are the present deacons, and W. R. Barnett the
present clerk. In the early part of its history, church sittings
and privileges were comjiavatively few in this community. A
great change has been wrought in this respect through the la-
bors of other denominations. We find the names of twenty-
eight ministers upon the church book, who have kindly visited,
aided in seasons of protracted worship, or served as pastors.
At times its prospect for usefulness has been small ; but it
has realized many seasons of refreshing from the presence ol
the Lord, who has been better to it than it deserved. Some
three years since we erected a new house of worship, located
at Ryerson's Station, being about a mile from the former place
of meeting, and the second house erected ; and though not en-
tirely paid for, yet arrangements are such that a full discharge
of the debt is expected soon. The church has co-operated in
general objects of benevolence, but perhaps not to the full ex-
tent of a faithful steward of the manifold grace of God, whoso
goodness endureth continually. Rev. J. Y. Burwell is serving
in the pastoral relation at present. May the Lord of the Har-
vest render fruitful the soil, water from clouds of mercy, and
give increase as shall be for His glory and gladden the, hearts
of His people.
Enon Church. — The Enon Baptist Church was constituted
September 22, 1848. The recognition council consisted of Rev.
Wm. Whitehead and Rev. Chas. Parker. Number of constit-
uent members, 13. The first deacons were Brothers Morris
Jones and John Feaster. Brother Feaster Avas dismissed bv
letter to some other sister church. Since the organization the
following brethren have been elected : James Allum, in the
year 1853 ; Joshua Ackley, 1856 ; Wm. Clutter, 1868 (by lettei
from South Tenmile ChurohV These four are still deacons.
Brother Geo. D. Jones is the present clerk. Rev. Wm. White-
head was called to the pastoral care of the church at its consti-
tution in 1848. He was succeeded hy Rev. John West, in 1850.
Rev, Wm. Whitehead was recalled in 1851 and 1852. Rev.
John Edmonson supplied in 1853; succeeded by Rev. Lewis
Samraons, in 1854 ; succeeded by Rev. George W. Hartzog,
cndmg in the year 1857 ; Rev. John Henderson for 1858 ; then
Rev. Lewis Sammons was called as a supply for the year 1859 ;
(lieu Rev. Morgan Tilton was called April 1st, 18G0, ending
Ills labors in 1863; Rev. l-icwis Saoimons was recalled for the
year 1864, ending in 1865; Rev. David G. Zook was called
September 1st, 1865, ending his labors in 1867; Rev. Mor-
:r.iii Tilton was recalled in 1868, who served as pastor.
U'c omit giving the number of excluded and deceased, for
•A-anL of correct dates. We find many omissions. The pres-
ejii, membership is about 96. In connection with the regular
ministrations of pastors and supplies, this church has enjoycJ
:.'•.(.' valuable labors of many ministering brethren in protract«;d
meetings and visitations. Our trust is in the blessed Savior.
M:iy his Holy Spirit dwell in our hearts.
IJkulaii Church. — About the year 1823, Lewis Ketcham
moved where the meeting house now stands, and had preachini;
r'.t his house as often as he could obtain it, which for many years
l?i'foie the constitution of the church was every fifth Sabbaili»
iiv the pastors of Tenmile (now Mt. Hermon) Church, and some-
times by visiting ministers. Several times three days' meetings
were held at other points near. Elder Isaac Pettit was the prin-
cipal laborer at this station, but was assisted by Brethren Mai-
ihias Luce, Charles Wheeler, Wm. Wood, Levi Griffith, anJ
others. In January, 1843, Brother Trevor Richards, of Virgin,
ia, commenced preaching once a month atPowere' School Houjjo,
not far from the present location, and continued his meetin;:'s
about once a week cacli v'w'f 'ill Auiil. whon ii. was rftsolvod
by Tcnmile, Bates' Fork and South Tenmile churches, to con-
stitute a church on the first of May next, which was according-
ly done by Brothers I. Pettit, E. T. Brown, and T. Richards,
acting as officers for the occasion. A building committee was ap-
pointed, who superintended the construction of the meeting house
the same year. The pastors who preached for Beulah Church,
and the time they served are as follows : Elder Trevor Rich-
ards, three years, once a month, from the 1st of April, 1843 to
the 1st of April 1846; Elder John Thomas, two years, once 2
month, from 1846 to 1848 ; Elder Wm. Whitehead, one year,
twice a month, from 1848 to 1849; Elder Charles Tilton, four
years, twice a month, from 1849 to 1853 ; Elder Caleb Rossel,
six months, and S. L. Parcell, licentiate, supply, six months,
from 1S53 to 1854 ; Elder Job Rossel, four years, twice a month,
Irom 1854 to 1858 ; Elder H.K. Craig, ten years, twice a month,
for six years, and every Sabbath for four years, 1858 to 18G8.
No pastor from April 1st, 1868, to July 1st, 1869, in which time
the church repaired their house, at a cost of six hundred dol-
lars ; Elder W. F. Bur well, from July, 1869, to April 1st, 1871 :
Elder Patton, supply, four months, and Elder C. Haven, supply,
one month, during the year to April, 1872 ; since then no pas-
tor. S. L. Parcell, one of the members, was licensed to preach
in the year 1853, and ordained to the Gospel ministry in Janu-
ary, 1854, and was an acceptable pastor of two or three churches.
FisHCREEK Chdrcii. — The Fishcroek Regular Baptist Churcli
was located in Springhill township, Greene county. Pa. It wa?-
constituted on the 31st day of Jul}', 1844. The council con-
sisted of Elder Simeon Sigfried, Jajnes Woods, Benoni Leon-
ard and A. J. Bowman. The exact number of constituent mem-
bers is not known ; but when received into tlie Monongahela
Association in the following Sei)tember, 1844, 22 were reported.
The pastors' and the time they served the church are as fol-
lows: Elder James Woods to Ami-II 1st, 1845; Elder Charles
Tilton to April, 1847, two years, once a month ; Elder Benoni
Leonard to April, 1848, once a month ; to April, 1852, the church
was without a pastor for three years ; Elder Thomas Rose, to
April, 1854, two years, once a month ; Elder Solomon Parcel,
to April, 1845, one year, once a month ; Elder Lewis Sammons,
10 April, 1859, four years, once a month ; to April, 1860, Elder
John West, one year, once a month ; to April, 1863, Elder Lew-
is Sammons, three years, once a month ; to April, 1864, Elder?
Job Rossell and Lewis Sammons, each one year, once a month :
to April, 1870, Elder Sammons, six years, two Sabbaths in the
month; to April, 1871, the church was without a pastor one
year; to April, 1872, Elder F. Morrow Sturm, two Sabbaths lu
the month. It was during this year that the name of the church
was changed to New Freeport. Soon after this feat was ac-
complished. Brother Sturm went over to the Southern Method-
ists, and had his name changed. To April, 1873, Elder Rossejl.
once a month, one year; to April, 1874, Elder Milton Owen, n
supply, once a month, one year. For eleven years the Church was
(i'stitute of a house of worship, and met in the school house.
iJut through the aid and lead of Brothers C. Tilton and S.
I'orcel they succeeded in 1855 in building a neat frame chi:rc;i.
:vj.\36 feet in size, in which they now meet for divine worship.
During the thirty years of the church's existence about threo
' imndred persons have been baptized into its fellowship, and of
ihat number about two hundred were baptised by Elder Sum-
mons. Springhill Valley and Belton were olf-shoots from the
j'arent stem. Belton from emigration and other causes has bf-
<'jmeextinct._ Springhill valley still lives. The deacons, as far
.is the writer can learn, are all still living (witli the exc-jption of
Brother Carl Moore, who has gone to the rest that remains
for the people of God), viz. : Silas Ayers, Jacob J. Monro,
Joseph Whitlatch, Isaac Bebout and Jacob Ayres. Broth-
er Silas Avres is near 85 veais of age, is confined t(.' liis
home, and will soon have to lay his armor by and dwell with
Christ at home. It is to be hoped the other deacons will bo
spared for many years to work in the Master's vineyard.
New Freeport is one of the most important centers in tho
Tciiiaile Association. Aleppo township has no Baptist churcri ;
Gilmore has none; Jackson has one near its noithern bordt;:'.
Thus New Freeporthas a surrounding population of more thr.i!
four thousand souls. The question might be asked, why is tl,<
church so small — only seventy-five members ? In reply 1 woi.l.i
^ay, many have moved away ; some have gone home to »<— \
from their toils ; some have gone to other denominations, (for ix-
p.iins have been spared to proselyte from our ranks;) and, sad i.i
:oll, many have gone back to the world — zealous in the servi •<■
of Satan. Our trust is in Zion's King, that in years to com-'
iherc will be a strong and prosperous church at New Freepoi t .
Nineveh. — The Prophet Jonah, after his submarine \oy:\-j-
had been completed, wrote a partial history of the Ninevirs.",
iJut that history is so old that perhaps many of the readers -i
this history of Greene county have overlooked it of late year-.
i come to this conclusion from the fact that I greatly surprisc-i
• jme of them a few Sabbaths ago by asserting that the book • '■
ilonah does not say that he was swallowed by a whale. I woul !
advise all my readei's to go and read this old book of Jonab
over again, and there they will find that the language used is
"Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jo-
nah. " After they have informed themselves on this subject, I
respectfully invite their attention to the history of a small vil-
l.ige of the same name, in Morris township, Greene county. P:i.,
a place which I visited a few days ago, and obtained fron*.
Amos Day, M. C. Lightner, Warren Mankey and his Avife, the
iollowing information : This town is situated on a bran^^h o[
Brown's Fork of Tenmile creek, at a point where three origi-
nal tracts of land met ; these tracts were known as the " Car-
ter, Barker and lams tracts. " In the year 1845 William Day
purchased three acres of land about the center of the present
town. On this lot he erected a small house, in which his son.
Francis (Frank), commenced selling goods, which were furn-
ished by Alexander Sweeney, of Washington, Pa. This three-
acre lot was divided out into small lots, on which quite a num-
ber of good houses were erected ; and also a Cumberland Pres-
byterian Church, which was built about 1850. This same build-
ing is still in existence, but after the lapse of thirty years it had
become somewhat dilapidated and also antiquated, when the
congregation resolved to extensively repair it, which was ac-
complished during the summer of 1881, at a cost of fifteen hun-
dred dollars. A Methodist Episcopal Church of the most mod-
ern style of architecture, presenting a neat, chaste, tasty appear-
ance, has been erected within the last three years. The lead-
ing spirits in the enterprise were Dr. Wm. Throckmorton an.l
John D. Patterson, assisted by the community at large. Rev.
W. D. Slease is pastor in charge ; Rev. J. R. White is his as
slstant, who is located in the village. The present stated su]i-
ply of the Cumberland Church is Rev. Johnson. Dr. AVilliam
Throckmorton is the practicing physician of the place. There-
are two stores, one of them owned by J. W. Day, the other by
J. S. Lewis & Bro. There are several 2:)ersons in this place di
rectly aad indirectly engaged in the manufacture of light bu'i,''
gies and carriage*. I claim to know something about themai'-
iifacture of these articles, having learned this business when I
wa,s a boy, and from the samples of wood, iron, steel, painl.
varnish, duck and workmanship which I saw, I am satisfied
that no man nor set of men can put up hand-made buggies of
this style for sixty dollars, and yet this is all they ask for an
*'open top " buggy. Among the persons engaged in this busi-
ness, I found Samuel Burroughs, R. B. McGlumpliy, and others.
I. F. Millikcn is onsracrcd in tlie cabinet and uiulertaking busi-
ness, thus giving assurance to the people of this vicinity that
they shall not go unburied when they die, but on the contrary
shall be decently laid in the tomb. This village also rejoices in
the possession of a substantial brick school building, in which
Pi"of. F. M. Nickeson teaches the small pupils in the forenoon
and the larger scholars in the afternoon, and for the sake oi
variety he occasionally "teaches the young idea how to shoot,'
and when this thing becomes monotonous, he varies the exer-
cises and teaches the youngsters how to shout. 1 took din-
ViCr at the hotel of Warren Mankey, where as good a meal cur-.
he obtained on short notice as anywhere else that I know of -ii
the country, and then he is content with a reasonable corai-eii-
>ation, and does not resemble some other landlords, who seeui
anxious to have your bottom dollar now for fear you will nevci
.-.orae again. Mrs. Elizabeth Mankey was a daughter of San:-
uel Moninger, deceased. He was a brother to George, lieniy
John, Ezekiel (Ake) and Jacob. These were sons of Jacil'
3Ioninger, whose parents emigrated from Ireland about a Ijuh-
dred years ago. These old people, like many in the day
in which they lived, had their peculiarities, among 'Ahicli
was this, that they did not put off all thoughts of death r.ntil it.
f-urprised them, but. on the contrary, knowing that it is appoint-
ed unto all once to die, the old woman, long years before tlie
death of either of them, scutched, hackeled, spun and wovi'.
then bleached, cut out and made a shroud a each for horsi'.f
and her "dear old man, " and when their deatlis occurred their
descendents and survivors wrapped them in their fuioiinengai-
tnents and laid them in the grave. Mrs Mankey's mother -.^ c^s
a daughter of James Fonner, of Fonner's Run, whore he raiscJ
a large family, consisting of four sons and live druighters. Tl ©
names of the former were William, Jamc^s, Ji-., l^jcnlcrick ai J
Philip; the names of the daughters were Tiscinda, Cliristeu-i
Eva, Elizabeth and Jane. The luinies of the old settlers whu
sun'ounded this town of Nineveh when its first house was erect-
ed were partly as follows : Jesse Carter, who was of a family
part of which now resides in Buffalo township, "Washington
county, Pa.; Jacob Mankey, who had five brothers, viz. : Eli,
John, Isaac, George and Michael. Peter Mankey (their father),
emigrated from Eastern Pennsylvania early in the present cen-
tury, and was of German descent. Another old settler, imme-
diately below this town, was Edward Barker, who was con-
nected with a large family, of whom I could gain no informa-
tion as to the survivors, except Lewis, who married a daughter
of old General Dickerson, and now resides in Washington, Pa.
C'-eorge Lightner resided in this immediate vicinity forty years
ago. He was a son of Henry Lightner, who came here from
iN'ew Jersey some eighty years ago. Another old settler in this
vicinity was Christopher Wolf. His son, George, settled on
the old lams farm upwards of thirty years ago. His wife vvas
r. daughter of John (Johnny) Day of Washington county ; she
siAll lives a short distance above Nineveh. The original stock
came from New Jersey. Amos Day, my informant, is of the
/jAtensive stock of Days "whom no man can number," who are
sc> thickly strewn along the line of the two counties partly in
Greene and partly in Washington. The brothers of Amos
.«till surviving are Frank and Hiram. Their fathers name was
William, who resided within a few feet of the county line.
John Shape, Micheal Shape, Abraham Clutter and John Kiiey.
are said to have made up the remainder of the cordon of oUl
settlers by whom this locality was surrounded forty years ago.
Just outside of this circle, I find Cephas Day, who is a living
illustration of the truth of the Scriptural declaration that •'the
hand of the diligent maketh rich." He purchased large quauli-
lies of land many years ago, while it was cheap. He has care-
fully and diligently improved it until it has becoiue valuablo.
A great part of this improvement has been made by keeping
large Tiuinbers of sheep that are the most diligent of all agen-
cies in subduing sprouts and briers and inducing abundance of
natural grass by the fertilizers they leave on the top of the
highest hills just where it is needed most. Mr. Day has been
a very successful wool grower for many years. He is also an
elder in the •Cumberland Pi-esbyterian church of Nineveh.
Mrs. Amos Day is a daughter of John Jennings, Sr., and was
born and raised near the county line, near the Jennings school
house. She is a sister of John Jennings, Jr., who now resides in
the brick house on the State road, one and a half miles east of
Jacksonville, Richhill township, Greene county. Pa.
A few evenings ago I met Peter Shape, Jr., at Deer Lick
Ntation. From hitn I received a history of his ancestors who
settled near the present site of .Nineveh fully eighty years ago,
as follows : John Peter Shape was the father of John, Jr.,
George, Michael and Jacob. He had also three daughters.,
(.'atharine married Samuel Horn, Elizabeth married Saui.uel
McCuUough, Polly married John Horn. The children of John
Sha]ie, Jr., were Peter, Kesm, George, William, Stephen, Katy,
Polly, Julia, Betsey, Debby, Jennie and Minerva. These peo-
ple, as their names indicate, are of German descent. Their
ancestor resided for a short time in Eastern Pennsylvania pre-
vious to his emigration to Greene county.
At the same place I met Ce[ihas ]>aldwin, Avliom I have
known for the last twenty-five years, who gave me some ac-
count of the Brooks family, to one of whom he is at present
married, as follows : Enoch Brooks settled at the head of
Founer's Run fully sixty years ago. He had four sons — Henry,
William, Cephas and Enoch. Two of them were in the Union
army during the late war. Old Mr. Brooks also had three
daugliters — Esther, Judith, (the wife of Mr. Baldwin) and
At the same ])lace I als(.i met A. J. Barker, a son of George
Barker, who informed" me his grand-father, Edward Barker, set-
tled on the old homestead at Nineveh in 1802 ; also that his aunt
Lucy Baker had married N. K. Lightner. He informed me of
a sad affair that took p lace at the old Pettit mill, a short dis-
tance from Deer Lick. A young man named Sylvester Cary,
son of Abel Cary, was at work in this mill, when'he was caught
by a revolving shaft, drawn in and hurled around until almost
divested of his clothing, scalp, &c., and was crushed to deatli-
Soon after this calamity the dam was swept away by a flood.
The old mill house can be seen at Svvartz's Station as a memento
of the past and as a reminder of the misfortunes of many that
were once connected with it.
A Visit to an Old Graveyard. — During the summer of
1882, I arrived at Deer Lick, a station on the Waynesburg &
Washington Railroad. Finding I would have to wait two
hours for a train, I walked to West Union Church, situated in
Greene county near the dividing line between this and Wash-
ington county. This church is in connection with the Cumber-
land Presbyterian denomination, and was organized about the
year 1832, soon after the missionaries, as they were called, ar-
rived in this section of country. I was anxious to stand by the
grave of my old friend, Wm. Stockdale, who, I suppose, was
buried here. But I sought in vain for his name on the numer-
ous liead stones and monuments in that city of the dead. Yet I
found many names of persons I once had known in the prime
of life, which led ray thoughts in a multitude of directions in a
few minutes. The first was the name of Mrs. Sophia N. Hack-
ney, who died January 24, 1866. This lady I had known as
Miss Sophia Neeland in Fayette county in 1851-55, a daugh-
ter of John Neeland who resided in Luzern township, near
Hiestresburg, in what was usually called the Bend of the river.
I had never heard of her death until I saw it on the "cold mar-
ble." Another name was that of Rev. George Mattocks. This
young man was almost a graduate of Waynesburg college, a
kind, obliging, pleasant youth, of considerable promise, who
after he was licensed to preach, went on a tour in the servicie
of the Christian commision. Soon after his return he fell a vic-
tim to disease which ended his earthly career in 1864. Going
a step further, I read the name John Mattocks, once an elder
in this church, with whom I was once acquainted. He died very
suddenly in the prime of his life. On the largest monument in
the enclosure was the name of Timothy Ross, who I believe
was the father of Benjamin Ross. On the headstone of John
Mattocks I saw an old ambrotype likeness which although it
has occupied that nitch for over twenty years it is still a strik-
ing likeness of the deceased, i^oing on through this city of
the dead, I found the names of Rachel Dunn, Joseph Dunn,
Daniel Dunn. I also found the grave of Walter Robertson, as
strange a piece of humanity as I ever knew and yet it is admitted
on all hands that he was a good man ; and if so, his strangeness
all departed before reaching that happy land. A step or two fur-
ther brought me beside a headstone where I read the name Wm.
Robertson. I knew a Rev. Wm. Robertson. Could this be he ?
was the question that presented itself to my mind. I had no
means of deciding and passed on to examine the gi-aves of
Stephen McVay, Silas McVay and others. Desiring other in-
ionnkiion I called on old Mr. Meeks, immediately below the
church, when I was informed that Wni. Stockdale and wife
were hurried at the Presbyterian church of Upper Tcnmile,
with which they were connected before the coming of Cum-
berland Presbyterians to AVet^tern Penns34vania. Indeed Mr.
Stockdale was one of the four men who signed the letter of in-
vitation requesting missionaries to be sent to this region of
country. Still seeking further information, I proceeded to the
liouse of Daniel Loughnian, Sr., who resides within a few feet
ol tlie county line. His spring of water is one of the largest and
best, in the bounds of my knowledge, supplying the wants of
his family, quenching the thirst of multitudes of horses an^
cattle that resort to the large trough by the side of the road ;
fvlso filling to overflowing the water tank of the Waynesburg
& Washington railroad. Mr. Loughman's wife was Miss
Rachel Stagner, of German descent, who was born in the State
of Maryland forty miles from Baltimore, from which place she
came to live at the big spring, right on the edge of Greene
First White Child Born in this County. — While such di-
versity of opinion exists with refere)ice to the question vvho
was the first permanent white settler in Greene county, 1 might
Introduce another question, that may possibly present an equal
variety of opinions, and that is who was the lirst white child
"^orn on the territory of this county ? I answer this question by
saying that the strong probability is that Abraliam Armstrong
is entitled to this distinction as his father John Armstrong was
<inc of the very first men who settled on JNIuddy creek in jTGT
Vefore the Indian title had been extinguished by the treaty oE
Fort Stanwix. This first child Abraham was born in a teni-
j.orary log hut soon after their arrival. The original Jolin
Armstrong seems to have been a man of considerable means
.'.ud soon proceeded to erect a hewed log house, the first in tho
•oounty, in -which his remaining nine children were born. This
liouse was undoubtedly the most commodious in the settlement
and in consequence of this was selected as the place in which
the afterwards renowned Dr. McMillian preached in the month
of August, 1775, This old house stood until a few years ago,
when it was superseded by an elegant and permanent mansion
house in which the present Joseph H. Armstrong and his lam-
,ily still reside. Mrs. Armstrong, the lady of this house, is a
grand-daughter of James Flennikcn who settled in this immo-
diate neighborhood between 17G7 and 1770 in company with the
Swans, VanMeters, Hughes, etc. This hillside farm now con-
tains one hundred and twenty five acres and is situated in Cum^
bcrland township.
On the 31st of May I was introduced to Daniel B. Jacobs,
who at my request furnished me with a few items of the history
of himself and family, as follows : He was born in the
State of Maiyland, on the exact location now occupied by the
Loconing Iron Works, in 1809. When but two years of age
his father removed to a farm now owned by Jessie Lazear re-
cently owned by the late Armstrong Grim, on the Thomas
loric of Wheeling Creek, about two miles above Ryerson's Sta-
tion, near the spot where the Davis family was murdered by
the Indians. Here as a boy Mr. Jacobs early met and com-
I.-ated the stern realities and hardships of frontier life, abound-
i ig in adventures, privations and trials too tedious to enumer-
ale. One of his hair-breadth escapes was as follows: One even-
ing while he and his little sister were hunting the cows, they
)iad wandered a long distance into the forest, when the dog
ihat accompanied them began to act strangely, now sniffing th*^
air, now uttering a low whine, then raising his bristles to a f ul.
r-oach on his back, then running among the feet of the children
natil it was with difficulty they could proceed, until coming to
an open place in the bushes they vsrere horrified at the sight oi
a large panther with snarling teeth and arched back, lashing
l)is sides with his tail, as though about to spring upon them,
but the presence of the dog evidently caused him to hesitate
With great presence of mind the children stood their ground,
wliile the dog, although trembling in every limb, showed no
signs of retreat, but like the frightened youngsters stood look-
ing the savage beast in the face, until that Divine declaration
"the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of
the earth," was verified and the panther sullenlj' retired over
awed by the human gaze, although it cam^ from the faces of
two half grown children. Mr. Jncob?, although he began poor,
is one of those men who verify the truth of Solomons declara-
tion that the hand of the diligent maketh rich. In 1837, he
removed to lands of Francis Gray on Archer's Run, and from
thence to the four mile bridge near the site of the old Round
school house. Two of his sons Francis and William own and
occupy farms on the head waters of South Tenmile, near the
line between Richhill and Center townships. His son Ilemy
owns two farms usually called the McCrackcn and the Huston
Tarm. His son Warren D. Jacobs still resides Avith his father
t'our miles below Wayncsburg, while his only daughter, Nancy
'■"' the wife of John N. Loar and landlady of the hotel at
Graj'sville, known far and near as the Brick. Mr. Jacobs seems
to have a /id always had a vein of dry humor about him that
sometimes rendered him a kind of a practical joker, as the fol-
lowing will illustrate : Ho at one time had the misfortune of
being compelled to live beside one of those men who might
be justly denominated a "bad neighbor." As this man's fences
Were exceedingly bad, of course his stock soon became 'breachy'
especially one large black mare which seemed to delight in
trespassing on the premises of Mr. Jacobs, eating his grow-
ing corn, wallowing down his grass, wheat, etc. In vain he
plead Avith his neighbor to keep her away, or at least to put a
yoke on her, but all to no purpose, except that the man one day
in insolent anger exclaimed, "yoke her yourself if you want her
yoked." ]\Ir. Jacobs replied "well, then I will.' This declara-
tion gave the neighbor no uneasiness as he knew an ordinary
yoke would have no restraining effect upon her. But Mr. Jacobs
knew "a thing worth two of that." He quietly caught the mare,
led her into the woods, where he selected a small hickory sap-
ling, shaved it off smoothlv, bent it over in the shape of a yoke
fastened it around her neck, and, after furnishing her with an
abundant supply of grass, departed, leaving the hickory bush
of which the yoke was made, still growing in the gronnd. After
long hunting the neighbor found his mare ; he was very indig-
nant, and talked loudly about whipping the man who had
so successfully yoked the mare. However two considerations
restrained him ; first, he ordered Mr. J acobs to do it ; secondly,
there was something in the appearance of the broad shoulders
and brawny arms of Mr. Jacob's which seemed to intimate
that prudence was probably "the better part of valor.**
Near the western line of Richhill townhip still resides James
Dailey who was born in Trumble county, Ohio, in 1801, where
he remained for fifteen years among surroundings that were
common at that day on all the extreme frontiers of civilization.
Wild animals in abundance roamed through the unbroken for-
ersts, and were hunted by the settlers for the double purpose oi
obtaining the flesh for food and ridding the country of their dep-
redations. One of these hunts is remembered by Mr. Dailey.
He was a boy of some ten summers. His father came i^
one morning, sayinglhere A^erebear signs just back of the barn.
Taking down the trusty rifle from the buck horn hooks, he di-
rected his son to follow him, Avhich he did for considerable dis-
tance without seeing the object of their search. His father
called out "stop ;" and almost immediately the report of the
gun was heard; and as yet the boy had seen no living object.
The father diopped his gun, and ran forward with his huntini^
knife to bleed his victim which jDrovcd to be a young female
bear. The wounded animal commenced a most piteous cry»
closely resembling those of a young girl. Tlie boy supposed
they were the cries of a girl, and they would both be arrested'
for murder. He commenced running with all ])ossiblc speed:
through the woods, in an opposite direction from home. When'
his father discovered this he gave chase, overtook and brought
back the bo}^, Avhose fears were only removed by seeing tliat
it was really a bear, and not a girl that was shot. In ISIGI
old Mr. Dailey left the "Western Reserve and removed to
Washington county, where he was married to Miss Kehpcca
Applegate, near Williamsport (IMonongahcla City.) They re
moved to Greene county in 1847. These persons were the pa-
rents of thirteen children, all but two of whom grew up to
adult age. Their names were Calvin, TJohert, Mary, Sarah,
John, James, Elizabeth, Susanna, Rebecca, Elisha and William ;
of these Elisha, Sarah and John reside in Greene county, Pa.,
while Robert is m Idaho.
I have been favored by my old friend Rev. JohnMcClintock,
pastor of New Providence Church, with a history of the con-
gregation over which he has so long presided, and of the peo-
ple to which he has so long ministered. This church bas been
Known by three names ; first, as "Muddy Creek," becnr.se situ-
ated on the waters of the stream, and in accordance with a
custom amoTlg the Scotch-Irish fathers of naming their clnrrchos
after the waters on which they Avere situated. Hence the older
churches in Fayette, Washington and Greene counties were
Dunlap's Creek, George's Creek, Mingo Creek, Pigeon Creek,
Raccoon, Chartiers, Miller's Run, etc. Tliis old chuixli was
also known as the "Glades," in consequence of being i^ituated
on the verge of a smooth, level tract of land on wliich the wa-
l-er stood to that extent that the large timber died out, and in
its place there grew up a tangle of hazle bushes, alders, etc.
This was the "Glade." IIow it come to be called New Provi-
dence I am not informed, but suppose it was a name-sake of
some church that might be denominated "Old Piovidci'.ce," or
jDerhaps the fathers had reference to some special act of Di-
vine Providence that they wished to comn'.emor:;te. Be this
as it may this church has a history almost coeval with the his-
tory of the territory that now constitutes the county of Greene.
For in the year 1770 William Crawford is said to have become
a resident of this immediate vicinity, Jesse VanMeter, James
Hughes aud Charles Swan having arrived the year before. Mr.
Crawford's wife was a daughter of David Kennedy, of Cham-
bersburg, Pa., who was a Presbyterian of the old Scotch-Irish
stamp, and was not disposed to adopt the maxim, "When you
are in Rome do as Pome does ;" but who, on the contrary, al-
ways carried their religion with them, and the , more fiercely
their opinions were assailed the more brilliant the flame of theii
devotion grew. The organization of this church, like many
others at that early day, was no doubt effected without formal-
ity, and consequently the exact date cannot now be ascertained.
But it was undoubtedly previous to 1789, for at that date we
find this church uniting in a call with the South Fork of Ten-
mile (Jefforson) for the ministerial labors of Rev. James
Hughes, which call he declined to accept. It is evident from
the Presbyterial records that supplies had previously been sent
to this church — Rev. James Powers one day ; R^v. John Mc-
Millin preached his second sermon west of the mountains, at
the house of John Armstrong, one of the first Elders in
this church. This sermon was delivered in the month of Au-
gust, 1775. McMillin's first western discourse was delivered a
day or two before at the Log Cabin Church, near New Geneva,
Fayette county, which church was called "Mount Moriah."
The names of Revs. Thaddeus Dodd, James Dunlap, Josepli
Patterson and John Brice, appear on the minutes of the olc.
Presbytery of Redstone, as occasional supplies. From Septem-
ber 1789 until 1790 these people were supplied with preach-
ing by Revs. James Dunlap and James Hughes ; also by three
voung men who were licentiates, viz : John McPherrin, John
Brice and Robert Marshall. About this time Rev. Robert
Finley from North Carolina, was employed as a stated supply.
In the year 1791 Rev. Jacob Jennmgs was appointed to sup-
ply this church part of his time, up to April, 1792, at which
date New Providence and Dunlap's Creek Churches were un:-
nisTOUY OK onicKN'i: couxty. 233
Led as a pastoral charge luulcr tlie care of Rev. Jennings, avUo
was descended ffom the pilgrims who came over in the May-
flower. He, himself, was born in New Jersey, w'nere, after re-
ceiving a liberal education (for that day) practiced medicine
for about twenty years, when he became a minister in the
Dutch Reformed Church, from which he afterwards changed
his ecclesiastical connection and became a member of the Pres-
bytery of Redstone, in connection with the Presbyterian
Churcli. His sons were Obediah, Kennedy, Ebenezer and
Jonathan, the first-named being, for many years, a member ol"
the I ar at Washington, and afterwards a prominent minister in
tlie P.esbjteryof Ohio, which was formed by the Synod of
Virginia in 1793, embracing all the temtory west of the IMon-
ongahela river, with all the Presbyterian ministers located upon
i , which, as will be seen, embraced the congregation and min-
ister of New Providence. In October, 1798, permission w;is •
given to this church to unite with George's Creek and Tent
Churches in presenting a call to Rev. James Adams, which
was accepted, and Mr. Adams was ordained and installed as
pastor of these three churches on the 16th of October, 1799
In consequence of the intervening river that was often impass-
able, Mr. Adams was released from the care of the New Prov-
idence Church at the expiration of two and a half years. lie
continued his labors on the eastern side of the Monongahela
up to 1814, when he was dismissed from his charge, after hav-
ing served George's Creek, nine years ; Tent, fourteen years,
and Sandy Creek, eleven years, Personally, I am somewhat
f imiliar with the history of Revs. Jennings and Adams, al-
t'lough I have never seen either on of them, but have seen both
t'icir widows. When I was brought to Dunlap's Creek in
1S28, George M. French was just about removing from the old
Dr. Jenning's farm, near Meritstown, to make room for Col
James C. Simonson, and right there and right then I saw old
Mrs. Jennings. When we removed to George's Creek in 1829,
among the first calls my aunt received was one from Mrs. Bath-
sheba McClelland, wife of General Alexander McClelland,
who was accompanied by Mrs. Adams, widow of Rev. Adams,
deceased. October 20th, 1802, New Providence Church uni-
ted with the church at Jefferson in asking for the services of
Kev. Cephas Dodd as stated supply for one year. Again on
the 19th of October, 1803, Mr. Dodd is appointed to supply
the churches of New Providence, Jeiferson and Ruff's Creek,
tlie whole of his time, until the next meeting of Presbytery,
when an order was passed for his ordination. Soon after his
settlement over these churches Mr. Dodd was united in mar-
riage with Miss Ruth Flenniken, daughter of James Flenniken,
one of the first ruling Elders in this church. This woman and
her husband I have seen, and also their children, Dr. Thaddeus,
Dr. Elias, and two daughters — the Avives of William Llewellyn
and Dr. S. S. Strouse. A call was presented to Presbytery on
the 20th of October, 1807, from the united congregations uf
New Providence and Jefferson for the labors of Mr. Moses
Allen, who was ordained and installed on the 24th of the De-
cember following, and seems to have served until 1817. Tlio
next minister at this church was Rev. Boyd Mercer, who was
ajipointed stated supply for one year. October, 1820, this
cliurch united with Jefferson in securing the labors of Rev.
George VanEmon as stated supply, Avhich application whs
changed on the 18th of April, 1821, into a call, which was ac-
cepted, and he was installed on the last Monday of September,
1821. This relation contiiiued for fourteen and a half years.
I have seen this man frequently and heard him preach : but
alas ! his messasrcs have all been like the seed sown by the
wayside, except the little incident rccjarded in the second
chapter of this history. In October, 1835, Rev. James Baker
was chosen as stated supply for two years. This man I scfin
on one occasion when he assisted our old pastor, Dr. Fairchild,
at the "Old Frame" (George's Creek.) Although I was but a
boy I was struck with the peculiarity of his gestures and man-
ner, such as bowing so low that his hand could have easily
touched the floor, then raising both his long arms high above
his head, etc. I had never seen such motions made by a public
speaker before and only once since, and that was in 1810,
when I listened to John Tyler, who was such a perfect /ac 5»JuYe
Df Rev. Baker that I concluded they surely must have been
trained in the same school. Plow this was I do not know,
but there is a probability of it, as they were both from
b^astern Virginia. During the frequent vacancies that have
.'ccurrcd in this old church in the last hundred years, the pul-
pit wa<5 filled occasionally by Revs. Guthrie, Gillet, Henry,
i3ristol and Davis, also by four young men, viz : Robert Fin-
ipy, Joseph H. Chambers, John M. Smith and Wm. McMichael,
?ach remaining about six months. On the 3d of Decem-
ber, 1830, a call was placed in the hands of Rev. John McClin-
lock, a licentiate of the Presbytery of Washington, asking
iliat he might be ordained and installed as pastor of this
•-hurch, which solemn act was performed on the loth of Janu-
ary, 1840, at which time Rev. A. G. Fairchild preached the or-
daining sermon, and Rev. Joel Stoneroad presided and deliv-
ored the charges. The time of the new pastor was to bo
Lwo-thirds at New Providence, and one-third at Jefferson ; tho
salary at IMuddy Creek, being three hundred dollars, and at
Jefferson, one hundred dollars. This arrangement continued
until 1849, when Rev. McClintock was at his own request re-
leased from his charge at Jefferson, and commenced preaching
on alternate Sabbath evenings at Greensboro, Avhich arrange"
ments have continued with but slight change until the present
day. And now in conte nplating a pastorate of upwards of
forty years, how many things are there that may truly be said
to be both joainful and pleasing. How painful to reflect that
^^ the Elders thou in active service, all are dead. Of the fifty-
live unofficial members, twenty-six had died previous to the
>SLh of September, 1876. Many others had moved away an^
were dismissed to other churches until at that date there Vv-ere
but ten persons living who were members Avhcn the pi'csent
pastor began his long continued labor. How many of these
leu have gone since that date to that country from whose
bourne no traveler shall ere return, I cannot tell, but on the
day of the centennial celebration the names of these ten Avcre
as follows: Garret Momlle. Paul Rca, John Rea, .Tolin S.
Flenniken, Hetty Ann Flenniken, Hannah Mundle, Elizabelli
Jamison, Martha Davis, Catharine Davis and Helen M. Aim-
strong. The men that have served in this church as elders
during the one hundred and six years of its existence, arc about
as follows: First elected at the organization, James Fleimikcn,
John Armstrong, John Crawford and John Flenniken. Each
of these men has a biography full of interest to the student of
history, as follows : James Flenniken came from eastern Penn-
sylvania, and was of Irish descent. He was sent by his Pres-
bytery in 1802, to the meeting of the General Assembly. He
died August 25, 1823, aged seventy-six years. John Arm-
strong was of Scotch-Irish descent, exceedingly tenacious and
Bi'm in his adherance to the "faith once delivered to the saints."
He trod in the good old way until a good old age, and then as
a shock fully ripe, he was gathered into the garner. This man
had two sons whose history has reached us. Their names wei-e
Abram and "William. It was at his house that the youthful
preacher McMillin delivered the first Presbyterian sermon ever
listened to in Greene county, in August, 1775. Of the history
of John Crawford, but little is known, only that having served
liis generation well, he fell asleep. John Flenniken came to
the territory that now constitutes this county at a very early
. HISTORY OK <;ni:i:xK coi ntv. 237
period in its history. The place from which he emigrated wa»
North Carolina, whei*e he had already exhibited his patriotism
by taking an active part in the convention that assembled at
Charlotte, on the 19th of May, 1775, where he not only used
his influence, but also signed his name to the instrument
i-alled the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, which
paper antedates the one drawn by Thomas Jefferson, by about
thirteen and a half months. From this declaration the sage-
Df Monticello, drew some of his strongest and most patriotic
sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence, of
July 4th, 1776. Soon after the erection of Greene county,
li^lder Flenniken was elected to represent it in the State Legis-
'atui'e. He was also for many years one of the Associate
Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of this county. Ho
raised a numerous family of children. One of his sons, I have
•jften seen in Uniontown. He, in early life, had served an ap-
prenticeship to the millwright trade Avith James Barnes ; then
studied law, and was a prominent member of the Fayette
I ounty bar ; then elected to the State Legislature. I seen him,
uid heard him make a speech in 1841, standing on the stone
portico of the National House, in Uniontown, at the close of
ivhich he introduced to the assembled thousands, James K.
Polk, President-elect of the United States. He was afterwards
appointed by President Polk as Minister to Denmark, and still
later he was appointed a Judge in one of our Western Terri-
tories. His name was Robert P. Flenniken. Elder Flenni-
ken's youngest daughter Hannah, was married to Rev. Asa
Brooks. The next addition of Elders in this old congregation
were Andrew^ McClelland, Henry Jennings, Robert Morrison,
Josiah Lowrie, William McClelland, and Samuel Harper. Tha
last mentioned was a man of considerable prominence in hi<
day in Cumberland township. He was a son-in-law of Rev.
John McMillin, having married Mrs. Jane Moorhead, who hati
been left a widow. Soon after the erection of the county, Mr.
Harper was elected Sheriff, and besides serving as a Ruling
Elder, he acted for many years as a member of the Board of
Trustees. Another man of considerable prominence in this
church and county was David Beech with reference to whom I
have already written a few things near the first of this his-
toiy. He died in 1866, in the eightyfifth year of his age. A
small Quaker Church existed at an early day about two miles
.south-west of Carmichaels, where remnants of a grave-yard
ai'e still visible. But the original worshippers have passed
away, while their descendants have as a general thing united
with other denominations. It has been fully fifty years since
any service was held in this place by this people. Among the
original settlers in this locality was the family of the Swans.
Charles Swan came from England, during the last century.
He had four sons, William, Richard, Thomas and Charles.
Two of these, viz: Richard and Thomas removed to the vicin-
ity of Uniontown, where they purchased some of the best sit-
uated and most fertile land in Fayette county, where after
living long, peaceable lives, they died. I remember one of
these old men. Of the descendants of Wm. Swan, but little
is known. None of them seem to be left in the place of their
nativity. Charles Swan was for many years an Elder in New
Providence Church. He had seven sons, two of whom are
dead, while Hugh, Henry, Thomas and Alexander are in the
West. Only one son, Solon B. Swan, remains in the locality.
He is at present a Ruling Elder in New Providence Church.
He also has two sons. Alexander D., who is now an Elder in
the Presbyterian Church in one of the Western States ; Thomas
T). Swan is still surviving; but I have no definite history of
him. The Barclays were also early residents in this neighboi-
hood. Hugh Barclay was the ancestor of this family. I have
been informed that he had four sons, but have only been able
to leai-n the names of three of them — Hugh, Henry and Solon.
Hugh became an Elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian
</hurch. Two of his sons — Isaac and Wm, Henry, still reside
near the old homestead. Henry Barclay was an Elder in the
Presbyterian Church. He had three sons — Russel, Aretas and
Alfred. Aretas became a member of the Presbyterian Church.
All the family went West, where the father, Henry Barclay,
died at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Hugh Barclay at one time repre-
sented Greene county in the Legislature, and finally died at
home on Muddy creek. Some of the numerous brandies of
the Flenniken family of whom I have received information is
as follows : Miss Rebecca resides in Waynesburg. So also
does Mrs. Hannah Brooks, widow of the late Rev. Asa Brooks.
John C. Flenniken also resides at the county-seat of Greene.
Mrs. Brooks' son, Aretas, is an Elder in the Second Presbyte-
rian Church of Pittsburg. Her daughter Cordelia lives with
her mother. Another of the ancestors of this large family
was Elias Flenniken, Sr. His sons — John W., Jose^^h and
Elias, Jr. are all dead. Four sons of John W. — James D.,
William, Elias and A. Stewart, now residing in the vicinity
of Muddy creek, aij-e married and have families. J. S. Flenni-
ken, a son of Eli^, Jr., is also living near Carmichaels. He
has three sons, young men. William Flenniken, a grandson of
James, the original settler, is still living in the Muddy creek
settlement. Of the three brothers, James, William and Cyrus,
the two former still reside in Greene county, while the latter
is a resident of Iowa. But I must close my long history of
this old church, and I cannot do it better than to refer to some
of the religious customs of the times in which it was planted.
First, their family instructions. To say that the manners of
the ministers of the Pi-esbyterian church one hundred years
ago, were attractive and pleasing would no doubt be saying
too much. Those ministers were learned, dignified and pious,
^■"el; the people did not go to the sanctuary thidh for the pur-
pose of being fascinated and pleased ; but they went for the
purpose of having themselves and their children instructed,
and they did not regard their duty as being done without fam-
ily instruction, consequently when the often long services at
the church were over, all parties, parents and children went
directly home. A very small jDortion of time was spent in pro
paring the Sabbath dinner, as most of it had been cooked th .
day before. When this plain meal was over, then all persons
present, whether pai'ents, grand-parents, children or visitors,
formed the "circle round the ingle wide," and the well-worn
Confession of Faith, or the John Rodgers Primer was pro-
duced, and the one hundred and seven questions wei"e asked,
und the one hundred and seven answers were given — the
smaller children commencing at the "chief end of man," and
answering as far as they could, and then dropping
out and listening, while the older ones and parents con-
tinued on to the end of the "Petitions." Pernaps Fisher
t>r Erskine, and always the Bible were present as the
highest source of appeal. Another custom of Presbyterians
and Seceders in those good old days, was that they made it a
conscientious duty to sing the praises of Jehovah. They had
uo thought of selecting some half-dozen persons, and making
them responsible for that part of the worship. On the con-
trary the Session chose a man who had the ability to read well
and sing well, and they called him "the clerk." A grand de-
scription of one of these personages is found in the language
of Rev. John McClintock, who has for upwards of forty years
ministered to this old church on Muddy creek. The name of
this singer was Francis McClelland, the pen-picture is as fol-
lows: "Coui'teous in manners of the old Virginia type, ven-
erable for age, of commanding appearance and erect form, of
genial temper and social habit." Nearly simultaneous with the
iiisrouv OF gi:ec:ne county. . 2-11
<l:ite of Amei-icau Tiidcpendenco, he made his home in wha*
was then called west of the AUegiieny Mountains. A pleasure
enjoyed by few persons nuw living — he once had the op-
portunity of seeing," hiiu wliom the Americans delight to c£l»
the Father of his Country, ^tr. AEo-'lelland was conversant
with the stirring scones and events of the llevolution, and
■ •Duld relate inany thrilling adventures connected with Indian
warfare. In the nineteenth year of his age, under the iiiiuis
1 rations of Rev. Robert Finley, he united with this ciiurc*.
of which he continued to be a nioniber for a period of seventy-
< \ years. His pilgrimage on earth closed with the ;ioyi'(d
liope of heaven at the age of ninty-(ive years. This man for
inaiy long years stood up before the congregation reading
i-.\u lines at a time fron^. Watts, then raising some ono
.if the following tunes : Oid hundred, Coronation, Mear,
Pisgah, Portugai, IJussia, Dunlap's Creek, America, or
CjIcs lIiU. The clerk usually beat the time, while all the peo-
j.ie helped to raise the "joyful sound."' The people and sessio'u
• ;f this old church have long ago pledged themselves to total
.ii)stinance from all intoxicating drinks ; hence we lind on tliei?
.ainutes this record. "Resolved that in the judgment of this
r^ession, no person can be regarded as a member of this church.
Ill good standing, who habitually indulges in the use of intoxi-
<-ating drinks." In addition to this I fear dissultary history of
. ome of the old families connected with this old church. I
wid append several names of persons not so immediately con-
nected with the church, but dwellers in the neighborhood up-
wards of half a century ago. The list was sent to me by Mr.
-John H. Rinehart, an old Greene countian now living in Ash-
land Co., Ohio, who has not been in this county for fifty-two
years. I sent the list to Rev. J. McClintock, who has ap-
pended numerous explanations. The first name is William
Carniichaels, proprietor, I supjiose, of the town ; James Londec,
Isaiah Cleavenger, father of Samuel Cleaveiiger, a mcm'ber of
*.lic Waynesburg bar, and at one time a prominent candidate
For Congress ; Samuel Higinbothem is said to have no descend-
ants in Greene, but several in Fayette county , Mathew Irwin,
no descendants in these parts ; James Hughes, numerous de-
scendants about Jefferson and Rices' Landing ; Jay Thomp-
son, Justice of the Peace ; James Seaton, Esq., descendants
all gone from original neighborhood , Daniel Moredock has
two sons, James and Ligget, near the place of their ancestors'
settlement ; Aaron Gregg has one son Aaron still in the vi-
-cinity; Alfred Gregg has several sons in the neighborhood.
James Curl was the father of Thomas and Hiram; Thoman
is dead. John Sharpneck has some children here yet. John
Orawford was the father of John, William and Jefferson,
nil deceased. Charles Anderson has no children here except
Mrs. John Hathaway. James Carr and Archie Carr are both
here yet with many children, each family having a James,
William and Archie. James Barnes, one of the most ingen-
ious men in this county, came from Virginia at an early day
und is still living. He also has two sons, William and Thomas.
Philomen Hughes, a school-teacher ; Benjamin West, a school-
teacher. John Crago was among the early settlers of the
Muddry creek region. His son John, of Carmichaels, is said
{,:>h& ill possession of some interesting reminiscences, whicli
I hope to see before the history is closed. I learn there is
also another John Crago, a carriage-maker living in the t,own,
WAile "Jack" lives in the country. The Rea family were old
settlers. James and J. H. Rea are sons of John Rea, who
emigrated from Bucks county long ago. The Jamison fam-
ily that once was numerous, has now only three representa-
tives left — Jehu and two daughters of Henry Jamison, Abbie
and Jennie. The McClellands came to Greene county shortly
after the commencement of th 3 present century aid, beca.m&
iiisTOiiY oi-' <ii;i;i.Ni: counjy. 243
very numerous, but by emigration and death their numbers
have been depleted until they ai'e nearly all gone. The Cree
family, which was once numerous in this vicinity, have now
but three rei^resentatives left ; these are Iliram Cree and two
sisters. Theu* father's name was Hamilton Cree. The men
who were at different times members of the Board of Trustees of
New Providence Church, which was incorj)orated in 1804, are
as follows : James Flenniken, John Flenniken, Josias Lowrie,
Sauuiel Harjier, John McClelland, William Moore, AndrcAv
McClelland, Jr., Samuel Huston, Robert Morrison, Elins Flen-
niken, Robert McClelland, James Veech, Francis McClelland,
David Veech, Abram Scott, George Davis, William Armstrong,
Daniel Stej^henson, Andi'ew Morrison, James Irwin, Charles
Swan, John Rea, John N. Flenniken, Ileni-y Barclay, James
Flenniken, Russell Armstrong, William Crawford, Alfred Arm-
strong. Other extensive familes are located on Muddy Creek
in the direction of Jefferson and Waynesburg. Among these
families are the Longs, the ancestors of which I have no in-
formation at present. Eli Long was a man of considerable
prominence. His homestead was near the sjDot where the
first court was ever held within the bounds of this county, at
the house of Jacob Kline, in 1799, previous to the building of
the log house on the corner of Greene street and Whisky
alley, which was long occupied as a temple of justice.
Another extensive family of this neighborhood was the Baileys,
My information concerning them is chiefly confined to my
own recollection during the last fifty years and is very imper-
fect, at that. Ellis B. Bailey and most of his family ai-e Pres-
terians. E. E. Bailey has been a minister and active worker in
the C. P. Church a number of years. He visited the Indians in
Indian Ter. as a missionary. I also knew a silversmith, Wm.
Bailey, in Uniontown, who, I believe, was of the same family ;
also a Mii^ Louisa Bailey, who afterward became the wife of
Moses Nixon, of Fayette county. Another of the families of
this immediate vicinity wns that of the Gwynns. Upwards of
a quarter of a centui-y ago I preached several times at Gwynn's
school house as one of the outposts of the Cumberland Pres-
byterian congregation of Carinicliaels. Since this, however,
a plain, neat church has been erectedin order to accommo-
date the upper portion of this large congregation. I have been
told that some of the ancestors of these people were of Qua-
ker origin. Whether this and other facts relative to them are
30, 1 propose to write whenever I am better informed myself.
FiKST White Man who Settled in Gkeene County. — As
to who deserves the credit of being the first white settler in
this county I find such a diversity of opinion that I can do no
better than to give some of the various versions, and leave the
reader to judge for himself. I have gathered the idea from
Judge Veech and others that Swans, Vanmeters and Hughes,
on Muddy creek, were tnidoubtedly the first permanent settlers.
Lawrence Minor, Esq., of Waynesburg, insists that his father,
Col. John Minor, aud Jeremiah Glasgow who settled on
Whiteley, were certainly entitled to this honor. L. K. Evans
is fully persuaded that the Eckerline Brothers, who first pitched
their "camp" on Dunkard creek, and then removed to "Dunk-
. ard Bottom," were unquestionably the pioneers of Greene county.
I have this day (May 17, 1882,) received a letter from William
Bonghner, of Greensboro, claiming this honor for quite another
man. As Mr. Boughner is a man of the first respectability
and intelligence, and Avrites in a very easy, readable style, I
give this part of his letter in his own words : "The first white
settler in the present Greene county v^^as Augustine Dilliner,
who, with his wife, came from the valley. of Virginia in com-
pany with the Swearingens, who founded Swearingen's Fori
on the farm of Michael Crow in Fayette county, near Morris'
X Roads. The six or seven families, including Dilliner's and
Swcfiiing-onV, emigrated before Israddock's defeat, and all set-
tled in Fayette county, except Dilliuerwlio settled ou the farm
now occupiiul by bis grand-son, Jacob Dilliner, in Dunkard
township, one mile below the mouth of Cheat river, at Dilliner'a
l''eriy. There are four grand-sons of Augustine Dilliner still
living near this place, viz : Samuel R. Dilliner, of New Geneva,
aged over eighty years ; Jacob Dilliner, at the old homestead
above named; Ambrose Dilliner, one mile above Jacob on the
rivei" bank ;and Allen Dilliner being a mile further up the liver
from Ambrose. These old men all concur in the statemenl
that tlieir grand-father Augustine Dilliner was the first settlei
oj. the west side of the Monongahela, and claim that he settled
on the farm now owned by Jacob Dilliner, built his cabin and
lived in it with his wife before "Redsone Old Fort" was
built — long before. When he heard of Braddock's defeat in
IT.jo, expecting an nnmediate Indian raid, he fled to Swear-
ingen's Fort, across the river in Fcyette county, and remained
there for some days, returning to the east bank of the river
daily to make observations whether the Indians had burned
his cabin on this west side of the river, and only returned
after being satisfied that there were no Indians about. These
four grand-sons all live here in Greene county (except Samuel
R., who lives in New Geneva, Fayette county,) are highly re^
ipectable people, good citizens Avhose word is as good as their
bond. These traditions they have from their father, and they
have not a particle of doubt as to their correctness. They
claim also to have some family records in their possession to
substantiate the fact that Augustine Dilliner settled on this
homestead farm not later than 17o4, and had his cabin on the
<jame spot now occupied by the residence of Jacob Dilliner."
I have often crossed the river at Dilliner's Feiry during the
decade of years betAveen 1845 and 185.j. I have often been
on the site of old Fort Sweringen, on the farm of Michael Crow
near Morris' Cross Roads, and am disposed to think there is a
great deal of truth in the above statement, and yet it does not
contradict the statement I made, which is as follows : "The
first permanent community seems to have been on Muddy Creek,
spreading out towards Tenmile on the north and Whiteley on
the south." Taking for granted that Augustine Dilliner
did settle on the west side of the river in 1754, his one isolated
cabin did not form a "community.-' as his neighbors and place
of retreat were always on the east side of the river, in what,
afterwards became Fayette county. In reply to the question
who is right with reference to the orthography of the cicek..
Judge Veech who spells "White Clay," or others who spell
"Whiteley," Mr. Boughner says: "1 have in my pos?ession arii
old map once the pi-operty of Albert Gallitin. printed in Lon-
don in August, 1792, in which the name is spelled 'Whiteley,'
the original settlers having brouglittlie name with them from:
I'nc valley of Virginia — same as did the fn-st settlers of Wliite-
ley county, Ky." This would indicate that Judge V'ecch staiuls
all alone in spelling Wliite Clay, Another of Mr. BoughiierV^
si'.ggestions is that "James Veech was not born in Cumberiann
township, but in Monongahcla township, one mile south of
Little Whiteley creek, on the old Veech farm now owned by
Robert Hanna." This is all very true as the townships are now
subdivided ; but we must remember that at the time of tlic
formation of Greene county in 1796, the entire len-itory
embraced the five townships of Cumberland, Morgan, Franklin.
»Ti-eene and Richhill. It is evident ail tlie oiiginai townslii])s
have been shorn of tlieir former greatness, and as Monongahcla
township had no existence at that day, the locality of this old
farm must either have been in Cumberland or Greene township-
1 certainly was right when I said it was in the bounds of the old
Presbyterian congregation of Muddy Cj-eck. The last of Mr.
3>oughner's suggestion is with reference to the question who-
started the first successful steam engine in Greene county. I
wrote what I did on the strength of the statement made in
the County Atlas in the sketch of Mr. Barns. When this was
called in question, I received a letter from Mr. Barnes, dated
May 8, 1882, in which he says, '■! claim to have been the first
in the county who succeeded with a steam engine." He then re-
fers to the same effort to establish a steam engine that Mr.
Boughner refers to, in these words: "About 1815 or 181G a
company was organized at the old glass Avorks, just below
Gi'eeusboro. They built a steam mill (house). But the cana!
not being finished to tlie East, they withdrew their stock as
unprofitable for the want of trade, and it closed." After Mr.
Barnes has given a detailed account of liis own expericco and
success up to 1833, he says: "In the year following- I]s(juirf.
Stone put up a saw mill between town (Greensboro) .-ind tliL'
mouth of Dunkard." He leaves the imi)ression on my mind
that this mill Avas driven by steam. These diversities o" state-
ments all go to prove that Greene county ought to have had an
accurate history written long ago, and yet tiiey will nee ^ssitattt
so many corrections that the present history, in many places,
will resemble a piece of "])atch work" which our read :s must
condone, as it is better to have patches even in this fw/in than
to have fiction, no matter how smootldy it m:iy read. As lu
the conflicting statements between these men, I think one woid
will go far towards making an explanation, and tiiat woid is
successful, which Mr. Barnes a))plies to his own adventures, but
will not apply it to the efi'orts made by others.
At different times I have received communications t'roni
William Boughner, Esq., of Greensboro. One of them is iu-
follows, with reference to the manufacture of the first gias^
made west of the Allegheny Mountains: 'About the year 1700,
Albert Gallatin, (who was the founder of tlic town of New
Geneva, whicli he nrinicd after his birtli place in S A'it/.t rland),
wliile crossing the Allegheny mountains on horseback, lodged
at "Tomlinson's old tavern stand." Here he providentially
met eight German glass blowers, the names of five of
whom were as follows, viz : Christian Kramer, Baltzer Kra-
mer, Lewis Reitz, George Eeppert and Adolph Eberhart. The
other three names are lost. These glass blowers had previ-
ously been settled on tlie "Monocracy," near Tyderville, Md.,
and were then emigrating to Limestone, (now Maysville), Ky,,
which State was then the great Eldorado of the west. The
public spirit that always animated Mr. Gallatin, prompted him
to try to induce these men to locate near his splendid farm
and mansion at "Friendship Hill," at the mouth of George's
Creek, opposite Greensboro. Agreeable to their promise, thej
left the main emigrant road at Mt. Braddock, at the foot o!
Laurel Hill, and came to inspect the site for a glass manu-
factory at the log cabin town of New Geneva. After a few
days spent in prospecting, three of their number started in a
canoe for Limestone, Ky., where, after carefully comparing tho
advantages and disadvantages of both situations, they decided
in favor of the Monongahela. They then pushed the same ca-
noe five hundred miles up stream to the place of starting. A
glass furnace was soon erected, surrounded by log buildings,
about three-fpurths of a mile from the mouth of the creek where
they manufactured principally window g^ass 8x10, which they
sold for cash at fourteen dollars per box.
About the year 1816 these men decided to cross the river
into Greene county, where they purchased the property and
erected the buildings known as the "Old Glass Works," a short
distance below the town of Greensboro where they soon com-
menced using stoiic coal as fuel for melting glass. A great
amount of prejudice had to be encountered in introducing it.
as all the fuel previously used had been wood. Albert Gallatin
had furnished a large portion of the capital while they remained
on tlie east side of tlie river, but as they were now abundantly
able "to stand alone," and as his duties in the Commonwealth
and Nation were so numerous, he seems to have withdrawn
from them with the greatest good will on all sides. Mr. Galla-
tin has furnished all the wood and sand without money or price
while they remained on the east side. Mr. Boughuer claims
that these men were the pioneers of the glass manufacture, not
only in Greene county, but in Western Pennsylvania, as they
undoubtedly commenced here one or two years before the build-
ing of the O'Harra glass factory in Pittsburg. About forty-
two years ago I formed some acquaintance with George Kra-
mer and his son Lee (merchants), of Morgantown, W. Va., who,
I suppose, were descended from this same original glass blow-
er stock. I have paraded many a day in the "George's Creek
Cavalry" in company with Adolph and Martin Eberhait, de-
scendants of Adolph (Dull) Eberhart. This glass factory passed
through numerous firms, and was not finally abandoned until
some time between 1850 and 1860^^
Pigeon Roost. — Upwards of fifty years ago, one of these
resorts existed on the waters of Fish Creek, not far from Free-
port in Springhill township, one mile from White's mill on
what is often called "Wagon Road Run." Near this same date
John and William Lemons (whose father was one of the pi-
oneers of this region of country) decided to make a visit, and
spend the night at this famous rookery. They were accompa-
nied by David and James Lemons, (sons of John), also by four
voung men who were neighbors, viz: Alex. Cox, Cephas Morris,
Amos and John Minor. They airived at the outer vei-ge of the
roost about sundown and built their camp-firo, and prepared
for a night's rest. But in this they were sadly disappointed, for
the flocks of pigeons had already begun to arrive, ami as the
shades of evening began to fall, those shades were rapidly in-
creased by the vast multitudes of croaking, crying, living
250 HisTonv OF gizekxe county.
birds that filled the dr. All thoughts of sleej) at the camp
were abandoned, for before their homely supper was ended, a
neighboring tree became so overloaded with croakers that it
turned out by the roots, and fell prostrate on the earth a short
distance from their camp, crushing beneath many birds that
had taken refuge among its branches. The torches of the
visitors were at once liglited, and they sallied forth to gather
up and bag the killed and crippled jDigeons that were not able
to rise with their companions whose discomfiture had added
two-fold noise to their piteous complainings. The falling of
this tree only seemed to be the harbinger to numerous others
which shared the same fate, accompanied by limbs without
number that cam3 crashing to the ground, making a Bable of
confusion and conflicting jargon of sound that efl[:ectually drovo
all "sleep from the eyes and slumber from the eyelids" of tliose
who thus passed a night on the verge of a roost. "When the
first streaks of morning light began to retui^n, our hunter;!
stood ready, guns in hand, to give the birds a parting salute.
Uut as soon as their first volly was fired, they discovered thai
it was a Avaste of time to attempt to relo;id. When abandoing
iheir tire-armes and siezing some poles ihat had been u<ed by
other hunters, they continued to knock down their unresisting
game until the lower limbs v>"ere cleaned, when, by a seeming-
ly preconserted signa'', the vast flocks took their f.ight in dif-
ferent directions, Avitli a whirring, roaring sound, somewhat ic-
sembling distant thunder, leaving our hunters in possession of
the "goaiy field," with abundant time to gather up their nu-
merous sacks of birds and retire to tlieir homes.
During the month of July, 1882, Mr. J. Brice Rickey and
Hannah, his wife, made a \ isit to their friends in Greene county
of which they are botli natives, being I'esidents for many years
of Oskaloosa, Wahaska county, Towti' From them I obtained
the following historical statements: The f imily of the Rick-
eys was descended from the stock of Puritans Avho fled to
Holland during the days of persecution m England for opin-
ion's sake. From Holland Bejamin liickey emigrated to
America during the last century and settled in New Jersey.
Jacob Rickey was brought across the Atlantic when a very
small boy. He was united in marriage to Miss Parnell Geerin
Avho was one of the little girls tb'cssed in Avhite, who strewed
the ground with Howers at Trenton in April, 1789, when Wash-
ington was on his way to be inaugurated first President of the
United States. The family removed to the town of Amity,
AVashinrrton county, Pa., about 1810, where after a short so-
journ, Jacob Rickey removed to Greene county, where he was
e'.ecled an Elder in the Presbyterian Church of Unity in 1814.
He was also appointed Justice of the Peace by the Governor.
Hfic he raised a large family consisting of three sons and
live daughters, as follows; Abraham C, B. Erunklin and J'
Biice. His daughter Jane married Silas Ayres ; Susanna
married Eii Mastcis; Pornina married Tkomas Hendcrshot :
JMiitilda r. married Lindsey McVay, while Harriet died siiigi«^
at ubout nineteen years of age. Mrs. Hannah Rickey's maiden
naiue was jMiNay, daughter of James McNay, who came to
Gieenc county in 1815 and settled in Franklin townshi)i,
t'iree miles from Waynesburg. Mrs. Rickey was born in 1820.
She had seven brothers and two sisters — Samuel, Jolin,
AVilli.un, ^Marion, Harry. Porter and Newton. All are living
except iMarioii, who died at home of fevei', and Newton, who
died at the Union Hospit.-d at Louisville, Kentucky, during tlie
late civil war. Hci- si-ter, Mary Ann, inarric d John Sprowls,
of "Windy Gap, Vvhile Caroline married Jonailian Simpson, of
Washington county. JMrs. Rickey s mother's maiden name
was Miss Anna Dickeson, of Butler county, Pa.
On September 9, 1 882, 1 got off the train at Sycamore Station,
and came u}> Brown's Fork iv; far as the house of G. W. L.
Johnson, who is a son of Andrew Johnson, dec'd, who was the
fatlier of the following additional children — Jackson, Colnni-
bus, Harrison, Daniel, Jane, Mariah, Lavina, Caroline and
l^osanna. Their father emigrated from New Jeri:ey upwards
•of fifty years ago. Layfayette Johnson's wife was Miss Ma-
riah Taylor, daughter of Thomas W. Taylor, Esq., who was
for many years a deacon in the Baptist Church, at Hate's Fork.
This woman is a niece of the late Major Maxwell jMcCaslin,
and cousin of William Maxwell Kincaid, whom 1 had the
jueasure of uniting in marriage u]) wards of twenty years ag-o,
V. ith Miss Emily Nichols, daughter of "VoV Nichols, of th'e
vicinity of Jefferson. At the same house I met a grand-daiigh-
ter of Michael Rupe who emigrated fi'om the valley of the
.Shenandoah, near Winchester, Virginia, near sixty year? ago.
He was of German descent, and settled on Brown's Fork of
Tenmile. His son Samuel afterwards settled on Bato's Fori:,
whore he raised a family of eight children — five boys and three-
girls. One of these daughters, Nancy, was married to George
McLane who enlisted as a soldier in Company A, of the Onc-
liundredth Regiment. He was taken prisoner at the battle of
Cold Harbor, and when last heard from was at Florence, Soutu
Carolina, where in all probability he died, leaving his friends
to this day ignorant of his fate. Leaving the house of Mr.
Johnson, I soon arrived at the residence of .David Buchanan,
Esq., who is now engaged in putting up a splendid dwelling-
house. From his most excellent lady .1 learned that he ha<]
three brothers — Andrew, John and J. A. J., Esq., one of the
i oading attorneys at the Waynesburg bar. Tliey also had fivo
rtisters — Elizabeth, who married William McClelland; Martha,
who married Zachariah Kagan, a Methodist minister ; Harriet,
who married Elijah Adams ; llachel who married J. N. Bro\rn.
These nine children were the sons and daughters of Andrew
Buchanan, Sr., a prominent lawyer at the Waynesburg bar
fifty years ago. Mrs. David Buchanan Avas formerly Miss
Keziah Swart, of Washington county, a sister of ray
old friend, Henry C. Swra-r. I still pursued my way up
Brown's Fork, where the road has heen greatly improved dur-
ing the present year, making it now a smooth, easy grade in-
stead of the continuous ups and downs Avith. which it was
formerly adorned, showing a decided improvement in engi-
neering, since the old road was located in the days of "the fa-
thers." Near sun-down I arrived at the hospitable home of
James Patterson, Jr., a grand-son of James Patterson, Sr., who
was born in Ireland in 1755, from whicli place he emigrated
to America while quite a young man. Almost immcdi.-itcly
after his arrival he enlisted in the Continental Army, where
he was engaged in some of the fiercest battles of that sangui-
nary struggle for independence. He Avas attached to a Vir-
ginia regiment near Winchester. Soon after the clooe of the
Rovolution he emigrated to Greene county, Pa., and settled
in what is now Whiteley to^vnship, near NcAvtoAvn, on the
same farm that William Patterson now resides, he being
in the seventy-fifth year of his age. John Patterson, the
father of my informant, Avas born in Whiteley tOAvnship in
1791, where he spent his minority, at the expiration of Avhich
he was united in marriage Avith Elizabeth Shriver (who still
lives, and is in the eighty-eight year of her age). This young-
couple immediately set out for the "back-woods," Avhich Avas
then found in abundance along the different forks of Ten-
mile creek. Here on BroAA-n's Fork they arrived in 1820, the
locality being in Morris tOAvnship. Here these hardy pioneers
began the Avork of subduing the mighty forest. Here they
set up their "altar" and became noted as the leading Metho-
dists of this section, Avhose hospitable home became the place
of retreat for the toil-wom embassador of the cross a« he
wended his Aveary way over the rough hills and valleys of this
then inhospitable region. As I looked upon the the elegant
buildings, the green fields and smiling meadows, the refiined
family, the magnificently spread table, loaded with splendidly
cooked food, I could not resist the uprising exclamation,
"What a change !" Here on this spot John Patterson and
Elizabeth, his wife, raised six children, viz. : Jacob, John and
James (my informant); also three daughters, Nancy, who mar-
ried James Fonner ; Mahala, who married John Patterson
(no relation, although of the same name), and Elizabeth, who
is now the wife of Hiram Smith. John D. Patterson resides
on a farm adjoining the old homestead. His wife was Miss
Amanda Mahana, daughter of Bradley Mahana, and grand-
daughter of Capt. James Seals, both prominent men in
Waynesburg during the last generation. The wife of James
Patterson is a grand-daughter of Caleb Spragg, one of the
old pioneers of Greene county. He was born on the 22d day
of Sept., 1778, and died in 1854. He was married on the 6th
of November, 1798, to Miss Deborah McClure. They emi-
grated from Trenton, New Jersey, to what is now Wayne
township. They raised a family of eleven children — six sons
and five daughters, viz. : John, Uriah, David, William, ,lero-
miah and Otho ; one of the daughters. Amy married Joseph
Wells, Eliza married Simon Strosnider, Rebecca married Wil-
liam Cosgray, Deborah married Thomas Hoge, Sarah remain-
ing single. John Spragg's descendants are as follows : David
R., Caleb, Henry, John and Mark ; one of the gii'ls, Sarah
married John Stewart; Elizabeth, my informant, marrio.]
James Patterson ; Minerva married Kendall Brant, and
Lydia married Inghram Strosnider. These families of ihc;
Pattersons have long been connected with the Methodist Epis-
copal Church of Hopewell, situated on the ridge road Ik-ih
Graysville to Waynesburg. The house of worship is i;ow
being rebuilt in elegant, modern style. Mr. Patterson showed
mo tht- original deed for tlie church lot, which was made by
Peter Grimes, and Mary, his wife, to John Simpson, James
Smalley and Icliabo.l Ross, Trustees and their successors in
office. The deed is dated Aug. 6th, 1839, and is acknowedged
the same day before Jesse Kent, J. P., and is recorded in
boon "I," Vol. 1st, page 75, March 17th, 1840, George Ho?-
l:inso]i, Recorder.
The Rineiiaet Family of Greexe County. — Joseph Rine-
hart emigrated from Germany during the last half of O/he
eighteenth century. His first location on this continent was
in Maryland, where his father and mother died. Shortly after-
wards, JoscjVi Rinehart, Jr., removed to Greene county, Pa.. '
Avlicre he was? married to Miss Elizabeth Huffman, sister oi
Benjamin Huffman. They had but two children — Thomas and
Joseph. Thomas had but two children, both daughters, named
Delila and Elizabeth, the latter of whom was married to Jos.,
a son of William Rhodes, the artist, near Jackson's Fort.
Dcllla was married to Isaac Nelson. Joseph Rinehart was
born on the fifth of November, 1776. His wife was Miss
Saiah Smith, daughter of Ichabod Smith. They were married
on the 29th of November, 1807, and were the parents of six
sons and three daughters, who were all born in Greene county.
Tlieir names and dates of their births are as follows : Eliza
was born December 2 1st, 1808; Aaron G. was born Septem-
ber 26th, 1810 ; Josej)h was born January 19th, 1813 ; John
IT. was born January 18th, 1815. Mary was born Octobex 5th,
1817. Hiram H. was boni Jauuaiy 1'), 1820; William Har-
vey was born May 2d, 1823 ; Sarah was born June 22d, 182.'> :
Benjamin Franklin was born August 29th, 1829. John H.
Rinehart has for upwards of fifty years been a citizen of the
State of Ohio ; his present address is McKay, Ashland county,
Ohio. He seems to be a man of remarkable memory, and lias
sent me at different times numerous reminiscenses of events
that occurred in this county upwards of half a century ago,
which are hereto appended in his own words: In the year
1829, Joseph Rinchart sold his farm of two hundred acres, two
and a half miles east of Waynesburg, to Solomon Gordon,
and in April 1830, he removed to a farm adjoining the west-
ern line of Wayne county, Ohio. Seven years later, he re-
moved to Richland county, Ohio, and settled in Greene town-
shin, which is now part of Ashlaiid county. Aaron J. lline-
hait became a hook-keeper, and Alderman in the fourth ward
of Pittsburg, Pa. Joseph Rinehart, became a carpenter.
H.ram became a minister of the Gospel. William H. became
:i mill-wright and farmer. Benjamin Franklin is an artist and
uorirait painter in New York City. Of the ne:Jit generation of
:liis name were the follownig persons: Barney, Shnon and
Snumel, of one family. John, William and Arthur we:e sons
ia another family, -while John, Stephen and Jacob were
,~ons in a third family. Of the next generation — 1st, Earney
had three sons, James, Samuel and Simon. 2d, Simon had
two sons and three daughters ; Samuel and Jesse were the
sons, the daughters' names not remembered ; 3d, Samuel R.
was the father of six sons and three daughters, viz : Joseph
Asa, Enos, Reason, John and Samuel; these sons if living,
are all over sixty years of age. 4th, Barnet Rinehart of this
generation, also raised a large family, but the names c:iniJ0t be
f juud. Of the sisters of this generation, Sarah was married
to Henry Church, Elizabeth to William Inghram, Mary R. to
Richard Hughes; also one sister whose name was Susan
was married to Isaiah Strawn. John Hughes Riuehait. my
informant, is now sixty years and sixmonths old. He was born
near Tenmile creek, where Hicey, now Pollock's mill, below Jef-
ferson, has since been erected When he was one year old, his
father removed to a spot one-half mile from the town of Car-
michaels, on Muddy creek, where they resided for four or live
years ; thou removed to tlie east branch of Laurel ran, about
two and a half m.ilcs cast of Waynesbrj'g'. where they con-
tinued to reside until tlic si)rinj^- of 183;), when tlioy removed
to Ohio. Tiie only school teachers this man ever received in-
struction from, were Arthur McCourlnoy and Dr. Arthur In
o;hram, who both taught in an old log school-house, on Di'.
Aviiiur Inghram';] father's farm, on Laurel run. Since John
II. has lived in the Buckeye State, he has ei-cctcd several mill>^.
and is now possessed of a vahiable landed property. Theson^;
of Simon Einehart (of Barnet) are J. iMorris and Jarne.? R. li.
The daughters, Mary F., who married Frederick Ilambright .
31ariah is now the wife of Elias llartzell. The sons of Jess^
(of Thomas) are J. Workman, Thomas, Dill, Henry and George;.
Gtor.GE WISECA^v^R was born in Franklin townsliip, Greent;
county, Pa., on the 22d of July, 1815. His parents had emi-
grated from Frederick county, V^irg-inia, about the year 1800.
Through various losses common to frontier life, the old man
died about "square with the world,"' leaving his son George the
same legacy he did the rest of his children — "'root hog, or die."
Geoi'ge happened to be one of those boys who had no notion
')f dying, if a living could be made by "rooting." The firs E
day's work he ever done for wliich he received the pay was
when he was very small and the compensation was a "fish-
hook.' This Avas his fii'st property, and from it spiang the de-
sire to accumulate more. Finding that fishing not did pay, he
learned to make flour barrels, whisky-barrels, meat tubs, lard
kegs, etc., and it was not long until he became so proficient in
his business and so active in his movements, that he could
dress the staves, heads and hoops and fiame sixteen flour bar
rcls in a day, and by a little extra exertion, he has on severa'
occasions made one liundred barrels in a week. The first set
tlement of the family was on the farm now owned by Peter
Mon-is. On the 1st d;i:r of May, 1843, George Wisecarver
and Priscilla Barnes v/ere married, and soon began to accumu-
late by investing in good lands that liave steadily increased in
value until he has become one of the most wealthy men in the
county, owning- at the present time a little upvy^ards of three
iliousand acres of as good land as the county can produce.
It is truly said "liistory is always repeating itself." In ike
•case of this man we have the old adage verified, that the
••poor boys of one generation become the wealthy men of the
i'Lext generation." Mr. Wisecarver's reason for his success
is that "he was always so busy with work that he had no
lime to get into mischief." Let poor boys profit by the cxrau-
jjle of so many of our v.'calthy men who began the world oi;
;;".G-tiJing. I
While making a visit at the house of John OrndofF, on tlio
lv)th of Octobci-, 1882, I came in possession of the following
facts : William Orudoif was of German descent an d emigrnted
fj-om the Shauendoah Valley near Winchester about the year
1826. His first location in Greene county was on big Wliitelcy
;ibout four miles from Newtown, where he was united in mar-
riage with .Miss Salome Wisecarver. Tliier sons were Eli,
■Joseph, William, John, Isaac and Lindsey. Tlieir dangliici's
Jiachel married Jesse Fordyce; Jane married Asa Sellers -. Sti-
.sanna Jiiarried Levi Hoge ; Margaret Ann married Abijaii
Scott ; Salome married Daniel Orndoft". The second place of
residence of this family was on Hargison's branch of Sontli
Tenraile ci-eek in Centre township, about two miles f)-orri
Jvodofersville, where the old gentleman still lives, enjoying
good health, although in the eighty- third year of his age. Tiie
old lady still survives and is in her seventy-sixth year. Jolin
Orndoff (my informant) resided at the head of Pursley tor
about eleven years, and then removed to the old David Enoch
farm near Graysville in April 1879, where he is extensively en-
''•ao-ed in fr.rniinir and s ock raiding. His wife's m.iideu nnine
uisTonr OK (;r.i:i:Ni; county.
was Miss Minerva Kosberry, daughter of Matthias Roseberiy.
and consequently extensively connected with some of the ear-
liest settlers in the eastern part of the county, such as the
Hughes, IkJindolphs, Curls, Swans, Neels, Lindseys and others.
Second White Child corn in Greene County. — On the
24th of October, 1882, I met in tlie office of the Independent
James Moore of Wayne township, avIio claims that his father
John Moore was the second white child born on the territory
of Greene connty, Abraham Armstrong being the first. The
original John Moore, was born about fourteen miles from Dub-
lin, Ireland, about the year from which place he came
to Greene county about the year 1770, in company with the
Crawfords and Armstrongs, one of whom Miss Hannah iVi'm-
rtrong, became the wife of Mr. Moore. After the bii-th oi'
their first child, John, on Muddy creek, they removed to the
v/aters of Whiteley, not far from Xewton, on the farm where
Lindsey Stephens now^ resides. Here en this old homestead
James Moore, my informant, was born His wife was
Miss Elizabeth Brown who is in the seventy-sixth year of her
age. This man had four brothers — Armstrong, Jolin. W.'.
Abraham and Thomas. He had also three sisters — Eli^^ie, Jane
and Sally. James Moore seems to be a great reader ; is in his
pevcnty-sixth year; possesses a good memory; has carefully
lead the portions of my history published in the Independent,
and unlike many others, he finds much to approve and nothing
to condemn. He has passed through all those scenes I have
described, such as "weddings," "huskings,'' "raisings,"' a!i<!
'•musters," and thinks the portraits are true to tlie life. How
'nuch more pleasant to meet persons of this kind than those of
the opposite description, who in an unmannerly way .approacli
the historian, exclaiming : "See here, ^Ir., I want to tell you
of a great mistake you made." After hunting through tht*
manuscript for a long time thcynt last exclaim : "There i^ is .
that man had five daughters, and here you have only named
four." What a pity ! I was really under no obligation to
name any of them ; but I have got four of their names right,
and inadvertently omitted the fifth. Good-humored, healthy
criticism is always invited and cheerfully received and the cor-
rection made. But this petulent, peevish hunting for matters
of no possible consequence is by no meaus desirable. On the
same day at the Allum House, I met Hon. Jesse Phillips, who
has been attentively reading my history from the first and ex-
presses his convictions that the statements made are about all
strictly correct.
Tke Ackley Family. — On the western line of Greejio
county adjoining Washington county, has long lived a
family by the name of Ackley. The ancestor of this family
was Sarah Ackley, a widow, who came in 1818, and settled on
the same tract of land that was originally taken up by Williain
Teagarden, after his disastrous loss of the entire funds ve-
oeivcd for the sale of his magnificent land which he had taken
■:i]D on the Monongahela river. The descendants of this old
lady were Joshua, Daniel, Jehu, Naomi and Eliza. Joshua
continued to reside on the old homestead until October 1 st,
1881, when he died. He was a man of considerable promi-
nence, and was married three times. Plis last wife Ava:^ Mrs.
Rhoda Litman, originally Miss Rhoda Sturgis, daughter of
Isaac and Dianna Ross Sturgis, of Fayette county, one of the
companions of my early school-boy days. One of Joshua
A-ckley's daughters, Sarah, is now the wife of Robcat Carrel, a
citizen of Richhill township. Daniel Ackley ;ind his sister
Naomi live on part of the old homestead farm at the mouth of
Owen's run, where it forms a junction with l^^nlows fork of
Wheeling creek. The wife of Daniel was Mrs. Rosanna
Rockey. Jehu was married to Elizabetli Atoi-, with whom
he removed to Athens countv, Ohio, manv years as'o. He has
been dead for several years. Mrs. Khoda Ackley, widow of
Joshua, and their son Ellsworth, still reside on the old home
place. The sons of Joshua by a former wife were John, who
still resides on Owen's run — his wife was jMiss Cliarity Jewell;
Bichard, who now owns and occupies a part of the old home
place, married Barbary Lawrence ; James married Anna Pot-
ter; Avery married ]Mrs. IMary Ellen Craig, daugliter of Dr.
Simpson, of Washington county, who as his widow still resides
in the village of Prosperity ; Park is dead ; Elizabeth mariied
Esquire McCleary, of West Alexander.
The Quakers of Greene Couxty. — During the decade of
years between 1770 and 1780, Nathanial Temple emigrated
i'rom Bucks county, Pa., to Greene county, settled on the farm
now occu[)icd and owned by Alpheus M. Temple, in what was
formerly Greene township, now AVhiteley township. He was
a moiAbcr of the Society of Friends or Quakers (orthodox.)
His wife vras Miss Mary Beaker. Their children were Heturn,*
Benj. and John ; their daughters were Sarah, who married Benj.
Gillett ; Hannah, who married James Morcdock, and still liv-
ing near Moredock's Cross-roads. The wives of the sons
were as follows. : Return married Sarah Darr ; Benjamin
mariied Jane Douglas ; John married Elizabeth Doiigla'^?,
{two sisters and daughters of Thomas Douglas, of Fayette
county.) The children of Return Temple were Benjamin,
Nathaniel and William ; the daughters were Rebecca, Avho
married John Wise, of IMonongalia Co., Va. ; Mary, who mar-
ried John Starkey; Sarah, who married Robert Anderson:
Eliza, Avho married Theadore Wade ; Elizabeth, who married
Haines, of Monongalia Co., Ya. ; Charlotte, wlio is now
the wife of Fox. The boys, Benjamin, married Matilda
*'lhc )inine Kctiirn was given to this boy unckT the following circumstances: TIii;
piui-iits had made one trip to America and livu.l for some time at 'i'renton, Xew Jersey.
They tliei returned to Kn'iland, when, after a few years, they ai,'ain started for America.
AVhile oiitliis voyage this boy wa-- born, hence his name "Return."
Reaves, now of Iowa ; Nathaniel married Ilenretta Rice ; Wil-
liam married Eliza Wade, both of Monongalia Co., Va. Ben-
jamin, son of the ancestor Nathaniel, died without leaving issue.
John had four children, viz. : Justus F., Alpheus M., Pleasant
Jane and John. The original settler, Nathaniel, was associated
in his church relations with the families of Baileys, Gwynns,
Blakers, Barclays, Crafts, Huftys, etc. Their place of wor-
ship was on the dividing ridge between the waters of
Muddy creek and Big Whiteley, where an old grave-yard may
still be seen, and where the sleeping dust of those primitive
.settlers still reposes. One of the principle preachers, who
ministered to these revered saints, was Miss Ruth Graves,
whose place of residence was in Brownsville. She also minis-
tered at the Quaker "meeting-house," of Westland. My in-
formant, General Justus F. Temple, still retnins a vivid recoi-
lection of this venerable old lady, as she often called at the
liouse of his father and grand-fallier. The children of Jus'iiio
F. Temple are Mary E., James B., S. Nevade and Anna Belle.
The IxGHRAjr Family. — William Inghram resided on Lauri'l
Run as early as 1812. His wife was Miss Elizabctli Rinc-
hart. Their sons were Dr. Arthur, Thomas and Willi ;ii:i.
Their daughters were Margaret, Avho married Hiram PoitLM- ;
Ollie, who married Armstrong Porter ; Sai-ah C, who mariied
Solomon Goi'den ; Delila, who married Brice Gordon ; Cassun-
rlria, who married Madison Bell, and Nancy, who manifi.!
William Bell. Of the next generation Dr. Arthur mairicl
Elizabeth Gathers. Their children were Sarah C, who is v.ow
the widow of Hon. James Lindscy, deceased, and re.-idos uitii
her mother ; James, Esq., a practitioner at the bar. His ^vS'^'
was formerly Mary Black, daughter of C. A. Black, Es(|. Eliz-
abeth is now the wife of Enos Hook ; Lucy is the \-.-iie
of Prof. H. D. Patton, and Gcoi'ge, \vlio is still single. A
son, whose name was Wi'.ii.'.m, dii'd many }X'ars ;igi>. .:;;!■«
TiisTor.Y OF rir.r.r.xr, cc,v:<rr. 2CJ^
yonng. Thomas niairicJ Harriet Cia3"ne. Tlicir cliildren
were William, Alcinda, Tlioraas, Arthur and Luiira. William
marriod Martha Ilogo. Their cliildren were Frank, James,
Lizzie, Emma, Margaret and Ollie. I am aware that the above
is but a partial histoiy of tliis very extensive family, but in
ihe absence of records it is the best I can do, as I have, as yet,
met Avith no one whose memory extends back beyond 1812.
Catholic CHuncii of WaynivSijijikj. — 3ome time previous _^o
1 he year 1830, some benevolent liersons* in the vicinity of
Wayiiesburg, contributed a sum sufficient to erect tbe brick
walls and put under roof a church on Main or High street,
near the eastern end of the borough. Soon after the above
date, three brothers, viz. : Andrew, John and Joseph Friedely,
in company with Dominic Ilass, came to Waynesburg. These
men were clock makers and clock peddlers by trade and Cath-
olicf; by profession. They immediately interested themselves
in behalf of this society, ns they had been accustomed to do in
ilieir native laud (Germany), contributing liberally of tlioir
ineaus towards completing the unfinished building, and al>(>
■;siiig their influence in securing the services of Father Michai.-I
'r.dfigher, whose re>idc;uc3 was at Brownsville, Fayette county.
Tiiis m:in seems to have been the first regular priest, who o?.\-
<-iatcd at this station. He was a missionary on a large circuit
llion in the Diocese of I'liiladolpliia (which llifii cxerciso-i
supervision over all the Catholic churches west of the Allegheny
mountains, until 1843, wjien the Diocese of Pittsburg v.-as
erected, wiih Father jMichael O'Connor as its Bishop). I'atiior
Gelagher was succeeded by three brothers, viz.: J.ames.
Jerome and Dennis Kearnney. Father Hickey, \vho lesidc-x!
at West Alexander, also niinistereil to this pou])le. Father
Farren, Nolan, Scanlan and McHugli also minisl'-vod at this
•,\mon{r these contributors wure Hon. Mark (J'Ttlon, wliu \ ;:•? .i-;o ilrctcfl V!ica': Id
IS'iT; also Solomon Gordon, who st'il resides on Lniiri'l Uini.
264 HISTORY OF greene county.
nltar at diifevent xoeriods of time. During the pastorate of
Father McHugh, the old edifice Avas torn down, and a neat,
chaste and modern edifice was erected, which j)resents a good
appearance on the outside, and is said to be equally as good
inside. Rev. P. S., Herman, a native of the Sunny Clime of
Italy, now ministers to the church, which, in addition to those
already named, has enjoyed the ministrations of Fathers Mc-
Enroe, Sheehan and Tahaney.
Part of the McNay Family. — About the year 1800 Jolm
McNay emigrated from Adams county, Pa., and settled on
"'Samel's Run," about three miles from the residence of George
Wisecarver, adjoining farms with the one on which the crazy
man William McNerlin so long resided. Mr. McNay's soils
were John, Jr., Smith, Brown and Asa. His daughters were;
Rebecca, who married Arthur Fleming, Hannah, who manied
Robert Marshall ; Prissilla died in the sixteenth year of her
age ; Mary Jane married Dr. Cephas Dodd ; Eliza and Nanc}'-
Ann are still single. In the year 1836 John McNay, Jr. took
up his abode in Richhill township, where he had purchased a
tract of land from old James Burns. In the year 1840 he Avas
united in marriage with Miss Jane Reed of Washington Co.,
who was a daughter of James Reed, who was for many lojig
years an Elder in the Presbyterian Church of Upper Tenmiio.
In the year 1866 Mr. McNay returned to the old homestead in
Franklin Tp. about three miles north of Waynesburg, and aftcv
a residence of three years, he removed to the borough whcj-o
he still resides in the seventy-fifth year of his age. Mrs. Mc-
Nay's brothers Avere William Reed who is a Presbyterian min-
ister in Shell City, Mo. John Reed was for many years an
Elder in the Unity Church, Greene county, and now holds Lho
same office in the Presbyterian Church of West x\lcxander.
Mrs. McNay's sisters were Margaret, who married John W'.
Bradford (his Avidow still resides in Waynesburg). Flannali
was married to William Montgomery, now of Washington, Pa.
She has been dead for several years. Smith McNay married
Jan ! Bell, with whom he removed to Washington County,
■n here lie still resides. His present wife was Miss Mary Kerr,
lie has but one child living, who is now the wife of John Po^t,
of Clay Centre, Kansas. Brown McNay married Rachel IMc-
Connell, with whom he removed to Washington, Iowa, where
his wife died. From thence he removed to Mellville, Kansas
v.-here he died in 1879. J. Reed McNay still resides on th<:
old homes teafl farm.
Reminisckxces by J. II. RiNEiiAKT. — I firsL became ac
quainted witli James Gooden in the year 1819. He was an
old veteran of the Revolutionary War, and. one of General
Moi'gan's famous riflemen. He had been wounded twice, and
was taken prisoner by the British at the battle of Cowpen.^.
Effecting Ills esL-ape he traveled two daj'-s before reaching the
Ams'.ic !n army. While with the British he, as well as the
rest of the captives, was treated very cruelly. One of his fel-
low prisoner escaped with him, but having one of his hands
shot off at the wrist joint, the wound had not been dressed,
and being almost starved to death, he gave out at the close of
the first day. At the poor fellow's request IMr. Gooden cov-
ered him over with leaves and left him alone in the wilds of
the forest. Tliere he probably perished, as that Avas the last
ever seen or heard of hiui. Another resident of Fi'an.klir.
townshij), with whom I was acquainted was Henry Churcih, a
clescendnnt of the Archer fauiily, all of whom had been mur-
dered by the Indians, save one son aiul one daughter, 'i'lio
daughter, Mr. Church's motlier, had, however, been scalped
by the savages, and feigning death, escaped with her life, and
lived to a good old age and to rear a large family of childie:..
After the cruel death of his parents, brothers and sisters, Mr.
Archer swore veugennce against tlie Indians, and duvi.i.ig the
2G6 iiiSTOy:\' of o"::r.\"r, oorATV.
■wliolo jKM'iod of his life Itad but one object ill view — to help
•leoimate the ranks of the red shinr; inhabiting the frontier .iiiJ
border liij/^s of civilization. In those terrible d:-.ys the whites
threw up a fortiTication on Tenmile creek, a short distance
above where Ja'ues Hook's mill stood, on the Waynesburg side
of the stream. This was called ''Fort Jackson." My father,
J()soi>h IJinehart, was an inmate of the fort, and was then
about five years old. During the time he remained there he
s;i\v one of his father's brothers, who had been killed about
two and one-half miles east of Waynesburg, in the valley oJ
Coalick run, and brought to the fort on horse-back. His Ijody
v,-as thrown across the back of the horse, after the manner oi
i-.arrying a sack of grain, and thus was conveyed to his family
■■'ho were liouoed at the fort. One of the inmates, i-egardlcsi
Ol the order not to go too far from the fort, crossed the i;;ct'k
■A short distance bolov/ in search of a cow, and was therf .-;iiot
a'id scalped by an Imlian. The Indian ran up the hillside,
shaking the bloody r.v")phy in defiance of the white men"s bul-
lets, and disappear^:! iiuinirined. This occurred in the year
Methods At)o:*t-d by thk E\'?ly' Suttlkrs to Ent':;ap
^VoLVSo. — ■In the year IS 15 many places in the glades xieav
Carmic aclo. on JiL'.ully ci'eck, still bore evidence of the mctli-
ods employed by early settlers to entrap wolves. Pits ten t<:
twelve feet in deplli were digged in the ground and covored
with rotten poles and rubbi-h, upon wliich woi'C sj)read a layci
•■>'[ leaves and mos:;. Over this from a pole was suspouded a
l>:oceof meat. In th.cir efforts to secure the tempting morsel
l\]v. animals turablod into the pit, and once there v/ere cum-
i)letely at the mercy of tlicir captors. Another method
of which I saw traces, was bo erect two scoffolds twelve or
fourteen feet high and from one-half to three-quarters of a
mile apart. The Avolf hi^^ter. havii'g thr.s ]irepared for the
TiiSTOKY OF <;ui:i;m-; cointv. 207
animals, would rub the soles of his shoes -with asafoetiua and
tramp from one scaffold to the other. Tiie wolves having
scented the drug would speedily follow the trail and ''tree"
the hunter often to their sorrow, as many wolf scalps were se-
cured by these means. One poor fellow, w^hose name I now
have forgotten, Avas overtaken by the hungry animals before
lie reached the other end of his path thr(;ugh the woods, and
M'as torn to pieces. Some of the forks of these scaffolds v.crc
yet standing in 1820, and the bark was gnawed and the poies
scarred by the toeth of the wolves. About this time I rcrnem-
ijiT of hearing Jnm:'.-; r/r.r-.?;, a mill-wright, tell of the wolves
having pursued nun in the woods and forcing him to cruob a
sapling. Unfortunately he ascended rather a small one and-
tlie ravenous beasts began to gnaw the trunk. He I'emainoil
till he felt the sapling begin to give, when, ))y great (ilfort,. h;-.
:r,vung it against a larger tree and got into ii;. JS'-cing lio wn--
safe the wolves raised a howl and plunged ijito the di>;)lhb of
the forest, and left him to desceuil and n'\ake his way home iii
.\ HicH BUT XovEL PuLiMT. — Li tho sumnicr of 1S:3S a de-
ranged fellow, by name of Win. McNtirliii, ounie to iho f:,u'n"i
of AVm. Inghram, in Franklin township, ;uid climbed into the
t,o|) of a hickory Iree in a fR'ld not far iro:r: tlie house, llr^
drew in the toj) branches and withed them together in thu cen-
ter so as to form a sort of platform, -.viiicii. he moun?ed. 'i'ho
top of the tvec, Avhich he had fitted u}!, was twonty-rivo or
thirty feet frinn the ground. Fiom his eievared j)OsiLi(i!i ho
In'gaii lo jir a -h. IIi[; stentorian voice could be Jicard a long
way off. Alter cont:n;;ing lai> harangue fr^m early inorn m;-
li! noon, with no auditoic, though it was on. tin; Sabbatli day,
MVs. Iiighrani sent an old colored servant with something tor
ihc would be minister to (at. One of Alc-Ncrlin's peculiaiiiie.s
was his intoiis;' di'-liko f'^r m'u-i-ocs. Si) \vhcii the negr-- came
2G8 HisTOr.y of greene county.
near, the deranged orator abruptly closed his discourse, and.
Avith an oath, declared he would kill the Ethiopian, as he
termed him, and began speedily to descend. The old negro
terribly excited, ran back to the house, declaring "dat man be
no moll crazy dan I am." The hickory in 1830 remained still
wiLh its tops withed together as McNerlin had left it.
Thk IiEES Family. — On the morning of the 4th of Novem-
b^r, 1882, 1 left the Downey House, in Waynesburg, and
\valkcd out to the house of William liees, who now owns and
oLcupies the brick building on the same farm on which Mathew
'rray was killcc'' by the Indians in the early settlement of this
'ivounty. I was recieved with the gi'eatest kindness, invited to
(at breakfast, which I declined in consequence of having al-
ready breakfasted. From the family I recieved the following
information : William Rees settled on what is generally
i^alled the Keighley farm, about the year 1790. His sons
\vere John, Abraham, James, Joseph and William. His daugh-
t -rs were Charity, who married Obadiah Vancleve ; Polly mar-
ried Peter Brown ; Catharine married George Moore, and Cas-
-ie remained single. John had two sons — John and William.
His only daughter, Nancy, married Samuel Throckmorton,
who was killed by lightning. William Rees, my informant,
was inari-ied about twenty-five years ago to Lucy Zollars,
'daughter of Neal Zollars. She was raised on what is usually
called tue Conkey farm. Their children are Frank and Alberv.
The brothers and sisters of Mrs. Rees are Richard, Earner,
Emalinc, Libby and JMargarot. Ella Bennington now resido'«
ill this family. When I had obtained this history, Mr. Hill
came along, from whom I obtained at least a partial history
vtf that family.
The Hii.L Family. — This is one of the old Greene county
families, Samuel Hill having settled on the same farm wliero
his dcsconda:it-; still reside, lu-ar Hills' school-house, in the year
1789. His wife was Elizabeth Gathers, an aunt of Mrs. Ehza-
beth Inghrani. The sous of Samuel and Elizabeth Hill were
Thomas, William, Corbly, Jesse aud Samuel. Theii- daughters
were Naucy, who married Jacob Smith (now residing near
Sycamore Station); Margaret married Morford Tlirockmorton;
Mary manicl J(phn Moore ; Samuel married Hannah Hill
(daughter of Rees Hill) ; Thomas uiarried Xancy Roseberry ;
William married Margaret Milliken ; Corbly married Hannah
Porter ; Jesse married Maria Hoskinson ; Elizabeth married
Jotliam Jennings. I was now reaJy to pass on to the new
,-,nd beautiful brick house of Jonas Ely where I obtained from
ills wife the following history of that family:
The Ely Fa:mily. — Jonas Ely Avas of German descent; was
raised in wl;at is nov.- Schuylkill Co., Pa.; came to Washington
rounty in 1810; was drafted as a soldier in 1812 ; wasmaiTied
;oMiss Euphen Wilson. Their children were James, George,
Jonas, Caleb and John. Elizabeth married Miller Andrew ;
Ixancy married Danit'l Tlirockmorton ; James married Malissa
(JJlemens ; George married IMary Warrick; Jonas married Eli-
zabeth Hill (my informant) ; Caleb married Elizabeth Patter-
-on ; John died single in his thirty-fifth year. The children
■){ Jonas Ely, Jr. and Elizabeth Hill his wife, are William Hill,
Jonas, Belle, Avho married J. M. Funk ; William married Mattie
Loar ; Jonas married Alice Sanders.
Smiths. — Leaving the house of Mr. Ely, I persucd my way
across the second bridge to the house of llev. Thomas B.
Smith, from whom I obtained the following facts in reference
to this one branch of the numerous family of Smiths : Thos.
Smith immigrated from near Chambcrsburg, Pa., about 178!!.
His wife Avas INIary Williams. Their first settlement was oii
Smith Creek, and from their cabiu homo they Avere often
compelled to flee and take refuge in Fort Jackson. Hei-e thc^y
raised a large family, several living to a great age. Thenamca
of tlieir sons Avere John, I^azil, Vincent, Natlianiel, Thomas
and Hugh. Their daughter Martha never married; Hannah
niai-ried Thomas Porter ; Olive married Thomas Kent ; Mary
remains single ; Sarah married James Smith (no relation) ; Jno.
married Jane Hamilton, and died at the age of ninety-two
years ; Bazil married Elizabeth Staggers, and died at eighty-
eight years of age ; Vincent married Elizabeth Bell, and still
lives in Jackson Township in the ninety-second j^earof his age.
N"athaniel married Lydia Smith, and died in the seventy-eight
year of his age. Thomas married Catharine Johnston and
(lied at about fifty years of age. Hugh never married, and
died in the eighty-seventh year of his age; Sarah is still living
and is near eighty-seven years old. The sons of Vincent were
John, Hiram, Jason, Hng-h, Josiah and Thomas B. '''ny infor-
mant). Of the davTghters Eliza remained sing-Ie ; Sarah is dead;
IMargai-et is still single ; Mary married William Kent and is
(load. The children of Rev. Thos. B. are Corbly Vincent, wha
ii'.arried Agnes Oi-ndoff ; Sarah C. married Porter Lough ; El
miradeclines telling whom she intends to marry and consequent-
ly she and her brothers — Morton G., John C, Melvin O., and
liiimer C. — still remain with their parent'^, and are now busily
ejigaged in building an elegant new house. The mother of
these children Avas Miss Mary Fordyce, a niece of old Justus
Forilyce, a man whom I have often seen nearly fifty years ago.
as he passed along through Fayette county following the nu-
merous di'oves of fine stock that he was accustomed to pur-
chase and drive. Her sisters were Eliza A., Elizabeth, Henri-
etta, Jane and Sarah Ellen. Her brothers were Garrard, Joab
B,, John J., Corbly, Homer C. and Joseph B. I now persued
my way up the South Fork of Tenmile creek, called at the old
Buchanan farm, but finding no one to give me information, I
Avnlked on until I reached the new house occupied by Charle.s
Adamson. This buililiMg is said to be almost in the center of
the county, botli in its length and width, not deviating forty
rods cither "way. Young Adainson referred me to his father
as being much more captdjle of infoi'ming me. A walkof threc=
fourths of a mile brought mo to tie old homestead where I
obtained the following :
TiiK Adamsox Family. — Tlioma«! Adamson was of English
■descent, was raised near Philadelphia, removed to Greene county
.about 1787, His first scttlcmeut was on the farm on which
Samuel Braden, son of Judge Eraden, now resides. His wife
was Miss Eagon. Their children were John, James, Bar-
net, Joseph, Charles and Josiah. The daughters were Mary,
who married Mr. Gary; Gassandiia, who married Uriali
Eagon ; Sarah married Jesse Eice ; Debba married Samuel
Mickle. John married a Smith ; James married a Smith ; Jo-
seph concluding his brothers had done Avell, also married a
Smith. My informant had forgotten the christian names oi
these three ladies. Gharles married Sarah Hatfield and Josiah
married Elizabeth Hatfield. The sons of Charles were Thomas,
Stephen II. John, Enos,'' Smith and James. The daughter-;
were Elizabeth, Letta, Sarah Ann, Stephen II., my informant,
married ^Mary Grouse. His sons were James and Charles.
The former resides with his father, while Charles lives throe-
fourths of a mile l>elow at the centci' of the county.
The Church Faaiily. — About noon I arrived at the hospli;:-
ble home of John Church., near Rogersville, Avhere I was treated
to a good dinner, for which I had a good appetite, from the
fact that I had walked all the way from Waynesburg i1:.jt
morning and helped to extinguish a fire in a burping house
at the old town of Clinton through Avhich I passed. After
dinner I was permitied to coj)y one of the most remarkable
records that I have yet met with, which is as follows : '■ITor.-
ry Church was born in 1779. He came to Greene county while
yet a small boy, and lived almost all his manhood days on iho
'iame tract of land now owned and occupied by Lis son John.
The next name on tins record is Jane Arclier, tlie first wife
.■>f old Mr. Church, whose ancestors had almost all been slaugh-
tered by the merciless Indians — born February 20, 1778. The
aext name is Sarah Rinehart, the second wife, born December
15, 1786 ; Jane Church, March 22, 1797 : Elizabeth Church,
rVugust 17, 1799 ; George Church, born October 5, 1801 ; Jane
Gliurch, born October 8, 1803 ; Henry Church, born January
9. 1805; Sarah Church, born May 22, 1807; Elijah Church,
!>oru August 20, 1809; Elisha Church, born August 22, 1809.
These boys were evidently twins, and were named for the two
famous old Projdiets. Jesse Cluu'ch was born August lo,
1812. Nancy Church was born March 11, 181C. These per-
^0!!S v/ere brothers, sisters, wives, and children, of old Henry
nnd his first wife, Jane Archer. The children of this saufe
old man, by his second wife, Sarah Einehart, M^cie as follows:
Ruth, born January 18,1818 ; William, born December 5, 1819:
Rinehart B., born March 29, 1821 ; Delila, born July 9, 1824 :
John Church, born November 21, 1826 ; Elizabeth, August 2,
1831. The wife of John Church was Miss Elizabeth Fordyco,
who furnished Rev. S. Young and myself with a good dinner,
after which Ave started out in search of the history of the town
of Rogersville, which is about as follows: John Ilodgers pur-
chased the mill in the year 1835. The lots were part of the
large tract of land which Henry Church owned and formerly
belonged to John Craig. The building commenced in 1815.
Alexander Black and Hiram Black, purchased lots nos. 1 and
2, fi'om Henry Church during his life time. Zadok Gordon,
pui'chased the first lot sold by the widow. It now contains
two stores, one cabinet shop and undertaker establishment, one
planing mill, one saw mill and one grist mill, one smith shop
and one carriage shop. A magnificent bridge, built of iron, spans
the entire creek without a pier. Near the upper end of the
town stands a neat, tasty church, belonging to the Protestant
Methodist denom'.nation. This house was built in the year
1874. But the organization of the society was affected about
1837. The officiating Ministers at the organization were Peter
T. Lashlie and John Clark. The succeeding Ministers were
James Hopwood, William Munhall. Revs. Sutton, Curry, Lucas
and Young, have at different times ministered to this peopI<\
Widow Naxcv Throckmorton. — I left the house of Joli!;
Church in company with Rev. Young, who kindly furnished
me a seat in his buggy. After driving one mile we came to
the residence of the late Samuel Throckmorton, who was
killed by lightning on the 28th of July, 1881. The circum-
stances were about these : He and four of his sons were
busily engaged in the harvest lield. Near noon a cloud was
seen rising, but no danger was apprehended until the big-
drops began to fall, when all parties started for the house.
The old man inserted his fork in a. bunch of hay and lifted it
on his shoulder as a protectiou against the rain. He had
reached the brow of a small bluff over against his lioiise, when
suddenly the whole heavens seemed on tire and a most terrific
peal of thunder for the time lieing stunned all parties, who on
recovering discovered that their iiumber had been depleted by
one. The electric shaft had descended in the immediate vicin-
ity of Mr. Throckmorton, when the steel tines of the fork,
,icting as a conductor, conveyed the electric fluid to his bod)'.
Death seems to have been instantaneous. Great was the sor- ^
row over this bereavement, and great Avas the concourse of
people at the funeral on the following Sabbath day, when thf
widow and eight children followed ilie co)-pR(; to its last resting
place in Greene Mount Cemetei-y. Rev. W. D. Slease an<s
Rev. G. H. Huffman of the IMctij*"!!.-*;. chnrcb and Dr. Frascr
of the Presbyterian church, oflicMated at his funeral. The sui-
tivors of hU family are as follows : yir^. "NTanov Throckmorto:;
is a daughter of Joliu llees, deceased. Her marriage took
place on the 25 th of July, 1845 ; EHzabeth is the wife of Jas.
Hmith. She was born May 3, 1847 ; Margaret is the wife of
Morgan Ross, and was born April 29, 1849 ; William Spencer
married Amanda Cross, and was born Nov. 10, 1851 ; John
Rees was born September 29, 1854 ; Samuel James married
Carrie lams, was born October 16,185G. Thomas Morf or d was
))orn Oct. 6, 1858 ; Albert Brownson was born September 17.
1860 ; Charles was born March 8, 1862. Leaving the house of
Mrs. Throckmorton, we persueJ oiu' way up the South Fork,
-tlirough Entail, of which I propose to give a more par-
ticular account hereafter. We stopped at the house of Acke-
^on Ross, who was not at home, and consequently, I received
11,0 history here. Finally, we arrived at the house of William
S. Carter, who is a son of John Carter, a native of Scotland,
who immigrated to America some sixty years ago and settled in
"iV'ashington county. Pa., came to Greene count}'- many years
ugo. The brothers of John were .Tames and Andrew. Their
sisters were Ellen, Margaret and Agness. John married Han-
nah Shearer ; Margaret married John Allison ; Agness mar-
A'ied David G. Braddock, while James, Andrew and Ellen re-
mained single. The sons of John Carter were John Whittim,
' Vndrew, William Shearer and James Hem-y (young). The
daughters were Violet, Mary and Hannah Jane. John Whit-
tim, Andrew and Hannah Jane died young. William Shear-
er married Louisa J. Porter, daughter of Dr. Porter, dec'd.
Mary marrietl M. Crow Braddock, James Henry married
Anna Jewel, while Violet still remains single. The children
of Margaret Allison were Hugh, Violet, John C, and Andrew.
The cliildren of Agness Braddock are Violet C, By3;on M. and
John C. Byron M. married Adda C. lams ; John C. married
Bell Eugene Alley ; Violet still remains single. William S.'-^.
children nrc Wm. P.. ^^l.irN Tv.ifin- (Kr.t-V J.S.,.Ja^. and Carlir-.
iiiSTOUY OF <;ui:knk «joi:nty. 2<o
Braddocks. — A short distance below John Carter's, on CraS
Apple Uiin, has long resided David G. Braddock, Avho was
bom on the 9th of May, 1807. His first wife was Susan Crow,
a neiee of those unfortunate girls who were slain by the Indi-
ans. The children of this couple were Frank, Nancy, M. Crow.
Newton, Anna, David, Margaret, and Jacob. Frank married
Mariah J. Porter. Their children are Evaline and Franlv
Sherman. Nancy died in the 19th year of her age. Crow
married Mary Carter. Their only child was '-Jen" V. Ne^v■-
ton married Jane Burns. Their children are Lizzie N. and
David G. Anna married W. S. Rickey. Their children were
Sadie E. and Dora. David married Lou Henderson. Their child
is Joseph Harvey. Margaret died in the lOth year of her age.
,'acob married Margaret Cook. Their child is Laura.
DuuBixs. — About one and a- half miles below David
Braddock's for many long years has resided the family of the /
Durbins. The original settlers consisted of four men, viz:
Stephen, Edward, Thomas and Benjnmin. The children of
Stephen were Joseph, Andrew and Stephen. Jr.; also two
daughters, Mariah and Sarah Jane. Edward manied IVIatiida
Finch. Their children were Lucy and Ellen. Thomas married
Hannah HughoH. Their children were Jaiocs, Thomas, Lucy
and Hester Jane. Benjamin married Nancy Parnel. Their
children were Thomas, Benjamin, Jane, Tluth, Salh^ Amy,
Polly, Nancy and Betty. Joseph (of Steplien) married Polly
Durbin, his cousin. Their children were Lucinda, Nancy Jane,
Lindsey, James, Sally and Belle. Andrew (of Stephen) married
^IMartha Bane. Their children were David, Andrew, Frank,
and Lib. Stcjdien (of Stephen) married Nancy Throckmorton.
I{o was killed by a burning tree falling on him. Their chil-
dren were Jane and INIary. Mariah remained single. Sarali
Jane married Enos Gillctt. Lucy (of Edward) remained single,
so far as is known. I'^Jlcn manied .Afr. .Vslibrnok. Boniamin
(of Thomas) married Polly Dinsmore. Their children were
Mary Ann, J. Harvey, Elizabeth Jane, Thomas, William
and Ackison. James (of Thomas) married Lucretia Nuce.
Their children were George, Oliver, Alonzo, James, Frank,
Thomas, Leoline, Jefferson and Willis. Thomas (of Thomas)
married Cassy Pettit. Their children were Hughes, Jane,
Hannah Ann, et al. Lucy (of Thomas) married George Rail,
Their children were Thomas, Samuel, Hannah, Cassy, James,
William, Benjamin, David, Mary Jane, George et al. Hester
Jane remain single.
Lazears. — Decending Crabapple run a short distance fur-
ther we arrive at the old Leazer farm which was so long occu-
jiied by Thomas Leazer, Esq., who acted as Justice of the
Peace for qviite a number of years, and united in marriago
;;)ore couples than any other person in this section of the county.
Kis children were Gen. Jesse, of whom I have already written
-everal things and whose history is so well known to the peo-
;»h^,of this county that any addition here must needs be regarded
as a superfluity. Frank who married Mary Crow — another
niece of those murdered girls who were the victims of savage
cruelty. Their children were Jesse, Jr., Nancy, William,
-Michael, John McClusky and Mary. Jesse, Jr., married Alice
Throckmorton, sister of Dr. William. Their children were
ALary, Fanny and William, Nancy married John Throckmor-
ion. Their children, when they removed west, were Thomas
and Frank ; the names of the remainder are not known. Will'
iam married Nancy Jacobs, but had no children. Michael
went to Sacramento Valley, Cal.; John McClusky died while
single ; Mary married Porter McNay, and they have several chil-
dren, whose names I could not learn. Sally married Matthew
Gray. Their children were Hannah, Thomas, Ellis, John, Lib,
Leander and Fanny. Hannah married William Laughridge.
Thomas married Hannah Barnhart. Ellis died single. John
■went "West yet single. Lib married William Phillips. The
names of some of their children were Sadie and Maiy. Lean-
der and Fanny went west while single.
Dark Day. — On the 27th of October, 1882, it was so dark in
some parts of Greene county, from 1 to 4 o'clock, p. At., that
lamps were lighted and chickens went to roost. Some persons
were alarmed, but it was only those who had not been living
right. Such things have previously occurred, viz: on the 21st
of October, 1761, October 19th, 1762, and May 19, 1780.
J. S. Hertig. — While walking the streets in Waynesburg on
the morning of November 2, 1882, my attention Avas attracted
by the sign "J. S. Hertig, Dentist." I entered the building
•and was surprised to find myself recognized and called by
name by a man whose ancestors I had known in Fayette coun-
13% near half a century ago. His father, John G. Hertig. was
•I native of France, and emigrated to America in the year 182^.
Free schools had no existence in the State of Pennsylvania at
that day, and as Mr. Hertig was a very fine scholai-. ho wa>^
almost immediately engaged as a school teacher in George >=
township, Fayette county. Pa. (This township derived its
name from Col. George Wilson, grand-father of Lawrenco
Minor, Esq.. of Waynesburg). Here Mr. Ilertig became a
kind of stereotyped instructor. He Avas also an ardent poli-
tician on the Democratic side. I heard him make, several
speeches in 1840 in opposition to "Tipecanoe and Tyiei" too. '
His wife was Miss N. S. Showalter, daughter of Jnse])h Show-
alter, from whom the "Waynesburg dentist lakes liis name. J. S.
Hertig came to "Waynesburg in 1867 where he h.as boon very
successful in his profession, with one single drawback on his
happiness, namely, that his wife has been an invalid for aboni
fourteen years. This lady is a daughter of WilHain Scott, of
Morris' Cross Roads, Fayette county, Pa. This fan:ily I was
acquainted with tliirty years ago.
278 TiisTOT^Y OF <;t:ki:nk cottxty.
Commission Dopket. — Throngli the kindness of W. W. Pat-
terson, the present Register of Greene county, I was put in
possession of the old Commission docket, in which I find the
following conmiissions :
1. To Jolm Boreman and John Minor, nutliori/ing tliem to
administer oaths of allegiance and office. This commission is
. granted by Thomas Mifflin, Governor of Pennsylvania, and
countersigned by A. J. Dallas, &ecrulejy oi" ilie Common wealth;
and dated March 17, 170G.
2. The Bond of John Boreman for sixteen hundred pounds-
sterling, to which is attached the names of James Carmichael,
• William Crawford and Charles Anderson, dated April 23, 1700.
3. A commission from the same source authorizing -Jolm
Boreman to act as Clerk of the Cc-rt z' Cz.::::.- Tliz.r, 1" j.l:
of Court of Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer. Also. IvV'-
'•onler of wills and granting letters of administration and
I't'corder of deeds.
4. A Commission to John Minor, from Thomas MitHin. an-
tlioiizing Minor to act as Associate Judge in the county o(
<ircene. This commission was recorded on the 13th day of
•Tuly, 1796, at which date Judge Minor was sworn into oilice by
John Boreman, Prothonotar y .
."). A commission from the same source to John Flenniken,
appointing him Associate Judge, dated at Philadeli:»hia, March
17. 1790. This man was sworn into office on the 13th of July,
1790, by John Boreman, Prothonotary.
0. A commission to John Badolet, authorizing him to act as
one of the Associate Judges in the county. This commission
was examined and approved and Mr. Badolet inducted into tlie
office on the 23d of April, 1790, by John Boreman and John
7. On the 9Qi day of March, 1790, a commission is granted
to Thomas Sedgwick as Justice of the Peace. This commis-
insTonv OK onF.r.xK pot-xtv,
sion is signcrl hj Governor Thomas ]MifHiii on the '21st day of
March, 179G: sworn in on the IHth of July, 1796.
9. On the 9th of Marcli, 1700, a commission was granted to
William Lee as a Justice of the Peace. This m.an took the
oath of fidelity to su])port the constitution of the United States
and of the State of rcnnsylvania, before John Boreman and
John Minor, on the 13th of July, 1796.
10. A commission was gi-anted on the KJlh of Apiil, 1796,
to William Soaton, authorizing him to act as Justice of the
Peace, and he was inducted into office on the 2d day of August
of the same year.
The first deed put on record in Greene county is dated July
■J.>. 1796, and is between John Holton and Lydia his wife, of
C'luuherland towu-hi}) and Abraham Scott of Greene townslii]!,
ior a tract of land which was ]>atented on the oth of A[)rii
1 796, and named "Ilolton's Pleasant," situated on the waters
1. J" Little AVhiteley, containing 397f acres, with common allow-
iinc. The coiisidciation money mentioned is two hundred
and eighty ouiids, Pennsylvania currency. This deed is ac-
knowledged before Sajiuicl Hyde, on the 25th day of July,
1 796, and is recorded on t'lc 3d of August of the s.amc year by
.'olin Ijoieman.
The iirst IMorlgage admitted to record in this county is dated
August 13, 1796, and is between James Farney, of Cumber-
land towiiGlii[) and Alexander Jamison of the same place. It
is given to secure the pnyment of twenty i)Ound.s, "good mo-
ney." The amount of land covered by the mcilgagc is five
and one-half aei'cs.
Througli tl'.e kindness of .T. C. Garrard, who is at present
Clerk of the Court, and who is also a groat -gi and son of Kev.
Corbley, whose family was slaughtered by the Indians in 1782,
I was put in possession of the old records of the Orphans"
Court, in which I find tlie folIowin<x, viz:
280 HISTORY OF guki:kk countv.
An Orphans' Court was held at the house of Jacob Kline on
Muddy creek', in and for the county of Greene, on the 2d day
of January, 1797, before Hon. Alexander Addison, Esq. and
his Associates. "No proceedings." These associates were
John Minor and John Flenniken. Another term of the Or-
])hans" Court was held at the same place on the 3d day of
-\pril, 1707 before the same Judges at which the following bu-
siness was transacted, viz : On petition of Betty Carmichael,
Administratrix and Samuel Hyde Administrator of the estate
of James Carmichael, dec'd, setting forth that the said James
Carmichael in his life time, laid out a town on the Avaters of
Muddy creek in Cumberland township, in the count}' of Greene.
A number of the lots in the town have been sold, but many
yet remain undisp)0sed of. The petitioners therefore p>ray the
Court to order the sale of the reiuaining lots, and among other
reasons they state that there is nut sufficient i)ersonal estate
to pay all the debts and educate the children of the intestate,
ccc. The Court ordered the sale. The same Judges presided
in all the Courts held at the house of Jacob Kline, and also at
t he old log Court house in Waynesljurg until the si>;th day of
September, 1802, when Judge Addison seems to have iield
Ids last Court.
On the 4th of March, 1803, an Or))]ians' Court was held which
was presided over by John Minor and the other Associates.
On the 6th day of June, 1803. an Orphans" Coxu't was held in
Waynesburg, when I find the name of Hon. Samuel Roberts
api)earing for the ilrst time as the second Law Judge of this
Judicial District. Part of the business of tliis session was
hearing the petition of William Thomas, a minor, asking the
Court to appoint Martha Vanmeter (his grand- mother) Ids
guardian. This woman was then the widow of Henry Vanmeter,
deceased. Part of the business transacted at the session of
the Orphans' Court held on the .')th of December. 1803, -\\ as
acting on the petition of William Seaton praying the Court to
appoint some proper person as guardian of Margaret E. Car-
michael and William S. Carmiciiael, minor children of James
Carraichael, deceased, "whereupon the Court appointed William
Seaton and Josias Lowrie, said guardians. An Orphans'
Court was held on the 27ih of Januarj'^, 1812, which was pre-
sided over by John Minor and David Gray. Judge lloberts
presided in all the Courts of Greene county, up to the fourtli.
I\Londay of August, 1818, when agreeably to the record, his
last Court here was held, for on the 21st day of December,
1818, the name of Hon. Thomas H. Baird appears for the first
lime as a law Judge in the records of Greene county. Tliis
jnan I have often seen in Uniontown when I was quite a hoy,
but his image is yet before the eye of my mind, as well as his
quick nervous voice as he delivered his charge to a jury. Tlie
old voluran ends with June term, 1832, leaving Judge i^aird
still on the bench. He was a son of Dr. Absolem Baird, a
prominent citizen of the town of Washington m the early p.si t
of this century.
Thus far, June 20, 1831, these old records have been kept
by W. T. Hays, Esq.
PuEsioEXT JuDGKs. — Hon. Alexander Addison was aj.poiut-
ed on the 22d of September, 1791, as law Judge in the district
enibriuin^- the counties of Washington, Fayette, Westmorland
and Allegheny. When Greene county was erected, in 179G, his
prerogratives were enlarged, so as to include the Courts of this
county, during the first seven years of its existence. On tlio
2d day of June, 1803, Hon. Samuel Eoberts was appointed in
the district composed of the counties of Washington, Fayette
Greene and Beaver. This position was held by him until the
appointment of his succsssor, Hon. Tho mas II. Baird, on the
19th of October, 1818. The lines of tlie Judicial district were
again changed so that Judge Baird ]>rcsidcd over the counties
of Washington. Greene, Fayette and Somcrsst, nntil superceded
by Hon. Natlianiel Evving of Uniontown, avIio was appointed
on the 28th of February, 1838, over tbe district composed of
the counties of Washington, Fayette and Greene. All these
President Judges, as well as their numerous Associates, held
their positions under the Constitution of September 2d, 1790,
previous to which time justice bad been administered by men
not graduated in law wiio discharged their duties under the
provisions of the Constitution of .Se2:)teniber 28, 1776. Among
the presiding Justices I find the names of Hon. Henry Taylor
and Hon. Dorsey Penticost. The new Constitution of 1838
provided that one-half of the commissions of those Judges
who had held oflicc for ten j-ears previous to its adoption*
should expire on tlie 27th of Februr.ry, 1839. As Judge E\v-
ing had only just cntci'cd upon the duties of his ofiice at the
lime the Constitution came into ojioratiou, its provisions did
not affect his CDuunission and ho held over until February,
1848. These two Judges, Baird and Ewing, I have often
seen. The constitution of 1838 affected a radical chnnge in
the mode of seating Judges on the bench. Previous to that
time the Judiciary luid been considered above and independent
of tlie peo})le. But now the offices wore taken out of the hands
of the Governor, and he was restrained from commissioning
any Judge who had not previously been elected by the ballots
of the voters of the district over wliich he was to preside.
Under this arrangement, Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore, prcAdously
of Butler county, was commissioned on the 28th of February,
1848 ; was reelected on the 11th of October, 1851, and com-
missioned for ten j^cars. At the expiration of this time, on the
nth day of October. 1861, Hon. James Lindsey, one of Greene
county's own sons, was elevated to this joosition the duties of
which he discharged to the admiration of not only the
citizens of his own nalixo (•.lnnt^ . Init .-ilso of those of th*^
otlier counties of the district, Fayette and Washington. But
although only a young man in the prime of life he suddenly
sickened and died after having filled the position a little over
three years. On the 9th of January, 1865, Hon. J. Kennedy
Ewing, of Uniontown, was commissioned and held a few Courts
in the counties of "Washington, Greene and Fayette, then
composing the Judicial district, from which Washington
county was taken off, and in 1806 was connected with Beaver
county under the Presidency of their Honors B. B. Chamber-
lain, Alex. W. Achesonand George S. Hart. On the 17th of
i^ecember, 1874, Hon. A. E. Willson, of Fayette county, wa^
constitutedPrcsident Judge in all the Courts of Greene count}',
which position he still tills at this writing, near the close of
1 882, with dignity and integrity.
Associate Judges. — AUhough the territory now constitu-
liiig Greene county, was created as an intrcgal part of Wash-
ington county, in 1781, yet no Associate Judges seem to have
')een commissioned for about ten years, when as though to
make amends for lost time, four were created on the same day,
April 16, 1791, when Henry Taylor, James Edgar, James Alli-
son and Matthc^w Piitcliie, were appointed to this j)Osition, and
consequently up to 1796, belonged to this part of the united
i-ounty as much as the other. John Minor and John Flenni-
ken were the two persons who occupied this position, first in
the new county. Soon cAtev this the name of John Badolet
makes his a,p[iOii;ancc; on llio records. In the minutes of the
Orphans' Court I !in(l ti;e iitiino of David Gray. Esq., appear-
ing for the tiist time as an Associate Judge, on the 27th of
January, 1812. The pic:;cnt Associate Judges are Hon. Silas
Barnes and Hon. Jesse PhilHi)s.
Among the prominent sons of Greene county who have risen
from obscurity to notoriety, under forbid ding circumstances'
few were more so tliau Avtlmr Itiolnam Borcman, wlio wn»
284 nisTOT^Y OF grkfai: coirxTY.
born in an old log cabin near the old Court house on tlie corner
of Greeu street and Whiskey alley in Waynesburg. This man
is a son of John Boreman, who was conaniissloned by Governor
Mifflin, in 1796, as Prothonotary, Register and Recorder.
This young man studied law and became a leading member of
the bar at Parkersbnrg, West Virginia : was elected to a seat
in the Virginia Legislature previous to the war ; was present
when the preliminary discussions with regard to secession
arose, in which he took an active part. He was President of
the convention that consumated the Act of Separation of West
Virginia from the old parent State. Of this new State lie was
elected Governor in 1863. Tliese statements I have from Rev.
Young who has for several years past been a renident of that
A CoLLECLiox ov Oli) Mex. — I find it stated in a late nuii<-
her of the Waynesburg McssenQcr, over the signature of A. Pat-
■Lon (who I suppose is the State Senator elect), that ou the
9th of November, 1882, Abraham Burson celebrated his eighty-
eighth birtli day on the same farm on which he was born, be-
ing the same locality on which his father Edward Burson set-
tlced over one hundred years ago, and where' he raised a fam-
ily of eleven children, all of whom are dead except Abraham.
On the above named day twelve old men, several of wlion;.
were octogeiiarions, were present, their names and ages being
as follows : Abiaham Burson, 88; Benjamin Craft, 86 ; D.-u.i-
iel Turner, 82 ; Perry Bayard, 81 : Ruben Teagarden, 7G; J as.
Shannon Kerr, 74; Jas. C. Hawkins, 74; Jacob Sliape, 7-J :
Thomas Ross, 72 : Samuel Bnrr, 70 : Cejihas Caiy, 70, and
Edward Burson, 69. How many things connected with such
an assemblage of old men may be considered both painful and
pleasing. How pleasing to think that twelve men, who have
lived neighbors for four-score years, are permitted once more to
meet amidst such pletsa-it, >urronnding-;. What comjiarisoiis
would those oltl veterans institute between the sumptuous din-
ner to which they sat down on this occasion and the plain
homely meals to which they were accustomed 70 yeai's ago.
15 lit how painful on the contrary to reflect that in all probabil-
ity this was their last earthly meeting ; and how painful and
lonely the feeling, that of the companions of their youth nearly
all are gone — they might well have engaged in singing as a
parting hymn,
"We a little longer wait,
But how little none can know.
Members of Congress. — Albert Galatin seems to have been
the first man who represented Greene county in the National
Legislature, to which position he was elected in 1798 ; the dis-
trict being then composed of the counties of Allegheny, Wash-
ington and Greene. In 1801 Wm. Hoge was elected to repre-
sent Greene, Allegheny, Washington and Crawford counties.
The district was then altered and Washington and Greene coun-
ties were separated until 18.'^2, -when John L. Dawson was
elected as Representative for ±'''ayette, Greene and Washing-
ton. In 18o-i Jonathan Knight represented the same district
in Congress. In 1856 William Montgomeiy was sent to the cap-
ital as the Representative from the same district composed of
Washington, Greene and Fayette counties. In 18G0 Jesse
Lazeav, one of Greene count}' 's own sons, became her Repre-
sentative in the halls of Congress. He also represented Fay-
ette and Washington counties. The district was again changed
so as to embrace Washington, Greene, Beaver and Lawrence
counties. George V. Lawrence was elected in 1864 to repre-
sent this new district. In 1868 J. B. Donley, another of
Greene county's sons, was selected as the representative of
the same counties. Morgan R. Wise represented this district
in Congress in the sessions of 1875 — 6. This man "was born
in Greene county, June 7, 1830; graduated at Waynesburg
College in 1856. is :u ])rcsont engaged in farming and genera]
business." Jacob Turner represented the twenty-first district
in tlie 45tb Congress in the years 1877 — 8. Charles E. Bo/lc
was elected Nov. 7, 1882.
So3iE OF THE Members of the State Legislature. — Greene
county is at present (1882) j^art of the fourteenth Judicial
district, composed of Fayette and Greene. She is also a part
of the fortieth Senatorial district, composed of the same coun-
ties. She is also a part of the twenty-first Congressional dis-
trict, composed of Westmorland, Greene and Fayette counties.
Some of the men avIio have represented her in the State Leg-
islature are as follows : John Flenniken and John Minor were
among the very fi.rst men who rejiresented this county af tei-
its erection, the latter had, as a representative of the united
county, taken a very active part in securing the separation of
this from the western portion of the original county of Wash-
ington. Maxwell McCaslin was a member of the State Sen-
iite about the middle of the nineteenth century, i have often
Kcen this man, and as he was one of those poor boys who rose
up from obscurity, I will furnish a s ketch of his history near
the close of this volumn. James W. Hays was a member of
vhe Senate at a later day. He was born in Waynesburg on
"lie 2lst day of December, 1817; educated in the common
•Schools; learned the profession of editor; was collector of
tolls on the Pennsylvania canal in 1850; and is at present en-
gaged in merchandising at Graysville, Pa. Among the mem-
bers of the House of Representatives in 1878, I find the name
(<f Morgan R. Wise, who was at a later day a member of Con-
gress. On the 7th of November, 1882, Dr. A. Patton was
elected to the State Sanate, and Andrew Lantz as representa-
tive in the lower house of the Legislature.
Old Messengers. — In c6nnectic=n with the history of newH-
papci'g I v/isli to insert, si least a sjncpsis, of the news con-
tained m two copies of this ^•enorabio journal ; one is dated
niSTOTiv Of onF.EXK corxTT. 2ST
June 27, 1829, the other May 27, 1830. The first wr- loaned
me by j\Ir. John Conkcy wlio still resides in Richhill township,
and is now in the U 1th year of Ills age. The fii'st article on uie
lirst jiagas of this old iiajier is a notice to the "Liberty and
Dunkard Hangers,"' calling on them to parade at the house of
Jacob Kuhn, in Wayne township, on the 4th of Jnly, 1829, pre-
L-isely at 10 o'clock. Signed John Mehen, O. S. By order of
Samuel White, Captain. The second, article is a notice from
Richard Fiirniun, Adiii"r of the estate of David. Rumble, no-
lifying all persons interested to meet at the house of the de-
;cased in Dunkard township, Friday, July 24, 1829. Next
George Kenny offers a reward of twenty dollars for the arrest
of a certain Simon Johnson, who, not having the fear of the
law before his eyes, had broken away from the constable of
Wliiteley township. The fourth article states that Nathaniel
Jennings still continues to card avooI at his old mill where a
;;'ood quality of rolls will be found at the following prices :
L'')mniou wool for four cents, if the money is paid down, if not
]>: il in si.Y months, five cents per pound will be demanded;
i; [)aid in the yeai, one '"fip" per pound Avill settle the bill ; if
uoL }»aid until after the expiration of the yeai*, eight cents per
I'ound will be charged. In order to encourage prompt pay-
I'leiit Mr. Jennings piojoses to take wheat, rye, corn, flax seed,
Sec. He doer; not inform the public where his old mill is situated,
i)Ut I ain iufoi'med that it was directly in front of J. A. J,
JJuchanau's residence. The fifth article is entitled "Stray
Cow,' in which Samuel House, of Morgan township, complains
tliat a black muley cow, wuth a white face, has been troubling
liim, and he desires tlje owner to come and take her away. The
sixth is a notice of Thomas Fletcher, William Seals and Solo-
mon Fordyce, stating tliat they had audited the accounts of
Greene Academy on the 19th of May, 1829, and find a balance
ill the l.unds of the trfasurrr tlici-cof of }§2,677.7-l. The sec-
end cokimn is almost exclusively devoted to a proposal made
by J. Baker and J. Morris for publishing a book entitled "A
Revelation of Rights," written in Greene county, by Elias E.
Ellmaker, Esq., in the year 1809. The contents of this book
are as follows : 1st, On the proper study of man and his orig-
inal rights ; 2d, of society and the natural and unnatural state
of man ; 3d, of government in general ; 4th, of political and
civil liberty ; 5th, of the form and administration of govern-
ment ; 6th, of criminal law ; 7th, of slavery ; 8th, miscellaneous
reflections on the alteration of our system of government ; 9tli,
address to the citizens of the world. At the foot of tliis
column is an advertisement of the pHper called the Pennsylva-
nia Reporter, a Democratic journal published at Harrisburg by
Stambaugh, Welsh & Co. The editor of the Mesesnger gives
notice that he will receive subscriptions for the above jmper at
111 3 office in Waynesburg, and in order to accommodate himself
u the times and scarcity of money, he proposes to take wJioat
»ud bacon in payment of any debts due at his office. At ilie
t ead of the 3d column Hugh Workman notifies the public ti-at
he has erected a new tan house on Greene street, near i»J r.
1 saac Slater's, where he proposes to furnish all kinds of leatiie;
lor cash, or tan all kinds of skins on the shares. He also wishes
all persons that know themselves indebted to him to make im-
mediate payment and save costs, as further indulgence cannot
be given. Just below is a notice of the old "Colonization So-
ciety," stating that the churches generally propose taking up
collections on the Sabbath immediately preceding the 4tli of
July each year to aid this society. This statement is made on
the authority of the National Intelligencer. The next is a com-
munication dated Providence, R. I., May 29th, 1829, in wliich
the correspondent mentions as a matter of surprise that a cargo
of cotton goods lias been shipped faom that part to Canton,
China, whii^h -^v ss v -.c^-^ ;. 1 om advantageous terms for a car-
go of tea which was broui^ht back by the ship Pavthiam. At
the foot of this column is a piece entitled ••Fraud,"' giving an
account of a rascal in Albany, wlio gave liis note to another
man, writing his name with spittle and sprinkling black sand
over it. When the spittle became dry, the snnd rubbed otF,
aud the name was invisible. Verily there were villians in tho«o
days as now. We now ccme to a communication from C.
Minor in defence of Free Masonry. Tiiis article and the edi-
torial notes attached to it, fills five and a-half columns of this
little old paper which measures thirteen inches wide by nine-
teen inches long. On the last page of this paper is another
article taken from the Ontario Messenger dated May 25, 1829,
entitled "The Morgan Conspiracy." In these two articles wo
find the germ of •'Anti-Masonry,'' which was at that time just
beginning to make its appearance as a jDolitical element which
caused the defeat of George Wolf and the election of Joseph
IJitnerin 183o. And from the history of political parties with-
in the bounds of ray own recollection which extends back ag
^ar as 1828 when Gen. Jackson was first elected, I think \vc
learn one lesson, which is, that the American jieople demand
some living issue. Thus in 1828 and 1832 it was bank or no
bank; in 1835-38, Masonry or Anti-Masonry; in 1840, tariff or
no tariff; in 1844, when tlie Texas question of annexation was
agitated, it Avas Texas or no Texas : then in 1860 the all absorb-
ing question, slavery or no slavery. Now I want the readers
of my history to understand that I am neither a prophet nor
the son of a prophet, but as coming events cast their shadows
before them, so I think I see that the next issue will be whiskv
or no whisky. But to return to the contents of the old paper.
The article on the Morgan Conspiracy is exceedingly interest-
ing and revives in my memory many tilings about the Morgan
abduction and nuirder that I heard talketl about when I was a
boy. before I could read.
On the second page I find a letter from Gen. Andrew Jack-
feon to the Creek Indians, dated Milled ge villa. Georgia, May
26j 1829, entitled "Indian Talk," which I will copy la full.
^'Friends and Brethren : By permission of the Great Spirit
above and the voice of the people, I have been made President-
of the United State!?, and now speak to you as your father and
friend, and request you to listen. Your warriors have known
me long. You know I love my white and red children, and
always speak with a straight and not a forked tongue ; that I
have always told you the truth. I now speak to you as my
children in the language of truth. Listen. Your bad men
have made my heart sicken and blead by the murder of one of
my w^hite children in Georgia. Our peaceful mother earth has
'been stained by the blood of the white man, and calls for the
punishment of his murderers whose surrender is now demanded
under the solemn obligations of the treaty which your chiefs
and warriors in council agreed to. To prevent the spilling of
more blood, you must surrender the murderers, and restore the
property they have taken. To preserve peace yon must com-
|)ly with your own treaty. Friends and brothers, listen :
Where you now are, you and white children are too near to
"each other to live in harmony and peace. Your game is de-
stroyed, and many of your people will not work and till the
eai'tll. Beyond the great river Mississippi where a part of
your nation has gone, your Fath( r has promised a country
laro-e enough for you all, and he advises you to remove to it
There your white brother will not trovible you ; they will have
no claim to the land, and you and your children can live upon
it as long as the grass grows or water runs, in peace and plenty.
It will be yours forever. For the improvements in the country
where you now live, and for the stock which you cannot take
with you, your Father will pay you a fair price. In my talk
to you in the Creek Nation many y< ;vs a-o I told von of this
new country where you might be preserved as a great nation,
and where your white brotliers would not disturb you. In that
country your Father, the President, now promises to protect
you and feed you, and to shield you from all encroachments.
Where you now live your white brothers have always claimed
the land. The land beyond the Mississippi belongs to the
President and no one else, and he Avill give it to you forever.
j\ry children listen : The late nuirder of one of my white chil-
dren in Georgia shows that you and they are too near to each
other. These bad men must be delivered up and suffer the
])er.alties of the law for the blood they have shed.
i have sent my agent and your friend, Col. Crowell, to de-
mand the surrender of the murderers and to consult with you
on the subject of your removing to the land I ihave provided
for you west of the Mississippi in order that my white and red
children may live in peace, and that th* land may not be
stained Avitli the blood of my children again. I have instructed
Col. Crowell to speak the truth to you and to assure you that
j-^our Father, the President, av ill deal fairly and justly with you^
:ind whilst he feels a father's love for you, that he advises your
wliole nation to go to the place where he can protect you.
Should any incline to remain and come under the laws of Ala-
bajna. land will be laid off for them and their families in fee.
My children, listen : My white children in Alabama have ex-
tended their laws over your country. If you remain in it, you
must be subject to that law. If you remove across the Missis-
sippi, you will be subject to your oavu laws, and tlie care of
your Father, the President. A'o i will be treated with kindness
and the land will be yours furever. Friends and brethers,
listen : This is a straight and good talk. It is for your nation's
good, and your Father requests you to heai* his counsel,''
Signed, AudrcAV Jackson.
Immodiatelv below thi-' letter I find another letter from John
H. Heaton, Secretary of War, addressed _ to Joseph Ross.
Richard Taylor, Edward Gunter and Wm. S. Coody, delegates
from the Cherokee Nation, in answer to a communication they
had sent to him. But the letter is too long to be transcribed
in full. The next is a notice that Rev. A. Leonard will preach
in the court house to-morrow at 11 o'clock. In the same col-
umn is the announcement that the Independent Blues and
I'ranklin Rangers have appointed the undersigned a commit-
tee of arrangement and invitation to a celebration of the 54th
anniversary of our Independence on the 4th of July, 1829,
:nid is signed by Wm. Baltzell, B. Mahana, I. Hook, J. Hook, J.
Hoge, John Chirk, A. Rinehart, Jesse Kent, Hugh Workman.
In the next article the editor expresses his regret that Col.
DeWitt Clinton had resigned his position, Engineer on the Ju-
niata Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, which our old readers
w ill recollect ■wa'^at that date being brought into existence.
Just below is a short extract from the '■'■Franklin Repository,^''
m which he refers to the article of Hon. Charles Minor, m de-
fense of Free Masonry. His article represents Mr. Minor as
the senior editor of the Villiage Record, and a membei' of
Congress. I find by reference to SnuiU's Legislative Hand
Book, that Charles Minor was a member of the 19th and 20th
Congresses. This statement is found ni the same column:
Rumor cannot always be relied on — it nevertheless states that
Amos Ehnaker, Esq., will be taken up as the anti-masonic can-
didate for Governor at the convention in Harrisburg next week.
.So mote it be. — Carlisle Volunteer. Another little piece of
news is that "a letter received in Borton, dated Smyrna, April
4, 1829, states that the Russians have taken possession of
Messervia to the north of lioui-gas, and Sizi boli to the south-
ward, and are fortifying both } daces. The next article is en-
titled "Meeting of Fieemen," in Ileidleburg township, Berks
county, at which the following was passed, one hundred and
iiisTOiiY OK GJa:r.xK county. 293
fifty persons signing their name* to the proceedings: '■'Re-
solved, That hereafter we will receive no preacher into our con-
gregation who is an adherent or supporter of a Theologica!
Seminary, of the Sunday School Union, or the Bible, Mission-
ary, Tract, or any other similar society ; or who is engaged in
distributing any so called religious paper or magazine." A
clipping from Raleigh, S. C, states that the locusts have made
their appearance in great numbers in the vicinity of Salisburg.
Then comes a couple of marriages ; 1st, by Nicholas Ilager.
Esq., Mr. Ai-mstrong Porter and Miss Olive Inghram, Juno 25,
1829. The other marriage was performed by William Kincade,
on June 23, 1829, the parties being Mr. Thomas Adamson and
Miss Catharine Grant. The remaining column is filled with
brief announcements : 1st, Daniel Fuller, of Whiteley town-
.ship, announces himself as a candidate for County Connnis.
sioner ; 2d, David Sellers, of Centre township, is announced for
the same office ; 3d, Beuj. Jennings, Asa McClelland and llich-
ard Long, County Commissioners, advertise that they will give
out the btiilding of a bridge over Dunkard creek, near Mt.
Morris, on July 8, 1829; 4th, Thomas Mitchell requests all per-
sons indebted to the estate of Ezra Mitchell, deceased, to call
;ind settle with William T. IlawKins, Esq. ; 5th, a stray stear
is announced as trespassing on the premises of Abraham Scott,
l^iimberland township ; Gth, John Neff gives notice that an "old
I 'ay mare, with a star m her forehead, has been troubling him
"lown on Muddy creek, and that he would be glad if the owner
'ould take her away; 7th, Israel Hook, Orderly Sergeant of
Me Franklin Rangers, requires that company to parade in
iront of the Court House on the coming 4th of July. He says
he does this by order of Cap't Baltzell ; 8th, the Independent
Blues are required to parade m the Borough of Waynesburg
on the 4th of July, 1H29. P^ach member is to be provided with
ihirteon rouTids of blank cartridges. By order of C:-|<'t. Jack.
234 HISTORY OF gui:ene county.
son, John Irons, Orderly Sergeant; 9th, Ann Irons informs
the ladies of Waynesbura; that she is prepared to serve them
in all departments of the millinery business, which means, I
presume, that she will wash, bleach, rip and alter their old
leghorn bonnets and make them look as good as new ; 10th,
is a notice from James Hughes that a brown cow broke into
liis enclosure some time in July, 1828, and is there in Morgan
township until this day, and that he desires the owner to take
lier away. This closes the news found in the old Mesesnger
of June 27th, 1829, I now come to the other old paper to
which 1 referred, bearing date May 27, 1830. My old friend,
W. T. H. Pauley, has saved me the trouble of condensing the
";icws found in this second paper by doing it himself and com-
inenting on it. I will only add by way of "seconding the mo-
liou,"' that I often saw Dr. John F. Bradee whose name is
mentioned in this paper. 1 have been in his office, and am
disposed to think he was certainly in possession of some skill,
inasmuch as he guaranteed a cure to an uncle of mine, uot-
\'.ithstanding which he succeeded in bringing him to the grave
-Doner aj^jDarently than he would otherwise have reached it.
The next thing on the first page of the old paper now before
•!>< is the advertisement of an order of the Court for this sale
of a house and lot in Mt. Morris, belonging to the estate of
John Wood, deceased — Adaline Wood, Administratrix.
Next comes the Proclamation of the Hon. Thomas H. Baird,
President of the Court of Common Pleas in 18.30, in the I ourth
Judicial district, comjiosed of the counties of Fayette, Greene
:.nd Washington, and the Hon. John Minor and William Craw-
ford, Esqs, Associate Judges in Greene county, for the holding
of a "Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,""
on the "third Monday of June next, being the 2 1st day.)" To-
this "proclamation" is attached the name of our venerable and
liighly est eonu'd fellow c|ii.-ei), lion. ^Lirk Gordon, as Sherid'
Judge Gordon is still living, erect and straight as an arrow,
and still taking a lively interest in the political affairs of the
county and country, which he discusses wiih much intelligence
and interest.
The next item is the iidvertiseinent of "military goods" by
r. B. McFadden, of No. 83, Market street, Pittsburg, who an-
nounces that he has just received an assortment of military
articles, consisting of Swords, saslies. Wings, Epauletts, Shoul-
der Knotts, Pompoons, Plates, Eagles, Buttons. »fec.,»tc., all oi
-.viiich will be off ered at reduced prices."
Next comes the advertisement of "New Spring and Simimei
Goods," by A. N. Johnson, who, at that time, was among the
most enterprising merchants of our town.
"Look Here" is the heading of an advertisement for '-00,000
l)oimds of cleaned washed wool" by B. Campbell, Jr.. & Co.
h\r.m this it is quite evident there was some wool raised in
llieene county at that early day.
Next we have the "List of Causes set down for trial at June
'1 crm, 1830," consisting of twenty-three cases, and signed by
Wm. T. Hays, as Protlionotary, who, we believe, served in the
snno capacity for an unbroken term of about twenty years.
Then comes the "Notice" of Dr. Jolm F. Bradce, of Union-
'.iowu, to all persons indebted to make immediale payment.
I'Lis is tlie same Dr Bradce who was sent to the Penitentiary
i.boiit 1840, for mail robbery, and aftei-wards dUnl there.
Jiichard Led with, who is remembered by many of our older
•-iiizcns, is next announced as "a candidate for the oflicc of
County Connnissioner."
Then comes "a card" from Dr. T. C. Hawkins, tendering "his
l)rofessional services to the inhabitants of Waynesburg and the
public generally. Dr. Hawkins is still a resident of Wayncs-
bnrg, and is regarded as one amongtlie oldest inhalutants.
'•Good B:irg;iii)s" by Heesoti i"i- Peiniock comes luxt in order
296 ins'pom- of okkkm: cot-nty.
Tlacy have just received irom the Pliiladelpbia and Baltimore
markets a g-cneral assortment of seasonable goods, which they
OiT.u'low — -aye, very low for cash oi- ap}>roved produce."
Next comes the advertisement of John Golden, another old
landmark still residing liere, who informs "the public that he
has commenced the wagon business at bis new frame sbo[) on
Mechanics' Row, corner of Washington and Greene streets."
The building still stands, and serves Mr. Goldcn's purposes as
a wagon maker's shop.
Next is a rule of Court to perpetuate testimony — Amos Mar-
tin vs. Abijah Ileaton, Samuel Heatoii, Daniel Ileatou, John
Huss, et al. Wm. T. Hays, Clerk. This advertisement closes
the first page of this ancient paper.
The first article on the second page is a very interesting let-
ter from Thomas Jefferson, dated January 21, 1809, — just be-
fore leaving the Presidential chair — to Mr. Leiper, father of
Geo G. Leiper, who, in a note dated April 27, 1830, furnishes
the original copy of Mr. Jeffercon's letter to the Upland Union
lor publication. It is a short private letter, and treats a little
of religion but more of politics. It predicts the war with
Great Britian, which was then already threatening the young
The next article on the second page is from the BnlUmnre,
American, dated May 14, giving an account of a trial trip on
the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, from Baltimore to Ellicott's
Mills, preparatory to the road being opened for travel. This
trial trip was made by "'Mr. Knight, the Chief Engineer, with
some of his assistants." This was, no doubt, our former Wash-
ington county neighbor, Hon. Jonathan Knight, who surveyed
the route of the proposed B. & O. R. R. through this county,
about the year 183G, or about that date, and who was elected
to Congress iu the memorable Know Nothing campaign of
1854. Mr. Knght had invented what was then known as the
"improved conical wLeels." and the principal object of the ex-
cursion trip was to test the applicability of these new railroad
wheels on that part of the B. & O. road which had been com-
pleted to Ellicott's Mills. The ret^ult of the experinKiital trii)
was announced as a great success, and the opinion confidently
expressed that with such wheels ''curvitures, not exceeding-
four hundred feet radius, offer no impediment to the transpor-
tation upon railways, even at the rate of at least fifteen miies
.an hour."
The next item of interest is the double column advevti^^c-
iiient of "Fresh Spring aud Summer Goods," by Kenjamii;
(..'ampbell & Co., who "respectfully inform their friends an<l
the public that they have received from Philadelphia and Bal-
timore a splendid assortment of merchandise, consisting ()f
'loths, 100 pieces of calico, queenswarc. hardware, liquors,"'
itc. Nearly all the stores kept a supply of various kinds of
liquors, and a good customer need never go away dry, or Avith-
out having been well treated by the store keeper. The thing-
is a little different now — the ding stores monopolize the trade.
The first article on the third page, which Avas then (;ditorial
page, is the proceedings of a n;eeting held in the Court House
in Waynesburg, jNlay 14, 1830, for the purpose of organizing
;i temperance society, at which Obadiah Vancleve was called
to the chair, and James M. Junkin appointed Secretar\. A
Constitution was adopted, consisting of seven articles, the -jtli
reading as follows : "The means employed by this society
for the suppression of intemperance shall be the influrnco of
moral example ; abstaining fnm the use of ardent sj)iiits; tlu'
dissimination of publications in newspapeas and pamphlets, an-l
appeals to the reason, hearts and consciences of men, in the
form of persuasion." After the adoption of the Con.stitutioK
Joel "Wood, of Wayne township, was chosen President: John
Conkey, of P;-" ' ;'■ ;.-.> «-;;'.'';i;.. Yi -e l'rcs;.]e:it; aud Win. ''-'r.-i-
298 iiiSTOKY OF (jnr.KXE county.
ham, Sccretaiy. Both the President and Vice President of
this temperance society have adhered with religious fidelity to
the principles they then espoused, and are both r.till living in
this county, which, to a great extent, may he owing to their
temperate and exemj^Lary hves. Mr. Graham, the Secretary.
left the county about forty years ago.
At the bottom of the first column of the third page it is an-
nounced that Congress is to adjourn on the ;Ust inst., (IMay.)
Also that Dr. Daniel Sturgeon, v»'lio had been appointed Audi-
loi- General of this State by Gov. Wolfe, had entered on the
Julias of the ofiice on ^Monday, May 3d. Also that Jacob
Spaugler, Surveyor General and S. Workman, Secretary of the
Land Office had entered on the duties of their respective offices
Monday, May 24th.
Quite a lengthy article on the "Next Census" which indui-
U'cs in some falicitous prognostications iu regard to the growtli
•vhich the coming census will develope as having occurred in
the last decade— or from 1820 to 1830.
Next we have a notice of an address delivered by the cele-
i'VivLed preacher, jNfr. Bascom, of the M. E. Church, to the peo-
; lie of Mount Sterling, Ky., on the subject of the American
<. Colonization Society. This address was highly sp)oken of.
At the head of the fourth column of the third page, is this
orief but compreheus'vj notice: "Died, at his residence in
Morgan township, on Saturday last. May 22, 1830, at an ad-
\anced age, Isaac Weaver, Esq., formerly a Senator from tl.i -
Next is the notice of a "Court of Appeal" for the 2d Battal-
ion of the 119th Regiment P. M., to be held at the house of
James Lindsey in Jefferson. Capt. Frost, Lieutenants Price
and Bell were to compose the Court of Appeal. Signed John
Jiindsey, Colonel Commanding.
Then comes a list of five Sheriff sales, to take place at the
iiisTOKY OF gri:i:nk COUN'TV.
Court House in Waynesbuvg, on the 3d Monday in June.
These advertisements are signed by INIark Gordon, Avhom Rob-
ert Wliitehill once asked if he spelled cabbage with a "k."
At the head of the fifth and last column on the "third page
is an article headed "Tract Society," followed by a notice to
the members of the Female Tract Society to meet at the Court
House on next Monday evening, at 5 o'clock, to receive their
tracts. This notice is signed by Miss "M. A. Harvey, Secre-
tary." This venerable lady is still living in our town, where,
by industry and energy, and a life of probity and business in-
telligence, she has acquired a handsome competence for all her
worldly wants, and now at four-score years and ten she is pa-
tier ly waiting her call to a higher and better state of existence.
Beeson & Pennock advertise for a quantity of clean washed
wool, for which they will i)ay a good price in goods.
Wm. Inghrani informs the public that he has received and
0 -s for sale, low for cash or approved country produce, a
fi esh supply of spring and summer goods. He further an-
nounces that he still carries on saddlery.
Then comes the quarterly notice by the Register of certain
liinistrators and Executors' accounts having been filed, and
w ill be presented at June Court for confirmation and allow-
ance. Jessie Lazeai*, Register.
Next the order of Court for the sale of the real estate of
John Woocl, decease', Adaline Wood, Administratrix. The
1 otice is different from that found on the first page, by the
>;inie administratrix. W. T. Hays, Clerk.
The paper was printetl and ]>ublishc(l by John Irons, who
was then and for several subsequent years its editor.
300 iiiSToiiv oi (j::i.kni> colnti'.
There are four weekly newspapers publishetl in ^Vaynesburg
— the Messenger, [wliich is by fai- the oldest,] the Republican,
Independent and Democrat. These I will present in my book
according to their respective ages.
HiSTouY OF TiiK McssEXfiEK. — Haviiig givcn tlic contents of
these two old papers, I will now give the history of the paper
itself, as I received it from the present editor according to the
best of his recollection. It began its career in 1813, during
the second war with Great Iiritain, and was a strong supporter
of the "powers that be."' Its iirsL editor was Dr. Layton, who
was superceded by John Baker who is said to have been a
^ery excentric man. He was succeeded about the year 1828
by Thomas Irons, who was associated in the ownership and
management with his brother John Irons, who became solo
proprietor in 1825, and continued such until 1837. This man
I have often seen in Uniontown when he was connected with"
the Genius of Zi6^rty, buti was too young to know much about
him : however, I have often heard his political opponents say
"well, John Irons won't lie." The next editor was John Phe-
lan, Esq., who is still well and favorably remembered by the
present generation. He only owned and edited the paper for
one year, when John Irons again became proprietor in 1838.
In 1840 the paper became the i)roperty of Charles A. Ulack,
Esq., who published it until 1842, when Major Jas. W. Hays
became proprietor. The paper was printed at this date by W.
T. H. Pauley, wlio had entered the office in 1833 as an appren-
tice to the printing business, aiid who became })ro2>rietor in
1844, and continued such until 1852, when he sold to John M.
Stockdale and James S. Jennings. One year from this date he
again became proprietor, and continued until 1859. A part of
the time during this period James S. Jennings was associated
as assistant editor. J:rn'-. W. IT i . >. and .1 rimes S. Jennino-s
n;.sioi;v - : <.:•:. :..•;:; < »i •.v. '601
became equal partners as proprietors for one or two year?,
when Major Hays sold out to Joseph G. IJichey, who subse-
quently gave place to R. W. Jones, who was one of the few
fortunate men who amassed considerable wcajth by speculat-
ing in Greene county oil lands, to such an extent that he quit
tlie printing business. James S. Jennings continued to pul>
lish the paper as sole proprietor until 1867, at which date J.
F. Temi)le, Peter Brown and "W. T. II. Pauley became associ-
ated as proprietors. In the course of a year or two this ar-
rangement ceased to exist, and W. T. II. Pauley again became
sole proprietor, and continued such until January 18^;^. when
he sold to Jas. S. Jennings, a former i)roprietor, During
tlie time the Messenger was published hj Jones and Jennings,
the Cumberland Presbflteriaiun, religious weekly, was published
on the same press and with the same type. This paper is now
]>ublished by the C. P. Board of Publication, Nashville, Tenn.,
with Eev. John E. Brown, D. 1)., as editor. Tlie paper is now
one of the leading religious journals of the day,
Waynesburc^ Eepublican. — This is the continuation of a
journal that has long been the organ of a highly respectable
party in Greene county. I had hoped to have given an accu-
rate history of this very respectable paper, and for this purpose
I addressed a letter to its present editor asking such facts and
figures as would enable me to inform its readers of the ante-
cedents of this journal. The editor declines complying Avitli
this reasonable request, and consequently I must avail myself
of such information as I can derive from other sources. Mr.
Eagan of the Independent has sho^vn me a paper entitled the
Village Watchman edited by Rev. Simeon Sigfried, and dated
August 4, 1846, during tlie Mexican War. This jiaper is said
to be one of the ancestors of the present Eepublican. I am
told that at one time a paper called The Greene County Eagle,
occupied a place in the direct line of descent. At another
time tlie Repository is said to liave been the name of the paper
that has been absorbed by the present journal. Among the
able editors of this paper I have been informed that our
present Postmaster, Col. J.Cooke, L. K.Evans, James E. Sayers,
and James Miller, have made their mark high up on the tablet
of fame and have left behind them unsullied reputations as
successful journalists. I regret this imperfect sl^^tch, but un-
der the circumstances it is the best I can do.
Waynesburg Independent. — The Messenqer, which was loj-
a long time the only paper in the county, has always been
.•^trongly and uncompromisingly Democratic. After the estab-
lishment of the Republican the usual result that "extreme be-
gets extreme," seemed to require the necessity of a paper un-
iv.ammelcd by partisan spirit and devoted to a class of reading;
111 it ter more acceptable to the home circle, and 1 1 meet this
demand of the people, in the month of October, 1872, Z. ('.
liagan and J. W. Axtell began this enterprise without capital,
except that which they borrowed at exorbitant interest, witli-
■:;tt even the promise of assistance from their friends, who we
;ire informed, very confidently pointed their prophetic lin-
gers at the financial ruin of both these daring adventiirers.
Vet the paper was issued and the first volumn almost complet-
ed, when as suddenly and luiexpected as a clap of thunder in
a clear day came the J. Cook exj^losion. Long established
banking houses went down, corporations of different kinds
closed their doors, while "consternation turned the good man
pale." What was to be the fate of the two penniless proprie-
tors of the Independent"^. Nothing strange, they had nothing
to lose. They had brave hearts and cunning hands, being
both practical printers they girded on their armor and "smiled
at the storm." Their running expenses were economised and
their patrons promptly paid their dues. The storm passed
awav and the sunshiiu: of l1l■..)."^lv-'i•ilv ;!":fi"" srn:lodo)i the entei'-
piise. After five years of connection Mr. Axtell sold his in-
terest to W. W. Kodehaver. Two years later Mr. liodehaver
concluded to take the advice of the great Horace Gree-
ly "young man, go West, sold his interest to W. W. Evans,
formerly one of the proprietors of the Monndsville, W. Va.,
Reporter, and who is at this date one of the editors, proprie-
tors and operators in this establishment. Mr. Ilaganhas clung
to this enterprise these ten years through evil as Avell as good
report, writing for its colunms, keeping its books and compos-
ing at its desks. The Aveekly circulation of this journal is over
1,800 with a constantly increasing subsci'iption list. The firm
of Ragan & Axtell were the first to introduce the power print-
ing press with steam attachments in Greene county, the first
edition run off by steam being in May, 1875. The first paper
that passed through the power press was picked up by Jolui
Ilagar, one of Greene county's oldest citizens, with the remark,
''well done, Greene county." The present firm increased tho
facilities of their well stocked job office by adding the latest
improved process of stereotyping, and this history is printed
from plates made on this machine. Other editions can be
issued from these plates at a small cost.
GuEEXK County DE.Mocu.vr. — This youngest of all the pa-
pers of this county sent out its first number on the 17th of
December, 1881. J. F. Campbell was the first editor, while
Simon R. Huss is its present editor and proprietor. It lias
entered on its second volumn with a respectably increasing sub-
scription list. The principles of the Democratic party are ad-
vocated and defended by this journal.
WAYXEsnuKii Bi.iES. — I have been requested by oix-
of the members of the present organization of Waynes-
burg Blues, to give a short sketch of their history. Inas-
much a^ Ihavealreadv mentioned their ancestor which existed
fully forty years ago, I Avill comply Avith the request. The
AVayiiesburg Bhies, Co. K, is in connection Avitli tlie Tenth
Regiment, second brigade of National Guards of Pennsylvania.
The oi-ganization Avas effected in 1879, John M. Kent being
the first Captain. Capt. Kent has since been promoted to the
position of Lieut. Colonel. The term of enlistment is five
years. The first inspection and j^rize drill was at Wasliing-
ton, Pa., July 4, 1879, when the prize sword was awai-ded to
this company for proficiency in drill and fine soldiery appear-
ance. The first encampment was at Camp Hoyt, Allegheny
county, Pa., in September, 1879. This camp was named for
the Governor of the State. The second inspection was at
Thompson's Station, Allegheny county, Pa. The second en-
campment was at Camp Alexander Hays, Allegheny county,
Pa., in 1880. The company was sent to Washington, D. C,
on the 3d of March, 1881, to participate in the military display
at the inaugural of President Garfield, and on account of their
tine soldiery bearing attracted special attention in the long-
military procession. The third inspection was at Finleyville,
Washington county, Pa., July, 1881. James E. Sayers was
elected Captain this year. The third encampment was at
Camp Vincent, Indiana county, Pa., August, 1881. The fourth
encampment was at Camj) John Fulton Reynolds, Mifflin coun-
ty, Pa., in August, 1882. This camp was named in honor of
Gen. Reynolds who was killed at the battle of Gettysburg in
July, 18G1. This company was sent to PhiladeliDliia in Octo-
ber, 1S82, to take pait in tlie bi-Centennial military j)arade.
The commissioned officers of this company are Jas. E. Sayers,
Captair. , .!o]tn M. Wiley, 1st I-iciiJ,; Henry P. Berryliill, 2d
Ontlie lltliof December, 1882, I culled at the house of Jno.
D. Patterson, on Brushey Fork of Tenmile creek, and received
from Mrs. Patterson (who was formerly j\[iss Amanda Mahan-
na) the following information Avith reference tocher father, and
grand-father: Captain James Seals, who was born in England
during the 18th century, immigrated to America somewhere
near the middle of the century, and was united iu marriage
with Miss Sarah Brown, sister of Capt. John Brown, (not old
Ossawatamie), came to the vicinity of "Waj-uesburg before the
town had much of an existence. Here he erected the old stone
house, a part of which can yet be seen near the toll gate imme
diately west of the borough. Here he and his wife raised
thirteen children, viz: John, James, Samuel, AVilliam and
Vincent were the sons, while the daughter Sarah married Mr.
Bloomiield; Lottie married Robert Hix ; Martha married
Mr. Boyle ; Matilda married Cornelius Ogden ; Mary married
Mr. Beck ; Catharine married Bradley Mahanna ; tlie other
two names my informant could not recall. Capt. Seals lived
ill those troublesome times when ''eternal vigilance'' was not-
only "the price of liberty," but also of life. He was Captain
jf a company that might be denominated "minute men," or
"u ood rangers,'' who were constantly on the alert to protect
Llicmselves and their fami'ies against the prowling savages by
whom they were surrounded. Reports were made at different
titnes to various connnanders : among the rest, to Gen. Antho-
ny Wayne, in 1794, who inunediately directed Capt. Seals and
company to join liim on the banks of the Miami. The com-
pany was put in motion without delay and marched as far as
Catfish camp (Washington). Here the news met them that
tlie victory was gained and their services were not needed.
!Mrs. Patterson then proceeded to give me some account of her
father. C iptain Brndloy M Jiaiin:), luid then loaned me a paper.
Towa state Fress, dated Iowa City, Sept. 16, 1874, whicli con-
tains quite a lengthy obituary notice from wliicli the following
is obtained : "Bradley Mabanna was born in Hopwood, Fay-
ette county, Pa., March 1, 1806." He removed to Waynesburg
in 1827, where he and Catharine Seals were married on the
ist of Septembe]* of that year. Here he continued to reside until
April, 1855, when be removed to Iowa City where he resided
until his death on the 11th of September, 1871. Early in life
he became a member of the Methodist Episcoijal Church, and
Ko consistent was his profession that neither prosperity nor
adversity could damp the ardor of his devotion. He, like
many of his day, was fond of military training. He was com-
>niissioned by Gov. David R. Porter, Captain of the "VVaynes-
•burg Blues, in 1842. I remember seeing him in 1843 at a
grand encampment in McClelland's grove, just north-west of
Waynesburg. The incident was this ; A volunteer whom I
will not name, was accused of stealing a piece of meat. A
Court Martial was at once called to try the case. Col. Joshua
B. Howell, Capt. James M. Oliphant and Capt. Bradley Ma-
hanna were the officers of the Court, while Capt. Sam Austin
was Prosecuting Attorney. Various witnesses testified in the
case ; the attorneys made their speeches ; the Court found the
'defendant guilty and sentenced him to be bumped seven times
Sig-aiust a tree, and the sentence was immediately executed ;
wiieh to the surprise of all parties the accused came before the
Court for a new trial, which the Court readily granted, at the
conclusion of which the cvilprit was sentenced to receive four-
teen additional bumps against a tree, which was summarily
executed. The commission of Capt. Mahanna was renewed in
1849 by Gov. Wm. F. Johnson, and Mas again renewed in
1854 by Gov. Wm. Biglei-. The subjcut of our sketch was
finally commissioned Brigade Inspector of the Fourth Penn-
sylvania Brigade. In Ur- v. ar <>:• fir : c>l)L''.'i():i he took an ac-
the part, liaving gone to the i'ront uiuong the seventy-five
thousaucl that were called out by the President immediately
after the fall of Fort Sumptcr in 180 J. After the term of his
enlistment had expired he returned home, recruited a company
and was elected its Captain. In this capacity lie continued
until the end of the war. lie was also a member of the Ma-
sonic order by whom he was decently interred.
Maj. Maxwell McCaslin. — While writing of men who were
distinguished for their military abilities, permit me to intro-
duce another whose career was perhaps moi-e diversified than
that of any I have yet named. This man was Major Maxwell
McCaslin, who was born in Martinsburg, Berkley county, Vir-
ginia, on the 1st of March, 1802. His father, Francis McCas-
lin and Jane (Booth) McCaslin (,both natives of Ireland) re-
moved to Waynesburg, Greene Co., Pa., in 1807, Avherc they
resided until the old man's death in 1820, leaving his widow
and six daughters, almost entirely dependent upon the exer-
tions of his only son (Maxwell). Feeling the resx^onsibility
that now rested upon him, the subject of this sketch immedi-
ately commenced working at the brick-laying business, in
which he became so i^roficient that his services were in con-
stant demand in Waynesburg and vicinity, until he frequently
built from twelve to fifteen houses in a single season. His
Hrst purchase of real estate was about two and a half miles
west of Waynesburg. Soon after this purchase he went into
partnership with B. B. Woodruff and James Bell in the drov-
ing business, at which the firm accumulated considerable
amounts of money. The same firm engaged in merchandising
in the town of Jefferson, which adventure was attended with
far more loss than profit. The early education of the Major
was very defective, being about what many otheis of us got
in the connnon schools — "learn to read, write, and cypher iu
the Western C;i\-ulat;n- V.> t;:c V.vA- jf Three." Ai the age of
twenty he joined a rifle company called the Franklin Rangers,
■which together with nine other companies composed the reg-
iment called the Washington and Greene Vanguards, com-
manded by Col. Thomas Ringland. Young McCaslin made
such proficiency in drill, that Col. Ringland appointed him Ad-
jutant of the Regiment m room of Adjutant T. P. Pollock,
(late Judge Pollock) who had resigned to take command of
a rifle company. In June, 1828, Adjutant McCaslin was
elected Major ; in June, 1835, he was elected Brigade In-
spector, the only military officer who drew a salary from the
State. McCaslin's competitors on this occasion were Major
Samuel M'Guire, of Washington county, and Major R. H. Lind-
sey of Greene county. While holding the office of Brigade
Inspector he Avas elected CajDtain of an Infantry Company
called the Franklin Blues. These volunteers he continued to
drill until he brought them up to a high state of perfection ;
indeed McCaslin seems to have excelled almost all others in
his military skill, as the following will illustrate : At the in-
auguration of Francis R. Shunk (who had been elected Gov-
ernor of Pennsylvania in 1844), a vast number of volunteers
were present at Harrisburg, who requested the new Governor
to review them. Although Shunk had been in actual service
in the war of 1812, yet he had given so little attention to mili-
tary affairs of late year's that he felt his inability to that ex-
tent that he was about to decline, when General Roumforfc
recommended Major McCaslin (who was present as a member
of the House of Representatives) as a most expert military-
tactician who could ably assist the new Governor in the per-
formance of this arduous duty. McCaslin was immediately sent
for who at once agreed to assist Shunk. Gen. Roumfort was
requested to form his lines forthwith, and the review proceeded.
When the imposing aifair was ovei', the Governor was compli-
mented ^'.'' r'^vcral pi'^'n'iio'.it m'litary men who wore present
for his ability as a field officer. To this the Governor replied
that whatever credit was due to the performance, belonged ex-
clusively to his friend Major McCaslin. "SATien he went to his
desk in the House of Representatives the next morning he,
found a commission from the new Governor as liis first aid
with the rank of Colonel. He was twice re-elected to the House
of Representatives, filling the years 1843-44-45. During these
years and for three years thereafter, Hon. Chas. A. Black ably
represented this District in the State Senate. At the close of Mr.
l>lack's second term, Major McCaslin became a candidate for
the same position. This claim was opposed by the Democracy
of Fayette county on the ground of rotation, and in conse-
quence of their presenting a candidate in the person of Hon.
Samuel Nixon, in every way qualified to fill the iDOsition
— a man who had served three terms in the State Legislature,
ii.id acted for several years as Justice of the Peace and had
filled the position of Associate Judge by the side of Hon. Thos.
II. Baird, — all these things seemed to promise success to Judge
Nixon, and yet the superior skill of McCaslin in electioneering,
secured him the nomination. I know that some persons have
given a different reason for McCaslin's success. But I claim
to know, for Judge Nixon was my father-in-law, I having been
married to his daughter Sarah in 1844. I have often heard
ihe old gentleman talk about it in his own house, and it al A^ays
consoled him under his defeat that it was accomplished by a
man of superior ability and skill. The next position of honor
held by McCaslin was that of Presidential Elector to which he
was elevated in 1852, casting his vote for Franklin Pierce for
President and William R. King for Vice-President. The next
responsible position in which McCaslin was placed was that of
Indian Agent. This office was obtained tlu'ough the influence
of Major George W. Mannypenny, who served an apprentice-
ship in the ilfe55c;?r/<r printing office. This caused him to take
up his abode in "bleeding Kansas" in 1855 when human life
in that locality was held exceedingly cheai?. He was finally
removed from his office by President Buchanan for having ex-
pressed himself too freely in favor of Kansas becoming a free
State. We next find him at Parkersburg, W. Va., at a great
meeting which was addressed by Gov. Pierpoint, urging the
yjeople to raise another regiment, (the 4th W. Va.) A great
many Pennsylvanians then resided in the vicinity of Parkers-
. burg, who now proposed to give the regiment a lift, provided
Colonel McCaslin was allowed i o command it. This declara-
tion was made known to the Governor who immediately filled
up a commission for him, and soon the regiment was on tho
Wheeling Island waiting to be organized. After organization
it was moved to New Creek. Soon after this the Colonel,
feeling the infirmities of age creeping upon him, resigned his
command, returned to Parkersburg, sold his extensive property
and came back to Greene county, Pa., making his home most
of the time, after the death of his wife (who was formerly Mrs.
Hale, a widow with whom he boarded while in Hai-risburg,)
with his widowed sister, Mrs. Jane Kincaid, in Jefferson
township, Greene county. Pa. He visited Washington City
in 1865, and was in Ford's Theater when Wilks Booth fired
the fatal shot at President Lincoln. After this he returned to
Kansas where he died of apoplexy in the 78th year of his age.
I am indebted for almost all the above facts to my old friend.
W. T. H. Pauley, Esq.
James Vance came from Ireland previous to the war of the
Revolution, in company with a friend whom he called
Billy Cree. Vance was drafted into the army soon after
his arrival, and parted with his fi-iend Cree in Philadelphia.
After the close of the war Vance settled near Morristown, N.
J., from which place he emigrated to Greene county. Pa., in
1796. He purchased and occupied the tr.ict of land now tho-
iiTSTor.Y OK GRK.r.xi: corxTv. 31 1
property of Jainc-; Williainsoii, one mile above Minor's mill, on
Wliitoley creek. lie was the gi'and-fatlierof the present Wra.
Boiio-Imer, of Greensboro, Pa. One of this old man's sons,
Alexander Vance, made a trip to the little town of Pittsburg
near the coinmencenient of the present century where he be-
held witli astonishment the operations of a steam engine. On
liis return to tlie vicinity of Greensboro he made agio wmg rep-
lesentation of the wonders performed by steam, power, telling
ills friends that a small steam mill would, no doubt, be a good
investnitnt. Among those who listened to his descriptions
were the Kramers, Reppcrts and Eberharts who were then
successfully engaged in manufacturing glass at the Old Glass
Works, immediately below the present village. These men
lia\ing emigrated, from Monocacy in the celebrated wheat
growing region in Maryland, had. large notions of what might
be achieved by a large steam mill, hence they erected a mill
sixty feet S(]uarc, three or four stories high. This called for
on expenditure of an immense sum of money, hence the thing
not being a financial success, was therefore abandoned. This
young man Alexander Vance sold out near Greensboro and re-
moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1817, and died there in 1850.
Old James Vance was a Presbyterian and attended the Glades
('hurch (New Providence). To this neighborhood his friend.
I>illy Cree had immigi'ated some time before, and the two
men sat down side by side at the communion table from which,
as they arose, they recognized each other, and after services
were over they had a good time in reviewing "Auld Lang Syne"
friendsliip. This Alexander Vance (son of old James Vance)
was the first man who attempted the manufacture of stone-
ware in the bounds of Greene county. l>ut the materials at
first used Avere of a poor quality, and m 1815 he commenced
the maiiufactureof common eai'then-ware which he abandoned
in 18.7
Called the Village Watchman, was loaned me by a friend,
which paper is dated Augnst 4th, 1846, during the progress of
the war with Mexico, bringing to my mind many things con-
nected with that campaign with which I was once very familiar,
but which have not been thought of for many long years; yet
as I am not writing a history of the Mexican war but of Greene
county, I notice those things only which relate to the latter.
This paper was edited by Rev. Simeon Sigfried. On the sec-
ond page I find a long sj^eech on the "Tariff Bill of 1846," by
Hon. Andrew Stewart, a man whom I knew and who'm I have
heard make several tariff speeches. I recognize several of hi&
old arguments in this printed speech. This man, although a
resident of Fayette county, was well known to many persons
in Greene county who generally spoke of him as "Tariff Andy."
A part of his speech is devoted to chastising a certain Mr.
Bowlin from Missouri, who had suggested that members o\
Congress should be curtailed in their pay for every day they
were absent from their places in the house. This resolution Mr
Stewart opposed. This paper is very severe against Vice Pres-
ident George M. Dallas for giving the casting vote in favor of
this Bill.. An extract from the New York Sunday Times, found
in this old paper, predicts a direct tax on every acre of land
m the whole country in consequence of the reduction of the
tariff. The fulfillment of this prediction I believe still remains
on the docket after the lapse of thirty-«ix years as unfinished
business. There seems to have been several parties engaged
m merchandising in Waynesburg in those days. Prominent
among these was that of Rinehart & Minor. The persons who
composed this firm were J. W. Rinehart and W. E. Minor,
who called their establishment "the Farmers and Mechanies
•cheap Exchange Store." Another competing firm was that of
Allison & Campbell, and still riiiothcr, J. and R. K. Campbell
& Co., wliile J. Higinbotliam, Richard Gregg, A. Wilson and
J>. Campbell & Co. were doing business in the same line, consist-
ing of Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs, Hardware, Notions, &c.
There also seems to have been need of doctors in those days, and
consequently Dr. J. Goucher tells the people of Waynesburg
that he will serve them "with all his former energy, attention
and tenderness." Dr. F. B. Wilson also informs the denizens
of this borough that he will not only attend to curing the or-
dinary ills that humanity is heir to, but also extract their old
teeth and replace them with 'incorruptible teeth." It aj)pears
tVom this old paj)er there were also lawyers in that day ; hence
I find the card of Howell & Wells, which firm consisted of J.
B. Howell & J. H. Wells. Could this be Joshua B. Howell,
o)' Uniontown ? If so I knew him very well ; heard him make a
a speech as General of Volunteers about the last of May, 1846,
at which time he and I and a multitude of others tendered
our services to the President, offering to go to Mexico. The
last time I saw Gen. Howell was at Jefferson in 1861 when ho
and Judge Jame? Veech were trying to raise soldiers for the
war of the Rebellion, in which Howell was finally killed. But
perhaps this was another man. At the time General Howell
made this speech the locusts were so abundant in the orchard
where the volunteers were formed into a hollow square, that
t'lcir cries in prjt drowned his voice. Another law firm in
1846 was Hager & Phelan, composed of C. T. Hager and J.
I'lielan. Their office was in Mr Hays' front room opposite the
public square. Another title is "Not in Oregon yet," under
which J. & T. A. Barnes inform the public that they still
continue to manufacture wool at the old establishment, on
Muddy creek, two miles below Carmichaels. It seems that
some people also got mamed in those days. Hence it is an-
nounced that Mr. Craven Hoge and Miss Violette Mitchell, of
Franklin township, were married by J. Clark, Esq. There
were also candidates in those days, for it is announced that
Mr. Thomas Hill of Franklin township would like to be elected
Sheriff at the ensuing election ; also that Mr. Samuel Jacobs of
AUeppo township would fill the office of Commissioner if the
people would be good enough to elect him. The Franklin
■Rangers are ordered to meet at the house of Peter Syphers in
Franklin township on the 29th of August, 184G, at 10 o'clock,
J. N. BurK, O. S. J. Thomas, Sheriff, advertises a writ of j^ar-
tition for a tract of land in Cumberland township, containing
one hundred and thirty-sev en acres, late the property of Abra-
ham Scott, deceased. The writ is issued at the request of Jas.
W. Bayardand Joanna, his wife. The heii-s were John, Abraham
and. James Scott, James Barnes, guardian of James Wiley, and
Rebecca Jane Wiley, heirs of Jane Wiley, dec'd, formerly Jane
Scott, John Hartman and Rebecca his wife, formerly Rebecca
Scott. These heirs are notified that an inquisition will be held
on the premises on the 27th of August, 1846. T. Harn in-
forms the people of Carmichaels and vicinity that he stili car-
I ies on the shoe-making business, and will take all kinds of
produce in payment. The editor warns the people to look out
lor a counterfeit Mexican dollar Rinehart & Minor notify
their patrons that they v/ill take "all kinds of cash" and pj-o-
•luce at their store. And many other thnigs are found in this
'■id relic, interesting to the reader, but to which we cannot
On ihe evening of January 9, 1883, I visited the Sherman
House, kept by Thomas Bradley, who is a native of Bealville.
Washington county. Pa. He lias been engaged for many
years in collecting a cabinet of curiosities, which he took great
pleasure in showiac, and among the collection I found the fol-
lowing: A petrified s lak ■ ■: f cMTlll^ll ■ si 7,'. \xhich was found
on the waters of Fish Creek, Greene Co.. Pa.; an old Continen-
tal button, cut from a uniform of a Revohitionary soldier ;
some of the hair taken from the head of old "Jimmy" Kent, a
soldier of the war of 1812, who died a few years ago. A small
bottle of peach brandy seventy-five years old, furnished to the
proprietor by James Barnes of Muddy creek ; a helmet Avhich
Avas once a part of the armor of one of Napoleon Bonaparte's
Invincible Cuirassiers; a Prussian bullet from the field of "Wa-
terloo ; a piece of the wood of the bridge constructed by
General Braddock in 1755, across the Youghiogheny river ;
a piece of wood that was once a part of the flag-ship of Com-
odore Perry in his victorious contfict with the English on the
10th of September, 1814 ; also the keys of the old jail and
Court house which were the first erected in Waynesburg.
Several pieces of crockery ware said to have been found in one
of the old camps of the Delaware Indians ; also pipes, picks
;ind hatchets all of stone. Tomahawk made of iron and steel
of the kind used in the old French and Indian war; also an In-
dian's skull and leg bone ; a petrified turtle ; the butt end of the
stock of Lewis Whetzel's gun, said to have been broken by
striking an Indian ; part of the flag carried by the Ameri-
cans at Yorktown in 1781. when they accepted the surrender
of Lord Cornwallis; an old paper containing the obituary ot
the "Father of his Country," General Washmgton. The paper
is all draped in mourning between its columns and around the
margin, but 1 could n* ithcr find its name nor the date of its
ssue. A j)air of elk liorns from the Rocky mountains ; a pet-
rified squirrel ; a l^ailow pen knife bearing the figures 17G6:
making it 116 years old; an old law book, dated 1776, wilh
the name of Henry Taylor written in it — he was one of the
fiist Judges of old Washington county before the erection o!
Greene county. This name is probably in his own hand-writ-
ing. An old newspaper, called "Xcv/ England Courant," is
also found among these antiquities. It is dated February 11,
1723, and is said to have been edited by Benjamin Franklin,
The paper is so blurred that I could not find his name on
it. An old weaver's reed for manufacturing home-made linen,
said to have been brought to Maryland by Lord Baltimore
when he first founded that colony. But time "would fail me to
tell of all the old relics contained in these old cases, such as
petrified woods, punk, snails, &c. ; a'so cannon balls, bullets of
various sizes, etc., etc.
Although this may not seem like Greene county history, yet
I insert it in my book in order to make the peojjle of this
county content with their- condition in the locality in wliich
their lot has been cast. On the 1st of January, 1883, at r»
o'clock A. M., I boarded the tiain on the W. & W. R. E. at
Deer Lick Station. At 8 o'clock I arrived at \Yashington, and
at ten I was in Pittsburg where I purchased a ticket for Chi-
cago by way of the P. & F. "\V. R. li. As we were asceiadmg
the up grade from Beaver Falls, I remarked to a young m:'.a
b}"^ my side "that it would require a long time to make the tiip
if all the way was this steep." An elderly man across the aisle
replied, "Oh ! don't be discouraged : we will soon be out of
Pennsylvania and then we will be done with theJiills.'' I rhen
innocently asked, "are there hills no where else but in Penn-
sylvania"? " to which he replied with great emphasis, "no, sir.
It is the most deplorably rough, hilly, mountainous State in
ihe Union. You could not give me a farm in Pennsylvania
and compel me to live on it. I live in Illinois where we don't
have to lie our pumpkins to the stones to keep them JVaui
i-olling out of the field. We don't have to let our sheep down
over the rocks into the little hollows in order to get a few
mouth-fulls of grns? Wo raise f io:u 75 to 100 bushels of corn
niSTORY OK f;uF.i:\i-: rorxTV.
to the acre, 40 bushels of wheat to the acre,'' <tc. After the
fellow had poured out a constant stream of gas of the above
kind for perhaps half an hour, he subsided from mere exhaus-
tion. I found time to say "well, sir, this is my third trip to
the regions beyond the Mississippi ; each time ])assing- through
your great State of Illinois, and there are a few things that
have always puzzled me. Why do you not all become million-
aires in a few years'? Why can't you afford us poor Pennsyl-
vanians a feather-bed to sleep on when we come out among
you? Why must we be compelled to eat your "Long Tom"
potatoes boiled with the skins on, in conTiection with a little
piece of the toughest kind of beef, and then pay fifty cents for
each meal, and an additional fifty cents for the privilege of
sleeping on one of your straw-beds? I hail from Greene county
where we are content if we can get from 40 to 50 bushels of
corn to the acre ; 15 bushels of wheat is considered a good
.;rop, and still we live, have plenty to eat and plenty to wear,
;iik1, above all, have good health." This may seem like a matter
entirely foreign to our history, but I introduce it as a specimen
>)f Western "gasconade" that has already had its miscliievo;is
effects on many good livers in Greene county, causing them to
••pull up stakes'' and leave comfortable homes in Pennsylvania
expecting to have all these gassy promises realized in the West.
A few bettered their condition, but the majority would have
been better off if they had remained in the place di their na-
tivity. But how about our jouniey ? By the time this con-
versation was ended we were in Ohio, and the snoAv
was falling very fast, which it continued to do until we reached
the Indiana line when the air became so intensely cold that the
snow ceased to descend. When we reached Chicago the bliz-
zard was at its height, making even the hard faced "suckers'*
keep their heads in doors. As the fifty cent omnibuses were
scarce, I started to walk to the North Western depot. Feel-
ing that I would freeze^ I turned into a great dining saloon
wliere I obtained a tolerably good meal for Avliich I only had
to pay seventy-five cents ! I finally arrived in Jackson county,
Iowa, where, uj^on my complaining of their cold country, the
reply was, "Oh, this is nothing ; the thermometer is only eigh-
teen degress below zero this morning. Wait till it comes
down to thirty-eight or forty, as it sometimes does." I con-
cluded not to wait, but turned my face Eastward, as soon as
iny business was completed, and fled from the "blizzards" with
all ])ossible speed, arriving at my home on Saturday, the 6th,
traveling near two thousand miles in six days and transacting
business to the amount of four thousand dollars. But perhapt
the strangest part of the affair was, that my family liad not
found out that there had been any unusual amount of cold, as tlie
mercury had not reached zero at all instead of eighteen de-
grees below. Reader, keep out of the North-^\'est in lIjc
winter season.
On my arrival at home I found a letter from Benj. Covert.
dated "Rice's Landing, December 28, 1882," referring to ;i
statement I had made in the early part of my history about .i
man striking him at the big muster. He says in his lettei- ;
"That statement was the truth. It happened over fifty years
ago at the general muster near Moorfield, O." Mr. Covert then
expresses great gratitude for the notice I have taken of him,
and also a desire to assist me in any way that he can, and in
order to make a beginning in that good work, he makes the
following statements that will, no doubt, be full of interest, as
the tragic part of it occurred on the soil of the present Greene
coimty. The story is substantially I his: In 1771 Rev. James
Finley, who was born in the province of Ulster, Ireland, in
1731, crossed the Allegheny mountains on horse-back in com-
panj' with liis oldest sou, Eboiiczer, for whom his father
wished to purchase a farm. They must liave been good judges
of land, which they displaj^ed in selecting a magnificent tract
•on Dunlap's creek, Fayette county, near the town of New
Salem. The father preached several times during his stay to the
widely scattered inhabitants, and then returned to his home
East of the mountains. Some time after his return home, he
"became suddenly downcast and dejected, his thoughts all the
time brooding over the seeming impending fate of his absent
'boy. After a few hours his dejection departed, and he ex-'
^claimed, "the danger is past." He made a note of the time,
whicli, when the dates came to be compared, was about the
very hour when his son Ebenezer made such a narrow esca])0
from the Indians, the circumstances of which were about as
follows : In the year 1774 the Indian war, known in history
as ''Dunmore's War," broke out. This was brought on in con-
sequence of killing several Indians by Virginia settlers, (ii
the west side of the Monongahela. The Indians seem to ha\e
iregarded this river as the line between Pennsylvania and Yir-
^nia, and hence they confined their depredations to what they
regarded as Virginia soil, now Greene county. A requisition
was made for help from the east side of the river, and among
the soldiers was Ebenezer Finley. At A\liat point they crossed
the river my informant cannot tell, but the adventure was on
Greene county soil. The Indians being scattered, it was de-
teimined to send out the whites in patroling parties of twos.
Mr. Finley and one other man had penetrated deep into the
forest without seeing any signs of the foe, when they espied
a deer at some distance from them. Anxious to procure its
flesh for food, both guns were discharged at it, when suddenly
out sprang two Indians with uplifted tomahawks. There was
but one chance for our soldiers, and that was run, which they
did for considerable distance, when Mr. Finley 's friend fell be-
hind and was slain by the merciless hatchet. While this was
being done and his scalp removed, Mr. Finley made his escape.
Tins man Ebenezer Finley I have often seen as an Elder in
Dunlap's Creek Church when I was a small boy. I have often
passed through the splendid farms that were formed out of the
original tract that was located by Rev. James Finley, who was
the first Presbyterian minister west of the mountains, although
he does not seem to have crossed the Monongahela until aftei
• tiie arrival of Eev. John McMillian in 1775, who did cross the
iiser. I also find that the incident referred to and described
by Mr. Covert has already become a matter of history among
i'resbyterians, as Rev. Joseph Smith, D. D., in his book "Old
lii'dstoue," on page 284 refers to the same thing, no doubt.
I lind that Judge Beech in his secular history corroborates the
.-;ii!ie thing in his date and circumstances of the Dunmore war
■a'mI Connolly usurpation. The same thing is established by
'•■jference to the minutes of the old Synod of Virginia, which
jiotices the appointment of Rev. James Finley in 1771. No
'. Hither ajjpointments were made for this region, except Rev.
John King in 1772, until 1774, when Revs. John Ilanna, Wil-
liam Foster and Samuel.Smith were appointed to go to "the
frontier parts of Pennsylvania and Vii'ginia," the very wording
showing how careful the old fathers were not to meddle with
the vexed boundry question. It will be seen by the above
lliatMr. Covert, although a most devout Methodist now in the
S3d year of his age, has by his very welcome letter brought lo
1 cniembrance quite a page of Presbyterian history.
Since writing the history of the Messenger I have received
a letter from Major J. W. Hays whicli throws additional
light ou this history, as well as giving- several items of interest
in the biography of a prominent resident, of Waynesburg,
near the commencement of the present century, as follows :
William T. Hays commenced merchandising in Waynesburg
in 1804. In addition to his variety store he concluded to open
a saddler shop (as there Avas none in the place nt that dato).
He also determined that Greene county should have a news-
paper. For this purpose he purchased a press and type in
Pliiladclphia, in 1813, brought them on to AV'aynesburg and
set up the press in a house of his own next door to the one ir.
which he lived. Having abundance of businc:;; on hands,
witliout personally attempting to edit and print a paper, he
employed, sent his team for and moved John Baker into a liouse
that he (Hays) had rented for Baker's use. In this way ihe
j)aper was run for about five years. At the expiration of that
time, in 1818, Dr. Thomas Layton became editor, who retanicd
.John Baker as his ]jrinter. William T. Hays v^-as more or less
connected with almost all the prominent aliairs of Waynes-
bui'g and Greene county at an early day. lie was al'rotlion-
otary of the county for an unbroken term ol about twenty
The same letter that contains the above inrormalion aiso
gives the names of the following persons as members of the
State Senate, viz: Isaac Weaver, Yv'illlam G. Hawkins, Ulias.
A. Black and John C. Flenniken. Also members of tlie House
of Representatives, viz : Rees Hill, Adam Hays, W. T. Hayh,
Thomas Burson, W. S. Harvey, Joseph Sedgwick, Thouns
Rose, John Phelan, Fletcher Brock, Dr. D. W. Gi-av, John
uio o .V (JK <;::;:::\-i: ouL'ni'V.
Hagnn, (uLo clioJ dnriii- ]iis Icnn r.iid v.r.s :-v.pcr?cJcd by)
Thoiiics L:u(!:ey, Wi:ii;i;;> KiiicrJcl and Pr.ti'icic Donloy. Isaac
Weaver w;-; G}ie;iI:oi- of t'.ic yfi::ilc at the same liino that
Rces Hill v.-:i3 speaker of the Ilou^e, an lienor confcrrc.l on
this county v.-liich is said to li'ivo f:'.ilc:! to iho lot of iio other
county ii: ;:i.-' S:r/c. -
1! liavc l)oc:i infonuGd that the lollow-iug names r,,.-nt to Tio
aildod as foi'iiiiiig a part of t!ie moinbcrsliip of the old Quaker
Clrarcli, on Muddy Creek, during the llrst quarter of tliaprco-
eut century, vie' Jolni Ilank'^, William ]\[orgai), Jacob j3urg,
Shedlock Kigus, Joseph Gregg, Thomas Miller, William T'dil-
Icr, Isaac Johns'lon, Jonaliian Johnston Joseph Johnston,
Joseph Cope and Joseph Kinsey. I have also heard it sug-
gested that the Gv/ynns, Barclays, Crafts and Iluftys were not
originally Quakers. How this is I do not know, as I had good
authority for the first assertion and not quite so good for the
We no^v come to the saddest chapter iu the history of our
beloved country. One so dark that I have seriously thought
of passing it over in silence. This course evidently would
not be acceptable to a multitude of my readers, as I have re-
ceived numerous letters asking me to at least refer to this sad
event. We are all, to a certain extent, dependent en our an-
cestors for our opinions, both religious and political, and inas-
much as the original settlers of this county were, to a great
extent, from Virginia, it is by no means strange that many of ,'
their descendants should have imbibed the notion of "State
Eights," in consequence of which they were ever on the alert
:iiSTOnY OF <j::i:kxk colnty. ;323
watcliing for an}' act of tlic General Govenimcnt iLat liael tLo
appearance of secHonahsm. Tliis, many of them tlioiujlit they
saw in the eflort to coerce the Koulhorii States, and in-
terfoi'c Avitli their donieslic iir^Kutinn, hence tliey licsitaled —
looked back on their old record wlien as the "Virginia Ran-
gers," their giand-falhcrs and great-grand-fathcrs had stood
betu-een the living- and the d'atl (in tlic old Indian Avars) so
valiantly tliat the savni:;es g.;vt; iln-ni tlienanie of '-Long Knife."
They i-cvic\ved their record further until tlicy found among
their sires here and tiierc a man who had shed his blood at
Braudywine or Monmouth in the revolutionary struggle. Thcv
sad if we were sure that the intention is* to maintain the in-
tegrity of the LTnion, "Vv'e vrould accept the situation and as-
sist in crusiiing out the rebellion :" but if the intention is t<>
wage a war against the slavc-hoLlers for the purpose of libera-
ting the colored race who (in their opinion) did not desire
freedom, ''Tlien Ave are not ready to assist,'' This uncertainty,
witli reference to the intentions of the leaders, caused many to
"halt betv.'een two opinions." This hesitancy existed until the
opinions of the Southern leaders became "self-evident," that
nothing would answer their puriDose but division of this broad
Linil (that evidently tlie Creator intended to be one and undi-
vided), and tliat most likely the division — if it was ever
accompli slied — would be in i)art along Mason's and Dixon's
Line, the southern boundery of their own county. Then there
arose up in Greene county as strong a union sentiment as ex-
isted any wliere else. If an isolated individual was occasion-
ally found who had the "cheek" to wear a "copperhead" or
"butternut" breast-i)in, he was almost sure to be a poorly-in-
fornied man. If any huzzaed for Jtfr Davis it v/as because; l:e
was ignorant of the intentions of the President of the "South-
ern Confederacy." Man}- of the sons and brothers of Greene
•■ county oflfered ihoi;:selvcs as willing saerifices for their coun-
try's good. And yet th.:y went with altogether different mo-
tives and intentions from those that actuated some of the most
blatant politicions of that day who regarded it as a glorious
opportunity and privilege now offei-ed to them of urging on
the soldiers in shedding the blood of their Southern brethren
to avenge the long quarrel that had existed between them.
Not so "svith the soldiers of Greene county ; they had no
enemies to punish; they had no quarrels to avenge: but
they seemed to view the matter in the same light, tliatthe great
military commander did when he said "Oh! wretched neces-
sity." They also resembled the latter of the two great States-
men, who, when his opponent had paid, "My countr}- alwa\s
when she is right,''' immediately, replied, "My country always
— whether she is rigJit or wrorg.''^ Actuated by sucli feelings as
these, multitudes from this county pressed forward to fill wy
tlie ranks of the Union Army. I have not yet been able to
iind anytliing like a perfect list of our soldiers, butv;ill do the
best I can in securing it. I have been kindly assisted by Cajit.
James E. Sayers,, in procuring the names of a large ma-
jority of the men who went from Greene county as soldiers in
t'lc late war of the rebellion. Inasmuch as many of t lem were
in the Eighty-fifth Hegiment, I propose giving a brief account
i)f tha*: organization as follows: On the 1st of August, 18G1,
.Toshua B. Howell, of Uniontown, was directed by the Secre-
lary of AVar, to recruit a regiment of infantry, which, when
full, was rendesvouscd at Camp La Fayette, near Uniontown.
On the 12th of N' vember, 1861, the regiment was organized
by elcctmg Joshua B. Howell, Colonel ; Norton McGiffin,
Lieutenant Colonel ; and Absalom Guiler, Major. While in
this camp a flag was presented to the regiment by the ladies
of Uniontown. Near the close of November it was ordered to ^
Washington City. At Harrisburg the State colors were
presented by Governor Curtin. L^pon arriving at the National
Capital the men obtained their arms and were carefully ir-
structed and drilled. A few Aveeks later it was removed to
Camp Good Hope, across the East Branch of the Potomac,
where it became part of Colonel Tidball's Brigade. In March,
1862, the regiment was removed to Miredian Hill, where it was
assigned to General Kiem's Brigade. On the 29th it left
Alexandria in company with the fourth corps on its w\ay to
Fortress Monroe, where it was united with the Army of the
Potomac on the 1st of April. It took part in the seigo of
Yorktown, and on tlie retreat of the enemy it joined in the
pursuit by the Winns Mill Eoad. The first battle in which it
was engnged was at Williamsburg, in which two of them were
wounded — one mortally. The regiment still pressed on
ihrough a heavy artillery fire, to the banks of the Chickahom-
my, Avhich it crossed near Bottom's Bridge, on the 20th of
May, 18G2. Here the Eighty-fifth was directed to fortify its
position a little in advance of Fair Oak Station. Their Avorks
were but partially constructed, when at 1 o'clock p. m., on the
o 1 st, the enemy — like a rushing hurricane — charged upon them.
Notwithstanding their unprepared condition they succeeded
in liolding their half-finished rifie pits, valiantly aided by Hart's
i».nt«.*ry. In this action Lieutenants James Hamilton and Thos.
8. Pui viancc were among tiic killed, and Julius A. Smith was
mortally wounded and taken prisoner. The entire loss of this
regiment in the campaign of the Peninsula was eighty-seven
killed and wounded. Wlicn Gen. McClelland evacuated tl e
country bctwoen the two rivers, Keys' Corjjs remained on duty
at Fortress Monroe. On tiie 5th of December "VVessell's Bri-
gade, to which the Eighty-fifth was attached, was ordered
from Suffolk, Va., to Xewbern, North Carolina, to re-enforce
Gen. Foster, who Avas on the p)o"nt of departure to White
Hall, on the Nv.'use. On the 13th the column reached West
Creek, Avhere the Confederates were jjosted to dispute the
o2G iiisro::Y ok <;r:r.i;xi-: countv.
[lassncfo. Iloro a shnr]i aclioii took place, in mIi'icIi tlie Eiglity-
tifth distinguislicd itself in charging? and routing the enemy .
on the right of the ror.l, ■.vhllc the Ninth New Jersey
<li<l the same on the left. The troops still pressed on toward
the town of Kingston, on the noi'th hank of the Neuse, wad-
ing through a, swcimp which ha,d boon concidered inipassahle
by the enemy until tlioT belield the soldiers at their very gates,
v;hcn the cliarge avcs sounded, r.nd the enemy routed and
driven .across the riv^r. Tow;xr>Is the close of the month.
General Foster was ordered to South Carolina to co-operate
ivitli General Hunter in liis operations against Charleston.
The Eighty-tifth arrived at liilton Head on the 1st of Febru-
;ry. Col. Eov/cll was now put in command ol' the brigade,
;.-hiIe Lier.lonant Col. Pnr\ianco ^vas advanced to the com-
ai.ra.i of ti:e ri';;'i::io:it.. Abouu the 1st of April the brigade
-^■.ovcd to Cole Z>'.;ind, wlicre it crossed Folly river and landed
0.! Folly Island, r.t Vidiich time the ti-oo[)s witnessed the first
i)ornli:::-dm('nl of Fort Suniptcr by Admiral Dupont. Floweli's
!>^i£-'.dc wr.s left to rarrison the Island after the withdrawal
!>■ tiic resL of the ivoops. Folly Island is about seven miles
o:!g and one w ide. Light houee Inlet about sirihundred yards
". ide separates it froiu j\Ior:is Island on the north. Early in
Ji:i:o General Hunter was superseded by General Gilmore*
who iin.mediately commence!, opci-ations to ]iossess Morris
Ibsr.J. For tills pui-posG batteries were ei-ee.ted on the north
end of Folly Island. Tliis was accomplished almost cxclr,-
Nively at night. After the fifty-two guns had weakcnetl
(he enemy's position, an assault led by General Strong was
made, in which the first line of the Confederate works was
g-.iincd ; but Fort ■^Vagner still held out. General Gilmore now
determined to reduce it by regu.lar approaches. On the 20th
of August the Eighty-fiftli Pa.. One Hundredth New York and
the Tliird Now Harni.^shire vrere di.t.iiled to occupy the ad-
vance trenches. On the 21st one man in the Eighty-fifth was
killed and twenty wounded, three mortally ; on the 24th one
man was killed and seven wounded ; on the 27tli two were killed
and eight wounded ; on the 30th four were killed and eight
wounded. Lieutenant Colonel Purvianrio being among the
killed. Sickness in the Eiglity-iifth was alarming — caused by
the extreme heat of the daj's, the dampness of the trenches and
poor quality of the water — until her numbers were so depleted
that on the 2d of September only two hundred and seventy
were fit for duty. After the death of Col. Purviance the com-
mand of the regiment devolved on C;ipt. Is.nac 31. Abrams,
who was promoted to the rank of ]\iajor. After the fall of
Fort Wagner and the evacuation of Morris Island, the Eighty-
fifth was ordered to Hilton Head, about the beginning of De-
cember, where it went into camp a short distance from Port
Koyal. Here the liGaith of the regiment rnpiJIy improved; so
much so that in February, loG-i-, in coi:ipany w itli the Fourth
New Hampshire, it was detailed to proceed to Vv'iiite Mai'sh.
near Sf/rannah, for the purpose of dispeising :v force of the
enemy that was engaged in throwing up fortinc.-itions. This
expedition ended in failure, in consequence of the superior
numbcis of the enemy, the strength of their fori iK cations and
irambcr of their batteries. The Eiglitj'-fifth lost t v. o wounded
and Lieut. Jno. PI Mitchner taken prisoner. .Vbout the middle
of April, the Tenth Corjis, under the command of General
Gilmore, was ordci-ed to Virginia to re-cnforco the Army of
the Jnmos. The three divisions withdrawn were those of Ter-
ry, Turner and Ames, the first of these (Terry's) being com-
posed of the Brigades of Kowell, Hawley and Barton. When
the Eighty-tifth arrived at Gloucester Point it vras joined by
the veteians who h:ul been aliseiit on f iirlongh. S»)on after its
arrival the Tenth Corps, with the I'iglitoouth, proceeded to
Bermuda Hundred. H^re ou the 2.HU (-'i I'.L'.y ti:o Eiglity-
S28 TiisTonv OK okkkxk county.
fifth was cni]jr.geil in a. sliarp conflict. General Butler had
been driven back behind liis foitification, and the enemy had
caj^tured a line of rifle pits in front of Terry's Division.
Howell's Brigade was ordered to drive him out and re-possess
the pits. The charge was made in the most gallant manner,
and the works were retaken. Tlie Confederate Gen. Walker
had his horse shot from under him, and was himself wounded
and taken prisoner. Tiie loss of the Eighty-fifth wns two
killed and twenty-one wounded. On the 14th of Juno Gon.
Grant's forces began to cross the James river, and soon after
carried the outer works before Petersburg. The Confcdeiatfs
being hard pressed, abandoned their works betrt^ecn the James
and the Ai)pomattox, which Avcre at once occui)ie<l by tlic;
Tenth Cor])s, and some prisoners were captured. Gon. Lee"s
advanced forces also crossed the James, above Fort Daili-'L'.
oia the iGtl), and the skirmishing became very brisk. Eni'v
on the morning of the 17tli tlie enemy attacked the ])icket liin'
in front of Howell's Brigade, the Eiglity-fiftli still occnpyiug
the works evacuated the day previous. A considerable b:it)le
ensued, in vrhich the Eiglity-fifth had five men killed and twelve
wounded. On the 20Lh of June Howeirs Brigade marc-lied U>
Deep Bottom and on the 25th retraced its ste))s to its foriiier
position on the lines. On the 13th of August tho Tenth Cor])s,
in connection with the Second under flancock, proceeded again
to Deep Bottom, where the Confederates Hill and Longsti-cot
were posted in strong force. Hancock led the Second Cor[)S
into position along the New Market road. Early on i!jO
morning of the l-tth Foster's Division moved out to Straw-
berry Plains, and encountered the enemy's skirmishers wlio
fell back to their entrenchments. At nine o'clock Terry's Di-
vision made a furious charge, capturing a long line of earth-
works. Most of the division was protected by a wood until
within a hundred yards of tlie works, 1>ut 'c Eighty-fifth was
c(3mpelled to advance over au open field where it was fearfully
exposed to the enemy's fire. The Confederates retired to their
second line some distance in the rear, and Terry rested in the-
works he had captured until evening, when he supported Fos
ter in a grand charge in which his troops captured part of the
remaining earth-works ; also two mortars, four howitzers and
a number of prisoners. Tlie loss in the Eighty-fifth was two
kilkd and nineteen wounded — five of them mortally. Lieut.
William T. C:im])l:)cll wns killed. At nine o'clock on the
morning of the IGth Terry's Division moved to the front
The pickets of the enemy wore encountered, who were pro-
tected by rifle-pits, notwithstanding which they were driven
out and fell back to a strong line of earth-works in the rear.
The division was then massed for the grand charge which
was to be na lo by columns. At the word, forward ! the
Eighty-fifth dashed on over the slashed timbci-, through an
incessant fire of musketry, never wavering until the works iu
frcnt were carried. About two hundred pi'isonerG were cap-
tured in the charge ; also three stands of colors were born
away by tlio Eighty-fifth. Its loss was severe, being nine
killed ajnl fifty-four woiuidcd — five of them mortally and one
lakon prisoner. Captains Lewis AVatkins, Levi M. Rogers
were mortally wounded. On the afternoon of the 18th the
enemy charged, but were soon repulsed, and the Eighty-fifth
had l)at one woun led. On the 20th the troops were all with-
drawn from the north side of tlie James, except Foster's Divi-
sion, and the regiment r turned to its old camp, where it rested
until the 2.1:th, when the Tenth Corps was ordered to the Ap-
pomattox. On the 13th of September the Eighty-fifth was
ordeied to Fort Morton. Just previous to this change. Col.
1 lowed was a'^signed to tlie command of a division of colored
troops. Col. Pond, of the Sixty-second Ohio, succeeded him
-u the conuna-id of the briL'-ale. On the n'ght of the l2th of
September, while returning from corps headquarters Col.
Howell was thrown from his horse and so severely injured
that he soon afterward died. After being rcaovcd from duty
at Fort Morton the Eighty-fiftli assisted in llie capture of Fort
Harrison ; also the earth- works at Chapin's I'ram, and was ad-
vanced to a point within three miles of Riclniioud. It was en-
gaged in battle on the 1st of October, then aci^ain on the 7th,
when three divisions of the enemy attacked Kautz's Cavalry.
Pond's Brigade occupied the left of the line, and the Eighty-
fifth Regiment was stationed where the line of battle crossed
the New Market road. The loss in tlie E'ghty-fifth in this ac-
tion was three wounded. On the 12th Gen. Terry was ordered to
make reconnaissance, with the First and Third Divisions. The
Eighty-eighth was deployed as sl^irmisliei'S in front of Pond's
Iji-igade, where they soon encountered the enemy skirmishers
v/ho were at once driven back. In tliis action the Eighty-fifth
lost seven wounded, one of them mortally. On the 14th of
October, 18G4, the regiment Avas witlulrawn from the front,
the veterans and recruits were transfcrix'd to the One Huu-
di'ed and Eightylifth Pennsylvania, and the rcnainder, whose
term of service was about to expire, reported at Portsmouth
and wcro ordered into camp. A month later the Eiglity-fifth
u-as in Pittsburg, Pa., where on the 22d of November it was
formally mustered out of the service of the United States.
]^revious to the departure from Portsnioutli, Major Isaac M.
Abraham, accompanied by tifty men and four commissioned
officers, was sent to guard a fleet of transports cai-rying Con-
federate jirisoners to be exchanged at Savanna, Georgia. Hav-
ing devoted thus much space to the history of the Eighty-fifth
Regiment in which tlie majority of tlie soldiers from Greene
county iiad enlisted, I will now give the roll of Company F,
which is said to be exclusively from this county. I will then
insert the name of every man that I can find who wiait from
Greene count}', no matter u
KoLL OF Company Y,
John Mori'is, Captain.
Nicliolns Hager, "
Levi M. Rogers, "
Iioseberiy Sellers, 1st Serg't
John IJemley, "
E'-Miore A. lliisiell, "
Z. C IJagan, ^erg't.
James E. Sa;,'ers, "
Jniaes 13. Lindsey, "
Jc.sepli Sil veils, "
is'.r.oD. Havcly, "
I»';i;oli;irt I). Chui-cb, "
Tiio!iia> J. While,
Oliver :,I. Lo:;g,
.\'.^.iizo Linlitiicr, "
• eireiooii H. Zaiic, Cor[)'l.
'i'-icma-; IToL'e, "
R'.^-rsoii Kii uy, "
y\\i\'. X. Kos.v uson, "
.' '!.i Xoiiuan, "
\'>M.i:i;ii C. I.ci)i;r.rcl, "
I li-f/u AVeavoi', "
.7.v;iies X . Diiil'iii, "
Tiicmas M. Sellers, "
Tliomas r. Kogcrs, "
Daniel S.vaii, MuKician
J.iiijC'. -.^■C'uen, "
Aru:Gr Slrosuidci', Priv't.
Argo Simon, "
lirynei- James, "
i>urk Noah, "
Babbitt Joseph, "
Burrougli John B., "
Bissett Jeremiah, "
Bissett Albert, "
Chapman Charles, "
here his name may be situated.
Court\\(right J. L., Priv't
Church Franklin, "
Church George, "
. Cree Alc^iander D., "
Cooper James E., "
Clouse John, "
Cowen John, "
Crouse Nathan, "
Chaney Jesse, "
Crouse William, "
Davis Benjamin "
Duvall Elias,
Earnest Jncob, "
Engle Solomon, "
Estep Carnelius, "
Fry Thomas 11., "
Fordyce William, "■
Fordyce .John, "
Fry, David, "
Fiy Henry, "
Gr:iham Jo' n P., "
Gilbert Eiiel.
Garrison Thompson, "
Gilbert John, "
Gladden William II.,
Gray Isaac, ''
Hickman George F., ■'
Hunnell W illiam, '•
Hnys George AV., "
Iliill'man James, "
Huffman Jacob, "
Hendci-scn ^ViHiam, ''
Hunt Joseplias, '•
Hathaway Adolph, <•
Johnson Fiaiicis M., ••
Jolmson Nic]ioIa'<, '•
Kimble Jackson,
Knight James,
Leonard Hai-vy,
Laughman Henry,
Lewis George F.,
Longdon Morgan,
Leonard William E.,
INIitchell Andrew J.,
Martin Perry,
Mitchell Jonathan,
Martin SiLis,
Montgomery John,
jMoor Carl,
Moor Samuel H.,
INIuray John,
Martin James M.,
jNTorris Andrew J.,
McMullin William,
^IcCiacken Thomas,
McGInmphy Harvey,
McGlumphy W.,
McGary Spencer,
.■\IcDon.ild Alfred,
Nelson Lafayette,
Ott Ezra,
Ott Salem,
I\';titt Henry,
Plantz Maxwell,
Packer William F.,
Patterson Samuel,
Pettltt George,
Patterson Joseph,
PriT t. rvose'jerry Thomas, Private.
" Riggs William, "
" Rinehart Morgan "
• " Klchard Lewis, "
" Riggs Peter, ' "
" Roach George, "
" Rush John, "
" Rizer John, «
" Rinehart Thomas, "
" Rinehart Meeker, ''
" Scott Abijah M., "
" Scott Lisbon, "
" Sutton John, "
" Smith James E., "
" Seabolt W. H., «
" Sellers John, «
" Smith Ezra, "
" Smith Anthony A., "
" Thompson Sanmel, *'
" Thomas William, "
" Teagarden Isaac, "
" Taylor Levi, "
" Thomas Samuel, "
'• Terril George, "
" Vandivender Eli, '•
" West Jacob, "
" Wiseman George, "
" Weaver Jacob, "
" Winget John M., "
" Wiseman John "
" West Samuel, "
" Wilkinson A. J.,
We also find the names of several persons in company G,
said to be from Greene county, as follows:
Gordon J. A.., 1st Lieut. Benjamin F. Campbell, Serg't.
Crawford J. F., 2d Lieut. Francis M. Rush, "
Gordon M. L., Sergeant. INIyersP. Titus, "
Goodwin Hiram, " William Pitcock, Corporal
Henry K. Atchison, Private. David Goodwin, Private.
Baker Bare, " Owen Pitcock, "
Lindsey Beech, " Benjamin Titus, "
lu Company I the names of the fo lowing persons are found :
George Cunningham, Private. Stephen Sanders, "
Michael O'Conner, " Jordan Strosnidcr, "
I have also been furnished with tlie roll of Co. A, 140th
Regiment, snid to be almost exclusively from Greene Co.,
which is as follows :
JohnF. McCullough Captain. Bennett John, Private.
James M. Pipes, " Barney Petei-, "
John A. Burns, " Clutter Sanniel, "
J. Jackson Purm.an, 1st Lieut. Cox John, Jr., "
Mark G. Spragg, " Clutter Noah D., "
David Taylor, 2d Lieut. Cox John, Sr., "
Charles T. Hedge, 1st Serg't. Cowan Joseph, "
Daniel B. Waychoff, Serg't. Doman George N., "
X. N. Purnian, "
Henry Zimmers, "
John F. Coen,
Cornelius J. Burk, "
Williani A. Brown, "
J. S. (lerrington, Corp'l.
Al})heus Crawford, "
Cary M. Fulton, "
Thomas J. Kent, "
James B. Rinehart, "
Joseph Bane, "
Kramer Gabler, "
Spencer Stephens, "
Leroy S. Greenlee, "
John W. Peden,
James Woods, I\Iusician.
.\[organ Dunn, "
Acklin Samuel, Private.
Anderson Harrison, "
Ai-mstrong Oliver, "
Burson olivcr H. P., "
Dunstan Benjamiji,
Eddy Michael,
Eddy John,
Freeland George,
Fisher John,
Fiaj's F-ivid,
Freeland Charles A.,
G.'irber Thornton,
Gray George,
Geaiy Simon,
Green John R.,
Green Isaac P.,
Gray Jolni,
H( my John,
Hopkins, Daniel S.,
Harris Stepheu C,
Hoge David,
Jones John,
Jones Gcoi\ge,
Km: Ii'esin S.,
Kent James F.,
uiSTOiiv OF (;i;i:i:xK oountv.
Keener Oliver,
King Dnnie],
Locy Samuel B.,
Lancaster John M.,
Long John,
Lixndy John L.,
Loar Benjamin F.,
Muiglicn John,
Miller Jolm H.,
Mariner George W.,
Miller Abraham,
Morris Franklin R.,
Morris Lindsey,
McCullougli L. G.,
McCullong-h Hiram,
Ogden William,
Pijjes Abner,
Pettitt Joseph,
Iviish John A.,
Koop eTohn E.,
Roop Williani,
Roop Henry,
Roop AVilliam,
Hoop Lindsey,
Robinson Alex. D.,
liidgeway Samuel,
Hoop Michael,
Private. Hoop Samuel, Private.
" Steel Nicholas, "
Steel Child, "
" Su-art James M., "
» Scott Sijnon P., "
" Scott Hem-y, "
" Sprowls Jesse, "
" Strosnider Caleb, "
" Sergeant Richard, "
" Strosnider Keener L., "
" Sanders Harvey, "
Smith Job, Jr., "
Smith Job, Sr., "
" Simpson John, "
'- Stewart Jesse, "
Spragg John M., "
" Taylor Abner W., *'
Taylor Levi, "
Troy ^orval L., "
Wilson John R. H., "
" Wilson George W.,
" Wallace Benjamin F., "
Walters B. T., "
" Walters Andrew "
" Wallace Francis, *'
West Simon S., "
Welsh Morris, «
Ullum Harrison, J., Private.
I also find the following Greene county men in the IGOth
Regiment, company K:
Jacob H. Hewitt,
Scaly S. Bayard,
Cotterel William,
Arvecost Joseph,
Cotterel Jonas,
Cunipston John,
Chambers Wm. K.
Puer Florence,
Captain. Dye William L.,
Sergeant. Dc-iniy Clark,
Private. Drake Alex. S.,
" Frankenberry A. D.
" Sayers Harry E.,
Shirk Michael M..
» Rtrnsnidev Wm, A.j
" Shope Milton S..
liiSTOin' OK <:
Also Co. A. lend Rog-iincnt,
■Greene county, ;iud con;;iiiiccl
Wm. C. Liudscy, C:rHain.
Guy Kryan,
Janies P. CosirrroV, 1st Lieut.
Bcnj. V. Crjupbell,
■George K. Jyewlin, "
Rosebcrry Sflle:-::-, 2i.l Lieut.
William Scott,
JJeiij. W. Yodt'i's, 1st Scrg't.
Jolin ]i. Gm'don, '•
•lohii C. Wl.itc,
Joseph Cooko,
Ik-nj. F. IIefrini;lcii, ''
•Gaorge W. Kent, "
Ell ward lyivaicke, "
Wiili.-un J. IIol , "
J. B. Smith, "
• J.inics Gralnun, "
.Incub Whijikcy, '•
Wm. D. Smith,'
Cyrus E. Elmns, "
Tiiomas L. Dugg, Corp'l.
James Seals,
Kendiill Brunt,
Jouas Wiiipkey, '"
Robert 3L Yates, "
Robert A. Tukesbcrry, "
John Evans, "
Salathicl Murjiliy,
George K. Wisecarver, "
Job T. INIorris, '•
Henry Cooke, "
Jolm Boylan, "
Samuel S. Rinehart, "
Andrew Wilson, Jr., Bugler.
Charles White,
Fred liamcr, Blacksmith..
is ?aid to he exclusively from
the folIo^Ying men:
Everly L. Dow, Blacksmith.
Warren Neel, "
Lewis Perry, Saddler.
Adams Elijah, Private.
A'iams Richard L., "
Admonas John, "
Adams Jacob, "
Anderson William, "
Boyers George, "
Bryncr Wm. A., "
Bryner George. "
Brandy more Mort, "
Courtwright James, "
Campbell T. H.,
Conklin S. M.,
Cole William,
Cooley Joseph B , "
ChiTrc-i William, "
Chapman George, "
Chapman Charles, "
Champ Charles, "
Dickenson william, "
Davis Henry, "
Effock Charles V.,
Evans Ezariah, "
Eagon Solomon, "
Eagon Thomas, ''
Evans Caleb, "
Edwards Thomas, "
Fox James F., "
Finnegan John, "
Fry John, "
Friend Michael, "
Gray Elijah, "
Goodwin Frank, "
Gail.itin joseiih R., **
Gardner Freeman,
Goff Matt,
Gumph John,
Gibben Peter,
Galloway Nicholas,
Gibbon Elias K.,
Hackett William,
Hendershot Thos. F.,
Harrison Moses,
HuflFman ,
Hughes David,
Hedge Samuel,
Iliuernian Henry,
Johns Ellis J.,
Jeffries Elishu,
Johns Hiram M.,
Knox William,
Kent Nicholas J.,
Knight S. W.,
Leanord Asa,
Lincoln Andrew,
Lindsey Francis,
Longstreth William,
Lindsey James,
L.ipping- John,
Lashire Henry,
Lieb John A.,
Morris John P.,
^lonroe Thomas J.,
]\[iner Calvin,
Millaneer Le nuel H.,
Martin Willinm H.,
Martin Phillip C.,
Mankey Henry C.,
Martin Joseph W.,
]Morris Joseph C,
Meeks Eli.,
Miller John D.,
Murphy John,
Private. Martin Mathias,
" Murphy Jeremiah,
" Madigan Dennis,
" May James,
" McGrady Robert,
" McClelland, Asa S.,
" McCullough Joses,
" O'Dwyer Thomas,
Poland John,
" Poland Cavalier,
" Phelan William,
« Rinehart J. T.,
" Reese David,
" Radlinghafer M.,
" Rex Harper,
" Rush Levi,
Rhodes William P.;
" Rush Peter,
" Rogers Alex.,
" Rush Isiah,
" Richie S;mme],
" Rex George,
" Rinehart Arther J.,
" Sy[)hei-s Peter M., .
" Smith Dennis,
" Smith Francis,
" StuU Lewis.
" Stickels Amo?,
" Sheirick Isaac.
" Straight Henry,
Shai)e Fi'cderit;k,
Smith William,
Smith Cowper,
Sullivan Cornelius,
Tukesbeiry John,
Thomas Jolui,
Tukesberry William,
Ulluiu Henry,
Valentine J.dm,
White Francis M.,
White James D.,
Whales Alexander,
Wagner George,
West Thomas,
Whipkey Silas,
Wilson John,
iiiSTOKY or Gni:i:xE county.
Wcltc ruuloliib,
Yates H. ]M.,
Yoders Joseph,
Y^'ates Alexander,
Yoders John,
Young Harrison,
» Yoders William II.,
Co. C, 18x11 Pexxsyi.vani.v Cavalry.
Ketlar Joscpli,
Kimbal James,
Leauord llicliaru,
Murjthy Deiiiii3.
Morris Eaiidall,
Moos Jon.ithan,
McGlumphy W. H.,
McDonald .famr.:,
IMcKonn Alex.
McKenn .lolui,
McNutL Joel,
McKaiiii, Jolm,
Pettitt Levi.
Pettitt Lind>;oy,
Poland Cavalier.
Poland Thomns,
Roberts Lenuiel,
Rom William,
Roach Samue!,
Snider I'hilli[),
Sollers Levi,
Stewart Vv^iliam,
Spilhiian .loscph,
Sanders liuben,
Stall .lohii,
Suplcr Martin,
Vaiiatta, D. W.,
Vanatia Thomas,
Vanatta Clark,
■' riulit J oil I',
James ITnghes,
.Vshbrook John,
Alluras Porter,
Ackley John
Barnhart Wilson,
Burns Jame«,
Clutter Addison,
Clutter Frank,
Clutter Ely,
Carter James,
Courtwright James,
Crawford William,
Carter Daniel,
Durbin John,
]>urbin A. J.,
Dailey Elishu,
Day William,
Dille Abraham,
lillms George,
Elder Joshua,
Elder Daniel,
Filby William,
Filby Thomas,
Fonner James,
Fox Heniy,
Fonner David,
Gregory Jonathan,
Gray Frank,
Grandon Isaac,
Hughes James L.,
insfor.Y OK orjcKxn county.
Humbeison William, Pjivate. Workman Andrew, Pjivate
lames John, " White Eli, Lieut.
Johnson John D., " Whipkey Noah, "
J. Reed McNay, near Waynesburg, has furnished the follow-
hg names of Greene county soldiers, who wore members o*^
the 77th Pa. regiment :
Oavid Buchanan, Private Abraham Hamilton, Private
Andrew Stewart, " J. U. McNay,
Hugh 'S McDonald also furnishes the following additionnl
liames who were principally members of Company C, 18tl
'Cavalry :
Anderson John,
Barnhart Thomas,
Barnhart Benjamin,
Bales Maxwell,
Barger Jackson,
Clark Samuel,
Denny John,
Dunlap James,
Douglas J. A.,
Elliott George,
OumiD Daniel,
'Gumj) Peter,
Gump Phillip^
Glimp Wash.,
Jlaggcrty James,
Private Jobcs James, "
" Piinehart John, "
" Montgomery Snmr.cl, Lieut.
" Montgomery Levi, Private
" Montgomery Lemuel, "
" Montgomery Albeit, "
" Maley James, "
" Morford Wilson, "
" Masters Joseph, '*
Oliver Samuel, "
" Pitcock Andrew, "
" Snider Daniel, ''
" Sloan James, "
" Shultz James, "
" Staggers John P., '•
Win get INIcses, Private.
Aso, Jeremiah Riggs, 1st Va. Cavalry, and Thomas Herrod,
72d Pa. Eegiment.
i have obtained from Hughes McDonald the following addi-
tional names of Co. B., First Va. Cavalry:
Samuel Grim, Captain. Leonard Albert, Private.
i Ackley Paiker, Lieut. McGlumphy Frank, "
) Allum J. P., Private. IMcGlumphy Thomas, "
'<■ Barnett Sanniel R., " IMcCollough Samuel, "
Conkey Morgan, " Noble Clark, «
Cooper Samuel, " Newman Aaron "
nT^Tnrr nr r.nF.F.xr, rnuxxY.
CallJefferson, Private. Kewrnan Abraham Private,
Chambers John, " Newman Samuel, "
Dailey James, " Pettit Mannion, "
Fox William, " Patton Samuel, "
F'onner Linclsey, " Sollers D. W., "
Gilogley James, " Vanatta John, "
Hull Melvin, " Wallis Frank, "
Jones John, " Walton Jame?, "
Jones ^Frank, " Younkin Daniel. "
Co. D, 11x11 Pennsylvania.
M. CroAv Braddock, Enos Gillet, Private.
George Cummins, John Phillips, "
Co. A, llm Pennsti.vania :
Joshua Williams, Private. Alexander Holmes, Privalo.
Martin Barney, Privaie.
Co. H. loTii Pennsylvania Cavalry.
Jas. B. McGlumph}-, Private. Alphcd Chambers Private.
Newton lilcNay, " J. P. Buinett, "
Porter McNay, " Alexander Drake, "
Edward Bond, " William Grim. **
Co. K, IGth Pa. Reguient.
Jumes Ackley, Private. George McDade, Private.
John Sheets, " John Lucas,
.'\iadison Dillc, " Jolni Hewitt, "
Wilson Jones, Private.
Also the following detached volunteers, some the companies
Co. D, 1st Va. Infantry.
William Murphy, Private. Samuel Mellon, Private.
Barney Hughes, " Josiah Holmes, "
Thomas Noon, " Snrgent Speers, "
Addidon Dille, " Isaac Morris, •**
Co. A. ISth Pa. Cavalky.
Elias Gibbin, Private. Lewis Stull, Private
Peter Gibbin, " Alex Briniard, "
John Smith, " Geo. ^\^ Brimard, «
340 iiisto::y of ghekxe couxty.
Isaac Shcrrick, Private. John Pollniid, Private-
Wiiliaiu Sinitb, " Cavalier Polland, "
Robert Yates, Private.
140tii Pknnsylvania Rkgi:.iext.
John Swart, Co. D, Private. Win, Clutter. Co. A, IGStliPa
Jno. A. Burny, Co. A, Captain. Fi-auk B.-M-nliart, 12tli Va.
James Swart, "• Private. LeAvis Barnhart, "
Jefferson Younkin, " " Newlon BradHock, Battery B.
John Fisher, " " Thos. Henderson, "
Warren Burns, " " Thomas Fry, 5th Artillery.
" Alexander McCracken, Co. L, 4th Va.
Companies TJnknoavn.
Amos Davis, Private. Jjindsey Davis, Private.
Jesse Courtwright, " Ambrose Stout, "
Morrison Applegate, " Templeton Bryan, "
Nicholas Fry, " George Bryan, "
Nathaniel Lyons, " Solomon Ashbrook, "
William Donley, " Wm. Wendell,
John Hixenbaugh, " Wm. McClelland, "■
Wm. Funk, " Robert Kincaid, "
Edward Milliken, " Timotliy Ross, "
Samuel Milliken, " Zachary White, "
Isaac Milliken, " Samuel Gunn, "
Harvey McGlumphy, " Wm. Drake, "
Oliver Armstrong, " James Milliken, "
Thoma- Chees, " John Gribben, •'
Richhill townsliip sends the following names of old soldiers :
James Barnhart, veteran of 1812; John Conkey, veteran of
1812 ; J. M. Houston, Co. A, U. S. Regulars ; James McKce,
Co. D ; J. N. Wallace, Co. D ; P. H. Yanatta, Co. D.
On the 10th of February Z. C. Kagnn, of the Independent,
sho-\vcd me a kind of desk and book-case combined, which
u'as niannfactured from an old army box, at Hilton Head,
South Carolina, by a member of the Both regiment. Pa. Vols.
Tiiis case was for llio purpose of holding rolls and other
papers. When the regime;it was ordered to leave that locali-
ty', not to return, the usual scene of bustle and pi'eparalinn
was enacted, some rejoicing at the thought of departing for-
ever from the malarial and fever-stricken districts, where they
and tl'.cir comrades had suffered so much. Others of diirereut
t'jmperamcnt had learned to love the ]cc;illty, and cni-iscipient-
ly were parting with it^ landscapes v/itJi regret. The papei's
u'ere taken out of the above named ease anil it v.-a.s al>out to
hf abandoned to its fate, wlien Sergeant IJagan, reflecting that
il might still be useful, lifted it from [t< position, and with tlic
assistance of others can-ied it a long distance to the transyjorts
nf different kinds, by means of which it was enabled to follow
the fortuuc-i of war, until the linal muster-out of Comiiany 1''
;it Pittsburg in Xov., 18;U. 1^'rom that place the old arii-iv
relic was still protected until it found a restiag place in tho
office of the Indcpcndeni in \\';:ynesburg, where it still does
duty by holding the same Company papers.
EscAi'i; OF John Po(.::::s. — Ou the afternoon of the same
clay as above, I called on Col. Ci)oke. postmaster at Waynes-
burg, from whom I received a f(M\- facts with reference to tho
3seape of Capt. Rogers from Danville jirison. General Taylor
littered a great truth, when he said <:)n the day of the battle of
Jhieno Vista, "these volunteers df)ii't know when they arc
whipped." This was emphatically the case during the last
war, which is shown in this as of many similar cases. James
Miller, Joseph Cooke and John Rogers were all prisoners at
Danville, and, like others, they were by no means Avhipped.
On the contrary they were constantly plotting means by which
they might beat the Southerners and return to their former
places beneath the sheltering folds of the "dear old flag." CoL
Cooke seems to have been the first to suggest that they
make the attempt one by one to escape. • In order to better
affect their purpose it was agreed that Col. Cooke should act
so suspiciously as to attract the attention of the inner guaixl,
^vho might hope to receive the promised reward for shooting
a prisoner who was making an attempt to escape. Miller wa*
to approach the outer guard and excite his suspicions by his
singular conduct, while Rogers was to assume a careless atti-
tude, put on all the "cheek" he could command and just wall-;
right through the two guards and strike for the "land of the
free and home of the brave." The plan was well laid and all
that was now requii-ed was the favorable opportunity desired,
which soon came in the following manner: The sun was
descending to "his wigwam behind the western waters," when
the sun-set was suddenly obscured by the rising of a dark
idoud, the rumbling thunders and vivid lightnings from whicli
portended a furious storm. The moment was thought to be
propitious, and soon the three friends are at their assigned
places. The plan works like a charm ; Rogers walks past botli
the guards out into the darkness of the approaching storm,
and is for the present safe. Cooke nov\^ no longer attempts to
hold the attention of the inner guard, who now after carefully
looking around exclaims, "what went with that other feller V"
to which Cooke carelessly asked, "did'nt you see him go. in?"
Well he did'nt go in. The Colonel and other friends conccrn'?d;
turned back into their innermost prison pen, and although.
jiiSTOi^v OK (j::i;i;nk i;o-.n!^ 343
Capt. Kogei's waded swamps and swam streams before reacli-
ing the Union lines, yet his perilous adventure was envied by
those who planned and cari-ied out tlic scheme.
Note. — Thus ends the first volume of my TTistory of Greene
County. lu gathering up so many incidents I'rom so many
different sources, it could not bo e.\ pecked- I hat this book
L-ould be com]nled entii-ely free from error. 'J'o the second
volume will be an appendix in reference to erratns. The sec-
ond volume will connnence with a contiiiuiition of the county's
mih'tai-y history and such other remin.cccnses sis I can gather
from reliable sources.
^yillia:m r.vxn'a.
iMsior.Y OF r.nr.r.NT'. couxtt.
Allcf^hpny Mountains,
Alien Rev. JBenoni,
A)!um James,
Ackley .losliua
Alit'ree Thomas,
Arsu'-trons Abraham,
d.(l;iiua Ke/. .James,
Armstrong John,
Axtell Kev. Luther,
Armstrong Hannah,
Ack.!ey iSarah
Actley John,
Anderson Charles,
Adamtoii Thomas,
AdiUsciu Hon. Thomas,
An i- Masons,
A Journey i;i winter.
Baber Kev. James,
BurcUiy Hugh,
Braddock'a Road,
."Hradtord and Brackenridgc,
B.-.ttish Grenadiers,
Burns .lamej,
Bnclianaa J. A. J. Esq.
Baltimore & Ohio R. R.,
Blood V li'iw,
Board Tree Tunnel,
Bums William,
JiaplL-t Chun^h at Uniontow
Burroughs Mulford
Bf^j.hlHhem Church
Bo.iher Isaac, E-(j.,
Bo'ilah Chu'ch,
Ba. kt-r Lewis,
Br-.l'lwin Cephas,
J5..1MT A. J..
Bell .MissM. K.,
B.-Hddoek David, .Tr.,
J}'-,iirth experience,
]*'f-.-"i!y College,
i^rnddock's defeat,
Bhi:i-y Rov. K. E„
Biil'/y KH;s B.,
Jlnchanan l)av>d,
, Bo'.igi. r.er William,
Br ice Rev. A. B.,
]>a(i's John,
B.'>man Rev. A. B.,
Beli John.
Browntieid Rev, W..
Bates Fork Chuich,
Bankrupt Law,
Brownsville Bank,
21 H
Braddock, General,
Barnes James.
Braddock Francis,
Beeson .Jacob,
Boreman Hun. Arthur 1.
Bradley Thomas,
Brown EiizaJ>eth,
Boreman John, Esq,,
Baird Hon. T. cl.,
1S-2S 1-294
Barns Hon. Silas,
Bradee Dr. John F.,
Bascom Rev. Henry C,
280 2S I
Bleeding Kansas.
Buchanan Bres. James,
Booth Wilkes,
Brov.-n Rev. J. R.,
Boughner William,
Bodoiet Hon.. John,
Bigler William,
Brackenridge Hugh H.,
Baltimore Conference,
^ 21
Bank of U. S.,
Biddle Nicholas,
Baird Rev. Robert.
Baird A J. Rev.,
n, 205
B.irns Pilssilhi.
« olumbus Christojilier,
Charles H King of En<;la!i
id, 5-S5
Charter of Pennsylvania,
2 1 7
Creigh's History,
Curtin Andrew G.,
Cattish Camp,
Connelly Col .folin.
Cannon Col John,
3 27
Clay Hon. Henry,
Continental Money,
Cornwalla.s Lord,
Co:bley Rev. John,
Cruw Brof J. ^>^,
244 247
Craig Rev H. K.,
C )'. Churcli,
Clutter William,
Cury Eiias.
2i J
Close Coniinunion,
CleavGTiu-er .Samuel Esq,,
Cook Wil!iam H.,
Crow SiatcTS,
Conkey John,
Oiab Apple linn
Gninu Ware,
Capruin Whiskey .
Gaiholic Couveut'
Ooovert"Benjaii:J[i ,
KAOW Jacob,
'Jrow Michael.
•-yuiiningham Edward,
i.'unningham Mrs.
'.Tawford William,
nhristening the Spring,
Corn Huskings,
I'ampbell Kev. Tliorans,
Oftir.pbeU Kev. Alezander,
Camn;'r!!i.nd Presbyterians
''arniichiiels WiUiam,
("barter William 8.,
Carter John,
'. armichaels James,
'YfOVU'L Benjamin,
''ileiJventT'^r liaiah,
Crnjzo John,
0(1 rr J am PS,
'.';awford John,
<'ree Hiram,
'"hurcb Hiinry,
250 ii"i5
I'hiirch John,
Ciiilier Mi=!s. Eli/.abeth.
■ ,'a'.liolic Church,
))nan Abraham,
Jouglass Eph,
Downing Jack,
j)unkard Creek,
53 95
Dnquesne Fort,
JJuumore Lord,
]5enny Mpekcr W.,
Davis William,
I'onnelRe'?. Robert,
Dividlnir Line,
Drake William,
Drunkards' Poetry,
Davidson Nathan,
Davis family,
Dndd Kev. Thadens,
Daily JaniRP,
Daily P-lsha
J)anu R uhap],
J)unn jM^oT^h,
Dinsmoc Jolin Q.,
Day A m •«
Dav rr.Hv is.
Day Cepha-,
2 '3
Davrsoti John,
Dilliner Agusiine,
Dilliner Jacob,
21 :>
Dilliner's Ferry,
Dinsmore Rober'',
Dunkard Rangers,
Deed, the first put on record,
Dark day,
Dallas George M.,
Executive Council,
Enoch David,
Ellicott Andrew,
Eckerline Br(jt]iers,
Evans L. K.,
E<lucational Ellbrts,
Ely Jonas,
Ewing Hon. ^'atllaniel,
Ewnig Hon. Kennedy,
Ellmaker El'as, E;(],,
Ellicoti's Mills,
Foulks Rev. J. R.,
Fordvce Khodn,
Frif-ndrhip Hill,
First sncce'-.>t"Ml rifam engine,
Franklin Bt-njanr-u,
Fiiilev Rev. James,
Fish Creek, .';0-l".
Farmers ik Drovers Bank, H
Franklin t(i\vn!-ln]>,
Furgcson Rev. B. P.,
F-ench G. Id.,
Fulton John,
Ftzer Peter,
Fox hunt,
Flenniken James, 22
F iiley Rev. Bobi-rt, 23:
Fuircliild Rev. A. G.,
Flenniken Hon .Ino.,
Flenniken Robert P.,
Flenniken John C,
Ferrell Washington,
Fish Creek Church,
Fonner Jame^,
Gibt Chris'oplier,
Ge^ry John W,,
Gallows Hill,
Good vv ill A. J.,
Gray David,
Garanl's Fort.
Ga ard Hon. .Tonathan,
Gray Mattliew,
Greene Academy,
Glassgo .Jeremiah.
Gilnuire Hon. Srtmuel,
Garrison Prof, M. E.,
iJabby Wiiliam,
i- 1 I.I ;
•2] 8
;8. 100-1 "7
bosneu ClinrcLi,
Gordeu "William,
Grim Armstrong,
Gray Francis,
Grandon Edward,
Urtinnon William,
Grandon Kzekiel,
Good Friday,
George's Creek Church,
Gooden John,
Gray William,
Great revival of ISOO,
Gregg Aaron,
Uwy nil's School House,
Gallatin Albert,
Glass Blowers,
Garard J. C,
Goihard Killem
ijordon Zadok.
Graves Kjv. Kuth,
liooden James,
iTray Hon. David,
(^iMU'ire iloiJ. Samuel,
Cioucner l»r. J.,
'■rci^-iie Cuuiity Democrat.
G inion Hon. Mark,
i-faima 'I'own,
itnid time?,
Jlarri-^on (-iuvernor,
Marii^on W. Htnry,
Ha V. y's P. O.,
Jla\s iVhij Jbs W,
H»iiiilioii .IrtUies,
H V(;e >'»«iiiuel. E»q.,
Hays Williatu T.,
Harvey IMis.s M. A.,
HKrpe-('a;)t John,
H'i..k Mis-i I'.iroline,
Hh-u'h Mills.
Mill ^li>.s >ancy,
H p.cond'ifC,
Ha'-' en's Gravpyaid,
Ha»*[ier Psnuiel,
H!.c.%ney Mrs. -I'jhia
ITays .laiiie.t W. J-.,
H mieijsliot 'I'liomte,
H rvey H»ii-.iiel,
Harvey 1 linnias',
i-'arvey WiJI'ani,
Henfierso'i Peter P.,
Har(/.!ig Kev. G. W.,
Hoiis^e warming,
Hanmer Miss EPza.
Henderson Kev. J. 11. D.,
Heaton Colonel,
Hugh's Thomas.
Halberts block house,
Hanna Robert,
HuHmnn Benjamin,
Hill Samuel,
2b i
Hanna Rev. John,
Hook Israel,
Jnghriini William,
- 25C-2(J:
1 -.i'-)
lams Kiciiard,
20 L
InniS DelUllS,
20 :
Ir ns John.
103-3U 1
lu>iiau D. predations,
In^hram br. Arthar,
Jonnsiuii Wuj. F.,
1 .;
Jd^ ksoa Andrew,
Johns Ueu. GideuD,
60-.') I
.lucison's Furt,
June Frobt,
Jeaerion President Thoi
maa, S9-2'.J >■
Joi n-on Robert,
Jacuhs Daniel B.,
Jacobs Warren D.,
22; •'
Jennings Kev. Jacob,
2.; 2
Jedrey Kev. .Samuel,
Jamison Jehu
Jtihnson Andrew,
Jennings Col. James S.,
Jones K. W.,
Kevston State,
Kline Jacob,
Kennedy David,
2 2
Kendall Rev. tiimuel,
21 3- lit]
Kiucaid Wm. iSlaxwell,
2) 2
Kent JesEe, Esij.,
Kendall S. Leiining,
Knight Hon. Joiiaihan,
l.indsey Hon. James,
Lashlie Rev. Peter T.,
Lemoyne Dr.,
13- 2:'
Loar John N.,
Loai John,
Loar Kev. Jacob G.,
Loar Mrs. Mnry,
,s \
Lazear Thomas, Esq.,
Lieper l.Hiids,
La/.ear Hon. Jesse,
Lauj-hran >.ev..)osiiua,
LiiKlstiv Miss. Elizabeih,
l.azear Mis-i Lucy,
Lnmiy's Lan^,
1.) :
I-i^l^^r Tiioni-iS,
L(Mi>.liniati J>:iniel,
Lightiier M. C .
Lashlie Rev. Peter T.,
Lazear H<.n, . I esse.
l.Hzewr Thnriias C,
Linfis* v Minerva,
Lee Wi'lliam, E-q.,
r.indsev Tol. John. 29S
l.t;ouaril Key. A., 292
-Markman ■William, 6-12
-MtBraddock, 6-5:)
Money scarcity, Si
Mason's and L>ixon'8 Line, 53-61
lN!oiuiny;ahela River, 54
IV1inor«;ol J. 56-95-121-244-278-283
jMcOiintock Rev J., 62-6j-2ol-241
McXerlin VVilliam, Po-'W
Muddy Cre-k, 66-168
Morgan Rpv. John, 67-68
McClelland Mrs., 78
Mingo 111 dinns, 92
>iiiior I'lcraju, M4
JMaplPiown, 95
Miller A. B., D.D., 104-1S2
IsrGlLiiiiphy Rev. A. J., 183
Mil.ikeu Ur. J. <:,, 190
Montgomery Hugh, 198
Moss Jacob, 144
Manners and Customs, 146
Musers B-itadon, 150
Matt :cks Rev. Geo., 225
Mc Vay ibiepben, 226
McUlellaud Gen. Alexander, 234
Meolenburg Dechiraliou, : 37
Miller Rev. James, 209
Man key VvHrren and wife, 220
Marriage Fee, 161
Methodism, 171
Tvliidi^on College, IOS-177-1VS
>'cFarlan's denth, 115
Mouongaliela College, 116
Minor Lawrence, Ei-q., 244
Morns Cross Roads, 244
McNav .lame", 241
McCii^liu M-<j. :Nra swell, i?52
>;ahani a Biaiiiey, 254
McCou-fey Arthur, 257
Mo nil Peter, 257
Moore James, 259
McN«yJolm, 26 1
McNay J. Reed, 265
Mt. Morris, 85-90
McClelland Frauds, 24'
McNnrliu's Sermon, 2*i7
Mortgage', first put on record, ::79
Masonry Free, 292
Mexican war, 312
Messenger, history of, 300
MahanuaCapt Bradley, 305
Members of <'oneress, 285
Members of Legifelature, 2S6
•New State. 20
Kew Provi'^ence Church, G1-23I
Nixon's mill, 145
Norih Tenmile Church, is;i
-Nineveh, 201-2::o
New Freeport, 220
National road, 100-16ri
Newlights, 76-17-5
Nimrods, 137
Nixon Hon Samuel, :.09
Old Reminiscense, 318
Oliphant's Furnace, 145
Old Glass Works, -248
O. Harra glass house, i:49
Orndolf John, _58
Oaths of allegience, (fee, 25
Old messengsrs, i.S(i
Old mpu, collection of, • 84
Penu William, 5-0-7-11-12 85
Porter David R., 13
Pollock James, l-i
Pentecost Hon. Dorsey, 20-24-282
Pollock Hon. T, P.. 63
Pauley W. T. H„ 08-103-198
Porter Dr. Wm, B., 7:;
Pettit Nathaniel, lo0-2i)j.
Panther lick. 131
Panther fight, 13 J
Pettit John, 20.;
Powers school house,
Patterson John D..
Piilk James X,,
Pollock Miss iSannie,
Pumpkin Run.
I'indal Thomas,
Patterson James, Jr.,
Piiillijis Hon. Jesse,
Pigeon Roost,
Patterson Joliu,
Patterson W. W., Esq.,
Porter Armstrong,
Patteison Mrs. Atcimdn,
(>uakors, iO
RitniT Joseph,
Rierson Thomas,
Redstone Old Fort.
RutJs Creek,
Richhill township,
Rickey Abraham C,
Rickey Jacob,
RutmHU John,
Ross Timothy,
Robinson Walter.
Robinson I'ev. Wm.,
Rotation of crops.
Religious habits,
Rees Russle,
Rossel Rev. Job,
Rogers Philip,
Rees miss, murdered,
Rickey Wm. F. and wife
Rhodes Wm.,
; 2i'
J 22
i7J 191.
J 9. ■
Rhodes Ja?. R.,
Randolph Isaac F.,
Rinehart John H.,
Rea John.
Rickey J. Brice,
Rickey Benjamin,
Rinehiirt Joseph,
Ree3 William,
Roseberry Minerva,
Ross Ackeson,
Roberts Hon. Samuel,
Stanwix Fort,
Shunk Francis R.,
Scarcity of mills,
Sick wheat,
Salt, high price of.
Scotch Irish,
Stonerod Kev. Joel,
Stofkdale William,
Stone Elia",
Sham battle.
Seals Capr. Jaraea,
See.l buoKwheat,
Spicpf William.
Stewart Hon. Andrew,
Scott W. G.,
Strain James G ,
Sorison John,
Smith Dennis.
Satton lev. David,
Button Rev. James,
Sycamore Sialion,
Smith Jacob.
Smith Jacob Jr.,
Sigfried Rev. Simeon,
South Tenmile Church,
Scott R.'v William,
Sharp Rev Isaac.
Solomon Rev J. B.,
Shirk Benjamin,
South Wheeling Church.
Sammon'i Rev. Lewis,
Shape Ppter,
Slease Rev. W. D.,
S«ymore Rev James,
Rwans and Van Meters,
Scott Rev, <•'. M ,
Smith Rev. Joseph,
Swan Jo>in
Stewart Jamea,
Spragg Calpb.
Stephens Lindsev.
Smith Rev. Thomas B.
Stroup Oeorgp.
Sedgwick Thomas,
Seaton William,
101) Seals Capt. James. 305
118 Savers Capt. Jas. E., 304
241-2f.ti Sigried Rev Simeon, 301
242 Sturgeon Hon. Daniel,, 298
250 Tenmil3 Association, 211
251 Tyler President John, 45-47
245 Topography, 52
208 Timber, 55
258 Teagarden Abraham, 74
259 Teagarden Ruben, 75
274 Teagarden Isaac, 70
280 Tomahawk rights, 92
lu Tripp .Anthony, 385
13 Taylor Thomas W., 200-252
.^1 Tilton Rev. Morgan, 200
31 Throckmorton Daniel, 207-210
35 Throckmorton Joseph, 211
40 Throckmorton Dr. Wm. 211-221
58-109 Tom the Tinker. 115
65 235 Tru'^teps of Wiivnesburg College, 180
-189-225 Temple Nathaniel, 2Gl
88 Temp'e Genera Justus F., 2K2
97 Throckmorton Isancy,
100-254 Throckmorton Samuel,
lOG Taylor Hon. Henry,
107 TTniontown,
182-142 Vandalia,
183 Van Bur^n Martin,
1«7 Van Eman Rev. Oeorge,
190 Veech David.
190 Vaiinatta Samuel,
192 Vt-ech Hon James
192 Vat\Meter Manha,
199 Vance Jame^
199 Vance Alexander,
200 Wolf Gov. George,
20'i Westmorland County.
207 Washineton County.
208 Whiskey Insurrection, '2
2 8 We-<t Augusta.
209-11-; W«shint:ton Co. organization,
214 Windridge P. O.,
115 M'aynesburg,
217-21!) WHvnoshu'-g College,
224 Whpeler Kev. Cbarles,
27.S WhitHhead Rev. Wm..
207 WbitlHtch Kev. Parnabus,
228-2.SI Winnet Kev. Ada,
181 Woods Rev. . m.,
1 1f) Wolf cajiturintr.
120 Willson H.Ti. A. E.,
123 Wayn-'sbur;.-: Republirnn.
251 Waynet-bnrg Independent,
259 Waynesburg RIuph,
t'H9 Wayne Gen. An hony,
13') Wrtvrie-)>iirir AiUdeum,
278 Whifebiil Robert,
279 Wood Joel.
- u ;
1 C,; 1
20' i
31 -i
White Eocks,
144 Williams PoUey,
157 Wisecarver George,
Wild Turkey,
IGO William, King of Prussia,
Wise Solomon B.,
214 Yonng Rev, Samuel,
Wepthee Rev. J. P.,
108-178 Youui; Andrew J.,
War, late civil,
S22 to 343
Read portrait, instead of "poortrait," on page
Previous, instead of "precious," on page
Andrew G. instead of "Andrew J." page
Birch, instead of "brick," on page
. Reviewing, instead of "receiving," or. page
Country, instead of "county," on page
Three meals, instead of "their meals,"
Loudon, instead of "London," on page
Refuses, instead of "refase," ou page
Bring, instead of "lay,"
Curves, instead of "caves,"
Gamaliel, instead of "Gamalie,'" on page
Read, instead of "dread," on page
Coovert, instead of "Coobert," on page
Baber, instead of "Baker," on pages
Veech, instead of "Beech," on page
1806, instead of "1816," on page
Sixty-seven, instead of "sixty,"
.Tuuge Veech, instead of "Beech," on page
Their, instead of "our," on page
Exalting, instead of "hiding," on page
Whom, instead of "which," on page
Prominent, instead of "permanent," on page
Mere, instead of "were," on page
Eneigies, instead of "earnings," on page
- 8
- 17
- 1 IJ
23 S
16' t